THE WOL0VER.-dIN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI URSD)AY, AUGUSTPj8, igio. VOL. I. NO. 23. VARSITY LA[C 612 E. Liberty Only one block from the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c CONSTITUTION IS ALWAYS CHANGING Supreme Court Decisions Fig- ure Largely in its Develop- ment, by Prof. Corwin trine of dti process of xcw' wherebiy, to onnexig the doctriiir of natural rights to the wistten onstitution, then tiove conic into posession of the tiower to supervise pratcticalilll ltetgislationiiaf- fecting privaote righits. "TtheSopreiie tCouirt of the initret States is iin o process )Lreoinstructionx. It is not exaggerition to soy, I ttinik, thatt how it sthott he rcs~xtructedt is tthe miost impoirtanuteistioni thto nfisronts' President Taft. MICHIGAN ALUMNI NOTED AUTHORS Past Year Has Seen Several New Books and Short Stories Published LECTURER TELLS OF~ EVOLUTION 1 J. T. MCCUTCHEON COMING( RANGES FROM FICTION TO LAW Antother Chance FPor Those Who Want z T H E ,W O L V E 'R N E.CT R Verified by University Reoords, and the beaks of the Telephone Comnpanies To Get It You Must Subscribe for The Wolveri ne NO SINGLE COPIES of issues containing Directory except to subscribers. 25 Cts. Phone 960 Prof. F. S. Corwiin, in hIis leettire on Famous Cartoonist who Will Open Wednesday afternoon, showed thatotur S. L. A. Course constitttonis hy 0nosmeanssominiig The openi oii ula i onithe lecture static hut it is dynamnic, stubject tii the course illibe ian iliisitratedl lecture tue isterpretatiosn of the courts. Priof. Johnt T..\lc Custceeonuof the Chicago Corwin spoke iin part as follows: Tribuine. -Itr. Nict csirleoii has tir repiii- "Wse Americans hose ibeen echaracter- latioui of heiiig teemost symspathuetic iced hy the Frenachsman, de Toectueville, otolssideli knowsnu of nespapoter cair- as a legslly minided people, iieaing tootuiis. ,Ilec iss hail a long neispaper thereby, not so msschl that we are cs- iraiing. pecially law ahiding, as that see are litigious-sot so nmuch that we are es- pecially diligent to search nit andisi-il charge duties that the lose has iiit- posed upon us, as tbat se ore quick to inisist upon bhat we coinsidter to lie our rights under the law. I f we lookc ilto our history, see will see that iwc hove always been insistihg oii our rights. It was due to this insist.aice oii rightsT' that the 'evolutinsanidlthe Civil sear come to pass. This characteristic trait -sdet w ass;i h is lc our geographical isotlttiesnliss guaoran- . tid usofrom tir outset stir isationalitse- curity,oand ini she second lt .tereiii hos front the outset beenisioteniili -economic quality amisonig the vvitiiibodl I~itlls ouintrytsp to few yealrs ago. of unlimnitedl quinatic: sof free l. :Cointinunsg,.Proif. (I. xrish lowedithat i there are two kindis of judueiul resiiii- -fthe constitutiois. First, slier is Pest eral judicial review to keep the sltst legislatures withinti he hounds prescrsib ed by the Federal coinstitution.Seceosid- ly, :there is juiiltreview properIlihit is, the power of the courts to pass upoi on n i'.t1-C 'Cl IIEfffsf. the validity of the enactmientis of eixSLA ordinated legislatures. The speaker thesi showed how msoderis coinstitutisonal liwi da gradual developnsent, based not Il~e us i grauatesorif Pusridue kisisr- always ott strictly logical procedure it sity, Afte is acaditieimic Iinstructioiis le is true. The idea -was current _forinerts, tooklxiiurthueraIrtistrucetionutndeiii roi- that the constitution was unschanxgiing, fessor Erests Iutosffi. I le was wiih but its late years this idea has beess the ChiicagiiIRciird-Hferalfuaotsfiiir- ,dropped. Today consstitutionsal law act-tre ess a~rs, otdihsbeeireitih tie Clico- suits of the freest poxssible interpreta- go Tribituexinciei1903. IHis fist coni- tion of the constsitini that is ini line spicsoiscresoiiiiwork wax ini the caii- with the public isterest. spaigns of t j9i. Soiion after, tie starteud oii A great deal of the history of this a srip arouiini thueiiirli t ci thu dispatch developmetnt itscotnstitutioiial lose is hottfr11Cufsxcfuil January, 1898, II conniected with the clause reltiing to was on boarid thaituot dusriing thii war "due process of law' or as it seas fornias-swithi Spains, andiill i tirelbattle if iulouuitta led in older constlitutionss, tir: law Bay. of the lad." Since the passage of the The sext yeari le mite a tour of fourteesith amendmnit, ismschlelgislastiiuiispecial service toi'Northurn iC hiss,-i rea has beetsno the first_ sectiots of this and Japain, loser' goiing lto Inia, Siami aimendmet. The legal:iea of lierly atid Cochin, Chiina, retin inii it he f-ill and properly has also expaisiecitrtc- of thai year to thie Phil ipiiies forthili iietndously. .Today tpropety meaisict fall canspaignx. \Ylileriitieiliis simply the natural rights of sian. Thu t be attenedel sti itmo exeitionis if "due process of law" elaisetoiaytimeaiis ;iiccupatioii until tthefolloiniig Aptili that no persons shall hove six sitnitg swenethle iwassst iii the Tiasvaail. rightsedimsitished excep-t Ixy reassonaiblelIerctic jiined si the xxoirsxin the ixttet- legislationi. Ini conclissioss Prof. Ciirwsin cxi of Isis p-ipe-r.HI triuiredtso Chica said : go inig moo. Duriiig tiecamaiii n of x "'The first great achiievemnts of the that yeartic feurnishedipoliitlcartoons courts in intlerpretintagilicconstitiitionxfor il-ic Recordf-Hrald. Mr.i \cust- Was to cotnfer upois themiselves tir poxw- cheoin is she author of "Stois of Fili- 'er to msake their interpretation indal. ino NVarfare". aiii of sexvic-l iworks oin A. still greater achievexnent is tirfor- tir carioins. Michiigani haslbng lbess kisowit as a tiroiducer of lterary tights, ais itini tir lost year this recurd htas biesnsip- held ini a ccrv creiditabi'cimaiiiir. Onr if te laiebooiks is Katherinec 1It, Broiwits "The Autesseiskir," which up- pearnt lost smmnier its Scribiser's Magat- ziinc. The liioot: is writteniini a beauti- fully clerirstye, filt of hxuimanin iterest, aini is really a mt;. ieiice if short- xstory eritinug. Edith :x tacDoissld, the uheroie," usiseergoes use iof those ex periecccies wich chiti)gethe course of ioic's life, aitd in textulug how to lice weithiiiuttir use mxii, tier, finsithat there arc other mesirsusixistinig. Thur ishoiiit store us otimsistic intsotiie, atid ciximesxis a iiesscinger if coisfort antI genciaistt. The autshoer smus graidsateed frum Michuiganill 18if95. Liiies if Abraam titicolin are at- wavOx wiilcomiie,anuiliil 'isbook, "Abhra- haiiirolii, Thu Ti-ibuti of a Cenutry," N. \\i'. IsacChticouuegl;es a most valus- ilei.colltetioxii iof the tiricititaitiddresses maeinithis conturv ix ithe occasiiins if the 1:,1 xxilitCenitery. Its tiditiotiiii the stueelchs, this booiulii ,ittiiui xilarge iuuxiuhur :if interestisig ahiiitratius, his- sidus storties suidut ci i'uiscecics, nhuich acitf particuilar interet to thur stuiienit. ".The i(glory itt Ills Cult" Iiy'redt- er umuh~ncis, 'cam, is a0 Cniiof lIslzcioti hiot,tiauiiitiig, xas it doues, the storyviof ltvi tmie, friendis huefoce thur Civil Wair, wliihoubcomei. sepasratedhthriughi a sits- piionuuthtuat onsrwas xi spy. CTsc two tu, fter yeurs if hatredl and titterl feelinug, sre broxught toigether through' their chiilreni, mlio fit liiniovewith usuch otlier,iwhuich tune 'sulmitsiu il l thur re-unuitinug of the ol imen. A fourth huok, "Governmsuental Actionu fuse SociaulWelfare" is froumsthe ties if Jereiahub'W. Jeniks,'y Phi. D. The buook is its the fonts if eight lectures, gii to the stsudeeits of she New Yorhk Schlstuof Phianthropyr. fOne notablte characteristic if the voumsue is stesnsty autdt modeihrathioni shownxiin'usthe writinug. 'Tlenitd of havuinug tilt, udrawns with ani i've iiithure trtmen whuwilt hair ho udo wish themisniitir legislatsure..,, ansd the valsue if coniservatism sini the jndiciary, are twoux impouurtat mauutittis udealt with. Thsroiughut t-ic.uook thu-- wiude practicaul espeririec tftierixutwits the th~ings of wehichs hue writes is platin, andulonse frets thtuxlcixifiudence u tii he placed ini his deceisionis andulaudvice Dr. lenks was considtereudamosnug preside nitial possibilti- tics dhurinsgtir last camtpaigns. Presitdent anid Mrs. ft. B. Hutchins arc ini the cost for the msonths of Asugusti. Juduge Victor 11. Loste, of she Law derpartmnt, retusruxeitStudayfrom isilx vacastionu trip through Nova Seotia. 'Wheni you are enjoylig your vaco- tionabaouut Septemiber 1,f, just think of those footbialtlxcin at Whitusore, CLASS IN ORATORY WILL PRESENT GOLD)SMITH-lPLAY. The hpreentaioni xiiGolsmith-'s 'Sie Stootps to Conquer" by thur class ii Ora- tory, hs beets postpuoned. The tulay with h-i givenssestu Monduay eeniug at eight o'clock is-iSarahs Caswel Angell Hat. The smembers of thur class, unuder slur directions of Prof. 1Holister, h-iviecbeenu aborinig for tir lass tin eekslixto get their parts ready for the ttrcsentations. Msushtinluterest hsxen h-rs lownssitsthur sworktandsettiresntertainmencst promises to tie fully sit- to the stanidard set y thur class earlier usnte summuer. LAST LECTURE IS TO BE ON IIAL,EY'S COME;T. As a fitting climax for thur summeuur lIc- tures, Prof. . If. Curtis,iof thur As- tronsomsy depatrtmescnt,iwil ideliver thur 5 oclockalecture Ftridaxy nix"Italey's Coume" It ill ,tic ilustrated mwith phtofgraptsx takcen frio the uiversiy ob-sratory. hut subtstanuc the lecture withludeaulwith this ight' interesing subject us a poplatrmwa, h-isiswith-ithe accuracy of expert testimsony. Prof. Curtiss caextu to Michiigath ree' years ago frostsAllegany Obhsrvatory, where he hail liens two yar. Pre- viously tsr was a msenmer of the saf. of Lick Observatory for over four yar. Btb lisi bacleor's anxul docor'x degri-s were conferredl upot ixm h bts tthe ii- versity of Caifornia. MATIIhlIATIChAN WILL111 TALR ON "StHADOWS." "Shadotuws" sithlhe dicssedh st lensgths fromsssthe standuptiont of xi usuttmrusuxicixus us the afternsoonslecuihtur t, which wlbienushyhueProfi .ohnum W. Aradih show. The excte t uruerofthin(treat- uent of thur lotiethur esuier rfers tim keep ini the udark uti tiumecfor the lecture. Prof, Bradshbawv receivedhisuuA.B. from Michigant hutrs0o. Two years ater, Hfarvartd gave bsi is MA., suet in 5904, the University of Strasxburg co- ferred uponsthuts Iis Ph. . Fromriis o hum i9gSIe was registrar itt the Literary uepartmnst, anth a year ago I-ic sas mde out assistant proessor. tic is ass author- by ini Iis feldt of work. DON'T FAIL'TO ATTEND THE FAREWELL RECEPTION. Campus society of the summer sesions s its big blow-oust Friday ight of this week at Barbour Gymnasium. It will tie the last reception o, the faculty to the summuser students. Admsissiout will he grantteedat the door sueon tresentationa of the treasurer's reeipt. Alt those de- sirinug extra tickets for fienstmnay pro- rure theis by applying at te office of the Dross of the Sunmmser Sessions Fri- uay afternon. Despite the proxinity of exams, a large attenduance is hotped for, anu all also missed the opening receptions are rgedtobumhe present. Thie rest wilt comse anyway. fIformsaudancig adutlight re- frcslssuents with e features of the o- rusin. uoo ano onuu Professor Ifobbhs of iliceology se- partmsest is o preset-t a paper at the Itetrnaionual Consvestion of fGeoogists as Stockhlmu, Sweeten. Dr. Case of the smne department is ases-ding a nmetisg of Paleontologists as Grat, Austria The appreciation shown by our many customers of our annual June College end Sale College-End Sale has led us to set aside Aug,22-7,190 fr our first annual Su m me Sch ol sod to swetsothe students of the Summer Schuost s chance to stock op on Furnishings, Bats aod Stoes, sod from oat WA N R & C .Sale op-to-date line of merchandise. WAGN W A 'cooour retputation for selectngste correct thiings for, Men's 303-305 S. State :t Sign of the big shoe prices will talk during Phis week Wear extends far andi wide, snd is peculiar to Ann Arbor.