THE WOLVERINP, .... . Players are particular about cues. W have good cues; light or heavy, plain, corded, or ebony to suit. Find what you like and we reserve it for you in private drawer without charge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Ball & Simmons REAL ESTATE Rentals, Houses, Rooms or Apartments CO MPLETE CAFE FOR STUDENTS (i. C. BISLL I * 33. Main Everything New and Clean [HU. ofM. and Huron River Boat Livery Canoes sd Boats Rented PC. TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 56 Panama HATS Straw and alt othrs CLEANED and BLOCKED 301.2 S. State St. First Class Shining Parlors NEW SHOE STORE ON STATE STREET If you want GOLF and TENNIS SHOES CALL ON E. R. FROST 302 SOUTH STATE STREET" IEberbach & Son Company * Chonias, Drgs and Sundries j 20020?E tLbety St WO0LV ERKIN E CLUB ROOM Billiards and Pool Tobaccos and Cigars Everythlrug New , Student Patrontage Soiied.d Opp. D. U. R. Statoo. 113 W. Hroa R. . NOYS, Prop. F OR photographic fim and printing paper, cameras, pure chemi- cals and supplies of alkids, come to this store and you wili be pertain of depend- able quality. We sell the EL" "' FILM / which' makes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let q~s show you our splendid assortment of cameras. Pure chemicals, all= photographic supplies... Developing and prtinting dosse. Reasonable charges..,, E. J. SCHMIDT 34S. State St. PhoneBell935 I UUJ 1 1 J i t r s 'J r i e e U 91 0 .... curios--to1findouIsit whlat gooel points theicanoe hads. It begatn to lie mildly STORIES OF THE CAMPUS populari,-,atd seas takent out otte or tic e a wieels, Prof. Truelblood saw the little itraft, aiid, recogntizitng its Under this caption short stories per- faults, sought toi build a belier onr. tainting to thec campus wrill be publislsed. Cantoe omateriasls were scarce, att el i Anysthing of local itereat will lbe colt-iused the ritms of biesele whleels for- ribs. sidered. Everyonie trfo area aolietftif lierof. tDavis' sois also built otne. Atti humtsorous about Ite camipiia is atl liberty this sias only sevenityears ago!I to write it up anid submiit has story lto ,h 1 lie text sear 1'1r. Tessmter bought Wolverine. No itamuesatill lie signied infir sswhte cers in Detroit, sbtilt oni the publicatioui, but the ytaitie of the cte saite tmodel is the smsall whlite cantoes should accompany the sloey.. Nothtinig nutil t the tiverr. Instatntly thtey w err will hr published that iossses to thie offcethe. reusy of everyotte. They werre so without a signatuore. popuiilar that thewerresheaays resersedi fior 1Fis ses," atietisre mtait bailto "a light canoe wvill butiildsir, tisi lie ross-bisats. An echoi of those Build a swift Cbeeittaetn for sailinig, dlis wias lieairid here onily last sprinig That shall float upson the riser, iatiscismencienirt tiime, wseniasi alunt- Like a yellow leaf ints mno, sits cause to theboiiat houise aiti said: Like a yellow water-lily.".\ irs. T.1essiner, Ilhasenttasit lasts, bitt don't t utird:si that jt:,t for old tinmes' Away bark its u492 ishessColutmbsssalve yost couldstlet ie tare onr of ttose discovered tbis land of ours thr founsilwste caisoes for a little solte?" the tIndian padltinig abouiti the seaters is sooti as tercanersliegatn to lie of our rivers antelsares ini that tytpiral spstitlar, the rosw-bsoat trasvelee thte roast Indiatn craft-the lur-h basrklaoeso. tio olivion fsast. The lprobllemt sas toss This was Iis onreiseaits of transtporta- to get rit of theis all. First, sosme serre ts. tn it lie hutited,fishedi, trasveled, ssld; thenistieobodiy wostlid bity themi. foughst ande livedl, The eole-faslhionedl They serre gisven away-for, s insior tirchbark atiswered all purptoses for cossiderrationi; ithent nobsody wsatnted mnty genteratiotns, aitdloccasioniallye usemset. lThey werr giren away outright; istill sectsits the far North WVest. it isas tsosimutch trosublle to rarr theti But otte day abotut thirty recars a go sff. The tirioblemt of their sistiosal tsr- one of the Old TownItndsianis (or Pr- ratio seriouss. More tb's,,onreiras usid tobscot Ittdianss as they are soisetimeas fior fuel. «nrt the fire becamte lossott catted) up itt the Niorthserin sarI of the sing sellster ights, all Mrs. Tessmuer Maitte had occasioti to miaker extrusive htiodIoIiwa s to setidedownt for a tpee repairs ott his cansoe. Suitalelrbirch if ross-soat. isis there are bust sip, barb was always scare, as ujtst thens left. The ontimei~s they have alt bett ttere was tnote at huandi. The islesaioutIatoce this year isas wnn the sctrred 1o titmsthat lie sightl use teasvy boltany lass caesiteosver frotmtYpisi last cloth attd cover it wsith several rosts of spirissg. paitit. Thssour msodernscanaits covsredil bargesadditiosohare bietinisade to cattoe was borts. The idea psrsovedlsite the bsosst houre, hiswevser, toi house the cessul, attd neightboritig tribes soonst si- casso)es. Tlherer are sitIreseit 312 of opted it. The ttew type of caise spread liemsi, andil185 sre soswiedl by private ini- rapidly westiward. Paittantticasivas dilsisduals. Most isf lisse furr entt are cottld he obtainedl at all of the IHutdsons the smtsall ishite ossrs, hut text sear, its Bay Co. Stores, atid the lit ircht-lark'addsitionsstIstle swenty "1)1stTows" was toots relegated to theba ssckgrouisdssol i is: handus , lerewill lie iftysitewi 'The cattoe, however, sias sot sitaifcsle ir eiriootsuiboats, bsiilt sit the litnes for use in the otieti sea, sere its place of the popusslar or is"s caissis. was taketi by various types of rsow-bioats. h-ht a eam sdt hs, A -vdprueinhge dcto anid as lie gradutally emtigretiwst-iswill lie Itakens liethe Chsicagos Tehiiical ward, he took the ross-boat itl him., coillege its estabilishsing a course ini Aerial I-I ttsedlit its all the Iplaces iwhere thI naigaion Itndian, ratioshad beenitserIhims. Tht- is, lie did up to less thsaitetntyears ago. I Iyuwatyossr sdrvelopiing ands But who wattts to take a little Ileasurit)sit i loneir ightl gso is Lisiistiiti 5 trip up the H-uroun toss-ini siross--bosit' IspIiallsttsitin giveniearls filsit sr late. Adwacasdtisudnca e) -Was it the Itndiatisonigs wrhichiisha 11 Iet isousat sluice fresh isix sf Gil- such a vogute a few years sago, sir is it ber t's colai te s, gsa toi fusliig's Phlar- jut atnother evidettce of te gesiera liss, i >, , 1 l c t t t t i t c l c 1 i Y. M.t. C, A. IS S t;FS N OV 1L A NI) VTIA(" I Vt? tREPOR1. The studrist Y. M. C. A. is tplaninitg 10 set out ai nosel reporst of the nmter- osus activities of the asssociationi for the past yeair. The repuort is a rututnitug story of "JohntiFreshmsan."t, fromtithe time lie enters college utsil lie tas fin- ishseudatud is residy to start ouit ini the The tale opents withltheurariral 'of "Johnu" at Me~~i illati I-lll, swhere he is welcomuesh lby sui sibligisug uptperclass- mtans,srbo tits thu r tr esimer swise to ther ropes. Theun 'Johnu" is shsowut aroundus. liithis meiantimuee litteins a rssomitbut sdiscovsers his muotney is gettitug lisl. is frieisitthur ututerctsussuuauugets ajoblifor hii anuelstarts luimutout his seay-.Theniu"John"s'lIarus othuerthitugs uasbout theurnuiviersity , abossut the mtatuy thitigs that sue esngeloise hire by the fellossfoerhtss fellowss, suit soonu tseni- listeed insthur active swork. Ihe, lsoo, learuis ho loots osutfor thurnewtes tn coinig lucre, to hirl thueuitplasces tei worsek, autis to ido thur many little thiuugs that aid thu rfeshmuuan."Johnu," by tis lime, has utnisyrons its the fire, bout hr still fusds timesto lidevote a psortiout of his tire ho the work of the associatioti whiicht startes h itutini csslege. Be etn- tes msausy activities that sprisugtitp with- ini the assoiaitiont itself, stucht as getting~ out the directors, ithe hanbdssooks goes out to the nerarby townus to spseaks; takes sartin iiplays;sutid conuotts utuetigs itt chtutrches or inu this rooims of thur fellows. Fisslly "Jsshnu" is redy to lesuer col- lege. Hh feels that wiile lie has beenu itt the unuiersity Isis "timuirhiss counterd for tmore thanu utere guininiig. l~e is satisfied switshIis life hire. Prituted troughsot this story iun the atipropriate places are the statistics pee- taintiung to the piarticutlar activity bseitng siscutssedh. Altogether *lir tilt is aus at- tractive ouse, autdsosue that itusit be ot interest Isi thu rospective freshustan. FULLER & O'CONNOR Steam and French Dry Cleaners Suiis Pressed 25ci Trousers SOc 619 E. William Street JOHN H. LAMIBERT I Thuniestlho hpl itne of ArresihArc]tVrosiu Wilutsuaciryutu r isAtjusuillu- LACES AND POLISHcES 613 H. William St., Ann Arbor Reinger & Company The Old Place Billiard 1 1 i rariors Cigars, Candy, Tobacco 8f~75 eMONTH Pt t ooker 5FREE to Agoe n tWe aetin largst...oa.. aetu oAln um Uokl n et, lsi da;soCn You.s. Evrytmn nees oe. We pshare profiahntlsth our gent.Nocanpnitlorequired.esi TheUr ive rsit1 of. Calcutta,saisd tohue this largest educationual corptio in t thue worlsd, exautiunsutiorethans tooo studseuits anuastlly.I it Smokeless Powder Shells The Patent Corrugated Head on Win- chester"Leader" and "Repeater" shells absorbs the shock ofthe powder explos- ion instead of localizing it, as the old English way of metal lining does. That's why Winchester shells, with their modern patented construction, are so superior to ones made according to the English method of times long past. If you want the best shooting shells :--- ASK FOR THE RED W L 4 FAM ILY THEATRE Dean M. Seaboli, Owner and Manager Tonight Tomorrow Night The Highland Laddie Bennie Could Scotch Musical Comedian Those Stunning Girls ABBOTT and LIND 4 Decided Hit Last Night Matinees Wedneaday and Saturday - - 2:30 and 3:30 ...Thursday, Friday, Saturday The Dresden China Doll J EAN ETTEA The Musical Kid Colored Entertainers Taylor and Taylor The Unbleached Americans Coming Monday, Aug. 22 The Benabdics Arabian Acrobats AS FRTH EDWRAD THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THE Uli"vcrsity 01'fMiciga Is ready for distribution at the Secretary's Office. It contains complete information concerning all of the Departments of the University. Fall semester begins October 4, 1910. A copy of the Catalogue with special publications relating to any department will be sent on applicatioa to SI IRL EY Wn SMITH, 'Secretary Ann Arbor, fllichigan Portrait Studi- a'319 Rast iHuroni Street