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August 16, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-16

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Martha Washington
Gilbert's Chocolates
Tice's Drug Store
117 S. Main Both Phones
612 E. Liberty
Only one block from
the Campus
Three good squar
meals per day
Single Deats 25c
$3.50 per Weak
Sunday nners 35c
Aohe Cha ci
For Tho Who Want
Verified by University Reosrde, and the
books of the Telephone Comonlee
To set it
You Must Subscribe for
Wolveri no
of issues containing Directory
except to subciber.
25 ts.
Phon 00

ICTU S H LP IN ian admirable problem for the pupil
P ICTU ES in composition.
Pictures illustrating scenes from plays
and architectural subjects were also
shown to be of service in this method of
teaching the student to write.
Prof. Scott Says That Teacher ALUMNUS IS PLAYWRIGHT
of Today Must Make
Use of New Ideas Avery Hopwood Is Author of Seven
Days and Other Plays
All theatre goers are familiar with
ILLUSTRATES MODERN METHODS the plays, "Seven Days," "Clothes," "TheI
Powers That Be," and other recent pro-
ductions of the young diamatist, Avery
"I do not advocate the exclusive or Hopwood, although comparatively few
even extensive use of pictures in the people know the author himself or real
teaching of English composition," said ize that he is a University of MichiganI
Prof. Fred N. Scott of the Rhetoric man. Hopwood is only twenty-eightI
department in his 5 o'clock lecture Mon- years old, having left Ann Arbor in 1905;
day. "It is simply one of ten thousand with an A.B. degree at the age of;
modern means of arousing interest on twenty-three. The great success his1
the part of the student. It is applicable plays have had is not the result of a
in elementary and secondary schools as few months training but of zeal for the
well as in the university. work and constant practice from boy-
"Until comparatively recent years, hood. "I've got to write," he says;
English composition has been considered "I realized that at the age, compara-
both by teachers and pupils as a dry, tively speaking, when a duck takes to
uninteresting study. The view was held water, for the only thing I can do is to
by many that a teacher who was un- push a pencil." Evidently Hopwood
equipped to teach any other subject, realized, further, that he was born to be
might readily find a position in this a playwright, for after having worked
field. Widows of decayed clergymen two weeks on a Cleveland newspaper
were often permitted to teach English during a vacation, he suddenly resigned
for a livelihood, though they might'have with the explanation, "I need the money,
no specific training for the work. And but newspaper work is fascinating, and
this view still persists in many regions. I'm afraid if I don't quit now, I'll waste
"Of old, there were certain convn- time here when I should be writing
tional subjects on which all studeits plays." k
of composition must write, so'Iet'e. While' at Ann Arbor Hopwood be-
No one knew why, but such was" con- came well known in his class 'nd at-
sidered the necessary proceeding. Now tracted considerable attention by his
it is customary to let the student write facile pen. In his junior year he was
on those subjects which have a particu- associate editor of The Inlander 'and in
tar terest for him. ' his last year was made literary editor of
"In usingo.ictures to furnish subjects the same publication . His dramnatii
for themes, two questions arise: How ability bore fruit in his work for the
can the picture be made interesting? French Dramatic Society, of which he
and, how can the interest once aroused was a member. He was 'el etet to the
be made such as will produce copy? Quadrangles and was a member of the
The aiskwer to both is that the pupil Senior Memorial committee. He joined
must be led to see a meaning in the the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
picture. There must be some sort of a It was here that he became conscious
relation either within the one picture, of a drama in Carlyle's "Sartor Resar-
or with other pictures. The interest tus" - with American trimmings.
of the puzzle is the one most frequently "Clothes" was the result, and after grad-
employed." nation he went to New York with the
To illustrate his method, Prof. Scott manuscript. He encountered some dif-
had about forty pictures thrown upon Sculty in getting a theatrical manager to
the screen. A series of paintings of present it, but finally succeeded in get-
Dante were shown and several questions ting Manager Brady to launch it in col-
suggested which might arouse a pupil's laboration with. Channing Pollock. The
'iterest. It was shown that while a tremendous success which attended the
igle picture might arouse little or no piece from the opening night established
nterest, an additional one might es- Mr. Hopwood's reputation as a 'drama-
tablish interrelations which would sug- tist at once, and has put a premium up-
gest theme subjects and methods of on his work.
treatment. He worked steadily and is busy now
Two puzzle methods are in use. One upon a novel as well as new plays. He
is to point out some part of the picture, lives in a tent from May to Nove"ber
such as the famous "fish" in "The Am- when he crawls back into his rom,
bassadors," and ask for an explanation. locks the door as did Zola, and works'
The second is to show part of a picture harder than ever. He is ambiti' " to
and call for a written construction of eclipse the London record of Somerset
the remainder. This excites interest and Magham, who had five plays running
develops imagination. in the British metropolis simultaneously.
In the "Fates" by Michael Angelo, the "Five plays in New York next winter or
question is, presented immediately, the season following; anyway before
"What is the"' eaning of Clotho's open I'm thirty," is his ambition.
mouth." Pictures were shown, some
from paintings and some from photo-
graphs in which the mouth was open The advertising spaeo blowis pre-
because of pain, terror or fear, others sented to Mrs. M. M. Root of the
where the subject was shouting or sing- University Musio ouse, by the Mich-
ng, and others where fatigue had caus- U
ed the lips to part, Clotho's face in this igan Union, in grateful soknowiedg-
masterpiece has been for some years the ment of her kindness in loaning in-
subject of much discussion, and presents strument and reoerds for the Vietroles
A pnv .nmotattmeumr

Technical Schools Beginning t
to Give Courses-None
Yet at Michigan r
It is expected that in the course of ay
few years every University worthy of a
the name in the country will have a de-
partment of aerial navigation just as we e
now have our mechanical engineering,a
marine engineering, etc. It begins to 1
look as if the aeroplane had come toe
stay, when flights of such length as the s
one being planned from New York to f
St. Louis are in prospect. Michigan isa
a little behind some of the other schoolsh
already in this respect, although there
are a few models over in the engineer-a
ing building which are being experi- t
mented on at the present time. It is the
aim of Prof. Sadler under whose direc-
tion the work falls, to be prepared4
should any sudden call come for a
course in aeronautics.
Meanwhile, however, several otherf
schools have already' launched suche
courses. Two or thrte of the promi-s
nent Eastern technical schools have oner
or more courses in Airship design, andE
in the study of air resistance, but per-
haps the latest school to provide sucht
a couise is in the West. Beginning nextt
fall the Chicago Technical College will
have a school of aviation under the di-
rection of Prof. E. W. Morey. The.
eBege wi'tuch every featur in the.
development of aerial navigation and<
the minutest details of the construction;
of airships, from the toy balloon to the1
aeroplanes of today and 'their possibili-I
ties of future development whether for
the arts of peace or war.,
The success of flying machines at
present is dependent to a large extent
on the efficiency and reliability of mo-
tors, although men whose theoretical
and practical knowledge is beyond dis-
pute, say that the machines will ulti-
mately soar through the air like some
of our larger birds. Time and continual
experimenting by men familiar with the
laws pertaining to air currents and the
reactions of various plane and curved
surfaces moving in air will answer these
Like the automobile during the experi-
mental stage, failure in flying machines
has been due largely to the character
of engines and motors esed. The aero
engines differ from the motor car en-
gines in that they must be capable of
running for hours at a time at high
speed and high power output.
Tomorrow afternoon everybody will
have a chance to inspect Michigan's
famous naval tank in the basement of
the engineering building. As already
announced, the tank and work-room will
be open to visitors from three to five
and a chance will be given all those in'
terested to see just how the models are
made, and tested.
John Garrels, the former Michigan
athlete of international fame is spend-
ing some time at Whitmore Lake.

Plans for next year's Michigan Union
pera are progressing fast these days.
Iarl Moore, Robert Moreland and Ar-
hur Moehlman were in Ann Arbor at
he end of the week, andall are bssy
mn the book and lyrics of the new play.
earl Moore and Robert Moreland were
esponsible for the music of last year's
'pera, Koanzalsnd," and the music was
onsidered by experts to be the equal
f that by the majority of professional
writers. It is not expecting too much
o look for an improvement even over
he high standard set last year, so next
'ear's opera may be expected to surpass
ny given yet.
Moore is whiljng away the hot weath-
r by thinking up tunes up in Lansing
at his home, While here he bought a
arge quantity of manuscript which he
expects to have filled up with catchy
tuff by the time school opens in the
fall. Another consultation between the
author and composers will take place
here at the end of this or next week. The
music is practically complete already
and only the finishing touches remain
o be put on.
Attention is again' called to a notice
from the office of Dean Effinger to the
effect that all students wishing credit
stateirents for their work here this sum-
mer should file in the office of the
secretary of the summer session a
stamped envelope for this purpose. At
the same time students should indicate
the courses in which they wish to re-
ceive credit. This should be done as
soon as possible.
Fllwing. the practice 'isnugrated
last year, cons will be mailed to all de-
serving students by the literary depart-
ment, but no stamped envelope need be
handed in for these. If this were not
true there might not be any sent out.
The geology class got an early start
Saturday and were over at Detroit it
time to take the Frank E. Kirby at
eight o'clock for Put-in-Bay. About
seventy-five students took advantage of
the low rates for a day's outing, though
it nearly proved a night's outing also.
After a sumptuous lunch on the island
the party visited the various caves, and
then crossed over to the Hotel Victory.
Here the glacial groovings were seen
and also some good examples of shore
The return boat was delayed about
half an hour which caused the party to
miss the nine twenty-five train in De-
troit by about five minutes. A good
chance was thus given to everyone to
observe the sights of Saturday night is
a big city. The party finally got back
to Ann Arbor at two o'clock in the
morning, and there were some sleepy
students who did not get any breakfast
as a result.
Thursday, August 25th, the Sunday
Schools of the city will join in an ex-
cursion to Detroit and Belle Isle. Spe-
cial boat rides and free auto trips will
be the order of the day and a union
basket dinner will also be an inviting
feature of the occasion.

anaer s pr"mensaa snow .wmmwr.

tntversft Victor
tIueic1Ioue I TalkingMachines
*nd pis .t. ;to K *1 HIgh Class Reoords
press AtttnIapnaraab street Wareiway gied t eNhew them

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