-- THE WOLVERINE White Swan Laundry We do the Finest Laundry Work in the city. Phone us an order and be convinced Junction of Catherine and Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152-White WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. (Cine where all legs lead to. F. A. MYLES (Second Floer) 607 E. William St. 15 '. DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:50 a. in., 1:50 p. i., 4:50 p.i., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9l:24 a. in., 2:24 p. i., 5:24 p. in , 8:24 p.in. Local Cars East Bound -To lDetroit, 5:45 a. m., and every hor to 10:4S, p. iIn 1ilanti, 5:45 a. i., and half hourly to 11:15 p.im., also 12:15 a. mi., 1H:30 a. in., 12:50 a. i. To Saline, ehage at Ypilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5i:45 a. in., 1:15 a. ni., and every two hours to 11:15 p. ii, College Men, Take Noticej EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS Sittis F OR YOUNG MEN Interviews and Correspondence Solicited Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, 'Board at The Cutting Cafe, Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M.to 9P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. Fifth Ave. UNIVERSITY NOTICES COMING EVENTS. Uiless olhe rolsespeciie d the lectures will be gvenin tsthe \Wes Lectrienoo,I PhysicsldLaboraory. Aug t7, 5piim.-Recent tDeelopientn in lectric Lighitig (illusraed). Prof Higbi. -ug i?, 5p u-The Fourth Diten sion.t IrfIFord. Ais. i2 S p. n-The Practical Vale of LitueratureProf. (Canield. Auii i3 I Etrsion toPtit-flo. Aui.t{ i4 4I5.im.-Olen I lose tandtlCn cet t Mihigasn (Uns. (OHAYS L IECTURE ON L,E'ClRIC21,1L1GTI NC. The afternon lecture Icda is ithe secoiiilof tiso dealigswithu the g-nral sublject iof ligtiinig. This lctu re iwill treat of le recet deve liipmentis ii electric lighting andsil i ll litillusrtd. 11 tillle guvess is Professor I1. H. Iigie sf de electrical etgiieerige patrtmient. lTe svaiousislamstiowiiOni the markt-Iiwillle consiseres, as sic11 is the historical deselopmein stcf te light isg businisess traced. FTOURTII DIMb"NSON' WILL tIE. DISCUSSEDS IY PROF. ORD. '(le tfterinestsleture Lrias iill le hrenbyProfessor Wler I. INors of thematemais epsa~rmsuits . His stilt isecisill le '"The Fthsi imuesisiti Considerablstitsrest lassble-cit arusdl lamuog s iti i en andiphio sospthers il regard to the foursth dielistsi sio, ic siltig is tin ise idifferencetofosilsionus oni the sibject. Wh letriwe are liing isn a sworldl of the fourth shuts-sion sith- il sut Cite knowledlge, or whester tirget into a itosrld of sueth ca~rctrisic seter, has otlb-rn set-Icrminedii . ITe elastitit is ose(f tbrosd iterest. LECTURES ABlOUL ITERATU RE IROSAI PRACTICAL, SANt)IOINT. 'het s-ctninig lecture lFriday isisll le is Pro.fe-sor.r Ststr G.C tiiel of the IFrenchl iepartentisionsitthe sujet of ''Tle rastical Valuesof Literatre."~ Thle~ ctre uill lbegini at eight o'clssck. lrtofessor CasilCild is a gaduatae f \4'illicitis 'olsge. IlecspestthIlre si-sits cbssid t the clse of his acaicc-ti wo-srk, devsiotig Ihimself to sttleycuts1re se-tech ini Philosophsly itt Berlit, Lisig, (Sistetgei, andel Paris. IItias for a ltie Professor o mtoertilatgages a teiv ssersity of aiss, attilalter isas isadacedl ts the chiair of IFrechlsthere, a spsitionswhihsielslihell until liee cme to this usiersity- as Professr of the RomanceaIte atgages. Professor Caiteld atsae freetei contiribuitionts to prioial litertusre tae1 lisnpubllishiedselct in of sFr inIs ,vis edeniedlwith in stoduclteinitads oes. lHe is a memesrssof se erl lantguage societies ii this essatrsan abronad. stOn cit ta r sin TSMAcNss. somteltody wst-hIappeslsistslheatex 1 eriecseenldraftsmiant cat get a (joh by applyintgt srutinillg ArhitecI.J -II- Sarks cii his offic i the oli chemtisrs buiildinig Mr. 'lrls si-tts a mtai s- periesldini butilinig, aisdl one itolisi able tsdosittitle tsurveing A. liberal quatitylOnf gass seel is senug sprikledlaott teiewicetilcl sisilisig.andittin ht'geenitlistnis is. peeled beforeelong MIUSIC! 5MUSIC! SMUSIC! Don yottwaist soeitte itti caicli pieces? Comie its andi hear somie of te late stvcings, iut lout. wVe lsot have lieeIltest manitdolins andi Guitar folios. Mutsical SarI Store, Sicits Street. PALSIS ROYuf. Resitpricers or isent satlvaisdsou- If yott want your develsipitig andi printintg dotie right go to I,sutgusat's. Special alteistintgiventearhlsmlisor plate. MARTIN Guitars and Manvdolinxs BEST IN THE WORLD For Salo at- SCH AEBERiLE t(m, SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity L Aundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Call 928, Either Phooe. and Oar Wagon Will Call Promptly. R~oive's Laundrfy 46Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 One Block From Campus 121 2 South University WwUERTH HOUSE THE PLACE TO EAT Special Sunday Dinners 35c Board by week - - $3.50 SUBSCRIBE FPOR The Michigan Alumn sus Andtlti ia neu i ntey of Tic University of Michigan Alumi Association Alltthoisubs ci wilr i vea wi lphtogrut e otraitlir.Angell (L' I' Alititnints is thte laigest i ill g e imonthly in the country. tQIt con- taitis the atist nt-ics sbout the Untiversity. aud editorial cenc n imtaisitnt ci inis,. t~l tcontsains pesonal items coneerning meinheco of yosur classeviery mouth. hAouSmue iif the Alumtnus contains the his tnry' 01 the Univiersity ferte cyear. (L~t publishes a series of well YOUR VACATION IP! IN arr-aningifyour sumerni'vacationnbassure that parteof it, at leaot, is spent an the Great Lakes. It is thenmost pleasant and ecnomtieal trip in Amner- lea and you willI enjnyneveryniinute. All the imeporanteportsof the Groat Lakes are reached regularly lbe the excellent service of the D. &it C. Lake Lines. Thieten larfe steamerof this fleet areafnmderneeelcostrution, propelled by po-werful enfines and hate all the qualities ef speed, safety and ecnmfort. The United Wireless Telefraph Servine used ahaard. Tickets reading via aoy roil line between Detroit and Boffalo, Detroit end Cleveland are available ftr transptrtatitn on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. The D. &u C. Lake Lines eperate daily trips hetwreen Detroitanod Buffalo, Detreit and Cleveland. four teips weekly between Tohedo, Detroi, Mackinac Island end way peels, and two trips weekly hetwee Detsoit, Bay City, Saginaw and wayports. A Clevelandto Mackinacespecial steaser willbe opratedlfrom June 25 to September 10, leavingf Cnvelaud direct fur Mackinac, stepping at Detrit enroe every srip sod at Gedesinlt, Ont., every ether trip. Special daylight trips bsetween Detroit anod Cleveland doring July and Augutt. Send 2-cent stamip for illustrated pamphlet and Great Lakes map. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. MCMILLAN, PE a A . A. S7"HANTZ, GEN. MGR. , f I I-N Complete Line of Frabrics 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 south State Street Sunmrmer Suitingis e. esd Outing Tro usere