THE X OVRINt 4 x 5 Cartridge Kodak (Shlop worn) Price reduced 50c each day beginning Aug 5th at $19.00 S e i a i r 110(1011' E. E, CALKINS, Drlggist 324 S. State St.' Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optica~ ~ Dept Fn Wath and Jewelery Repairiga HALLEJR'S J[WELURY SOR 216 South Mal.n St. THE ~AN ARBOR -DRESS Irihdot is t in t sittldt o Printers of:-The 'Wov eieThe iihitaooDalyu, 'Ito' Atonao. The lao flteito. r'It(Uo' 05li'Te Miti- igal CTee Ott'. lHigh 5i'toot lOns A oo'eh' n TyerC- teyvo CC, Yot," Getstoo ot ootbal.Itootial tuo Press Building, Maynard St. Ansn Arbor, Michigan All Lovers of(itod "oa Wates Lint that tttt'E'tt Uivtttrsity Citar- toaoy tisttntdeat place fo a d llob ", Tllee ic ora tirt East University Pharmacy 12tttlt iUieity University School of Music Attet A.Stattntey.AA N1.. l)itetotor Summer Sesston, July 5-Aug. 26 Re ,titoescooltyietit ins Ilttotor . tO Artist Teachert'ts. Ciatt, or send ftie lilA RI. Ce A. SIN\ I, Seretary MayI tttt't5. Attn Arhor,, molct. T HE WOL V ERINE1CAPS3 OF SKIN IMPORTANT .. t Tri-soeckly pttblicafti of the studentts of the Untiversity of Michigan Summner Session. Eiditor itt-Chief-DANA E. JoNrls. Maitagintt-g dilor-Ur, A WHIITE. VDITORS. Nesws Editor ....Dion S. tirntey E. R. Bttrton Etdward tH. Robie ti G. McGee Bttrleight Jactoho Etwine F. Kocth H. AT. Cattinis W. LeRoy Perkitns Advertistitg Mattager. ,Rictiard Simtinis 0'. O'. Carpentter Jotttt Bonilita W. G. Beasley Atddress: Tiu, Wot REtno, Press BIltg.. Altiytiartt Street, Atn Attor, htiettigan. Office Houtro : 1:30 to 2:30 p. ttt. taity. Bouth phtottes, g6o. StubscripltotnRates:.tocatl, fity cets fortie summer; maCilited tany adl- tress foe twentty-'ie cents addtitiontl. Adt'erttiitg rates: Futrnishtettuitont apt pticatiotn to ttte Mattagitig Eittor. UNIN ABh MAIny lOlsehses CtnttAicted PhitOugh Agency of iPtOideribis "Wtheni tte coisidter tihtimitnyt risks to so iiett it is sutbject, it is nottrne that ttt in is ttte seat Itisiteh a v'ariett stf diseases, atitthtttit5 cetiseritioe care15ittanimptotrtanttt artC oftgtt era lixgietie," said Prof. NV . P. 1Crtakes. Tttesttay eoventitg, ititshis'turte'til "The Care ttf ttue Skit,''tthe last ti the suttt muer sesioatttmedticat lectres. ''Nott, ic imttptrtattbiecautse of its ftttt1itos tf proitectttnstdtregtttio ofboytempteurature, tte stktitt byits pecutliar tpositionttoil tte'otsiteoftihlei hotly tasltotthidiseases ti its tistes atnd fitrisshes indicitionis of diseaise of in- tetrnal orgatis. Mtanty citmutitctaletdi- seaess indtlthe iir itaoritothliiibody ttrough the skit. 'The cite tf the slait greatiroinenchtli fly h lw ofttt5soi lti hich stodays demnde clean, teit tile skiin it ntoialy liltstitlsforms a ii tothebadcnssin ftw't ca lihelatterilinsthtloodiiessel; altux tiry .-tuiaelie oerdotneThe tornty hOtheu ci V iicutic is A iNtOWlU3itsitel ant estetas ii to ash A'ts'u'out fitifits cello, leiseltiitcfpsle s iistantce' anttiexos- "Noitanufcturercaif makefectittit. aill fur the shuM; ttmettimuttst Idtltow soi t en itt iii t mtalilt vi caiit edx hy-i streal tslutit tilethttiecuse tutd cure tee sougt.i lievetha i t uteuui t: mn-mo hsi' httirt'wsoi cuti less atftedell cia1pitt stiltfthle clnhng sngenglteif' hair re'itai it 1101. ioKeeingithe scald ceanttiis otte oi lie titlst effectilee liofiiipromoitingc ntr t i 11oitt h ir.Flis ifstt sorw-- itmNdngtout, hntill it wis isoigo1111 lie sai, OU ii i iWol fortheIllsi ..'tileImayibcometmliat in late lift'ad asard iaees ity eoal il ifac. 11da1oo mdle so iil tuspatre i lices theitoteurehs ofi ltosities ofi theisale or feI. i " 11ini the ciliasiof the io ere cideils is IGOiLOGtSTS NItLtt PENt') THURSDAY, AiUGUSTrit,itio. "Thts argants of titochiltnidtlip; ITURD I T , S N AY tire osensationtlocte its thesi riI SAiDi TP?-1-A Efditor 'Todatv-'ER. BURONt. tvcry itelictte. Stife s'iarsao1- sect 1 fii t l it vette n le lst s ec to, tavig ititheliii'Cioup tr iaintn ithe Ai. itO ittirwh, it twas fetited, liadtiheils sttlljt i:.I. Saiturdayximoring, thei'geohlogists Ttte ItichigatiUionatis doinlg gatdit iooi l ihtiis ha,ti.,I listicre ahnd liBvto set'whitttioevrthr iso trthItis sutitmer itt!folintg thtose r-feuitt f breaI t ri'ti fumtbis ill his e.11i eliciintetrest oiithisl oanditanto i cetutieons and tcotucerts. Itleretofoure the cure of'as rapuiidtutu cettl iI te.Ter(, aeageneral gootdtititme tesidtes. tTUniott has stood as somieting rtheitr uiuitiiituttuftttcsit ll iu itgtt iitt ti apart lrottthe sttttmter schootl stutienu. tu ti ite tlodstupptlean tutu seat it itrethi',teo at leasttte taostilt avtitedthimistelf ISassectton. Itn ti dryx' ttottotti t iwill be v isititi lixthiipaty x. ('iiefestof i mucthl as he ought of lie ccttteett gou a tiupratuture ofi civer >>o" I" thetseis tFerret's cavle, it lush isiiolterr 2. tthere. This eeae the umanagers tifite twill nt chainiitge tutu I tmper- felt it its exteeti im uuensonis and ts lUnioni are bintgitug ft tuthemutintltatre s lonug tis siet tseceteiontilt mxi mumttltlheight is tilotit tell fiut. Moutammfned. Itiis oselt. This is utn uc-mainslcitve. lBakers tatelie 'lhsi' c'avesowiele'aus itt'yfeohlig tiout that ottght toitmakse tttetfri'Itetntstovillsttithuana tutiophe'rs iifcsmp1eraturelwhitt, initurniwas citiedl byx fressurei for the Uniotn, ald makte that orat git- ai 10I.estlt uhietih1li't teii Just witatthe ltiottis aitit haf it bumu''lands who icful -ms'.i.h olfttji n tgingtupiwitseritndtchantinglito a sttttt lltn'ds etf' tfitekiritI isslth ubeingttitu ii i tmadeei5 ii iknowtn''tt ituhitoteii stu-it xtt detnts this stteamuer as it htas neerbe seci11 ittetioncussdndut, o r us h iv ointg, ibut iniii ostfpltaces the litre. Thte mtanagemoenit is ftite con- bo, Cii iAn iostr'utiointitthistutIstritaI hatvi'e'sumed uthiuet 'irtuiginatl ii- geatuhated ott the snutcessesit has tail ofitis glandti, forediotltolitie sifacesisition11, ueept in thueplaces isherethe ini its entdeavotr to get the studetnts a1-bietisi ti blackuhea'd , tio fit fac twrill cales oteer quittiet twiththteett'gatniztationu fwhich IMnat seot'fiitrautllesomlle isatrdersa ofi Thte ''"C''tst'a' ll'or''itu'ottituu' utve is thtey represett.the sk~i iltare lute iif toistie iii5o eryinterei'stig, intthti it liii Mo______________ tssqutits careyt tutaltuei'itnh sslis'tsints beutiu l tisttaltgtmites and tstalac- Aos at illustrationottfiituow Mitthtuiganfever11infctin;atout hflea s oturtsfotutu of celehstite. graduates ga alt user ite wrIs A.K.iutrbte d tthe iisptreadi of iithttbubontuic As liithefr(,, risitttipltis itnui'$t.2o, Ozatwa, whtogt'adutated fromtu fte D~epart-iplaitt ontthei Pac'ific' ittst. Thuettti liiil fld theursionist 5illiit lt ciryexls, itetit of taw thtis summtter, tas seleeted ftiophliitli(ritng strm;uis toeasilsytrassit us expuectedttat a argtentuitber stilt atueulttt as hits futtt'eresidetuce. ierredh f romtdomsttcoic atimaluts tutucnttake advsantatge of huts totitorttuity'fat' - whotut handlthemtet. ta dttt'siotting Chuas.- it. Otis, .B ., hits beenu tpptoinitedt "''thuing, the'mtutuanttittary' ofiall Thoise inteirestedl cantiecutre tickeeti C"uratar of thte Ctataui~at Gardei frteutluuitaurt'sifist'eaitshttu sitrttionautl tutdof 'ti. Scotut ini fle MIhfietutibuiling test sear. oioiut us se tittiof catiliness tutuato anyxtay frtutu jut'clouktoitt t, itt'2 tt 3. l"Vora delighttitlItancheoti cr excellent repast' Tea Room Jill f ipet tlteestff1akC your iacu iq'teiudr Service a La Carte ' S A.M. to 5 P.X, Saturdays to 9 P. tM. *00 -: , ? K > p 1 MAD E 611k GD IESGNI. I" J10MRNAL 1I&JING DETROIT Board- $3.00 That's Atl Corn. 503 East Wiliams GREY BROTHERS TAILORS and Dry Cleaners 1112 S. University Ave. and 811 N. Vtne Ave. GREY BROTHERS 5 f C° E } r i s 1 l' S r Eastman Kodaks---Photo Supplies LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Headquarters for Ain Arbor is at LYNDON'S,_719 N. University We do more amatetur finishing 11thattal others pult together, and u'e do it better. Tank method gives beat resolts. University Music House, Press Btuiiding Maynard St. Caes t..itasto tck of Classic Popular Music Akmd sotictts patrae of aesmrer-es-tsuderita Spring Stles Hats, Suits, Overcoats, and Men's Furnishings. Drop in and see them F. J. WUETCOMPANY 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET I THE[FARMERIS AND MLCISANI(5 BAMI MAIN AND HIURON STEETS Capital $50,000 Surplus ansd Profits $100,00t General ManhineglBusiness, a percent paid Con Time and Saeings Dieposis. Safety Be- pesit Boxens to renti at 52.00 and upwards Cf. KdEre, Pres. H. 0. iRnEYMAN, Vice-Pres. If. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier Ft. T. STOWEi, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Steock $50,000 Surpius $28S,000 Resoerces $2,800100O A General Banking Business Transacted Us'ricEiSe Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.;5 W. B. Hdarriman, Vice Pres.:u M. J. Fritz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIREaCTORS: Wn. J. Boeeth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arneld Br. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade S. F. Milii Jehn Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H S. Cartont Henry W. Beagleas Christian Marlin Ban F. Zimmsermaen emn-mria ~~ Cormrnrio.. a.nad Sauvins Cov. r4 .ei, aid Liber~ty Str-osts FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN ARBOt, MICHt. S. B. KINNE,. HARRISON SOULS Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $ioo,ooo., Surpltts tutd Profits, $00,000. 121 Washington L. RANDA.LL & PACK, Ph ot ograph ers ! @ur 548