THE WOVLVERINE--, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THULRSDAY, A.UGUST ii, igi10 VOL. I. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's Drug Store 117 S. Main Both Phones VARSITY WA[ 612 E. Lberty Only one block from the Canpus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3,50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS- Another Chance THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Verified by Uinversity Records, and the books of the TefPhne Compnis To Get It You Must Subscribe for The Wolverine NO SINGLE COPIES of issues cotaiing Directory except to nohcribr. 35 Cts. Phone 960 No. 20, THE HOW, WHY, AND WHAT OF READING Prof. Tatlock Offers Practical Suggestions on Assimila- tion of Books MANY ATTEND TUESDAY LECTURE Speaking before one of the largest gathtertins at the suititicis5sionl lec- lures, Prof:2 J . S. P. Tatlocikott Tues- day afternoon tld his audience why they should read, hosv they shoul1( react, and what they shouldt read. The adt- vice was as practical =is couldt ie-nt the olcd dogmatic sort of advice lihat stakes people tiulk vlat a tore it is after all to read correctly, but tekittd of advice that will stimutlate otte to read with pleasure antd to read a great deal witit ease. The speake~r first explaittecd the swhy of readling, sayinig in part, "It is a deplorable fact thai the average college graduate puts assay his learing alonigswithi his diplotma, and ire all kitisi Lost soon the diplomsa flies itnto somse old out-of-the-sway dr-aier, Whets lie does read, lie reads otily light itovels. Just as ueceessary to our life as msoral iOrp is meistal vigor. To keep ttp our isetntal rigor we must readl, attd there- fore it is hetter to read antythting attd anyhow lthan to read tot at tll." Five cantoiss ontoto t read steve stat- 3. Diuttble provinscial or niarrowr in vyour chouce. Such ltings as thse ancielti svrttiigs of the (reeks aiti Roumaits shld n tble tieglecteil. TIry so read the w orks ini the msodernt laitguages ini the origittal, especially somte of the smitor l-angua-ges like Niorwegian anid Ruissian. Gil acquanted with the Etig- lish Bible, especially stickh neglected tarts as the A.p0cryphta. Read somea bitographites, tot short ottes, hut loug attis that aire full of svterestiuig attec- dottes andrlswhichi alotne cant really toe- tray thse chtaracter of a tmait. Istrwill alsia say yostolitread hooksonotttravel autu exploratioti if they are good. Above till read somae hard titigs. '4. Dout read whant you dont't care for, after givinig it an hottest trial. However, there is a distintions betweeti whaittmialkcs yost tork atid ivhat vast lon't care for. If you dlon't like ati authtor like Miltont. con'tlbe ashsaumeid lit say so. '3.Dou't iteglecl contemiporary litcer- attire.' Ile -ottlusioti Prof. latloci sitraitud tip the whole stied tinhs, 'Read attetn titsely atid fast,;trcad the best thuatott enttoy. ANOTHER UNION CONCERT Women, as Well as Men, Invited to Sunday's Victrola Program Mens anti woniten of the sutitiser ses- siion tire urged to attetid thte Victrola ciitcert aithle Michtigans Unioni clubl house Siuday aftertnoon at fouir o'clock. A large mustier titrnted oust for the last Sundtiay conteirt autd this otte promsises to lie fully uptiloi the statidartd. Re- GAS MUCH CHEAPER THAN ELECTRICITY Lower Cost is Strongest Argu- ment for Older Illumi- nator, Says Expert RIVALRY IS NOT AT THE FINALE 'The ectief adv'antage of gas lightttig over electricity or atir of the other formis of comsmoecial illuintatiotn lies ini its lower cost," said Prof. Alfreid 1. White yesterday its his lecture ott 'Re- cettt Develoipmaeits its Gas Lightitng." 'lia talk was illustrated with examsples of thse various typses of hurnters used, together with spiecimienss of all the ma- terials which go to isake uptphue maoderit Wselsbaachttmantle. Indueed, Prof. Whlite isade otte of thsese initels ini full view of tse autdieince. 'The art of lightitsg hy gas is of corn- paratively receist origit. It stas oinly absout a htuttdred years ago that it was frst used for this pttrpsose itt hEnglaisd. Fiat abtoit sevetnty-five ye ars hardly ats impslrovemtet was msaade ott the olsd fonts of fishtailhurnter. Thsen electrici- ty aegait to make suchitniroads ott the lrovitices of the gas tsett that it was tecessary to devise somse meanss ly givetn as follos: Acety lettet5.5. Opeti lip gas hitriser 40,FUtrighst Welsbsacht t38.5, itaverted Welsbh c2 3;;3, i16 C. P. Edisos at.8,Tuttgstenit;it..It is titus seenth iat hy ustingthe inverteid Wels- tacit we get ity far us taimst light for the sottey. Prof.'Whiteaiso tbunted otn Ithe priti- cipal disadvanstages of the gas lightitng. He expslaitned that it is tot the excess if carhos cioxtide, isor the lessettisig if thte amsouttt of oxygenini the air iaf a rooti lighted hy gas that stakes it seiticlisse. It is due -etntirely to the poisionosior- gatnic vapors givent off try thse hitdy, atti it thaerefore mtakeusvery little differente whsethser a rooti is ligitteil by gas or no1, so far as the chetmical costatitioni of the air is coticernted, is thte'plcet- taige of oxygets is ottly losseretd a frac- tioti of otne per ccitt at test, autu it has bteet shsowni that a perssticaittle tilt ini 'a room with onaly fifteett per ceiii if oxygetsitisteaud of useeettstomtarilyIsrent- ty-otte per cviii aisiltever tiotice it. Gas does heat tip a roomi, Ihowever, iatid therein lies its chaief disadlvatage. It umighst he said that eveti here, the heat muade causes cutrrentls of air whticht aid ini ventilatiotn. D~OCTORS LEAVE FOR HOME Summer Courses in Medicine at an 1 End Tomori ow If you shoitld hapaen to bse dowia at either of the railroad depots Friday afternsooti or evenitig, .s';d shtotuld see a gatheritng of ibeswhsiskered gentltem. ed: lie slitetts stiill le served aisd a jolly "'1. React its atn ay. XYoutr temtpera- goodi 1timie is gua rantteed all uwho attendc. isentwsill largely idetetinte thews Te t s Iisprosgrait follows: "2. Dist try alsrays to reid ints e lART 1c satte way. r-Overture-Willihams Tell .. .. Rossinsi '3. Learntho skims. Whs ets)oilassi r t s-Thse Da.wn. readitng sitauthor whtis isharsh to uis I ri 2-The.Stts. uerstaul, like Browigs, donts tsy to IPitt 3-Tute Cahit. utnderstatud es'erythting0,taut readiifist Prior's Btad. atnd get atnythittg out of it yout can. 2-Ott Lsvery Festal ?Mlorinitg.. .. Verdi Accuracy stud good ttndiersttttditng coutes Bessie .Abhott, 'Mario Atncotta. later. Read tearly all prose rtapiiily, 3-Celeste Aidr ........Verdi 'shove all, tnovels aind histories. It does Eutrico Carutso. ntot say to hothier oug abiotobiscutre I-Parla Valse ........Ardliti passages;tutsutally tse obscurity is tot Bessie Ahbtt. yottr fault hut the author's. Learns to '-Somse Day ( Sacred Duet) ... Gaburiel read fast attd you swill read tuore andi 6-D~er Prophet-.Ach Meits Sohtn... itt store variety. 'Youtcats get unsre. . . ..Myerbieer pleasure frott reading tsro bookcs fast Erntestinte Schuumaatnt-Heink. its teta sours, thua readhing onse stoutly Initermsissions for refreshmtetnts. itt the samse time. PARTIt u. "4. Size up a hook becfore tout begius 7-MPly art I'll Play .......... toi read it. See whethser it is whaittrtoss......ion Pasqumale Donizertti Wnt. Biuth whets you have started a :Mtircella Settslrich-Aintonsio Scotti. hook, ftnish it, eveunthsoutghutout do h8-Bectause .........Harhelot skip thsrough it; get to thureund itssomte Ertans Williamts. fashiotn. Reusetasber, touteats get souse- -Gtavotte its F Mtjijusr...Bachs thimi out of trusts; if yout genuoshiing Fritz Kreisler. oft of trash is is youir ftulst, noit thueio-Romseo et Juliette (Valse) . .Gutuoc fault of the trash.Luuisa Teiruzzissi. "5. Keep several bsookso goinug at te 1i-Santttus frosts Messe Solonnuelle.. saute titte. It still tsr especially usefiul .............Gouotoe to read matty light authlors like Stevetn- Trintity Chsoir. soti at ittervals. Thuis is also thur asnly 12-Korenig Gebarl...\V... agnter way wiih permsits onue to reasd lonug Mharcel Jo usrut . anud arduoutsu'orks." 13-Barcarolle........Offenbiachs These stere follosredl by ive caunos' Geraldinte Farraur, Antoniio Scotti. ott swhat to reach: us-Brantiful Islr of Sousesthere... "t. Read anthlintg. I............... ......... Frares "a. Don't he too fornal or msehodical Hfarold Jarvis. its your platns. Read as inclinations eads up-Prisots Scemne from Fatust..Gottusod you. Dr. Sauuel Johnsson otte said Gieraldhine Farrar, Ensrico Caruso that he trver pursued tar samse plums of amid Marcel Jouruset. study for store thsanstwro days, amid, at that, he msade acomsiderahuir noise its Last year's frrshtmansteamo developed thse world uch succedrd itt rradinmg a somue good footbiall matrral that with little more thats usost peoptle do. comue its hansdythsis fall. whticht it wisuldbar possihle ho stake a rachs carryinug a sumatl luSack hag, dotis' gas lightI of ther saumerstrenttgh andulam take to youtr turns. The iprobilsitis is a cost at least as how as thuat at whichs that use grtentiscut yotu srrecarr practic- elrctric lighst coutld bar produtced. ltn tug lphysicitans, swho save tiernusitsrsi- this constnetiotn manty experimtets werrr deuce its Annm Arbuor fior thmepatus six carrird out ta Dr. Purr in: Germanuy wirhf weeks, taiing graduate or stpecial cocur- thur rare eaurthus. tHe foutdc, that lby srs intshie PMedical deipairtmtenut of thur igntsintg Thuorisutm coutpuoutnds to a high University. F~or atbout forty mtembulers uetntiltuuexamsininugthuttutby useansof of use professionm havre sutaueth fromthue thiv tpeclsoi,,; alights,of, very huishfryinug-pana instthen lire this summsuer, illumuinattinugupower coculd hue ohtaiatted.' escapinug the evils of thin smsall coutryn 'This luauverry little lastinuguowerr how- (lowtns, otnly to he conmfronutedh tith ti- rvrr, anud thse problem was to findl some-1' duous tasks mm the nmedical labioratorirs. tiingso incorporate twitb it to sold i Anud they save cotme fromts far andu it. 'This problems was solved hy the use ean. All hportionms of time Untetd States of cottonm fier; bh lurouts is soaked its have hetn represenstrd atnd eenmnis- thse thsoriutm solutionthea cotton hurnued sionsaries have eetsemnoled. Dr. Mary off, leavnimg the ash impregnard withn Keining, who has bets workitng intthue thse thoriuum. Dr. Outer thsen tried toI Ameriican hospitals mu thse intrior of gnu Isis thoriumstitrate ahsolutely pure, Chinas, took special wotk this summsuer. hunt wras surprised to fiusd that this gave A Dr. Gage of the Muarylanud Agricul- slums solighut at alt. Upsontiunvestigations tural Experimenutal Stationt has heen dos- hue fountuahtat is was naecessary' to save mug souse research work on diseases of a certains amuounut of ansothser of thur rar thur common fowls. earths, ceriusm, present. Thur propor- In additiotn to doctors actumally prac- tions utniversally used out mantrls at tiing, thsere save heena several unmdrr- presenut are 99 pants of thioriuma ho oner graduates froms othuer unsiversities, sutch of cerium. Thur earth frost whichm all as Johns Hopkitns, Westernt Reserur, anud the thorium andu ceriuss are msade in 'lnes. Then, too, status'of thr slum- Itis country is found isa North stud dents of liar regular sessiona save rus- Sonuth Carolinsa, its what is knuowns as thur traced the opportunity offered ma thur Monsazite sanud. sumsuer to do more thorough wonk in This invetiona of thse Welshachs the lahoratories. The total ensrollmnts matle, as it is cabled its this country, rats over tselautndrd usark, over talf hroughtu hack tmuch of the trade which of whom were oter than those enrolledh ste gas people had host, as it gave fire durinsgliar regular semsesters. titmes use lighut for the samue ansounut of All final examus itt the unethical depart- gas wiihste old forms of fishtail sun- met will bar off Friday nighst. tar sad douse. Thres the electrical- people, anoused hy thsis stew contposi- DR. HUBER MADE RESEARCHtPROrrSOR. hiost, developed the new Tunsgstens bur- Dr. G. Carl Huher of the Medical users. Theta agains, out the other hatnd, faculty will hr ahsenut from Ants Arhor tse gas lighting coman ies turnaed out from Mhuarchltho Septemaher of eachs of thue use inverted Wuebacht, anud the end of mirt two years, us counsequenuce of his ther nmerry' war is sot yet. havnimgheen appointled Researcht Pro- Prof. White showed atm interestitng fessor of Eumhryology mm tse \Wistar tattle of the relative eoniomics of the Institute of Ansatomy at Philadelphia. different formas of light. The relative Thsis is a uttique position inmmthat it is canudle pourer of the effective light wiih the onsly research professorship its Em- ste mtay obtin for liar saute outlay was bryology. THE WOLVERINE 35c---Balance of the Summer---35c Together with Directory Numbers Phone or Mail your Order Today Press Bldg-Both Phones