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August 09, 1910 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1910-08-09

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4 x 5 Cartridge
Price reduced 50c each day
beginning Aug. 5th at
Sce it in our-I' Vindssr
E. E. CALKINS, Druggist
324 S. State St.
Pins, Fobs and Spoons
Optical0 ' Dept.
Fine Wat and Jewelery Rlepairing
216 South PMai~r St.


Tri-weekly publication of the students
of the University of Michigan Summer'
Editor-in-Chief-DANA E. JoN-co.
Masaging E-ditor-LEr A WHITE.
News Editor. .... Dion S. Birnsey
E. R. Burton Edward It. Robie
It. G. McGee Bturleigh Jacobs
Erwin F. Koch It. M. Calkins
W. tLeRoy Perkiiis
Advertising Manager.. Richard Simmons
0. 0. Carpseiser Johis Bonilla
W. G. Beasley
Address: Tiuc WXVssmVt, Press Bldg.
M~aynard Street, Ams Arlior, Michigan.
OfficeIHours. 1 :30 to 2:30 P. is. (laily.
Both phones, 960.
Subscritiion Esites: tLocal, fifty cents
for the stumiiier;iiailed to aiiy ash-
stress for twenty-five ceists additional.
Ailsertisiiig rates : >Futrnished ution ap-
plication to the Maiiagiiig Editior.

Departments Will Be Gilven Rooms
Together This Fall
'This suiiiiier a ness arraingemiieit is
lseiiig iiiaie for si-seraitdipartiieiits ini
teliiterairy sleparisien-t. Ilumwasissis
and the iiscissoes are being slifitdito
liffernt roomus-, siiil departmen-uts sre
gathesri-ilothseas nea rs A iss.slls-in
one pilace. Thi rooiis srei- smg ri,-iii
bls th new-~ sudntictcior-. isii ii
It shioiiiuli e biisiirisi- indiiithaist in
lie fullows ig clsassificaionii all iioo
desigineitforiilaSs aei ssgndtolidse-
paeti~r-:siiii e llltosi iiusi - s--sgs-l isn
I aiiicsilir itieparis-it ari- toibIe-availa-
let fur oilser deptiartieitsilwhen iiot usc 1
by the- depiartmiiinittiiWich the}lii sre
assiui-sl. A\cissinhg to the niiisssichemsi
ii-reeisiii t omo T-ippan hailii
adin thei Mtecmorial Ibuiliing sihire
sssss-lassssĀ«isilllhe- islid. tatins iwill
ha ll osit hr irst floor sof tlie slial
llilissg.lie c-csiiraotrisos-if t'ivii-
sity I lall.iThe ldeparctntiofcusuctics
w li-iisl mve Irom.ssTappatn HaI sll t
IVest 11:11is there it Wiill liisa-riiiriii isi
us-suitsclsssssiill iiii-t iin the sorthI
isiii oif.Uives-rity- lullsshere asll the
iiiomis ionlithseisuts corsrsidor iciipt Sot-
In .coi switlsbe ssvsitabsli. 11heIti-rsmis
deprten wo cuIuill Iiaiei silt ofithe- se coini
siisi thitdfloosrs sif thesmasisn hisll. IRg-
lisli wsill iemiiiiiiii in apaiiiIlalwi

111:CT'1lO, BY MR, l1tEWS
Stiitc ItS sit-i1 \ I-StiCCSS
IThe organ r-ecitsil given byi X:s-.Rich-
ard Biggs oii Fi dayiafteriison isas e -1
is's-usc-Is hs gric ts enthusiaiiiit i
Riggs iishiia iisitet ofsi scting hIis-
comiipo-iiossinsdI presriting s iriisi,
pnuhwtiivsthereatesst icontrs. mu- lighi,
Iriliinitipieces instiesesidamilt
hea i umbes Out Ispuich ssirrtse iiii
s ie ii is tprepts ion.isii Fspecisally is;
this tue- usi -s-eistri-o.i;ii ani ui f iteits
Ites ifciplayieisd iiias usarkedswul gssoun
far sdife t i l thei univsit yii ofglii
frmit wso- gmiyds-signe.i i
P i igg s is c wn t interpreh- i on ii oifI iis
liste e il ist s is s plasi sc 55055 s i-isis'
tirecf iriggiii sirkisis deifliaei
' i-us isisfs i i aint 1,Si. ir J S-s . Inctsic
crs.mIm-bensisf the Rogerstsoi-is
ind it- sus t its - li Ii bcyst O Wi-i thei
i~ila tp s c swieimoti s-sioi5.sic i.
Thei fS ona- in i,-s inori -'-ciss ane of-.h
c-s Tle:s tylissi ssus-- li-sc-taitsst.r i sn
sii-tiiitsske Ip:ihetcvloistsis kisNO
the fgu, isadeie tepi-asi-Ittisislsi
It- Xli-. 1 hog- Peitc-s as5.-isis by t o ti



Xe are showing au exten-
sive tiur of Sumtmer Fabrics.
T hr assortmsent comiprises
everything that is ew and
liitiby in denigin, ; roluor and
quality. We rann say withn-
out1 cx gg--ral ioin our stock
tOis 3-ear is tine mo t list-id
some iwe have ne-er sho Anl,
a d isill readily appeal 'o the
most pariicnlar pateton.

M4i1sis t o IiI -thudrsu
Prnr5-sol':-Ti-e Wolveriiie.'rise
ittsiit-iiiDaits ly, sheAlimiimus,'lThe
ticw ti-isoNN'lThe G a rgoytle. TisiSlits-
Sa Teh ic.tiots Sithistliiiiiega
Assicsaii 'iyti-r -esine. 'osi's
Giri-sa5t out ioisissisiait. Otii-tatui
Ies Dirictoisry. Nuss-ter, . . 0.A.
Iisiitishi. si-isissB oot Ulitis-sity
iii loostiiieenii lassgsagss-.

Press Building, Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
All Lovers
of Giosod Soatsindsi
tathVatiVisv-rsity ilsan-
p cyi-.ansidetutal s'acsinus
d ic ous ielso isc or'antists
sryuitiiiChocoirlaite-." tOrinoltd
Bast University Pharmacy
1 .1isiots lsiiesity
university School of Muskc
Aiissii .A.Ste. A.Al., Diisutuir
Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26
Reigiulare-ischtlyeasr einiitiiOcitoiier i.
ios s i n all sti usuisie'siof Itusic-.
:30 Artist IT-eachers. Gsuitosins-or
illusisit rat riiitnda.
C AIA 5. 1A5. S. otciSierieary
Mat adSist- 5. Aim Artsor Alits.

e-s stio ed ini risomss 200, 28,cu . iiir-icie s eleci. -htic-nsiiswa s tlissisci -
Edtr dvEDADH.Rsn, h dprmeto Reoit-ill b s ii-i-is tpuce-tisiisbsiliancysitslt-
in \ esit1,11,sccupingsooIts.i
TURN YOUR EYES SKYWARD- oh isistic-flrst looandsisasllthescon lo.Oao" .Ilb nrosi 302 isetisth Iis compsossitionssstoous t sls aove
STARS WIL CXL.TONIGHIT Oslu -sh sil l thestI. Nieither-tir hessvy Hash Cs isue
alid ..o4 iiliin the north wig. XAuroomiswillnrteWdigCou yFrle
h avilable hss-furcs-iss in musilssic sm
XW ith c-ear iweatheri- tonsights sut and c-'ii t iroc-ssisI csliu s 'asrr id withcs-s heso oes stI-s es t -ehs
illisusw ight, or shuouslid he aisle to see p Ian sHalirminis the ha sllofhs ry sve n te e oilb itn . hsus ontatw ssoeidnhfoutisslc
a briilliants showerrof shootsinug star.~ s, ticv-ri ittu scsnoiinC. i trls sucIstsohegrs u
suiore propaerlysumeeoroidhs, inithue norths- aTfis isSth20lasuitehuetalsioite I sushibi
Its htsggs ,iusiugwitibesuused.ssr.lsuit slu
casterns siss Thuese -sowsers c-omesrtwi5cc- Sr.suscs dci-. su is siteiis c us tus-uthise
a yer, usn Xugust anud Novermbher, Itsd usc uuiu s supublt s ug rf hs ishhric sillt hatucsc-stoiihisau- thati he
iio ic b ilin , heSo th wig f he itends -givinug.sairesitloce erys- monuius ts
use suit conufineid to onr orhswo dasit bits sut uuchemistry u ilin, his- s h 1 siru"su usss i s
sue strechled sins is-ser a couisidtcraihly cdaringitt- uthciestscismthsngstcyeari
cusse e iusod. ThurAusgusts shsoiser iss uecono ic ss, uitd all hescias-ses inithis
bhiusltest iow-eu-er this p-eca-ons thue sinth s ibiiii t ti iseet ereis isis iss s i-u-is-s i hilt I (IX \' (till ) iitS
ind sushi,sind msay hue observ-ed isinthe ps-dilii i.T'hic irsi ndsei ucondisit ii Ii tS RtOiT SI Ci . I tt11) tLt.A S
viciip c-ifthue consstellations Fersesus, wiill hue evotetus oi'tie subj~ect-s iniPoi-
w hich, absout us osclocks ct nighu st-a-bi tiirsutSciece-suc c I isiu sis willi asoss Wihiat saucus sosun s-san i st tofcut-tugs'
seen us nu the unrheast, jst hbelowsr til ae tur hs- ucs i fthe sc w ie roomlls 5s. oin ailargsecity- usitlh ca cust siusu
hise \"X or isisesitest chair sit Cassiopeia. liPhiooilsui ii is silimeccinusabuslti- is io studyp is bing-s demns trated
Th sow riskn w: s vaial te sul plcein th orh vrnhyis tst usdHi)I.t Chafccts whor isft thus
den silt-" ciusplaat- ss it i s ssarked hut-ass rutsilsss 12,u. - I 05 a d also itih issla stepati meniisu It hisuisersityto silt
increase' sand deccre ase ot intenssitys te piisch gcu htli u tucuii uhIe r he sministrt-.- Chaffeeh is uelliknow
ieridlaetwseens successivec umaximua b-huetsserei115u and ~t i utsusiius aiuisugasnamesor hsimselfI
slug alot-scs i rcty-furu tecsirs. This usyi Tihe matshsemaths ic isismen wI l iavc inithes silt- sithillstraiits. iI iits usist i-u
Ihr explained by statinug thats tile earsth its ioomssinus tus nt r thsi i ng-, lli ro ms ssui st pstor us fst hssJcffesrons treetis
doe noti'5h alsways pss thusthur centseiss-trct hu si Is us ils 41 ian cuscschlis' his sidt iu-
sf it(hi metrun cluistcs, since thei-clustei (nesc ooml i t, uTIappan 11xit s itisi bIe uss f tenItiii i iion to the sscsil iproblaecsc si
covecrs sa large fhelis orue positionsofstthu fr 55 casses iusmus heatsu iscs, roomi 102.utecii. Ilec ently deli ir eds an ill]hus-
earth's orbit.- A laser disrcoiery sowsi Aistronosmusup sit 1 sessim utvud to atsani ra te etresie c tritsng actsual Cs-cus
thasstsrhe August streams follossthur pathil hi whsuit loomilob i hsbe ssd ditonhs h at iii his'hiss burst 1i5to purisit
sit thur press rount of xa82, whsirchis hue Classes ini isisics anidstcemis stry rciteinisthroughiiheicolulls 5ositther lre lies
toi retusrnc inialtoust 2004. Thursigiht o tei.riesptivei uutisis It sisrut his eii-cousill-s fsi Iis tsalk5NXii. Chasffee
isis-srA i ialg
thur "Auigus't showsier'' isaswasuSa pretIs wuill ells osu tci she hib seetnt 1 uspan pinted ci sull ths- oi-s i onissii cit soieiri
isse, ansd"griinds" suit "fussrs"' shou-si lt t. Geoluoy -s-itlremaiiu in he \ft5-5as Ii tt(, sisiu dt h mciti xi sinut usthur
lie swellretpia h-iid y lokcing suit of lbseir ciy nie tly i a e rm rc
seams for tsue molsst pasit, btilsomeis.isroom uihsssitisusy hs i- cr
.indowiss ciiithe se-it tesw ights, w i c' sirsevteds to i s depa~ rtmienti n thati ie tfosuisdIthiss eople of stheits tyi
she baisemenis t fthus 1Econotmisc suldinsg, iihad iBe c-u o crloo inug, d sh in lthatic
Stiucthuof thur Xlic-higsansAgrucicursal Ther Zooslogysdpitsmssnts .isill behueosused his madise sa closeprct-icalstudysiof tir
('ollege case heens visitinug anud inspsiect- inifhue soutshwi gofcithe iii'is usuisius suijtc ndsuthsialtie is ssots-fridtoii -
ihug use dairies ini Ypsilantui saidvicinitpy usheretills ecisndu ansut hunt ftlor siill phissshis sorictis ns
durinug thur past week.'Thtey haveirbeeisbehuessed. Bc-usyiill thIase use fisssitn
si-st ocut by she stairecdairt-inspectiors icifourts fuoossiusthure lsme w ig.Fr Novthat it is isalittle coolserasuithslu
liaisehsac-eriological tests of she mcisk errs siil e in s"XVcst Bh iatt oous I ~ l, A"p 1si rius- st i cucsdIc-I-. grtdioisi
andit nus hic csirtsh iivino cii hmi n sc nd l io a littleh artdiutwsoris
The alumnusi asscciioniciuof this uisibusildfing roocmss401,sndii tesc Cc suuiuc I
ierpsiiyh s sa paid-up enudosiwt-eicn t f sbuildting is-tice rcssu 0sot suitpsrs cfit Ccothballtprospctus fuscthsscomiig p-c-sr
usc-cusy $2oooothue bssemsenti isill tic used.i iarC higist.



W! E. Dieterle
Varsity Tailor
117 E. Liberty St.
Dry Cleaners
1112 S. Universtty Ave.
911 N. Vine Ave.


310 E. H'areai

TOM fL 0 ELL1 1109S.Vvelt
Fist Class Boot arid Shoe Reparing

Capital $50,000 aurptun and Prsfits $100,000
Ilen-al Baking Business,.a percent patd
ou 'Tinse andSinetg Deposits.Safety Dn-
tosit dsoxsto rens an $2.00 and upwards
It KtEMPF, Pres.iH.0.PREi-TYMANu, Vice-Pres.
I-1. A. WItLtIAS, Cushier F. T. STOWE. Asst.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital Stuck $50,000 Surplnu s $29,00
Resources $2,600,0001
A General Banking Business Transacted
OFIRtnSChs. E. Otneock. Press; W. 0.
Hiarrimsan, Vie Press:00. J. Fritz. Cashter
VV. J. tBuuth Jno. V. Sheehan
Was. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughsn
las. H. Wade E. F. Mils
John ttaarer Jnu. Koch
Prof. ti. S. Carhart Henry W.Dousgu s
Cihristian Martin Dan F. Zimmnerman
Bjerm~an ~~ nerelan t e.>gsfan
Conv. Meianand Libsn-tvStn-.sts
Pres. V ice- Pres.
S. IW. CLAtRtSON, Cushier.
C'apital, $iuoooo. Stirptls auud Profits,

Torn wants yowsnv old high shoes

Boat price givenm

ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS---French and Steam Cleaning
For Fine Gtowns, Waists, Woman's Suite and Men's Clothing

All Spots Removedn

204 Cn Wekshi nito nI


If youi are fuarnishinji rooms this fall be sure and consult
%1s, as it will be to your advantaie
Fsus-riltasn-, Carpets. anad Draser-iss 112-122 E. Liberty

121 Washington E.

RNDALL d& PA CK, Photographers

Phowc 598

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