THE WOLVERINE ANN ARBOR, MIC HIGAN,1TESDAY, i.AUUST g 910r VOL. I. I(). ALUMNUS CONTAINS VARSITYYCA[[ MCHO NTRS 6 12 E. Liberty M C FITRS Only one block from Delayed July Issue is Largely Devoted to Commence- the campus ment Week Doings Three good square CLSDAADRSEPINE meals per day CLSDAADRSEPIND Single Meas 2 Uc Te lytiisue if ~ ate "iciganioi $ 50 per Week will soo he ii tie handsfit als i t7 ryp Week h~iost of rcders. I Tedlyuit cu Sunday Dinners 35c oatthisissu hs eemt ticiat iiialit a unusualy late til ear te ; toal index ad toht ompeid, land M EAL TICKETS mtioreoet tie last isseothett l ear is altas art chtlttr gtier tat te Tie tmagaie this mothitnit is tie deotetd to t aitie s f lasutck Tie iacaatti ate adtress hlitI reidcrt p 0 _ H~~~~arry BBHtititi el tecon lercet rat attdrestPreietithtim" o of Brown tee i e sit} nild N wC 1 611 6D11SIG I teuei f i thi e tbstuof rtttt elt JOIJlNAL1ItJLDIN~ itie at r l Bil itttt Ofi ri cua itretarohedtal Anothereprsiens Chance te l retitpoitsd iso are outy t itt it - tortThosedWhooWantifs.iotire Rettittilt 6 'fl hIL E et iafle clarstifaryt i reol dt s JIfFN1LBVLD~ lduathis y e wthithnn tc" exaielltetras I t ;nt cci cre mitntcesis lts ereint d flad- c____readttttte tititluti o uginc Y o u t S b c i e f r F riS l Bacc on o f th Ii ou l s ar ni l o c m n o h i h r FrThoNaerWhFianttteino i te. itii s talritset di ng lt Wivn. i an "o" wertheldmtadwr THE W OLVE INE Thetr y ar F tteded. Tlef ,eree. errofte lgs to ite'itt irte NO SIGLvCPISe p taye iit ofeDt. tntellta it of ssus cnlanitg Drecory etAlu dn for illt t it ndtoati le oter, except tootibsertwho.sgat ues Twere paid. it tgie 35 O s. eTteaUttirethe liigatha Phone 960alt e to len alr, iutle abe i lthtac _______________________________department,_ atan iltittgt STORIES OF THE CAMPUS Une it h isttrftttitt istort stre per ;Irv 1iu oiit f lcitttintteret eiti be ettit toeltei pan rbite retto try atit'heitl I~alcrin. A" aunies villbe i ed itt tObittttt itatettitehe imietit ttite of the ,pil btiti- L, istutitt ait toes toitttHsoe tfiet' itthoitci itgertscat it leI bti w to oset.nt t htiseverctu itmusretta tli t ig ifiti ttce oft hetitit eseattttitttionwitt itt tattprsttt itiu-a Am n lilha evriitt ettutema itho unttttanste stitution.Tesist Ma cii o i t rvoutioaiseleaerr no -ndte pttttit ureiet tofite e pubetif Int ttrtetrttosetit ftghitlotait to jeit tur rnesal 1ti Itt intil itp iltter fwaet seut tieinttrtire criut reotrs t t ieorkuto aifuait timslftt o~tifs o h r sitait atiolit s' eti leane how' thitet r tientratt asti en\l tutu I st itAm irica tw ing itogtheitrt itd triltig is olowes h i e isrc cen t nI ctiti ii C utush untd tstlle ti alt siitat emrchaaisttit(-.ape'i-at tal:bu hehad w tied tatcleet r rise t theene y 1 sndng1is ettotoi hccu uppled wth ttsttdttei isti- tiiteicallit tlemto isiti tait ertehol 1 t ilt teitittaveea ..tetct ed tot i 'ci ii atit prte seitt w iti corii orof le capital.Iithiallofthe ititormationlt en tilt tii toi hi aneSB nll. EXPERIENCED TEAM WILL BE ON HAND YOUR A T Twelve M" Men Expected H A T B ack-Wasmund, Allerdice is worth considerabte more to I you gdonse than the cost ot and Magdsohn I LAKE TRAINING SOON TO BEGIN rtutu Amricta twe constatly htiair t e rle wrt llet'foritelont iFootil i conn . It it stilltwoli la ittis iawti , litit is' r)ittntg just tie saute. IThe wserItftoftbtall co 'tes art' lie I innintoig send (iii tit Itetteritoiii ri spic iive matial the subtstancet illf 1111st of whlichI is ahut Iit B iiis: o trainis in summerii tlt 'iici ve 1alet tiltaSce in tte cil. It t it t l estili astio -thit sie clii ;s ()titall itl t 1 Itst tillt atii he'til itas greca eastoIll oaf ile til i etik o fie bigit roeclit siet Ieal.Ifil ichitan il I 'tutu' t'oSNetilthe\I st eits ittmtitofsi t yeartitiis ietsho li Sr li ct omiie figure duinthite comtit- lilt exi teti oflil t erlti ie li l iiit Ims" tts ifotllowti it " I"illent ill tbe Llaic t iniolege e xi i' tti yeart't' :i Cil ptain estinr 9iitiiClist, tillnitFstilt ilsink- 'iP tc glI ane e }')p it cit Edmundsii totoiwea t I ieen a teia5it on Ilyi re ais ooiha 111so Sit 5catiteti t ic i '-ci ('cto. Fitake 'thelc 'tilt I I eeieI.Ts' men itho Iae s~Ittiit bttst il ity1 ill ttthi oi lti lt1a1re 1 att il Ittvlint pla ed eteisiv"e itte il t hetat iiti-fl tlisttitga'1111 adtit la uitit whti gid-al Ite h~i itth anCut tit N toaitorI l 111111 itmN\ lii thfelt . I t atwiltl ftlittbi Iild lita e tietplac e tet. xca terbs t tiepaels e of Sut i ile dii tan e faidi Wate tuu i 11111 Al i isl-A eittl estlt li wi tuolitf eh the etguias tiad hempoanil ifl coibendfor Ite pttosi tin. Oter In oillrtagt usepI aresotfarl c li s ii nds ' tosrteg e t es W Offlneotil allti th oatral sh ot s 11lttalTr inte N tlle Bacitte, till iitni sthe ltraithe to liarr essill irm lrbrin tte fouii teen lth, nitu t iesto istt inen firllibe taenitipati at the seutil te tin ing oci l t ot thithdf oas nttie obue'r. ihe studentNstis cthelcoesllioivitf1101 the arsity' setnehitinme f onlysrs orerf-as e atblievestrbor h Pure Take to eliat; e it iiiit~k lng ordinary xw'ter at hItillre of the year, itt let is stipuly you stit hgetui-free Pasteurized Water whictlt i ueuu yoautl t hart abstol utely liiienatnd woe- some drink. Per Gallon - 150c 5 Gallons - 50c Containers returnable at price charged. Delivery tree to any city address EBERBACH&SO COMPANY firtuater If-N 5.C. i S t Sit DeCtbt t'i22-010t l at e il'at Ciu>tutnit~t Ocer clii -Syti 11111.,It Sracti ci. Novelu em er i2- I'Ni l ae iai a S itu - Ncvt r t'ts--Ati iueii ta iat e .5th u'.or iNATC uR IN lilt' NO)il 11.t's; I' the ruutusli nn 1 n 1 -shedsantilcti 11111s fori I ii itl th i c tt S\ t 11111 il ii lost year aa itten tri n\e s t p frm its trck ci d ayut pl ile litou h a 1sow-slde, tutu ii i st fo - st'.ctuo a trialuu 1is 'u'?iii 'd Cont-u Crete. orril roasi lit kd hitht nut itnw il l te i111; 1ii in lilt tutui i i It ihem and ioboytaresitt i d a x r I i L ti Theurn11111 i tlt litries1111 11111 m-(T 250000 5volumieis. THE WOLVERINE 35c---Balance of the Summer---35c Together with Directory Numbers Phone or Mail your Order Today Press Bldg.-Both Phones