' tY 1'VtJ ; i l i; i .,_ -, ._v r m .. _ _. _ . ., y. ._.. - White Swan Laundry We do the W HITE SWAN ,Junctio"i of Finest Laundry Catherine and Work- Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue intect.Poeus anorder and Bell Phone 165 he convinced Home Phone 152-White WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOL ENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come whore all legs lead to. F. A. MYLES iM . 0 1 11 (Second Floor) 607 N. William St. DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound-7:50 a. in., 1:50 p. in., 4:50 p. i., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. i., 2:24 p. in., 5:24 p. mn, 8:24 p. an. Local Cars East Bound -To Detroit, 5:45 a. i., and every hor to 1045 p. is. To Ypilanti, 5:45 a. m., and half hourly to 11:15 p. i., also 12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. i., 12:50 a. in. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. in., 7:15 a. i., and every two ours Ite 11:15 p. in. College Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS SttsF OR YOUNG MEN Interviews and Correspandence Solicited Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at The Cutting Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 5. Fifth Ave. UNIVER1ZSITY NOTiCES COMING EVENTS. Unless otherwise specified. Stir lectures willS e given inc he Wst Letcr( Roomi, Physical Laboratory. Aug. 8, 5. i.-The busiesOf Greek inc a State Uisesity Pof. oer. Aug. 9, 5. sm.-Reading, fIow and What. Prof. 'Pstlock. Aug. 9, 8 p. m.-Care of te Skin. Prof. Breakey. V. Amphitheatre, Ne Medic tBuilding. Aug. ic,5 p. om.-Reccnt Deelopmenti of Gas Lighting (illustrafed). Prof White. Aug. it, 5P. s-Rec'nt Deveoment in Electric tLightig (illustrated). Prof Higtie. Aug. t2, 5sPii. uThe FoucrtiDimses- sion. Prof. ore. Aug.t, 8 p. u-The Practical Valie of Literatuere. Prof. Canildee. Aug. 3-Excssrsiosi to Ptsc-Sa. Aug. 14, 4 ..-i.OtesnHouse asse Con- ccrl at Michigans Unsion. RHIODES SCHOLARSHIP GRAD RETURNS FROMt ONPORD. Lawresice tHnt, '05, eter kiowisi to lie older studenects as "Hddy" Hsll, is isa the city for a few das. Snill was cise of the siost cosipu- oussscesn sponshe cmssc iducirisgIhis ussdergraduate dlas. Receinsg his ac caaureate degree le estered the lass deartmcesnt, ut left at the cnd of Iis isst year to go o Oxford, havisg wos ~te Cecil Rhodes Scholarship to Stal institutions While at Oxford Hsnll was active is athletics, asd wosslacres smasy ises for points tcrsed oIis aopittedt almca sales-. He fisished Iis work isEsglasd this sisumer, asd will etes- upoinc the practice of ass-is New orka CitinisSetembher. SET OF LIBRARY STUDIES READV FOR tDISTRIHUTION. A set of IUnsivesity of Micigas shbrary studies is eig sent out to ahout Sirsohusnsres Amcericasncacd for- eigncusiversities. Vesilice four of tisc husmanistic series hisisbien prearedl hy Professor Sasnders of the Latis depart mset. VoumeacItiser is ii preparatios acid wiltte out ini the fall. Volicmie ose eas with the sasie suject as the nc sass issuising s-osicthe press, Romsans History acd Mythology. The work comcprises thess subsmittedt hy cacdidates for advanced degrees,, four of which make tp the ook. 'De theses accepted swere: Stiiies ii Life of Heiogalaus, lby is Osma Fitch Huler; The Myth of Hercules at Romse, by Johin Garret Witer, sow a meniber f the Greek departmnst at this uisoer- sty; Rosmasn Lass Studies ic Liiy, b Alvins E Evanss: aid Remsiisceces of Eciscs ini Silics taicus, he Mss Louise ane \Woodruff. These unsiversit studies are sect out by each univiersity to oler uisviersities. Many of thesi are of lbhecatre of this onie that is sow going out fromcitlhe gec- eraSllirary. The proportions is about squat as far as distributiocn beteenc Amccericans acd foreigniv icser sities is conceried. The expense of pblicationi is ornce partly by tir cadidates for tir degrees, acd partly by outside per. sons isterested icc lie subjects covered. Get buss for those examcs. H'anted-BfyH college grl, tlace to care for cildr-ens. Addesvs. N.Y. care of Wolverince office. SUITS CLEANED. Brinsg your suit over tic Te Valet, or if Niou canniot affcrd liceSie ire citt gladlyt call for it. just casll 1137 L or 136 White. Sig valises ons all our aluiiumcii, State Street Has-dear.. Dig oxfordslse at Mhuicand aid For- sythce. Summcscer daseisig a: Lake House. WVhitnciore Lakue, \edcc,.sda acid Satir-- Guitars and Manvdolints BEST IN THE WORLD For Sale at' SCHAEBERLE (ft SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do the Highest Crade of Work I Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avene Call 920, Ether' Phone. and Ou.' Wagon Will Call Prom~ptly. R&ow~e's Laundray 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 Sale Sale STATE STREET HARDWARE ALL THIS WEEK Aluminum and Graniteware Sale Sale SUB&SCRIB3E FOR The Michigan Alumn ius. Andi s se a ec"thiceebysof wThe University of Michigan Alumni Association Al l aossriewllcei ves a special jil itgas rlportraitsofiDr. Angell Somacs: (Lbe Alumcnus is the arg'ent 5 sler onsthily so the country. (Lit con- tales the satest nesoasout the t'sis-erS-ity. and iditorial comment (,n imporsitant eveen. (Lit contains personal itemss concerning saenshers cit pour clans every smossth. (A volucmce of tics Aluminus contains the his- tern of the University tics the yeasr. (Lit publishes a series of well chosen pictucres evesy cmonsth. YOUR VACATION TRIP I Narrunigf yeur summervueation bo usre that partof it,uatleuet, iespent onc iheGreat Lakes.ItSisetherimost pleusantuandeconomicleultrip is Aimr ica end yeauesill enjey eery nucte. All tse importante purts of the CretLakes arerehedreegulryhbythe excellenterieeofthseD.t6?C.Lakue Lines. Theten largeiseaesrifthis fleetareef nderneel ontrucion,' prepelledl by peowerful enfines end hare ll she qualities of speed, efety ansi cenifori. The United Wireless Telegs-aph Sernice aced uhord. Tickets reading via any rail line betvween Deroi anid Buffalo, Detroit and Cieveland are available for transportationt on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. The D. &i C. Luke Lines eperate dully tripseseen Deereie and Buffale, Detreit end Cleveland, fear trips weekly hetween Telesis, Dots-nit, Mackinac Islend and wap ports, end two trips weekly hetween Detroit, Bay Cipy, Saginaw and wayprts. A Cleveland teMaekinacspecial steamer will beeoperated fromn June 25 te Septemnber 15, leavnge Cleveluaid direct lee Mackinac, stepping at Detroit enroate every trip and ut Goereich, One., evr-pother trip. Special daylight trips between Detroit acnd Cleveland duringsluly ond Aogust. Send I-conntestnip fer illustrated panmphlet end Greet Laks map. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT JP. H. McMILLAN, P c a. A . A. S"HANTZ, GENt. MGR. I Jav evenings. Complete Lin~e of Fabrics G. H. WILD COMPANY 311 Souith State Street Summer Sxitinjis Outbijt Trouzsers