,tIE ,WOI.VEiIINE? Tfi E W O L.VBERIC INE 'J L tMNiitf WILL TEAC H IS -A11ME'Rv'fli)INTS TAKE IN.' 1 _______AT UN1iERSIT f ''(VIC) G\ AN\Y \ FIE ND . ) NC URSIONS. 13 $25.00 4 x 5 Carridge Kodak (Sopworn) Price reduced 50c each day beginning Aug. 5th at $19.00 &c( i iour W'iowsa E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St.. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' Dept. Fne Watch and Jewer Repairing HALEfR'S JEWELEJRY STORf 216 Sonth Main St. TE ANARBOR PRESS Pinteicar s oltheSoet Body Prits o:of-The woveria.'rhe Mlc baDailylThe Almnus, 11iae Lao Fsvew, The (laagyle. The Nh'lah- gsl . e.hi ci, tigl Slcoal aaega Ameraian aoTylca'- leysltaana'.Yst" GreataiBook. onaa 'asaailall, cfficial Sc adanaas' Daeetsaay, NcwsLttir S. C. A. tialaaabola Saroal.a ool uairsity 'l'at-Boonasaain diferet laguae. Pres Building, Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan All Lovers ofood SdacaWater find that le East unaiersity I'ar- aaay i aa ideal place tr a delieious; ceallageaiae or a thirs aluenache r. Tal ua~e "Dflasa Caacaalal," laoal or old East University Pharmacy 1:19 Sata tUniversity University School of Music Allcia ctA. St'aley. A. li.,IDireactor Snmmer Sessiont, July 5--Aug. 26 Ra' la chooaaal ya'ar laaginas Oleller 3. Caiaseasi alllieraiiesolMusic. Ailili teal awilah University. 3011Artist Teaaers. Call, or sead liar illastratedi eala'adiai. (BlAt .F',S A. SINEK, Secretary MynaadaSt. Aaan Arbio, Micia. Tri-weetkly pulbication of the stuldents of the University of Michigan Summer Session. Mainaging Ifailoi Lou A WITE~. ,r,,dflor-in-Chief-DANA E. JONES. News Editor....Dion S. Birney E. R. Burton Edward 11. Rohie' It. G. McGee Buirteigha Jacobs Erwila F. Kocta S. St. Calkinls BUSINESS STAIT. Advertising Manager..Richard Simmons 0. 0. Carpeanter Johna Bonllla W. G. Beastey Address : Tia WOLvFcIac., Press Bldg.,I Maynaird Street, Ann Arbour, Micthigan. Office Hours : I:30 to 2:30 p. ms. daily. Both phones, 960. Subascription Rateo : Local, fifty cents~ for the summuer; mailted to ally aal dresa for twently-five ceants adaitiolnal. Advertisilng rates.:Paurnisherd 11p015ap. ptication to tlhe Managing Editor. MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1910. Edaitor TIoday-tDION S. BIaNF;Y. VACANCY IN BOTANY DEPARTMIENT FtILLED. The teaching force of the hotany de- psartmaenlt is to he comnplted stills tte appearance of Professor Hlenry A. Gteasons to take ltar ptace of Professor George Plunmmer Blurns who goes lto tthe University of Vermaont. Professor Gleasoia is no0w associate professor at the University of Ittiinois whlere lhc lass hecia for some years. He took lis hachelor's degree from tthat institutiona and after that wenlt to Columbsia Uani- versity where life received his doctor's degree. His teachiiag ill botaniy las heeam uniformity successfult. Professor Gleasoan has pubtlislhedlsomei twenty-fiye papers 0o1 scienific suhjects. IHe is a membaer of all thae natioanal Botanical Societies. This summ~ifer taeis conaaucing a party of studcents fromlf the Uiviersity of Illinois oni a tour ini the Rorc Mounltains where they areIhavinag a sl~fummer course of study. Professor Gleasoma will hcave charge of theacoualrses ina tlanlt ecology. aand plant phaysiology. Thinak of it! Soameoane left a little pile of imoiney on the desk at thae library lthe cther day, anad lnioinehais claiamedc it yet. Ed. H. Lauer, 07i, lassbheniapplloinated aan iansfruactor iaa Geraniaaa Laaagaaages if the Uaiversity of tuowa. Lauer was assistaaaf to D~r. Fluorer of the Geraama departamenatiiofahis auaiver- oily Iwo years ago. lie receiveasthfle Ottenadorfer M eaaorial Fellowsvshilp last year, aaad wenat to Bferlianawheare lie pur- sueda his studies. Durinag hliast altay, as assistaaat at this unaives vify, Lauier joiaaed Dr. loraaeriatIhaeditiaag of "Die uaagfcaa voaa Ocleas" fair lie Allyni & Bacoan series ot the Germanaa Classics. lHe also flank a conspicuoius lartin thfie produtionaa of ig'aaoa las tae fDeutschaer Vere in. Laufer asas active inithelar ily days of damaaatic randeavor upn hep artlii of the Vercina, and was lactivec in111a11field iliac infg all of his unadeirgrladatecears. MIvOI AS 511115 12'llliINS. Alicishers of thae ginerialIlibrary' staff gave aniniformaal fpartyfaecentfly inihno ofs- Mass Lya iBroomha all hoseas osnce a memberaas'yfsthlibriaary ssaf. Tl 1Broomhialaall is loss' wsorkingacinsa a nk~s librcare iiiNess'Yorkscall..Phliss Toiass entertainedci. "For a delightful luncheon or excellent repa-t a -Manssy studentas asecyl'amiiiag wsekh- cnd eacurs:ils,' sasidallobaservsinag pro- fessorse ctsller daly a iasahmec of upf:ople assed eiwih isctvily adilenilsul case's that smeiclldoffIrsait 'anl caks. 'ihlisummer11 'is wanilig-and iall fthose whailsea sesi rius ssattakh ige lilaof these weialns latler lie at iftI asnoficed file ala'raftecrnsonalat11 he1lea ves awcre lie i tosasag lii la.' svr ea sekis ima'y studientis asvail liiiemsselves oathiea nearnsess of such allesas N\\ iifiiiissor1 those ift''Zialee,' anl piiassa colelsofiiaisv thare. Othiecs gio lts ff11Cillof tIllStricaisflay theic vascalaiosncafrom1111ha ilfa ifeisauniversity cills.Sver'i''ialsae onestoisforeaignasovil foic a bieasf 11ime liv tI saaa iii' hefeccyata ietritu sisl gingi across115t1o1Canaa wheraic he\liiind111 illacticallyI Esalisis cits isa 3 sivsa l-Thhsanace to geltlon foigsoil aaf sisia toagreastanumasbec of liiistudes1: hereii athiasl summec. if sailt -til ifere lhcy f113 theslve'sssailt ale ciiits sasrcth iromCh aadsa. fail llsv faas'oseasii.a. Mack's Tea Room The psroper place to ak le your Service a La Carte 8 A. M. to 5 P.M., Saturdays to' 9 P. M. 0 o 0 E 6PtAVIN6DIESIGNI I OUJRNAL BIlLDING DETROIT Board $3.00 AT THE BIOLOGICAL STATION Not far from thel enieaaaercinag iampi, wvhceecr'alenineesarlie madse, is tiii Biological 3Sfas cifthlasiuniversity , ihe lilacs' salisics'comsasthI" Biosloic'i al I! li.a itit is assialidra l talaes ofdis coverys anl itsacountlasalofilhe wandaer- ings of thle Iteahingstaff. Tiiisstatiosa is mlainatalined for the hug-icitilch s of ftfe tuiscity'.ITles' ciii gasfiphare isa the wvildlsof 3lacia a ail huualfor hugs asiflthut ldstaurbinag; li efalefl slumberas of the campuias, andas as asher- tisesd, cilan"cs'saaia ic sthastaudfihefpleais- tire'ssofat ivfsummecaiilli iin anin-i vigoratinlg climuaite." Strange tales ace foist sa life at use stationI, hose thfatccr'epinag, cralsalifag tings gel into the tensandlascaulse cightf' colas wcathlan ias nidignaationa, lhuuw'tlie sand fdies alay asafloie ssime of tie faculty, and haowvssmeolithle flaclty promifise tfaaliate asiathe studaentl Isaiy lay wr'iting b ooaks oiiiheli'ufa'e'asstkins cat fly lutes. Sassa lisay' sas liaal aasigi'is --' scasi. usaorloatatf uacaas tfaae lotssa ' Come. quick to ogy5 dep aceItstatiosaedi i ife aswssais. 503 Eas~t Williamrs aboutith lak l~l theiiear asic inmiy, andsa ai's scsefitsd i th lii ssaaa si s a sia o1sef lie I 'sauldep. L vminr' rracas Ioas GREY BROTHERS thei forbiddisl gacass ivni solvme IeachaeBr'tii~ is iiglas caccr' thec Iassenagaecs aoala}a lash. anl alias if aexiloationiare amaade. intos thec surraoundiiliigfoare a sts i sahnC of hemmstritt bg.TAILOR oft liew osaf sat iini neLcin .\are fe o dlalu he has I a p sar use a nd Dya. iic is a whs ile aIjoke creepsfana buthaisaiasa alac l a althe ssxtraordiairysiii' safthu 1112 S. UaniversitiyAve. sheet', aldithe siall ize' Iflu.he st.and All file C slaiasil aa arerpoclieiaid 911 N. Vine Ave. waisf alas in his. ia reicaheo . l lii rIs- 1 letcisoeiesaehrssordedaisasi GREY B OIER Eastman Kodaks- -Photo Supplies LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Headquarters for Ann Arbor is at LYNDONI'S, 719 N. University We do nmore amateur finisinmg than all others pot together, and we do it better Tdank method gfives boat results. University Mursic Houise, Press BSiildingj Mayn~ard St. carries a cholce.stock of Class4ic a~nd Popular Music Arid solicits patronsage of ansnm esan tudsents Spring tyles Hats, Suits, Overcoats, and Men's Furnishings. Drop in and see them F. J. WUE;RTHp COMPANY 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET liEFt ARMERJS AND MRtlfANI S DANK MAIN AND HURON,.STREETS utial i$10,000' lurpllt and ProfIts $100,000 ,esarmal tBankinge Basiness. 3Ipercent paid s'liarisead OSain.Ilepaistts. Safety Op.. r(sasa lailas to reama at $12.00 and upwards R.. tEnP.ure. as. 11. 0. PRETTYMaAN, Vice-Pes.' 11. A. WaILaIAnS, Cashier P. T. STOWn. As-It. The Ann. Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $50,000 Sarpluas$2020SM Resoarces $100,000 A Gleneral Banking Busineas Transacted' UimCERaSaChas. E. Hlscoek.Prens. ; W. D. Htarrian, Vices Pros.:a M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANJ( DIREOgRoS: t'. 3. Booth Jno-. V. Sheehan. oi p. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vauoghan Sas. B. iWade E.1F. Mils Joke Haarer Jno. Koch Prmii. H ti. Carhiart Henry W. Doug; as Chistiana MartIn Dap F. Zimmnermaap Lemn e ai Cornn.erc >aj nand Ss .vtng.s Con- . inas sd Liber-tySts-eat. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oc AeNAROR, MICHi. G. 0. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE P~res. Vice-Pes. W.5. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital. $100,000. Surplus and Profit', 000,000 121 Washiaoton E. RANDA.LL & PA CK, Ph oto graphers Prelc S!8