THE N ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONO NAYAST 8, 1910 VOL. I. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIEIS i' ATOMIC THEORY AN ANCIENT SCHEME Gilbert's C1ocolates Theory of Constitution of Mat- IAT'I ter Developed Years Ago 17Tice's Drug Store by Philosophers DALTON REVIVED THE THEORY I/IITV AFFI 812 ELiberty Only one block trom the campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25C $3:50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS Another-,Chance For These Who Went THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Verified by University Records, and the books of the Telephone Companies "Tile year this unliversit asfune s11o14lo ve oeen tihe twen111tillhree1hun- dredtil annivenrsary of time 11111111 theory,' declaCCd Prof. R..M. A' ClCCI ill 1hilctitre l1st e1ve111n 111oiliatonlIand the Centli lliof te ti o1111m'iihor011 "Itenevoringto1111 ertI)'~5V iChe ll'. of existenlce eno 1p11 s 1ev tlopeoi theory of tile constittintl1o11f Ilatter 1 1' ain aggregatioln of inc~oile bsmll partocles, Oatom~s, seiartec oIccupliOIII empty space, 0114 ill motion ssc cessors Demlocrittis, Bipicuruls, nL is- retoos 'Illde tile theory on11eIof pure ma-1 terialisro. Demlocritus imagol'lind 11at11s of different sizes 0104 Sihapis; 5and t 1 il titese atomslO met tihey' fllormed avortex in whieh tiele arger ones liew1toIIIliv critter 0114 tile mlore voli le le41 to tile outer edge. Everytingl wasIex1 piained by tis tieory, tilatconIciv1e11 of thoougts0 tilereslt: o1 tieio111io of atomis,010 eaisily Oas thaoa tte111r IC emlpty space fiileod wiih seiparaoteat111111, aibsolute imateriaisoi. Tihose iieaoo Demlocritiius haveeenIC pr e'served oot througii the works of histfoiiowers, Epicruttoa114Lucir0till.0 I t we11(11 'Spirit is the sante 'os DvIi 11100115a01l111 --ill tieir toot 1111alsooi oto 11e0th same mietaphylsical Ieffoot. "'Untithtie Rena1'isance,latomiclosilec0- latioiis ceased. Gasseniooa0foliowersoof Epicuirtusillegan1thie05worit 1111101 10as carried 011 ty BoyliC Ne111w1tonondoinlly Daiton. Up itl Nesstooo, till 11o1111 -thory had beeitpoit fornward as 11n ex- planiatioii for thoo worio.t tit ith OilNeI-I toll a cihange '01as li introucedand isl- futrtiier witih Dal ton 1tile atomoocotheoryl fromti ieiiig a guess aot til ier11 seCe- camne 'aworinigillypothislOforithioox- planationl of thoe pheomenaloflIll'0sooi'oi 'ciass (cheimistry) o(f ose0rood falots. know soiietiiing of hislls - Br fac100tollito oos illsttisecoiidibistheil ito 110ato\ t the tgeof1fif ttIl was'lcitieoo to11 th11 a Scet ityar Itlerootaod te uniorllities 10111515o0015e C i oioon COe tea 111n11old toooo oo da111,1the rent 01,05 111 (lilo111 her1 do0011 taornil 1110 010110 C iItoos too spilo of theoseoboistacl esBalitonl 1,ooth adovaonolotag0s01litoknletw Ctotigtt !89S ottotCos thoofillst twoplets of 'S Nod t ' 510111of Chtotito Ciltoso- toil 111ereotpotuboli 0101111ill hs atomic litlootoa15 an1eoplonaottooto of 1thf tie s of odofitnooi~ te n utle pro opiortionts c onip1otndsIconsst of 11to11s5of elemeitso11 s owth10eactothrI t oils n1elis ooan itososatitotopartic; ooooatoil tilndioiiual tA"t Coteav otetitoic toot OhsissIsIatrueopitoll1011 of theoom11- i f oso IlI of1 mattill it 1s tooe 011110 15 tht olln other hytopotheosis-11illhs ftrirosh- (Aotolool o in111estitors,11111tis case toeililte lollthoot of ctotito lo 111asu1re- STORIIES OF THE CAMPUS l- fo til Captiotoonhot sCorie0 per- 111111Jing to ifoe ooooo 1110 NilCCboo' fooio fcof. * ill1'iIIol of Colo l ti r st wilbe1ot IIdrel l broewose to C111100ittot C foo' o' a ou te al i s O is 01 o ih rt 'rki/o it I/)andsub iti tsoo oroto .h i oieric . V ta 01s ott to'e 011i 11e11 00 itbia i ,boott/l 'leot'11me 1]o f se'witt' ClotlCO c cob 11111/ th11 1to re..oo' ' Sotfoloto ti/ bcl fasCclf tt onll~lcs to theoffie II 11011oo(I ign oo Ce 1000110' 1010s '1o01 henttolhe i0' 111110' '05 Iyoungero, m1 oCr' 5was kown1 Iof ttc oiItlo"rings aot heoC amttoIllis as15fid Csooheoiodividoatt ce101 of tte o nitils ,: re oncrne. to tsttol ttIt oone 'toIC boo t teeroooe sevealCt iets~l r nthepsyhoathc lrdthai t lollsootte Cnko 11111an0111e10000.disce0ed 0easo 111 of theootocopotto "Theitro wais greaIt '01Stc-'.atl11 f 1curs0 anottlO t he ito a't- e'idansandthso 'Os toransferred to .hCpoCle0 1111 110' tho s so on athie hutor111thto osooderioistaoitood. tos were1s1coly1 010110eo, ottoeeryC~tinig oooooootooown aso fori a1siegec POLITICIANS WILL NOW SPECIALIZE, Professor Reeves of Dartmouth to Head New Department of Science Here COMES WELL PREPARED IN LAW Becginitiing wtittext semescter 0attcw oetoar tmntil te organi7ioeerthat of political soiettce.oSevoraC couirsosin politicoaCClOinctooveoeetofottrediheoo Oit pi s y1010earstoutthey h'ot'calot poeci inoth deotpar tmetioCof ihistooryotaodit swas otnty a short tice ago tiat the' regelts took steps iso organze o no''011telysop- biate dcpartmlenot.i The uvrit0Coty ooas fortunlate1in oo- Cainn 1114tte0001vtoes of c 110 of toeoot oble1111 poitia010111010ntistitouCoo Piof. Jesse S. Rootvs of D0artotitot fill thte chtair.Dr.i/ceoves'ilprOilarationl aito tooaiiog torthtits tosit11ionhs tbeel ottoodtto atageeent101ttfom thetisi- less isorld Os wl so ci r0o1011 ttheclass 0100111 e Itoakiiiteotil bac1110oric- cooe frooitA11110rst 11 in tioond oos afterwaorots agrdutestdettJohnos Hopkoins. Ile thtioi htolifooiaye'ar a1 thte Woma0111 ollee1of1Bltimo', atio followe d thiis toy too ear10sof spialo stioyoanotroseaorciiwoirkiiiaiitly inoWashti 11ioontF).C.Dr.BR00v1s thlen boog'ointto' stidoflatw10 otoo 0000ladmit- toot too the ba'r in Indlianat oit t iSg oafteo 10hichthe ledtotsoveraov 00'erntto1 ndoto 110111nitci l posiins utito hito was10 a111 lolplodl~ sostoollliProofoessorof Polti- cal 'Scton1100at DartmouthCollttegcitt' 11)0, 01erio heohisobto n tot t eol 'oTt BUS totBICODEi CO1\tAlI t RS ANtD SOJOURN AT RESORTS. is worth considerable more to you than the cost of Take ino riat cc toy doo to- itog irdiotary -,oter at this tite of the year, it t t its suliy you sot, h geto -frey Pasteurized wichvit is ureittivy ot th iao abiooluteiy putre anod wihole- some drink. Per Gallon - 1 50 5 Gallons - 500 Containers returnable at price charged. Delivery tree to any city, address EBERBACH & SON rI'.MPTANY I TuGe IQuakor, atsolutietolytooti thCetoaCoof oosilo ot IaCCCI-suspecot toa15exolmined~ T Ge Itciii sire of tile Chuio , ie 1 sc iototmpe 11tedt oiCoear 011 1111 onelonte stooleis ttusrb oriiai scihooliiozg-1atthe age of to ICCC-o '1t'aCt gtootadICenstoppedi oatid51sotd You Must usciefor w he lie1wentoototahinto Stojilog nOOi'Unn quetionos andtptotCilro uhte l d iiatuiraltphilosotpiyo landiteaohing f tor 0 ICeeonet 1110 I slittle man1111a00 strollintg iio'iiovig, iie oecamii rst e it n ltscOienc, tat' . cr tf ot te sitoto plot- fhoot iiineeoroltogy, lter 0111111p101s 1111, 0lingwhtIC101004would 001 ontheC morowC aitidrryinsolcheistry. i A/tttf o 10 0Olttortahn nrgr o the Cotabloishmenot tof some1 nO for six yerroin i Pre'sbo'yt'oian coo11egte oo otlcabin lt s11111inotEnooa ooi' o'why W o iv e ri in, ?iancihester, iietted ut Csmll CI'ry-too'" tl'ttostoppeltingil ar1110 iaiooratory in wichtieosworeduotitto ieiafter 010011dtaknutoh0111 his __________ iec iecamefo usf.110015 L-tteol too ic theMa-'stt tfe.wnsouot nloutotltrom11 clioeoter Literar100 d o ito ltttosopiooclSo- aotmbutsh juomoodta 111001atnotsitcho 0 cirty ini18i2o" lito' toeo'ooo t si s oioool t oohail ? 55 tto clothoes tl t ooteha ir itkempit, NO. SINGLE COPIES ''iii ifoi he eCuiated he01 w 00'ce iousoan'do ees blazing iot" expansioit of goses,000vCOal ttotitm I tonitos00000100athewaapitureto:frigtmore 111 fore Gay-Lussac.Thtis foot toot theto i a 11110 00111ry o"age tie- of issues containing Directory fact of D'aiton' s oeininorantIIoolOt o thefoethooosotonistood camtpuos 1ma01cootld ecept to tubscribert. discnveries of contemtpooiesooere dot sp usto. iolas 1otow10totalt titmeoatt to a peculiiar chorateristic sto' of lsto te of thetat1t0110dCIandotornitl appearanO~cel science.tIi Germlanyo, sciecisOC15s.not hos ttiorooxoohiito too ettogrotitto, allo 35 O ts * catei,-the scienItists 01CC tn th io011iI tot outod uthim ith 01 0070. sitiro 0114 each it n nowl tsl0it 1s0go"ing1" "T'itre, oeolloet ablou~t y'ootltoter," iie Phone 960 sit. Tue saiie is true of Scootlatootaodot hisseot. __________________________________ France ButtscieincetoinhEnliotdohatoo (Csntined0on Page 3.? City' customls heiovaded liCt t'es tuntti I1 'i9 boom and oinooeoia0consiodoraoboe folowo- Allg. Not onltoeysC too' city 101CCits __________"___________ 011011101c0ommuootters bt th~te tilisersity VRiY1R''5 as0 welli. Thore studecots fotod tilecharms I-ARSTY OATOR oikO t tiS of iLoakeloonootoo pleasanti10 toIpendthocir' CiLIOYbtIAN IN D1,it/tZiii. splare timehlCieresoltCviioo ototo the ___ effects of thocrooi11iatohea1 from taril Shilelmientioning the 110'mtosoftt 10 covocreoi pave'entsliantdle00010 dao soetootl"11'5 successful t ottlto ls, ti l1 the An1111Arbor toainrois in110tosto ots the 110011'of mu 3.Ciec they- conto stiffoelo 15hundetr ith0111011011g 019litan r1lw.OIOC ~ tfc s010 up to theooog' stooetd ltohtscampus.015 reoently boon .07in~td toot ta0000 a HOnlyon011Csttodoent p71fCs WhVIitmoreC oorof lhs Joeffersooo on vt 1010 jvc iLatoC oithi its buiC11flteCx11atss of 0wati111e111it (Irh f iDtroit. to the los of 01the oriootit s lnd H ohisvey mth nteretboll oloobbl05IC r5as11s oftotss own.It 0y111g-70peoplIC of ttoecthurchoudeoto~s Coos wtilththeo' thes ftis Itife 00110 lausics h iito ng C01'IC aeies bofteop hori Cd101u11ringteln mreen1010ngs.hhOC C'Cthl o 1001lectureos upinooToebib I o olo of Othoirsof 0a1101eCr0111nttcotolln11and iTodav. des0510 fooi0hill/Clroot scitoolastitcat- To orotNoo 'o ooo"otito omosphtere, ourney in 11 thehieontttow- TeDtoooes pailgo it tnt tho souCth-aost, too 1100e tovwnot Ypi-toot Clniothe ihliomeofthtitorma isoites. The "Thte noewtastalotpastorofI too jof morning15c000s11011tto0000ryeriest ca005 feron lAsv0111101 10 Coto 10000 bootoco, bti those thtonicO inCtooeiocfoeoonhowas a 7prize1101batori of theoclass ofoioo/lt borinog sevcotrliv esity sttioecots tisaI tile Un111versoloyof AlNigaIo"'o their laors0ill theuen110ersits cots. Not a1 memberO iof thetoeoo too t w)rt ill of itoose ore ptiedyd-ith-to oo totbe tonoteOs t to N orotlm-oto 00111100 111001sitys tuts. Sto800110of thei aelel 0 0rsity. staidtdignioFied proessioonal gentIlmenO ir.Chaffeis 15 ve0110popular C man0' 1 10o toill tuhertoson,1 10001eoito thetoitotseotnO htheiampu 100-tot"' ro~t o h of P rofessor. Verilyo summerOC schsool OraoiocaloAsociationOoindtooeasur10 of bings a c0 osmtopolitan 010004 thevTooast Mastes'IC Ctot He 00110stuihtlat thy esIventh hooii Bettor to ilsaCve 11worked alot Ito ts oftcin saved. lever to loose sonorkdct aoil Headquarters for the Best CLASSIC and STANDARD EDITIONS ItfIA3C 140tue IIIand aways the pres 36uiIatng Mapnarb street Latest Operatic and Popular Music