:. , . , . $25.00 4 x 5 Cartridge Kodak (Shopworn) Price reduced 50c each day beginning Aug. 5th at $19.00 to it in our Widow E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S COMPLETE picaP ' N ' Dept Fne Watch and Jeelery Repfiiit HiAER'S JEIWLLRY SOR 216 South Main St. TiAE AN ABORPES P. iotce to th St sient Pintrs of:-Tie wolverine The Micahan Dlaily, Tie' Alumnus, Te Law- llovia'ai. 'ito Gargoyle. The Mieh- iaTehi.High ScholaaotOmega, A erle an Tyler - Ieysone, Yost's Great Iitoimnloothat. Official Sn items' Ilia-veory. Nes-ettr S. . A. Hadok vi. orosi', lok IUniersity 3.x-mios in ii illret langinuas. Press Building, Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan All Lovers ofi Good 'oa IWaters fid that the ast U'iiversity Pilar- beer tos neideal paceeore ieliiiousiicollege ie ra a tst Try our e"DatchaCoclat." lo oroli East University -Pharmacy 1,2lt South university University School of Music Albert A. Stanley. A. Ml., Director Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 tiocol a school year baggins Octeoier I. Courses is sOltbranchiesuofSMesta'. Atiliatealittniviersity. 30 Artlistleathers. ('alte r send(icir illuestratedlcala'ndiar. Clt.StLES A. SINK, Secretary 1la3nacal St. Ann Artier, Micli. 'TH-E WOLVERINE Te-weekly pblication of the stdets ot the University at Michigana Summer Session. Managing F'ditor-LEE A WHITE Editor-ina-Cief-DANA E. JONES. EDITORS. News Editor ........ Dioun S. Binay REnRERS E. R. Burtona Edward H. Robi 1. G. McGee Breigh Jacos Erwin F. Koch It.A. Cakins UaaNESSSTI-C. Advertisinag Manager. .Ricard Simamos . . Carpenter Jolhna tomlla W. G. Beasey ;Addres: Tang WOVEgIE, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street, Annl Aror, Mictigan. Off ice Houlrs: a1:30 to 2:30 p. n. daity. Both phoaes, a6. Suabscription Rates: Local, fity glent for te summer; maied to aay ad- dress for twenty-five cets additionala. Advertising rates : Purnished upoaa ap- picationa to tte Maagiig Editor. SATURDAY, AUJGUST 6, 19no. E~ditor Tody-Dtoac S. BaRnocs. PROF. WHITE OPENS SERtES OF LECTURES ON LtGHTtNG Wvednesday afternaoona aaarks the bae- ginnling of a series of two letres that are of interest to the mthole univerity biody, thae series that deals with thacree yeat imaproeenits i itaing. A1t this time wheani towns aad cities are all dis-. cutssinag some means of street aidilta-v naglightiing plants, these lectires given bty aaemers of te egiering facultyv pca mot T'he inst lectule ittltic ly Professor White 011 "Gas Lightiag" Professaor While lias cliarge tat the laaoratory- maiataiined as aaa experimaeata tataioaa at liar city gas works where somae stecial gas light teststnsch cave aaaantmade ltel. tHis lecture will tic illstratedt ly the different styles of gas lamaps, adit dif- ferent sstemis of gas lighting. The lecre following on Tursdlaa wiltieal with the subject of electric ightaing, and will te gienliby Professaor -igbie of the eectricat euginerig de- partmencit. i-i, too, will ilustrate ii tls with lights solwing te differat styles of the electric lamap aad the maaay ways of conlecing elecric lights for alt purposes. A discssioaa of tha' relaive aierits of tae different lights siltle enterdito sby theidiidall etures. OtItO STATE UNVERSTY GtVES NEWSPAPER COURSE. Another state uivrsit tis brokeni ato tile newspaper iastrctiona 6fied. This tie it is the state university- of Ohio. Mr. Harry F. Harrinagon, for- aerly a welt knowna nespaper ma of Colnaaahts, Ohio, tas beatnmadeistuc- tor ina English at the unaiversiy adsill teach jounlalisnatae comaing year. Mir. Harringtonaleaves a simtilar post at the Ohio WseyanaUliersity. T tI.T', W )i.VI, N i 1 SENATOR GORE TON SPEAK Blind Oklahoma Senator Has Had Uhreat Career Oane of tieaiaeniiaostI inilharpublic ev at itpresettais tvheybliiiilseniator f riam Oklaliomta wio hat jesti made som senssatiaoal thargets aaitli viofficiaits higlier lop atllgovernment-aices;an aslis ito appeisall rs-ereis\ttatfallolasl ecasire caourse. S'eauatace Gsa'eisreveal- atig haimsevlf aus alightiiig amaliatfroaviahla Clewa soaai ast. I liv aise in iics tins tieenacomaratliils aidalfoll leshas bieeia tsr just a fewaa3-irs airsideant of Oklahlomaia. taR, BHLt?(BY \11',ILL, DISCUSS "ith.(CARtL O'eTHEtiSMIN." Tuesday ev-eaninag at eiglat o'cliack thae last if the series of maedieal lectures still lie givenl by Dr. Breakey ian the isest aiaphithaeatre sat the airea amedical buailsding. IIlis stibject asittli e the 'Care of lie Sksin." Dr. Bre'aker is a man of maciaexe- leeece iiint'eseical professiona. Af- icr veeinag a great lamaoaant at service ini theis'viitair lie restaumedllinslprac- tice at 'Amit Arboar, hiainag toa quait liar iarmyi3 becaiase atf swoiaaaas receiv-ead. Saooni after, Profe-ssor tBreakey baecaaae conneaictedlaith the aunia-ersity-, anishas bein aiamaemater of the tenchaiang staff fur a1 csaliiierales 11111mter if y'ears. tie is a memeatiritof numaes'roius tmcdical sao- cleies, andal has puballishedi several ar- ticls't on imedi'icalt, scienatifir, aadsthter LECTURE ON GREEK WILL INTEREST ALL TRACt]ERS. 'The afternoona lecture Monsiday will tic by Proafessor Camatpbell Bsoiaier sfthlea Greets detaartioent, soin the siabject "The Fianctioni of Greets ini a State Uivier- sity." The splecial proleias that arise ini aistate univiersity ian conanectionl sith the teachiang of Greek eill tie coaisideredt. 'The lectiare is mne tint wiltlibe of es- pecentaliterest to tile teachers presenat ini the sutiaaear sessioni, ansItas baeea pirepalred fairitais putrpiose. Professor Baonnmer is a gradnate of Vainderbailt Unaiversity, ashare tae ye- cciivca has bachelor's nd his miaster's idegrees. tie thaeiispetat someaac tieat liarsvantdiwhere lie secureod his doctair's adegree inii tioo. While at thaat unliver- sity tar sptacializesd initiae classics. lie thenic spent a yeahr abroadv, pairtly iti the Uiviersity of Bherlini, anidi partly in Italy a1r11 Greets. Proafessor Boniner has beenta here three y ears. PROP. TATLOCK WILL TELL, jYOU WI-AT TO 0(O AND WHI-Y. TDlv regalar lecture Tauesays after- hoo ill tae lbyPraofessor Tatlock if thec Fl'gisti depaartmaena.tin "W~hahto to and1why aoada it." larofessair Tatlock is il istd an thle anitoaauacemets fair ''eadssinag, Hoass daulWhyti.' Itihis lee- taire Proufessoar Tatlock still otline the neccessity for reaintg, ivill toll howit i st~huldtie donte, aniilswhy. Last siuamaerc Profeissor Tatlocks tauhti iii the Utaisersity- of ('hicaga. He retitriied to this unaiversity at the tbe- ginin gtat the coillege year to coniituct hais cottrses it the Enaglisha depiartmaenti. Heis tile aithtor of sieveral texts on Eniglisha stitjects, latndtis atlautlhority ion Oldt Eiglishiatid Chautcer. h11tchC::l. SCHIOOL RECEIYES ht)NOtt FOR RESEACHiIOPK. As a tIritaite ho the researcha strl:t.htat is aseiog;sdoneasy hiiie local pattholoical NEW FOR SUMMER- We are shsowinan exten- sive hine of Summer Fabrics. The assortment comprises everythaing that is new and noblay inn designs, color anad qasality. We can say wills. out exaggeration our stock this year is the moo. thimd- souse we have ever shown, a d n-ill readily appeal ''o the most particular patron. S'entoir ThoasiiiPI. Core. S. L. .. Seniatoar(Gire isvbtaet'r knownmv as that tbilid manam el-oquenst . Sinice is-li early years metaus be hanea i tcappedishbiitotal hblindness ma slots' ofithics'h tic tas itseci eatahletea o tha attre tluta at ay ohms men am otiisom tlfot'utate. isclost liis left eye at tliagabssateight layhbvinag accidesnatally- stauctk by