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August 06, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-06

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VOL. 1.

Girdei thin ca/ion shi/mai /)en /pe-
_____________________________________lainiin/t10{e ca/n nsil be pb /lis ed
Sna Dner Professor Berry Subordinates lmn~lininnayin teal in/n etl cinn/ be eon
SudyineiCd / C i oiiewse s sii C~ omiehinigli
_ August 7, 1910 Literature, Art, etc, to irnnnnnnnnnnaounl the capuis/iina!liert
Price, 35 Cents All School Sports 7 l[J7v iP7 Conij nn,411le sined in
Skpbi/ion, elt tnein/uint the he/i zcr ilcrn
a Cream of ent Soup DECREASES USE OF NARCOTICS i/i /be /iibii/ei/ht coniiiento the offceei
Celery i/hy
Baked White Fih Was Beans Z___-- a inature.i
Fricassee Chicken with Dunmpings
Roast Sirloin of Beef, as Jus Tihe lot of tiene mi h iiiiSiiooni of ITl n/bou i th ecoimnt i i n e
Roast Veal with Dressing Reigion letrswao gven a st een- ir totherday'cItia usnin i nedimore
Mashed Potatoe or New Creamned
Potatoes tg inn Newiberyc a/ihg Prf.C i.ifi arliiiamongnithe/nfeminiiinnne mrs
Green Corn on the Coib Berry of tie Dninnri inn ofEduaioin iofn inohie n ninra tafi inhn conunnithnuan-
Appie Pie onn the "Renat/iniofn i cnene nidiAth-/ nno ni c iin ilfa finrtic omii i nnmriage.
Huchileerry Pie lein/entontie /kioinnl iiTo i ne iio he Shomi Eiei mm igii i/n i inpno ssrn ifnlicii re-
Caramei Ie Cream with Nut Sundae Tietnt/n ni nu ininin iin ini ininiisnntin nne iinnn ico
Iced Watermelon "h usino h eaino ysw h a vstn h irr a
Fresh Fruits giene and athltinc o inn eimcrinn in s if/n inv iioked it he i/murderiiousiniescpaidem/
Coffee Ta Iced Tea the nchonl," son/nt of./en r,"iI T i/m asi in H igh nn Tnoninrar
Milk th/nk, bonnnd t innxtn/nanoyn/i/ h iieni/n isii stii , sin/i mu stis sin/ i is t n ooniiii
_ broder annoieperineiinn i/in ofmniti/e i e n ir i /n e re inil ssin on nihi n ni/o in/nnn
lat/onm of n/chie/nnm i nn o tni inn/n. in inound.i Al/iani/timi re schol n
SPEND AN HOUR "Thnrogin i/ncsninn/nofiienni/inoin/inn inminiand-hiiginnchoo/mi"irifessorssn
T O RO omnpratnve annan/miphmioil ogyn/ni il eiiioc-nii/n-nin wayi nonysnnane nn e
T 0 M 0R R 0 W psychonoywe hvlnrnedinhnn t in i n m rciousinn nmorel nil kinog
at th nmentiilin/c taks plac inn omeun bef in/oe liiinin ei/o noiref ne lana/i
nHR HnFC RIT wth the lunctnoninn n / o/ n ~in ig fdlnt ri nnnsoinonneniho/ihamiibeen wiin/ig
CHURCH OF CHRIST center. Thisnn neins ti/n-il i/ne mu/i mifor nni ainnhortredn a nti/in-c nage is-
BIBLE SCHOOL of nmodernedcat ininotmeeltsiiinniin iin-heon/dtclo/k inn i/i
Tie-Tue The Place neeiopnment of ti/n ninln-miiin/ 'i m i i ciin /are s o e dlfll omed ounithi/ehoin/m.
12:0 to 100 S. University Ae, nn ind pende l cnnn mni n/n i nt niy n rte h oi--cliinn inn/nt h ie gnei n-g in
___________ educiconn of i/ni-mmm ii li nin n anlioiy t- iabu n/natiime/ n inno nonini/n'inten nal c/n/i-
get/nr Towardnithtiis iiii an//n/nic io. lags of oniitiingatnil ei/i vio-nnn-iden/,
We ave an efficient cors of tecers oc/olnoo inhav i nc o nizedmnde i nn fornwinnh/ nish/r i lks o nn nrnr i/e atec-u
-good maic-a happy,
inlpful nchool ter-schoolnimesooed e s tiabinin nnl i in'mtnb in d thei/no i/ikugnahbeiu n i/nin/
o tinG ekshv eO/ mo noineinvmdnandmi t n inoe iin nices- nd nt/ iietiexcied,. it
1. A Class fo Young Mn is tauegtby /s entinmnatonitht iv inmes as mc / ann iannniuse
Dr..LCBckan a geadate o teine noney in noon inign npent. foratinn in eo juist ihne ut- n- ini"ndnla"frm Chicaegnn,
_Unerity of Micingasn and a very
ean le i in ugife .00as wons ni/Ot inn ift cr ,,, I hi/i/in mi n g. -eis/ iin olg
fl.A~lasslsvYoeungWoen t aught Y.' Tt. C . h eiicCinnc/i, ini Sc i /ni mn ia;. tenitd aso curson iinreited
by rs 1Tni a caiturd Crist- Settieimecnts inc inaiakeningnm ito n/tle n ict umi inow o ni nif llnithexi/ teS imen.
Ian worwi, tinnt inysnincdveo ntia bas i nt i/rcand itie/ivindistrs 0faltep -
III,"A essfr Young'Married People
is taug~t by DrtG. P. Cnnlor, win nrndno -iiiinontsnsini
isbeetsteaching tie Bible toIni- "Fromnita/tl s/atis/ns it hs ber " ha n ta m nupi/i'ninid 5prfeso .
verity ortdents for ifteen years founn thaiti he re/n c io nninn i, nseof ro i nar
Be is nose givinig a corse of et- narcotc y hig in shoo piin/itois idu i " /ih, enltinoel m a n n n /i ah" ise
rea oi Jesus as a Teacher,n nni i iin in
_________________________________________ p uin tenl nil in 'ino nine tintingmmmfi thnei/ n ewi ina/irriiveoatlo
one thprenciples gofmmmc nit bi lmi/n SaeNsoh av nminimued th
FIRST UInTARIAiiu'N CHURCH tinrn inr ,l n ii h igh m/nsc-imin mtin-i-limtinliinim mnmf-uineniilmm
CONE BS o - y ANaD sURoON T ReT , 'int n/cmi s f i/m iig innoucnn/nfor thnn t i a st he mi iimlm n miii tmmiii ncmiifmm mini
ENRY WILDER FOOT, Miisnerimoral n infle mncmofmmhleits mmiih i /mn baemnni the ommmmiisnsmonli/-
no a noical a/m c tIn thai/nwm atnon innn ei m i/ir, n dmmiamnte. io in mii indn i/e
Seriic, tomorrow Vat 10:30 A. M., per ciin f tiinboylimit isisianen/i/isi mfo otrs thei/rmcmu/lation stk a/me
Sermon by Rev. IL. M. Powers engage-d nin/ihsihomimithlni/s nni miin i/pie somniintmeh inge hatiiiiimi nnoie.
of lHaverhill, Mass. on/en to do -inntley minion c iiinn - mnnm n / h m min m objm/iee mii mooini
SSUBECTnesntriotus innthi oolnn cwo owinniothn/e ti/miNIm/is/no inw /it T eP/n o fii eso n
nrict reqemntin s 0/f //he Stile itmen- c meito herlid. Cainnfin/l inthe rnmm-
"HOW to Become Acquainted oh n/
W ith God."ysc oastc. hsocimti"eii ca fors. h te irlic
in conc/innsiniPr.I leinn i d,-iniTalk - c meioi -nrm tenhaenio sfey
ing inn/o coinsideratini l i/t/it in li/nia-Th pofssr miil iii in liiia ndmmi
"* O tu e ro co. tennom ri sin dao/ingimostiia reomen/n-ni'tie emoin ni i of imar i n//eme
for tlimo rinn deveion einoni t hei/n in rin usedmi -i
tscoo gir ndmmmioy. nn/-nm'leci rn "h- at, mau itei/nt i/e i /spnt ei
ms/bin c tedn to-i secii nn, c: oa v i on o in hnm/mthi/icsaimi sc-mi n--note
n/ip of n/nosian n d miimiiimnald l pi m /1m bit mcm t iii mtenlnencieiln1g
P MAIN W Ve cnndeveop'eal~ iitieroies tm/n nl "i/ins jminwi t i"sidtepo-
strcongr nmins inn temwatni n/n lmt n mii n omni innmhliing n n itapida ite spec-
}. y owakiening i/e ihemlh o ni f meni mm the i/in ni-/tfaminimyi
e th tehers.o-- -
4~ (- - ____'-- - OTIn/Inli / il i<i mmliisi iiiio -siniA.
A Lternatureeof Cmrins mnm in /mw -in r nkI iBekmanm i ~n Lit mmmii nm/n/e
subjeci'of 1\Ir r ed\n e rr'/i intnt'o Sn- of liost is i/car .le C/u /n spemnt et
a±day m no n lec/tirn- mt /inhe i/I/t Sminim nt' o urmlis inAn Ahum r hi urim ays-t opn/ping'
Gin/c 3 as l um- //n strenint to-rom- offibni weinn mnim ains n hs'm t E -
0 ow t sth ifhofasoe o he rneIl/n i lnni ma/i nn 1/ itfrommiNewn
oe of tie iile in -inmin uai nn n-in/wh t ich /or /r mnhiem/inn S neo-
pj y Ej4 16.hasprovd.vrlionpnulcarn-nn i w/i th im/nonmmridnn in c moln nd miin ci nn t on mo n o
.JEVtJ1lNAi sULDN essin stdents. nmic/nin/nol innwmmmoi/ihem/pning ofi col-
- nun iiULDNGi eg h epc's/icc/s it (Iomn mI i/c-
DETROIT 11 l etbuni on-fr toseoexa~ms.no landmFianiic and Swinzlnd.ii

But Concrete Reinfor ced Wth
Steel is a Nineteenth
- Century Invention
enmce inano bemnmo mlii/n inrem inonedm i n
ried n to enlig ten he gneralpii' ,dmu
minr iunh onl-i/n is t r ol£ , lit
minaio n/ etin fo cdn ].(ii1s fIll
Tndthu/ ns ea /ne th minil' i C-,
i/tocdin tefr liof ciimi ~l
tIe in /u ndin iii mm iii nii d
mti c c/f/ mmimm i u n/nmthe min - -ri m"m
i/in in much inn/cm1 'm imu nt 1 / u se cr
i/inc mprein trinn/l/i h in im/m c
bemii i ron s nd/1 imstol ii n'tnmnmumemnm
'i/in ee t riy h icuisiti ' , ii i
i/icompilium/ion rn ' -
t c iii orgm mm ii l lC it c i
frouicmsit oinn n n s in '
Cocet,1111w/ malHlonto
i cheapertin th ecl
minm-a i-ninr, ~u-m/n- inn m- /mimi n miii
ion toniemin miii'm niutheium i soii mii nd - m
min it Buiai h a/e iiin r o
n/mntcwasi'lot im inmInn 1;
mmciimnso, eivem ptht ~;,1
use in prl ati ce.lim- ' m it-i -
Ion 0/inecii tilcveopnu e-n iofi mu re
eu finncretei has nun-n ain'tloo i/ oin es ,
i/iac m tmi ti ca i/ni nini/uliliml can-
nit i/mim bu c/in in ertin liits
he exlo/ ii on by iii 1colt
i/mu co ii e a en te r
i/C //Ce i tisn/iSr
AN 0/i/i i// SI" T////I5
/-,hb/ING O s1tR=
ii)DiTi C//huTOi/iTHnilCUU
TO IC"T1/ C i/h\I Fm I) NWIhu
NIFN hh1til h/hi T0h/NT
N/-h/i N \IICI/IIGhN ) T

P., of' c 9or
toil 5,1 m to mmumi'en/oG
/ w l .1: Ill
"tudenut f oxledge
of the ~
X i0i/lil b mmmc° -i i tll/i /
mire x e't1)Ic
in/i /inn/

isworm en a1 tom

iii li! .
mug mmC 111 't % , ,
OF/ OI-V2-l' ~ 1

1) in annuriio'

onlMine/ it/wimll i 0/ lyou With n-in
ainamm/nnc-/y /1/mo- antic o'ne-
Pet uaI'on 15
Containers r'/naz, ..he ohprice
chargd to.B/ey cI
any ciit /r s

~%ni~e*sCTt ~Headquarters for te Bet
LIL)~tC iF~o~ e ~and always the
irez seIutmtng mma~aro ztrect Latest Operatic and Popular Music

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