?R W L V IN .e : ' .. _rrqp w a tp. py + -p '.=. .s- .;u.y.; r+ ,c _ White Swam LaundryI Wed Finest wi in the cii be cor do the W H IlL SWAN' Junction of Catherine and 'ork = Detroit Streets ty. Pone -and Fourth Avenue rder and G Bell Phone 165 nvinced Home Phone 152-White WHITE SWAN LAVNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. F. A. MYL ES (Second Floor) 607 E. William St. i 2 DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:50 a. in., 1:50 p. in., 4:50 p. in., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. in., 2:24 p. on., 5:24 p. in , 8:24 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. to., and every hour to 10:45 p. to. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a.t., and half hourly to 11:15 p. in., also 12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. in., 12:50 a. in. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. in., 7:15 a. s., and every two hours to 11:15 p.im. College Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS S hTis FOR YOUNG MEN Interviews and Correspondence stlcetted Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at The Cutting Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 . Fifth Ave. '- UNIVIRSITV NOTICES COMING EVENTS Unless olherwise spefethe lturcliie' wilt be gisen in tthe \WesLec( tit'Root, Pitysical Laboratory. Alug. 4. 5P. mi.-Reinfo red Masnr. Prof. C. J. Tilden Atug. 4, i8 P.-o.Julius Cear, a reitl tu le gives1)y tie laisinShaes peareani Readinig. sity IHtll. Mr. Richard ets lii"" Aug. 5, 7 p. i.-The Reltitiniiiof h1- giente andt Atletiic , to te Miral Tote Aest. Prof. C. S. Bere. Aug. 5, 8 p .---DaIitltoit adelthe Cn- Prtf. R. M. \'etley. ANOTHI R VIC'l'OLAt.CONCERT SATURDSAY AT 'T lEUNION. Vitrola etoncerts ae proedpopeiei ~- ular at the Micheligani Unioni that le offiials ase deiedltotthateanth r Saturedayesvenitgtf titteek foStir )i f the sittmtier sessioni. Biet houtse wisl be held from 7 :30 oni, tatd it is hotptd that a large tnutmtbersill tueailthetsetsves of the topportnity ti el aqinitedl i this sway. Mlemblers iof the faceuly a th ilers will have short itftrtmstl talks. etiti stoitntg tutd retinltg romitss sill le throwni open, thteiall msa ejoyt the tie SI-AESPEARE CLASS \WIL PRESENTJUIIUS CAESAR." Polowitigte Elizaethanetltstomsissift havitigtno seetery, te sutmtier seittl class ott Shakespeareantreadigill lresetnt "Julis Caesar" this eveiig it Sarah Cawell Atgell IHtll. Prf. R. D. Hletliser hsso strtranitgel it tti each msettbesof theeclass tos tiplet, teletit ctatigitig for etieltcte. 'ITe recital isill eutimmentee at eigtl o'loek. PtROF. BERRY SPE.\RS ON ATHLETICS ANDi) OR.\IJTF. There sill le a lcture Friea eveintg at seveneito'elock itt Newb tery 1Rll by~ Professor Berry of the euctitniitdte artmsenti of the aiitrtl. Hils stilt jet will le "'The Relioit of Iyin atte Athlsetis to the Msoral Tote." The letere is opento i all. Prifessor Berey hto eIess atIhisititi- teestye three yetars.Ile etteieriee froit Berti hslere lie sei tse tie ii speialsttidy. Beftre goitg arai Professor Berry feceit eis hi lace- to's degree at HiramitCllege, tand tas ati itstecor there fr smte tie ii the history' deartmiet. Tei le iwetito Hatraretwere le tol Iis msaster's andidcotor's tdegrees. Whilie at thelet- tee stootle speiaiz e ii piloophly atid atitial lschelotg.iHe wsnithe traveling fellossstwship i pilooeto e Gertmatty, wtheeee slet his timie at Berlitn. A proineetit itartiig Itousse miaatger is reportetd itto ae rut rtei ester clay, 'Why, lthesater ii Ant Arbor is the best ini the state 1 "Thetn it's a pretty ad stte fertesaer to be i," replied the guest. Pedestriatissiltsal to Rassotvile ext Saturday. Before goitg fising see the fihitg taekle at the State Sreet lardeseare. for childreet. Addlre',..'5. care if \\ olseritie offiee. SUITS CLEA nNED. Britig eottrstiuits "er to The Valet, or ifiyou ittnetit aff itoredthe time se will gladlye eall for it. juit catll t1t37I. or t36 \Vhite. Big salutes ott all cite tluiium ttt Staite Street H~ardswar.e Big oxf~oredstile it 'ellitittiland Poe- sth ~e. Sitsmtier edantcig e Laeee House. Witmisore Lake.,\Vedeseta aittiSaturt Jaty eventings. Guitars aaliiManzdolinsM BEST IN THE WORLD Far Sale at' SCHAEBERLE 8t SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Call 925, Either Phone. and Our Wagon Will Call Pronptly. ]&owe's Lauindry 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 Sale Sale, STATE STREET HARDWARE ALL THIS WEEK Aluminum and Graniteware Sale sale SUBSCRIBE FOR The Michigan Alutmus Antilcoe atn it theebytit The University of Michigan Alumni Association l Allt osi s t i e iltree ivea speialliitegtvure portraitlofDr. Angell Som t s: t 412 hu Altiumnus is the lirgest college tmonthly so the country. CIt con- ; tains thelatest news aibout the University. and editorial comment on impsortant evitits. tIt entains ptersonal itetms concerning members of yottt'class evtery tmontht. 1A svolitten of the Alumnus contains the his- tort oh the Unive'rsiy for the yeiir. 4121 publishes a series of well ehosen pietures every tmonth. YOUR VACATION lII J N arrantging youar summser eacation bossres that prtalf its, atileat, is opent inste GereateLakees. Itnisthebost pleasanteand esonomsial trip in Amer' ian asd yeauewill enjuy everyesnir~ute. All teinmportant parts affiss Creat Lutes are rece eual yteeclen evc fteD .L Lines. The tenlargesteameer fthlis leet are ofmdernseelieanstruotianl propelled by powtserful engines and bates all the qtulities of speed, safety and comfoart. The United Wireless Telegreapha Service useed aboanrd. Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit' and Buffalo, Detroit snd Cleveland are available tor traosportatioii on D. a C. Line Steamers in either direction. Thte D. &t C. Lake Lines oerate dily tripe betwsen Detroit and liuffala. Detrain and Cleveland, lear trips weekly between Tolned,,iDetroit, Mackinaw" Itland and way ports, and two nrips weekly btween Detrnis, Bay City, Saginsaw and way ports. A Cleeland toMaickinac speial steamerwillibe operated fraom Jane 25 te Septeber 10, ieaving Cleveland direct far Mackinac, stapping at-, Detseit enroate eenytip and at Gedesicb. Oat., every other trip. Special daylight trips between Detroit ta.d Cleveland during July and August. Send 2-cent stamep foe illustrated parriphlet and Great Lakes snap. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. MCMILLAN, PRES. A. A. S HANTZ, GEN. MGR. 4ff~o 1 Comnplete Liase of Fabrics 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 South State Street Summer Suiting.s mnmd flutin~g Trouzsers