TEE WOLVERINE White Swan Laundry We d Finest w in the cif be con do the WHITE SWANt Junoth Laundry Catherine ark =- s2~, Detroit u'G3Caf and Fourth rder and- Bell Phone 1 nvinced Home Phone WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY Ion of and Streets hAvenue 65 i1 52-White We are showing an especially fine assortment of IWOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. I F. A. MYLES (Second Fleer) 607 E. William St. DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:50 a. in., 1:50 p. in., 4:50 p. in., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. in., 2:24 p. in., 5:24 p. in , 8:24 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. in., and every hour to 10:45 p. in. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. in., and half hourly to 11:15 p. in., also 12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. in., 12:50 a. in. To Saline, change at Y'psilanti.. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. in., 7:15 a. in., -and every two hours to 11:15 p. in. Cllege Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINE ISn This F OR YOUNG MEN Itlerviews and Correepondence seItetted Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Col. W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Towne and the Best Place to Eat, Board at Th'utng Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals FUNIVERSITY NOTICES COMING EYFNTS ITiileesssotheerwise seifiedte l etures will be glveenin teWiest Lietre 14 cnn. Phy~sical Labioraory. Ang. 2, p. m ~.SaiahB ull F1iht(Illeslrace) Ast..Proi. C. P.XWagier. Aug. 2, 8I p. ini.-The hlookw iorimiDis eae rf . S. V. ariii. In XX ci aBililillieIe ci e lelci censPiof Dais.. Auii 4, n. .Reiiiforcedl Masiiyi Irof. C. JTilieii Augi 4Ii p m-Jiliiis.Cecr, ca recital toi le gieu n ytheclass in ,Sliaikes pearleani lRedinlig. Aug. 5,5 p. m.organ ectal. Univie- siyHlii TMl. Ricard Ks i g Aug. , 7 ip iii.-The Reaion ofi iii - gie le aiid Athlei, Iinliie MOnl Tone. Asst. Priif. C. S. ery. .lug. s, Si. mi.-Dallnandl lhii Viii leiiicl f le Atmil ciii lci. Prof. R. M. XX cl. MICIGALN \TiLETE SMAKES i(1001) \ITH I IITRIIT 'II7,RR. "Chiickeii Lthles, lii c yers ago1th h~ang inlthe peselnilscasll le wasi slateid, siiIhe ipes..s i, for thle ''le,, shire lie ii as lto 1m:t1uie for a time1. liieky [tlias fliiDctei. XWhlen leleliaiiiiacd M1riartyle- ceitllsreceiv eelse hacks ..Siimiiniis and1 bathiers lbegaliltoiilight iiouilorlsie ing la bltting .average' clse lto 211 ter eeil, whlichi is noiliiiancrecoririliia At the prese l niiieui''Cien"isu'i siiome diste e aeIfileen thegrea Mat lMyXcnyre. But11t1isi' l nei liiii ci thue sick 11h:t1lie s itmakiing cauiir fi- hinsef. XAs a fielder, aniiiill had lie is a leer asset to is litemi. In ias wih itihle ciuveti f LathersiandCii aVl:rie IO'Leary IthatlDetroitilmfiiiiiheriipace1. aiii start'eduponll tilt liprsesetil ithi for that ell keep Ithese Itwoiiiin e ame fore ai whlile, aitd ci le iili eciis rus. Thact spells coppruity forls Lath:ilers,an he' miay le expeceditl l 1111r w icn-i tiudbrlincith.lae ada PRINT SHll MA hS 'lTOO 51 CI I NOIiSI OP AC PT-JAl'l'. This iieek Ihe uiiiisrsily peint sill 1111ves lfriii the liasneiiciitheiiler lilrars toit snew quail~rers i Ihehae mentlofitheIld checlildn. o someie thelieorI: f theiookIind hasii liii d o the loorsaceiof thi. iii buiuldii- is remodueledcu, roii isthr affiirded forli liiipreses aiiiityle ases. "ulse"saiiilM1r.-1 lullaudtulhle suerintnidiienillofIte prit 11111,'le, ale diriiectly underniit eulia ciuly redu- ing table ini tlheuiagaine remn 11111the liiiar and'm the iiise is so distuiiringi thiat ise thoeugt ie hail beterimovee while we haul the cianice The1boo11liiiibinig esaiblismient wisill remain ndiieir the lirre. Noc lcsea wiorkc is required i Iis oein miiiiaii no resse's wiill lbe luccdlt10 shakec ti builinug. Juslnw h eiloyrIk ein em-i 1 ploees ccare ilusyc biiidingIthe lbookusswr iiit Iby lie sltuentisuiruig the past SUITS CLEA'NED. Brinig cour si civ'r lto The Vlt, cr iif ciii cannot afford hel lie ngeliiihi wi-ll gladly call fir it, julst ciil 1137 , or 13k While. Big sciluecs on alieoiir aluiiti 1, State Street Haredware. lig oxfouridsalle cii AllisaiiilaiiilFor- svthue. Snusimer Ianlcinig :: Laike I louse, Wh itmolire Lake.,\Veelicsela aiielSaur- dayv evenings. Guitars and Manmdolinfs BEST IN THE WORLD SCHRAEBERLE tom.SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Coil 928, Either Phoe.n cd Our' Waon Will Call Promptly. I Ro'w'si' Lauindry 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 Sale Sale STATE STREET HARDWARE ALL THIS WEEK Aluminum and Graniteware Sale Sale SUBSCRIBE FOR The Michigan Alumnus And beome :t ineme Lh It'y o The University of Mdichigan Alumni Association Alt1iiwhoisubise crikillrece eas iue'ical photiograv11t ure rit of Dri. Angell Siiiiii'facets: C'ilt, Altitiitis is tbe icargest eollege mointhly in the country. (LIt con- tinls the ntest nlews cacbiet the >L'iuicisity. and editorial comment en impoirtaint eentls. CLII eontains pelisona~l items concerning imembers of yourilas'11eer iy iminthi. (Litvoluici ofitIe Alumnus contains the his- toryvoiih Ietlutiesity Ice thte yea.Culilt publishes a series of well chiisen pilitureeereymonthil~. Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 5. Fifth Ave. LffUR VACAIONl i1±I' J N arrngingesyenr suminrvacation beinnre that partoeit,at least, issp nt en teaGreat Lkebs. Itis tbeimost pleasant and eonomical trip in Am~ee- lca and youuwill enjeyeaeryininute. All the importianepaoriseof e" GreatLkes are reached regularlykbyth exucellenteservieef the D. &C. Lake Lines. Thenten lareesteamners oftifleet arefmdrntelont~ucin, pirapalled by powerfelllngines and bane all the qualities af ipeead, safety aid cesmfort. Tbe United Wireless Telegraph Sericle used ahoard.a Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit ant Buffalo, Detroit and Cleveland are available for transpotation on D. & C. Lice Steamers in eithier direction. Thse D. k& C. Lake Lines operate daily trips betwnetDaroit and Buffala, Detroit and Cleveland, lonretrips weekly beiween Toledo, Deiroi, Mackiac, Island and way penis, end iwontrips weekly beiween Detnoi, Bay ity, Soginaw and wuyprts. A Cleveland toMackinac special iteamer willhbeaperated fromn Jane 25 to Septemibar 10, leaning Clsneland diiect fer Mackinac, stopping at Dennois enre eerecytrip and at Godeiceh, Oat., eery niher trip. Special daylight trips bceween Detrtit ad Cleveland during July and August. Send 2-cent stamp for illusterated pamphlt and Great Lakeiamap. Addcess L. G. LEWIS, G.P. A., DETROIT P. H. McMiLLAN, PatS. A. A. S7-HANTZ, GEN. MGR. Complete Ulhre of Fabrics G. H. WILD COMPANY 311 South State Street Sucmmer Suzltingis e&rnd Outis TrQ #eri,