1,1 HE 'WVO LI. RI is __ FULL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies D~eveloping and Printing for Amateurs E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S THE WOLVERINE Tri-weekly publication of the students of the University of Miehigatt Summster Session. Mansaging Elditor-LEE A WHTE. Editor-in-Chief-DANA E. JONES. News Editor....Dion S. Birtsey REgPORUtRS. E. R. Burton Edward H. Robie H. G. McGee Burleigh Jacotts Erwin F. Koch H4. Mb. Calkirs BUSINESS STAME Advertising Manager. .Richard Sitmmots 0. 0. Carpenter Johtn Bonitta large,' r his s ll ii t '«Is~c is a place' 5to i spi's()I- ' 1 I1 s' Hall t s' 5'i 'ls ts5 Is ifs hi srt Th r srcsn e t 1it' s t t he 5. i m itt chatrge f' h < X1 cl ins l 1 st crf li t te lssslss 5 "t l uit' sill dent ori st ioot'ssissit, it it still gist Ith tl t its o te~k rgiz st ltios s IntheIs elks ofl tse p1 li. 151 Itan tis, 1stilts constiti is will h 1 on aay Nvsith a ras arn issg fore patriculalr om fo a lref tiset'ot tra att .t l illsle "ilt ss itstoicetilt . Butts'i s tt s s ist s t1n ist silts] tt list iu it'rsity, bsst in s tsis 1 .11os i h c 'it fasvoreds. FAMOUS INSUjRGENT COMING 1111s11 s'rom ine ty 5itothe pubsilic' t, sis finaully, fosrsed Ihists iltsoputlice life. Il . sl-is sleetedl Its I.' stgrusi.stind st sst ttt litingtoIhis lectutres sty tthey are powerul i dsi e tsss trisssss ,is .t givensbyiatist'nifithtstg tnitliosts S U M M~jiV ER adwtakensilsesof ighst tll its- lit's. '"Itevtelst lie sales its' esisves Iolit true. Nots mass 'itsillsitwiths itesounds i sit Isisvice's, sir lot:t k iltsoIhis clear, tult stvisng ste . d s ubstls it'e htsstyl osi hisi purposet i. P Tetti eloquencesof tisim pa sits's I rto-tlh irills atds swys'l s u audtiencet' ndstiss elii pieopli' e sreaize ltat liit it ~it it'e ae ddr the s'elliofa mtasts'r m inid I tce's thessfotitsunta ttinha of gvrmnadit yieelds tipi the'gratndt est andimst stirritig tttougthts. Wh iat- Ivrsis ltheets, htistsr.dspia istti'gtvi's We are showing an exten- its brilliaincyti ithll ithmst iiditprs sive line of Summner Fabrics. itsifn stheatist'slbrttush, aitdthis sa1igdmncatcaofhe ros The assortment comprises tha aeeists tsited tpontheop's~le' trought everything that is new and slihgedis tilts a stre'amt of tltvt, nobby in design, color and Hosnis 'Ianeit resisblsitets fre."r- quaolity. We can say with- Dept. w . seasiely Congressman Murdock is Fighting Uncle JoeC (annon Addreas:TnE WOLVERINE, Press Bld~g., Amonthotslss s litsakest liisstihe Sts- Mayntard Street, Annt Arbor, Mbichigant. tests'Letreisu .A'ssoit io h s tsecue Office Ho'urs: 1:30 to 2:30 P. us. daily. fis thecligs ea t sss111:111Vi 111(111 lis Both phones, 960.arsteiell ein te if ) snaitsn.at preset. Suh 11(11;as is' n ssmtttit Sttbscription Rates: Local, fifty cents Viectir Mittdolts iromtist ssisa're its for the summer; mailed to atny ad- thit ndissi's eeo te isloga dress for twenty-five cents additiontal. thsey «isgi' stiltswiths sits lia eakiittee Advertising rates: Furnished upotn ap- Cannont. Nir. -Murdock tis is .s sits plication to the Managitng Editor. fros thie 'West. lie it s ting ifno fearish s andits 1 titlesisis e. Fl() So sltim ite hst' has bitn i'll iii5 war sis' t lts itle sass eeJoe its the stite if as.s, an togthe TUESDAY, AUGUST a, 191o. spelter sall liiecart's handuslit. 'Alir dockissssatmanttwhoith'ssts~ssisssood it thte iilusteltby h 55is ' 5tit Ii '55 stitdIhis Editor Today-Eewtts F. Koco. ,sttsasip. cis a1 ittitlistino ony slits's iis ilt. tsays s ins ithl DIRECTORY COMPLEtTED. a forethat sets Ihis litrerit's r~i" 'IWith the issue of the Wolaverinte for steeiitthoghsitsntiewisqiests sits. Monday of this week list telephsonte _______ directtiry of sumimer studentis is comt- plete. Mistakes there msay tie. Thte msanagemuent has takens especial eare to vtrify all street numubers antd phonets nusmbers as they were registered. For thte reumander of list sumtmera special price will be set for tht paper. this price to itnclude Ite numtsbers if the paper containting the directory. All subscribers tot has'intg a compliiete tile otf thte directory 'say obstain thec samie by callinsg at the office ansd statintg thte copies of the paper which Itey tdc- sire. A call for the nsumbter of ltepaiper wilt facilitate fintdinsg the otte desiredi. i't. At this time we wishs ts thantk lte :' muemtbers of the telephotte exchtatige whto tate kinsdly assisted us itt our sturk of preptarationt which the directory hs ntecessitated. Fine Walch and Jewelery Rlepairing HALER'S JEWELERY STORE 216 Soath Main St. THE ANNARBOR PRESS Peitesrso 1it st sds tt Prnstertsf:s-'hetWolv'erine'. Thte i4tis'l-anttDasilyT'.h'I'Atlumnttus. Thte LttisIt'viwThe t'Giar'goyle. The Meltt- i-n TechnicItig1 chooltsit Omtsea, A tsss's'teTtt yle'r- tKeystotne',Yost's Ge tisoostsonits tbtalt.ticit'al Stu- dentts' DtirsetorsyNewst-LtterS, S. 5C. A. Handbook til. SosrosisiBoaok Unive'rsity Press Building, Maynard SI. Ann Arbor, Michigan All Lovers oitftfloodSodta Woters fstin sisaltIthe Past Untivrsity FPhar- macit' s its ideal placeefIsle stsliis cos'sltt'icie or ist us's~he'. ssssit"r tttslt 'tssseslato." sot ors'tl Fdast University Pharmacy '115 s oiltl niversity University School of Music Allierts A.Stsanley. A. M5., Direor Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 Relrs choolt itye'ar beginstl Octobe3. Cus s ilt:111 ranhotes if Slusi'. AtiliattilwitiltUiveirsity. 30 Artist T-stes. tall, or setS for illustratedscen'dar. CIIAOELIS A. SINKI, Secretary Ma,'ynard'tlSt Ann Arbor. Miect. 0oSt exaggeration our stock tltis year is the liot t hanod- some we have ever shown, a- d wilt readily appeal to the most particular patron. \Rtil? 'OU 'tIiili? III bPS YOUtHi'IAVE l'ft II i t'sK'\ fRM. ifEtyon wiai1i t tsnow'wtltstisthesCause if that tiredi feelinig that mes'wiiith all Oiter-' itsdulgenct'o' sit mmertttts' isorls,' gio ls t ' i th uwst .'ssnisitsestret' of lit'e sits medicatlti buildingisg' iss u's'i'sttt at tight 'sitclockIt'andltsee o atelt'e hotskit'rmiorsnst stsPierhsas 'oitthavs, ittd perhap''stsysoushavisnt Itdsn'tsl ma ttr gilyt'abouslt tseisirmtit thltlitlired' feel'insg, situdssobodyit sill 1kno(5whelite' sus l'sst l t m silit iont.,IProft'ssort Warstthins thought thsitsatines of tlis n siersisudelln utinstshiowiwht"asit iii i ma 's',r, a soss hsus deit esito s give tlis sako ittsonsits l i ist u suis tDise'as'"' 1 ini s :iys one1s is liketi ts bit aflfecstd, 'ands nosskbnos5it, steletar'e is opts')sll Professsotr'WONt.tis aoung- manp sit, bu s'i~s u''suthe ha ssbe ttmtan tut'sit s n i- sei~s. iiIn Psi8( its'lieuwasi'radualtedt't fromsu thesmdicaldtpatuetu 1isflthissiunit's'- sits. iSoonste ts'hsss iss.beae autsis- to'.ss'tus's'tats'icts' iu' si l i ltwasmadhienu- Itrutotinpat uhologts' bky tutth' su- Thenex ea hCw~i ris'e] Iss thss'fsll pfue sssip15insuatholgy, and]gists t Is dircosip usf Ithiesthotttlogic'l ttlisluth r tst'racic llsP st tlis' adhsitubishedsumerostuslscetii' 1 its ssia Is 5]litrof /iegle'r'i (=tsutrst Ptho slogy,'tandthis tdistediliteitdepar'- ment ofspathossogy inthelilt' di tio sifs ths teference . Isuusitssolt of lit ssss'ssl ssssthe Ass Isoi sitoXAmeric'aui of 'stsltss gsiustssits] Laceriolosgists, thes X'fsoiths itsi 'Amert.ittn XAnastomistsi ill s' o ie' st i of I' sps uiuus'utsut ttediie , liTshe Soity forIsthitSluttu tnd rseven- Isltio suits Is Ilissis andt thlIter- profes- sion lSoiestis ad us MOREt OFFCtsiROOM. Now thsat University Hll is bseinsg re- msodeled, would it sot be the propser tisue to consider establishinsg permsanuent offices for studenst organsizationus hasvtug businuess to do with the studettbodsul and lteptublic its genseral ? There situ' organuizationss like tihe Lecture Assoeli- 11011, the Unsions, tise Csomedy Glusb, ands othsers, that have tickets to sell dusrinug ltst school year, ansd seats to rtserv e. Whsy sot give thsese organuizationus a rooms where they nissy sate desks'? Give thseum a rooms someswhere that lte cast tail their owls, a root'swhsere lte' smay hsave telephonse connsectios tsial will sot usake thems deupensdentl upontheis good will of s0omt othser organsizations. Last year the Lecturc Associationt stas comspelled to use a cornier of the Alumsniu room at a disadvantlage 1o itself, stud at ass inconsventience so the alumnsi offi- Sucs a root' does not steed to be L.si A.. ' 'ttut til..,115,t I Sll ust lilt lti ' . ls t lls' Isti h h a tioft h tore, andsu. i t Iiliust ht I mis ll es homt vole.i t'rl sis Il55i ' t ts ithti made'ts Isls fits ' C 11TO ' 1 si 1,) sits liter.Mrs 55 wk coeisuwrll itr e i ll he falst l. l a Iill. 15 s)issltll fss' lies i i ltss u I i,- s his u's st is pitsusies. ofe issrlsoaul tsp sussus 1 alldtutu tel s w~'i s'ut sai11_; hilt hils is all 'itss itt this for'su the stlu sI s/i 55 seret isl sade.'hlip lis' forsce'fuldt or i lurs tt's' ssu 1 s'ssss5 We E DieterlI Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St.j GREY BROTHERS, TAILORS8 and Dry Cleaners 1112 S. University Ave. and 911 N. Vine Ave. GREY BROTHERS THlE FARMERS AND NIICHANICS BANKl MAIN AND lIURON aTIB1TS Capital $10,000 Surplus and Proi'is$0,O0i General Basking Businsn. 3 perent paid is Tiue and Savings De~polsis. Safety D~e- pusit Botxs 5to rn t$2.100and upwards R. KssEe Fe Pes. H. 0. PRsETYMAN; 'VicerPees. I1. A. WILLIAMS. ICashier FI. T. SlowsC. Asst. rbe Ann Arbor Savings Blank Ctapital Stuck 050.000 Surplus $190,000 Resaurces51,00,000 t A General Banking Busness Tranaead JFrsessst Chas. g. Hiscock, Freu.;5 W. 0. HarrimnVie Pres.:I M. J. Fritz,C&Oahier STATE SAVINGS BAN, K DIRECTOS: N5. J. Bouoths Jno. 5'. Shaeehan Wms. Arnuld Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wads g. F. Milla John Haarer Jno. Reels Pruf. B. S. OCarhart fHsnry W. IDougls Cthrisian Martin Dan F. Zlnneuttiaw' Bran lneican5 ving Coracruraia1sad Savings Cov. Ms.Imn d Liberty Stsr..to Profssour E. i,. Campbellt't. iife isisd t.il s hu'ssui' -onse1s to'sColsradosforlt'e tr'st of the s~lumer. 210 E. HUarona TO M f L O TE L 1109 S. University F+irst Class Boot arnd Shoe Kepairing Torn wsats youar oid hilgh shoes Best price Igiven ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS--French and Steam Cleaning For Finse (owns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Men's Cloihilng f ; f All Spots Remioved. 204 E. Wamshirigtori If youi are furnishing rooms this fall fbe sure and conisult %zs, as it will be to youxr advantagie MARTIN ALLER nus-nltare, Carpets, mrad Dra~ps'ios 112-122 L. Liberty FIRST NATIONAL BAIK or: ANN ARse, MICH. E. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE Pes. Vice-Pess. S. V. CLARKSON, Cashise. tCapital, 010.000. Suenhur and Profits, $80,000 121 Washloito E. RANDA4i1L & PA CK, Photographers Phoem 98