White Swan Laundry We do the WHITE SWAN Junction of Finest Laundry Catherine and Work Detroit Streets in the city. Phone -n orhAeu us an order and Bell Phone 165 be convinced Home Phone 152-White WHITE SWAN LAVNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of WVOOL ENS for Summer n Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep, Cool. Come where all legs lead to. F. A. MYLES (Second Floor) 607 E. William St. r DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:50 a in,1I50 pn, 4:50 p. in., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. in., 224 p. in., 5:24 p. i., 8:24 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. m., and every hour to 10:45 p. m. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. m. and half hourly to 11:15 p.mi., also 12:t5 a. in., 12:30 a. u., 12:50 a. in. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. m., 7:15 a. in., sd every two hours to 11:15 p. In. College Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESSSyTi FOR YOVNG MEN Interviews saed Correpondene SelitedI Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at The Cutting Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 . Fifth Ave. THE WOLVPRINK UNIESITY NOTICES COMING EVENTS. Unless otherwise sp cifed, the leestures wiii be given in the West Lecture Roii, Phs sical tLaboratory. August r, 5 p.ni.-Sil ioPilogy in it Relation to Soil Fer tiliy s st. Prof. J. B. Pollock,. Fight (Illisrated)I s. Crn. C. P. SWagier. Au1g. a, 8lp. mi--The' H ookwormsi Iis- ease. Prof. A. S. ks atlin. In 55est Amithbleatre of NessMedca Building. Aug. 3 . .---hIiighShoolITeden eies. P'rof Dasis. Aug. 4 5 p m Reioiced Msonns Pen. C J Tilden. Aeg. 4, 8 pimi-Jelin Casani, a reital tii le gisen by iseIls s s ii Sliak,- pareaiiRladngiii keg.5,5 pin.-Organ Rci taili. tUnivr- sily I all Mi. Richaitd Resis. keg. 5, 7 P11m1-ThI ltioiiiof H, Tone. As.Po l .S evy. Aug. 5, 8 11.1mI-Dloniacidithe Cii tiiiiiloithelis:MontiisTIeri. Priof. R.M 5\ncl SUMMER SCHOOL IMPROVES Gradual Change Comes as Succeeding Years Pass "As we look hook sooniti leii suner schools thast hisc goie eforese se not only a chatige in te student b, but a chaige inthle su11111er sehool itself, said one o(ithel iethle ote day whto liss' been acivlsely cnniieeds' will suiinner sessisns tir seera cars. Up In three vers ao onli the Fri day ight lectures iere given. Th'le sessosn wsontlysixswsek so iileigh,. aind o lecture wsigie te last wee. Onresscly reeptioniiis'as gist. This esut the numsiber iotfietres owis to four. Three years ago whIeii the teni was ireasedetotieigt weste ii le itetary iepsrtiicti , itiedaily, letnres terre establsishieid,ainidsthiss renained a eustoom. Anoiher faelt reetinl teatsidedeetolose te' ear, andiiiga ecitals were giveii 1y the faielty sr pupils of the selhioil of musici. Last year asisies of seial teecsres by' mtetibers sftirenmedcal faceulty sas adidesd, siida Ifewvisters were givens iider te auspsies of te seholsofi re- ligoi. Bot these feitures ae beets retainied this year, adthe secti le- tres ly theseholsofstreligiots ave seentcennsiderably agmenedi. 'Togth- er wills these have beei sidied te tlats by 54r. Mkerrifeld ontie libllle atd its ignif sicate. The whlte nmbser of letres given tan areadly itireasei, cud te iell eov- ered has a far grater ratge tan sas expeted at tireiopenitg o the sesiot. The atenidsatceesill equal, adel tribsibly surpass, that of last y ear whenit it tas estitmated at telise, thiat 40,000 people had visited the daily leetres adi eve- ingreeitals. Soitmetiore of ttos et saledlpes- tnts as Cshligs Parmtaey. TAKEN IBY .MISTAl~K.-A vet tromt Puller & O'Cn tuns leneitg'aini tailoritig etablishmteit. Will iter lease retutrt. Big oxford sle st kllitiiaid or o- sythse. Summtiser dansing s:Lakite ue kWlitissore Lake, Nedtisida aintiSatiir- daii eetnitigs. Takse a nssutiber 114 itdoor basebsall wit l utyost ott unlepiesie. Staite Street Hardw are Store. W~righst & itso, sindtGoodirichi T910 Chtatmpiosihip Tsnnis Balls sit the Staite Street Harsdwliare Store. If yost twant a niee fresh hix of Gil- beet's Choceolsites go to Citsliiig's Char- insaey. Rediteed priees ott Teniis Racetes at State Street Haridware. Guitars and Manxdolinsm4 BEST IN THE WORLD For Sale at, SCHAEBERLE ft SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do the Highest Grade of Work , Varsity Laundry Co, 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Call 928, Either Phon. and Oar Wagn Wilt Call Promptly. I Mowe'sa Laundry 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 One Block From Campus 1212 South University WUEVRTH HOUSE THE PLACE TO EAT Special Sunday Dinners 35c Board by week - - $3.50 SUBSCRIB1EEFJOR The Michigan Alumn t*us The University of Michigan Alumni Association All wI ubI e illrci ve aspeia to0,li- t v tetrait ofDr. Anet Some, faitt: (I,.Ch tltksuns is thi itr;-est cotll, etsminthly in the contry. QLtt con- titns the licest liens tbutthsie Cii rity. and editorial comnnent tn iotanit'tt evenits. tQlt coinitainse.lirtonsil itetis contcorning ineimbers of youtlticlass every intitiI. (IA svilume11of th te Aluimtnus contains the his- totry of Ste Itnieits ity toe the yelir. tQlt pnblishtes a series of well ehossen litttes evely mth sI. YOUR VAC O 4'-P JIN arranfingfyourisummernactation betsure that partaofit at latispent on the reat Lakae.It itheosut plasant and ecanomsicaltrip in Amer-' ica and yaoumviii enjay evanynminute. All thme important partsof'bte Creat Lake, are reacbhil refalarly by the excellentservie of the D.It? . Sahte Lines. Tite ten larfaesteamsaof this fheat are of moadernastel eaiitruetian. propelled by pawerful ngfines and have ill the qualities of ipeed. safetysn1j icatfort. The United Wireless Telefraph Service used aboard. Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo, Detroit tp~d Cleveland are available for transporata taonl. & C. Line Steamers in either directian. The D. &i C. Lahe Linen operate daily trips betwveen Detroit and Buaale, Datroit and Cleveland, fear tript weekly between Toledo, Dniroii, Manoe Island and way pnrts, and inn itips weekly beiween Detrnoit, Bay Clipy, Saginaw and way ports. A Clevelaitd to Mackinan ipecial iteamer will be operated frau June 25 ta Sepemenbr 10. leavinf Cleveland direcitfoe Mankinan, ntopping at Detroat enrouee every teip aad at Gnderiich, Ont., every niber leip. Special daylight trips between Detroit and Cleveland daring July and August. Sand I-cent stamp far illstrated pamephlet and Great Lakes map. Adreasm L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. Ht. MOMItLLttAN, PRES. A. A. SZHANTZ, GEN. MGR. Complete Lim~e of Fabrics 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 Sou.th State Street Suzmmer Suilting.e ..sd Ou.tbxs j Trousers