THE WOLVERINE Players are particular Sabout cue'. We hgave good cues: light or hean), plain, corded, or ebony to quit. Fid what you like and -,e reserve it for i0o in private drawer without charge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Ball & Simmons REAL ESTATE Rentals, Houses, Rooms or Apartments CMLETE CAFE FOR STUDENTS 0. C. BISSEIL 3,33 S. Min 1 Everything New and Clean U. of M. and Hur(1on ier aiot Lvery P.. TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 656 Panama HATS Strawn and all others CLEANED and BLOCKED 301-2 S. State St. First Class Shining Parlors NEW SHOE STORE ON STATE STREEFT If yoa aait GOLF and TENNIS SHOES CALL ON Ei. R. FROST 302 SOUTH STATE STREET Eberbacli & Son Company wHOiiir 'Ati NDRIi L Ci Chemicals, Drugs and Sundries . :00-203 F.Liberity St. W 0LV E K INJE CLUB ROOM Billiards and Pool Tobaccos and Ctgars Eve:-ythisg New SiidentPatioinge Solicited. 3 ., ~ 3 I v i TELEPHONE DIRE"CTI(iz J loll 1 11 W(V tonlinlie Il I'ra Id A .N icI S. '0131te:. _ ___ \Vienel, Orrin J., Tlspnac 111 Mich. (N\17111 I'1331'1SSIi1N.L 311-\ (Nertn, Ptilip 1D., 2112S.TMV - X8L NNeii'l', Iv1 C., (c ()10 ,1w 1 as inot Nn. 11111ach lsl'0e111113 0111111111 01s111 91138 1o ies it f111110a graital 011a1100lill Ih( WNesp, 1. V., 6o6 E. Cr11111 11111 200I1. (('10111111 cio 1110h 011111d1n 111111. ANfill (Vest, (lene, 1027 1',. univers10111 -11 101110rs 11301the 0 10311111 00101010 oluil Weson 1311, 1 F11I., Jo11 1,110 11,1 (),;1. vas0 111e1one' 1w111 1ame11i1n 1o 0sup0leen \\(Ic a, Thomasio 1?., .1 1?. Jell1r131011 111 er'1s100 111041 il 1 1i') 1 01 111111 at (N 111'O10, J. 3C., 2,311S. 'lTlill'1-. 11,38 J- 00r11111ar 11111e11ts 111110 slayeI'lo11 r0 to1 do \V lck, Ruih NV., >c03acka0. 706L11;pdal0or 1110nce oie tem 11as3 to WVhite, l,ee 0A0 422 Packarii.l _111 1,.i1crese o eigh1101'' 31 1111 M01111111 e10 1 Whte, IR. Icll'., 2,37 I1 ail0.3No 1Pho1e ((00 0131ntag10 of"e 3 1101)11011111111ity lloin- Nttlocre, IHarlwO. I iaii b11111)1 e l 11 111d o 01hoten1 he1111 ur1111's ('01s. (Nhlitlck, Mtargaret F-SMate 31111fessionaol men, a1113d1we11 1i, l, N'Vtiiinev, Edwadi, jo)S.( 0ri% M '1 ac ertoil nvr it. it( 133 2 L.1011 111110 lllll'lolio 11111 828 J. lit ilo 311permitso t3eJO(0)00003((O 311'1111111 'Nlleir, NW iIlianln S.,803S.1tat. 1 11_1 p In 01 110 3i 1 pra 1tical 1w1111 wit (Niggero, JoanneIlso:A., 11.3_ ll'~ 01 O sraoy te t-r l andii 11111 10311111111111 wor11 W(illb101, 11110101 Z.,YN sin ti. -1111_ - NNlbr aheJ.62 .Inls401-Teatmiofteinvri o \1(illi,1Mr . (11 1?11110 1111ersi. 3113110an n 111iaoadNw l iihsl WikN sol 0 io d 3 1) I , 110 3 S.I)3 n 0p 0 3 0i 1obec i 0bth ln(.n, (33all11110 J 311111311 1) 3 / 1f th3nn11.1 10111 iiams CJil11. o11,.II rI' 'oJ. ao 0f0ll0. 7(13 3 111,Don ld13).,11;71F.11,13versiIl 1N2ii .3 J. ii ii\'3 111:3 'llll 111110013 1-1:1,1, H Dtts'S 1.1 \VIne '1111110111 111F,111101rngth frs tre ilol~ O Il n . 0211 .3 1 Nias11 ticolle1ge 1earl the31 lll ~ lt p 1 l (N hll a m i ii N I I- , S wl) Nc iraA scatm a iccfte >.i (N 31101 P131N3il , 218oi pect.1 1 _=,0 0tosm tdns e"assc ri (('inlet Jo , l 1\1,3)111.11bu )"te selin1110 I'd cirr n ; eal (~lsN 0011i Fra n N, Chrch. No 3i 11hn1131 me1 111111ed t f 1(111 . 13as oonmilyolnt.IifVet ln- ((ilde, o n F,. Durng the'aiand311111r (10131 ,.. 30o I. <330310 11) r sp l It1 I11 I"3) fished1110 the1113 -I 1 t~i 1 11 00 1v l 010 it1 111 w ill3 1 I i ,tl (1111-11w, te li 1111) 31)cl,' 1 c30) ;33 100f 0d (0)0)I], 0) ~Ii) C3f)I 1101III'l131 'I N 1 1 0)11)10 rl sil C ~ l~l1C 9 0 IICF y fi0 cct3 I'Ii 3 f ii ~ 0x,:Z, i0 I UJ)p 4T' 0) 01 I t in. ,. .. . ..:.. .. .. .....A l:'ca..el's-s '0.0il)3~, ( l'013iI : { h I cB ir 31. 03)0) 0. (0irc 33?11 tn t~V1" 111 3(l 0133 1)11)0)1 10)1 31 30)1l I . 1'., ) 0)00 (33 tilt, 1, , Ii 'ol l II' I '0 v3