IllF WOIVV RI9PSL'1 L _ ... . Jww.,. -- .t ._t.l. .:f ...'. an'l ~1 3 J '. fY~WWh ite S w a n L a u n d ry We do the Finest Laundry Work in the city. Phone us an order and be convinced Junction of Catherine and Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue Bell Phone 165 Hoe Phone 152-White WIESWAN LAVNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of JWOOLENS for Summer iFlannels and Light (Trey Suitings Keep, Cool. Come where all leg F. A. MYLES (Secood Floor) os lead to. 607 E. William St. DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound-7:50 a. in., 1:50 p. in., 4:50 p. in., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. in., 2:24 p. in., 5:24 p. in., 8:24 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. in., and every hoor to 10:45 p. mo. To Ypsilaoti, 5:45 a. mn., and half hoorly to 11:15 p. in., asn 12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. mn., 12:50 a. in. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. om., 7:15 a. in., and every- two hours to 11:15 p. in. College Men, Take ,Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS Ti FOR YOUNG MEN Interviews end Correspondence Solicited Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. T. GAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT MIN UNIVERSITY NOTICES COMlING EVENTS Unles oherwisise speifedl the leuels w ill e gisen in the WIeslelire Reo, PhysicaltLalortory. Atugusi 1, 5 pam.-SoiliiBiology in is Relation to ';(oil Verility..Ass'. Prof. J B.follok. Aug. 2, 5 p. n.'ii-Spanish B ll Fight (Ilisred). Asst. Prof. C. P. Wagner. Ang. 2, 8 p. in-The Hoowormsis i- ease. Prof. A. S. Wsarins. Ii Net Amsphitheare of Nei Medicol Buiilinig. Aug. 3, 5 p. i.-High Shisol Tedieni ies. Prof Davis. Aug. , 5 p. mi.-Reiiiforeet Masosr. Prof. C. J. Tilten Autg. , 8 p. i.Jnliiis Caesar, a rcital~ Inole giveii by t- class ii Shaes peareaii Readiing. Aug.5,5 . . i-fOrgani Rectal. Utiver- sity IHall. Mr. Ricarsd Kes Bigs Aug. 5, 7 p. si-The Relationtsof li- gieine aiid Athletic, to thirMra Tou. Ass. Prof. C. S. ery. Aeg. 5, 8 p. m.-Dafto aiiitle Ctn-i teniial of the Atomiii Tietr. Prof. R. M. Wenle. "Character-Grwtwin th ue Bibluet,"sill lie the subject of a lecture to le ieni-i bsy Mrl. iFredi isMerriils-t t- apisi Stuidents' Esuilt, 503 iasHfitst sres, et Sundisa at sool. PSYCHO~LOG~l'Y SiOLD11)IHELP TEACH ING:idOF2sAi'1I-NITIC'S 'Psychoslogy smstst '-tier sore sitd store into ottratmetlosiofCtechig mtatemattic.s," siclaeittetProf.I. N. ite- stats ini silecures'otns Reformssithis Tettchisig of Maletemat~ics" Tesdiay f ternsoos.Trasisig tlistoetry isfiteri- formssmos-emtets itsngan, race Gerimansy andIssticly, the seaertserdithue 'close attesstiossf a goodisi tshs-ts. Methsods of tetaching this science, lic- ticuliarly its its sle'teitittes-baschets, dif- fer consisiserahlsirits ettchs(f the .Etrissieut counisries. Its Esgandi the Elemsets of Etulid htstess ftrye--s e lstandasicri text of geomtryt. -Cnssielse egia- tiosthasbeen svicet, htowever, situ it is prstaltahsialbefore Iltng, it swi littiv seectsupilersesdiby-texts for sitng sits senssbasesd tupossnositri pricilestf pedagogy. Int oon the FPet-crisCatmbsersf Del- stiestlot usitstie sater of refortinis Frtance asd hsatsincec tcotmpliise, through a commiiissiontis ch it aplosit- ci, very exteniove mtoiicatios. Italy hts astsbeet spitterdiiott by results its Fransce, aiss it stres liely thet ieat aong ue lises of ie sisoie- es initFrancre andilGtrstaiy wil sneet withs approvsal. Germanuuy, ast,has titl beess free froststhereforms mosmentteses. Assintternsatiotittltcotmmtissioin w-hics will seel its Cmibirig, Eglands, it Autgust, t913, is extectedi tsitsalecsus recoismsestations to teachers tand riles rationsal atthoritit's, ciasiill ibrig aiott radsial reformss its the tettchisg of msate- masttics. Aissgstigsilertisisgs t-tides i- ubility of a mnthetialilattersors is undsser consiieratiost. TAKEN liY' tIISTAI.A vsts front Failtr & OCot ositsc' letingits tailorinig esabliisment. Wilinlisse pleasereel tu. ig oxfordi sale al lmanssaisn o- Guitars and Mansdolin~s BEST IN THE WORLD For Sole at SCHRA EELE (f, SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. We Do thet Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourtho Avenue Cail 928, Either Phoe.and Our Waon Will Cail Promptly. Rowe's Lauindry 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST -QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 One Block From Campus 1212 South University If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at TheCutting Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals i i WVUERTH HOUSE THE PLACE TO EAT Special Sunday Dinners 35c Board by week - -$35 SUaS CRIBSIDFOR The Michigan Alumnuzs Ansitecomisains iethi eeysof The University of Michigan Alumni Association Alltosubisibe silt ecive aspialsoogravs.urseportraitioftDr. Angell 4ClThe Aluittitoisthe large st collegi.mothly ini the country. (lt eon- tis the ittest nes about the Uiersity. and editorial commrent uo ismportaunt events. Qlt contalits perstonail items concerning memnbero of your class eery moetht. QAthvolume of t hi Alusmnus containo the his- tote of the Unsivrsity foe thn yeas'. it publishes a serieso-of well chisenrnpicittriseevery tnonth. Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-Whit The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY - 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 5. Fifth Ave. to sytise. Summiner dticinsg c late Iouss-, Witmsore Lakee, ledsit statdtuScitur- dciy ev-enings. Talc animber T14 isidoor hairball wills yost isi your picssic. Stcate'Slreet Hardwrare Store. Wreighst & Ditsoni, ands Gooderichlsto Cihampsioships Tenniis Ballis at tse Stcate Street H~ardwrare Store. If yost waist a ire fre-sh box of Gil- bets Chocolates gso to Cosiing's Phsar- stacy. Redued prices on Tensiis Rcets at Staire Sreet Hairdre.i YOUR VACATIONTI!? JN arr-anfinf your sumensr vacation hoenoneethat part of it. at loestisepent onthn GeoatLakes. It isthe otpleasantoand eonomnicaltrip in Amer- ica and you wnill enjoy eeryominute. Allthseinsportant ports of the Groat Lans are recohed regularly by thoeoexcllnt sicieof the D. & C. Labe Linet. Theotenlargeeteamersoofthisfleetae of modenseelonstrution, propolled by powefal enfinet ond hare all the qoalities of speod, safety ansi comfort. The United Wireless Telegraph Service used aboard. Ticketn reading via anay rail line between Detroit and Bufflalo, Detroit sod Cleveland are available for transportation on D. & C. Line Steamnera in eilter direction. The D. &f C. Lake Linen operate doily tripe between Detroit end Buffalo Detroit and Cleeland, leer irips weekly between Toledo, Detroit, Mackinac Islond and way portn, and two trips weekly beiween Detroit, Bay City, Soginaw end way poets. A Cleehond to Macbinac special nstemer will be operated, from June 25 to Soptomber ill, leaving levorland direct ot Mackinac, stopping ot Detroit enroato eerny sip and at Goderich.DOn., ceey ether trip, Special daylight trips between Detroit and Cleveland during July and August. Sond 2-oont stomp for illustrated ponsphlet and Croon Laknes mop. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. MCMILtAN, PREtS. A. A. S=ZHANTZ, GENs. MGR. RWtyWrZTelnd a.-ra i a. * fr :.F'1-'F; /r tl IlVt ^,1"VI" I. L 11- 111. I\ L 1.". 1 YY "Il . Complete Lus~e of Fabrics 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 South State Soreet Suimmer Sualti ngsl ansd Otati n jiTroiasera~