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July 30, 1910 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1910-07-30

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y _ ... _ .., ._.. ..
i r

Kodaks and Suppies
Developing and[ Printing for
,E, E CALKINS, Druggist
324 S State St.
Pills, Fibs and spoons
IO:.a10 "N Dept.
Fine Wach and Jeeler Reairig
216 s-thN'Meain ~S
11 (((ier. I ?: ;c l
'Ill '101 II 'I I A(000"
Press Building, Mynard S.
AtnaAtor, Michigan
All Lovers
ha tUif ersty hariv ei~a-
rnwy i :n id 1< laefo

~ ummer Sessitan, July 5-Aug. 26
Il 1i-, 11hoL .' 01 ('(1 t',('

'111 1(w1ekly publicaItoin (Itthe students
of the1.111105111 Itof VMtchtgatnSumtmter
111 t llgl ldlfol -Ltt XIAIHITE.
1,'ilol It LChsof--DANA B. JoNEs.
Nes, Editor. .... Dion S. Biritey
E?,..R. turtont Edward IT. Robie
It G A tieBrleigh Jacobs
Erovill..I;Foch If. NI. Calkhilns
Advrtisinlg M~anager. RicltardlSitmmons
Carpen . 0t'fIter JohntI Bontilla
W. G. lBeasley
Addr ess: Tttt X' VRI~voNFPress Bldg.,
Alav101,ltd Street, Atil Arbor, Micitigan.
Ofic dounrs :1t :30 to 2:30 p. m, daily.
1111(11phones, 96o.
Sub1scrititon Rates: Local, fifty cenots
for the sutttmer; tmailed to any ad-
d.000 for twety-five cenots additiottal.
.lfvertisillg rates: Furitishted upSoap-
tlicatiotn to te Mattagittg Editor.
5''tTl)AY, JULY 30, 1910
1,.1011 IY11d5r'DI15 . (e. INo..

Tf- e Secretary of tile University
Chri"ttan Associatilon at _ ycMiflan Hall
has 501110 1n01111ation to oisvttge Illall
intterested coc~ternCitntrecelnt ublicatiosl
of te Attorican Institute of Social Ser-
vice 0o0 social1a1d1political proltemos of
doe date.'The inlstitu~te 1h000joist putbllishedl
a carefutlly selected (bibliogralphly011
cities, delalinlgowitht stch mSatler.s0asOci'
governmltent, cisic hettetmenlt, dties of
citizetts, etc.
Sttudies ttpeonsttcho importanlt topics as
chld labor, sw~omen ill -industry, weatlt
attd catitol, cvc corrutifon, soialiism,
prisont reformt, etc.,Ihae bfeet)pltishled
ill tpatophltes at ice cents eacht, 1111(1illa
sinlgle svoltttte itncludIinlg te etttire series,
for sesvntyivleendts.
Thte present unlrest illtile political attd
social Sworld tas hbetnt simlatintg a great
dteal of carefutl thoutgiht ontthlese sub-
jects, httowinlg to thte large numbo~ler of
bookos tponlth tese quoestion~s, it i15diti-

prohlenos sattely attd schtolarly. Thtis
bibliographty is thtobughtt to flliia11 urgett
tteedI intohlis respoect.
WlTAN5IST' ScS 5'AIzr, t~i 01. 11T.
Thte Biological stttmmter camtp is by
110 mtean~s thte ontty place whlere first
hand(0ntture studoy is boeittg lotte. To-
day all the studletts ofthoe summttter ses-
sio who1 ssoare entrolled ill te (tally de-
plartmto thacejoutrn'elIdIll tile wsilds
(If Belle Isle, sw'here,tarmeld wsitht Gray's
mantua~ll thoey' will botanlize lie islandll
throughl fromt 1110'elend to thte othter.
Probale wh ienl these' studlents comtte hackt
fromlthtle hig cite tiley' sill hive lalies

almlolst 0comp1are with ll .1tile wildi ro-
11111r thtis captiont theutitiersity T. ttttttte wse readsochao u I 01t l~lt illtile
NI. C.'. A. summt~ted utp those thitnts which Bdiological JfllOcinl.
afford011the unliversity' gradotate tt chtance _____
to1 demon~llstrate thtat he was sotte goodl Tett'9 ~glseilg. 11010
il tile Iw(ol1doafier Ite 11ad1left thepo IiltlS are aolaot 1101, 01111111010be 110d a1
tectoigsheolter of thle uiversity.
"Takod ff((you~lr coat Oand tackle at least te secretary's office ill the tllgilllerillg
('111 011 5(51 re-Bulilding. 'T'hey o'n(ltalinI recordts, is
gme.lgodl hard jobfor whtich ,you 1l1e0 re-iltofte rlllle
ceive 0n11 mon0ey. It swill prove a great cmlt spsilo h rdae
re'laxaon. It swill give o u an001s011 tfromttithe departm(11t1( 5111,e tffo.
Ioat least one of 1110 great problemis
of oulr 1101y. It siwilve tou the ac- LIBRRIOS' ole ons05110 (It' OPUAR.
hloaint.Slce01111dtte eoraOdeship(If te Tsselves'tudenlts ate'taktingthe reg-
men andlewomenSwooate aettially 0111' tlar w~orkl of tile cottrso ill lib~ralry'toettt-
inn som111thtittg for their debt Itat ev'ery (101. On~e studl~ent is 1pursuling advSantcedl
Mlichiigant man(1 owe1s to tile commntity worek Suoch weork is provilded as will
teic e'ducation. Don't((soeytttr itervoe0a5111011libora ry'and 110 theregutlotr cala-
i te.irst tasko affordeol sess ilisignii-- lolgutinlg anttolasifSicatit11lof hookos.fIt-
cat.strutois5givenl ill acessionl sorN,
''t itl<1b110inlterestinlg'to kntow 110w lose to ind(1o(ok1s, an~d 1h1o1't~lotarry
many1 of lt('(1110thousand111 0111ditoreono lthe itrtitical work oil the odelisory
1i1 ihilOai graduatells who step hack ittlo lesk. Iintte wsork (If thle coutrse tric
thecom'mun(1 ~lity a1fto'r Jitie are willing ticail hbokbindoinlg itone110b1)ytte iettt
to1 gie 0 01e11010a01p(lt (If thteir tulle to1 iers of -thte class. Letutres are gicvln
theservics (If tile communtl~ity ill swhichi by thle librariant, and(1 toe assistants5of
te iveo." the getteral library.
'fin same oadvice mitghtt he extendedod
to thoe: stud~en~ts indothters 551111are* REPORT'S 01"FAILURES
noct (tos1t1p11:1010ittlothe communtiitylb'utt SENT 'TO tDE;IINQUENTS
'are to 01 reminl htro, sotoIf tetottttil
((1 101 0lltlieY hv oltedlthteir requoired At lotst tile ettd of te stummter sessiont
cOs, lters 0(0lottg as tey are eon- is int sightt X'e are paossing tlhe'liddle
((00((1 Iwiththtie teacling staff of thte mtark. Already 01(11011100110111 pertaint-
niv 5ecuit. Jttst loots'(1011y people intittg to thte close of schtool are heittg
thtis un(iversity 01re swillitog' "to take off noade. Tiis is the latest fromnthte of
thteir 0(oat and(11010a10lte egoodl hardl job fieeof the odeatti
for whictihe110 receive 110oImontey!I" "At thoe ettd of tite sumnmer sessiotn
It woul1 d Ite inttrestio'g to kitows'hoss reports swill he sento alt stuidentts swho
man ((((10( thtere are0, and11wol they ore, fail ittatty of thteir ss'ork. AXtyonte110-
mis un tliver sity' sorkittg for thoe int- siribog a report of hiSss'ork is askeod
tecssof 01greater ichligan; h oos to lease a stampoled entvelope at 11~e
ni(1y ((m(1n(, 0111d5Iwoenth lere are "whoo office tog'ethoer swilt01 tatletent of wht
ar (0'0Iillg tol give a toart of thteir timeo coutrse liteoesires cretdit itt. Thtis tootice
1to titosoers'ices 01f toecommunotity inapplies to thle sttudettisof Ite literoirs
wh iicht till ive."departttettonly."

Numbhers foloswedl 1y)letters 1L, J,
R attolNX' aieon0(1te Dell littes. Thtose
fol111'ed toy'the wordls 'red lw'hite,
b~lck," etc., tro Ott thie tOs of te
11(111e TeleponlefCotttpatty.
Nutttbers iae eettrecoroded o rd-0(1(
igtooteet ttttttbers. Tese re cor-
reektXXWe are ot resposiblle for ttis
takes cdtetollthe sro,,,rgistratitnolt(f
s11011tltnlmbers' inttheto'f(fles of t 11111
tter school.
XW'hen Itoe street otton ttttutbe are
known1 0(11inquftiry-tolte chief oerotr
witll001100ete correct fphonte numbtter.
Do tot llamte teoperator for iis
takes site cantt (11oidil.
1)1oot thinik cetral is inqu~iisitive if
shte askswtotols watedtllott a certail
Ruioo, RaonlO G ., 1020 . Uiversity.
904 J.
Rutthstrto, Axel A, So Attt. 1010 L.
Sacktet, Ileesooti42'Mll~ard. 130 J.
Salainlh, 11arry'J, 33S.sThayer. 1310 1.
SaleMio, l T1111 '(111nabe ichel.
Soaur, Bese 6to Fores. 1502 J.
Sttwsd1(0,1Jootas t1 E.Liberty.
SchaoffnerItaymttotd G., 321Packard,1
Schtaibtle (1a11 i.,414 IDetoit. 192 J.
Schtoire, Win. WX., 302 S. Divisiont. 03.
Scellf,,loert X. 1004 . State. 3712
Schenkel, Sotutl, 803 S. State. 131.
Schtlinkl,IHenr IA., 423 . XX'singt0on.
Schtmitz, IHefeott,., 321 S. Diisi00(1. 124.
Schtott, Sidney AL, 418. Dills iso. 67
Schenr F~l r. ciroes 'T., 1130 H ill. 13~
Schtooermanl~, Roert 1., 823 E. KilgsleI
Scherma'n111, 111110) B., S23 E. Kitgsfy.
i 66 1b11othltontes.
Solottuemanl~, 110(00 X., 23 E. Kigsey
;fibfbotht phonest0.
Schttett, XX'altoo 1., 432 Thom~opson.l.87y1,
Schltet, 1. ., 413 Thompsont~. N.
Scfthulmannt, Johttt H., 05 Curchl. Noo
Sechwaorz, (Ottoo I., to Cottrch. No
Scott, L. P., 126 N. Divisiot. 184.
Sot, XarenttF.
Seot, XWithtropt R., 12n8 XWillaro. 133t,
Sc.rulggs, TL. E., 522 AIWlllOC. 90 J.
Scrttot,bloster 1., 3!1E. Uivesit.
1320 L.
Seallos, ttnma, 407 Fitt Ae. 430](]lac.
Sears, Iaoldl Rl ., [11.0 IHill. 130 ]Iti.
Seathl, Margaret E., 64 F. Jefferson.
349 L.
Seffr, 0.9.., 418 Kigsley. 559 I,.
Settsetoi011, 11arl0e' t., b612 1. No.
Sexton, JO)yXW.,Mc)lla Hlllo 101. 762
Seo 111, EHowsard 1B., 417 t.. Uniso-r
sit. 1283 J.
SeymltourtMXly S,5 11 t Xottoro 23L.
Shtarp, S. If.,1012Mitthitgatn Ae. No
Sharbpe, Eva A.X 417S. Footrt. 56.
Shtats, (Choaols FC,111 XX sltetths. 146
Shtasw, trank T., 1 131(1 G'ede. 143.
Shtaw, Miltott 81,E.XWahitgtgot. 2
Shteet,, Lerot- A.,40 Patckoatd 1037 L.
Schoenkl, WXX. I,11 1,. IJefferson. 219 J.
Siterman, 1Ja1(00A., /14 Monroe. 071 L.
tContinuted o Pr 3.

We are showing an exten-
sive line of Summer Fabrics.
The assortment comprises
everythiiig that is new aiid
nohby in design, color and
qmAlity. We caii say with-
out exoggeration our stock:..
thtis year is the mto. t hand-
somie we have ever shown,
sand will readily appeal 'o the
most particular patron.

We F. Dieterle
Varsity Tailor
117 E. Liberty St.
Dry Cleaners
1112 S. University Ave.
911 N. Vine Ave.
taidtl $10,000 Surplus and Profis$100,000
Geert'alBankintg iosiness. 3 percent paid
on 'Time and Saving,'. Depoisits. Safety D~e-
potsit botxes to resj alt$2.0 and upwards
Ti. lEaPnt, PreS, 11. 0. PRRTTYMAN, Vice-Pros.
IL. A. WItLM.uaos tasler LI. T. STOWS. Asst.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital Stoch $50,001 Surplus $290,000
Resources $2,800,000
A Genearal Banking Business Transaeid
2r'NtERe5: Chas. E. Hiscuck, Pres.;t W. i1.
Htarrimasn, Vice Pres.:I M. J. Fritz. Cashlr
at. 3. Sooth Jno. V. Sheehan
Wmi. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan
Tais. H. Wade S. F. Mills
Jolts Haurer Jno. Koch
Priof. H..Carhatri Henry-W. Douglas
Cheitsiiaan Martin Dan F. Ztnermam
Berman meca~ iiav ail
Corncrnaercis.1e ad
Co.-. Ma~Imand LiberxtyrStreets

210 E. lieuron TO LO'rE LIL 1109 S. Vriversity
First Class Boot arnd Shoe Repairing
Torna wansts youer old high shoes Beat price given
ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS---French and Steam Cleaning
For Fine Gowns, Waists, Womans Suite and Men's Clothing

All Spots Removed.

204 E. Washiragtors


Ilf yois are fxxr-iishing rooms this fall be sure ansd consult
uis, as it will be to your advantage
Fsessn~txxre, Carpets, acid Draper-ies 12-122 E. Liberty

Pres. Vice-Foes.
S. NV. CLARIKSON, Catshier.
Capital. stoce.(T.Suonto' end Profits, $80,000

121 Wasli<P

ANDALL & PACK, Photographers

Phone S98

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