TilE WOLVERINE VOL,. I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's 1Drug Store 11-7 S. Mat111111 VARSITY CA[[ 612 ELibery Only one block ronm the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS AnoherChance, FrThose Who Woot THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Verified y University Records, and the hooks of the Telephone Conpanis To Get It You Must Subscribe or The Wolverine NO SINGLE COPIES of issues containing Directory except to sbscribrs. 50 Ots. Phone 960 ENGLAND HIAS BEST CA B INRT-. YSTEM Is Practical Outgrowth of the Events of 1688 and Suc- ceeding Years PROF. CROSS SPEAKS OF HISTORY "Thle Eniglishi cabiiiet systemi is im-. portaiit for several reasonsl," said Prof. A. L.Cross, yesterdlay afternoin0 lthis tect..ire (If "The Beg'cinig of tile 'lg- ilt Cabiiiit and5(1Paely Systc.'' It is thr one which most (If the lead- ing~ ciisntries of Eurce haveC apptroxi sateet it is the mo1(st perfect icehinery for directly v(oiclig'tiheidesire of the pceotple. Withithe\Americaii systeml, ire cantsutsini a new party andit cabiiiet after tour years;12111 the T'.iglistt sy stemo works immtieiatell, the ministry resign- 1110 as (0011as it ceasesIto eoimmanid a mtajority (If Parliamtent "'The historical dcevelopmitent is unoiqute. 'is Entglandt has (cell cli ntis aheaid o. (first rated till the endil of the reign fiii teiiry Vt. A reactioin 1t1(k lice 111th tlie tPuritanltantittie 1t)8,14)revoluttios Iin 1688, the cabiniet isystemtihad1 its rel' beginig. "''Tie Enigistiniistry is a g0overn lseilt btiexeecutiv o mmi~lliitteeof the Houiise of C.oiiionis, (c111tril~ld ibyt masljority.'Thte cabiiiet 1istthi iitii se51 'aut of theminiiistiry;it 1s a comitilte ofii te piycatiitotto rs iretiiiili tll priemiisiter, if whoms ii pol se was1 tie irst, the title 11b11eingiorginally sue of repruoachi. The meimiieii 1aliejoilsy'tne setverally respionsibsl e'ii'idtusually if sie iseisber goes iut, the resit folliiw. I ioucier, tse kiiig, stilt the ieal heaul, oiitiiiiei toiiioiisilt btlteadiing Whuigs aiid 'Tunies, aniel tid exactly as tie pleas- cdit ilforeigni affairs. "WithiAnnue, the duities of goeerioent iwere eintriisteid to small commisittees, wii h yet71lacke~d a prisme minister lti psartylunilty toi becomeit a coainet. Pocder th1e firsitiwo Georges, tihe sy stem whiih weiow' kliwleooik shtate. tuirinug tli, miinistry of Nt'sltpole, the acieete.s 'the prime minslister aidtihett subitjutgationt if tis associates tool:. tlace. Walpiole rem ainedt a coimsmonter, anud, resigiieid whe liute failed of a majority of Par- liamuent. Oe chiangeIr'itmtieid toitaie plac, to imialecthe 7-louerrepiresenlta- tiv es if the seople anditnot of the grest leig Iaiders. This socurreid idiriing lie earlyiniieteetticeltitrv. "''his growtht of the party suit the cabinilet systemit sas n1o1 the workinut(it of as1=ixeid principle, bitt lie lpracticll outgrow'tih of the eents of 1f6.M aiie thiereaflee."' BOIL THE DRINKING WATER Further Tests Show Little Change in Condition of Water Piirtliir tests of the ucity waler miadte it the hyienuic laboraoery show that lie coiiditiiiii of tse water has chanugedi tile siince the list tests ivere isadte. Iniocuilateetainialstiasi' beeitiuiabile to iie, suedeioiintierms Sretfoundiintii iiabtit lie saiise quttitiies as iserc foundit le- fore. 'hue presence of foreign1111aterial in the iiater is imuch the samse. Noicies to suitliiateriwill tie posted iiiiit_ the camps todiiiai. It is thought helter to soil all dlrininiig isater111h1n to runiiansy risks iwith disease germs. lullasstatelalllst iweek, ecilisitgermso 1 n iii tiesseives prouue thoid fever. but thee- arec elosueyallieitto the Ityphoiil ;ernls, anidlwill floiurish iuitder the samte c'iinditionus. Thieir preseice ini the buoid maty lcall to a imiire readyides'elopmsenti of tie ty pho~id germs. \t1Tt(RNOI)N t,ECTi TRTdTO BF, BY PROP. STANLEY - - - - - - - - -STREU T GA MYINS I THE BIOLOGISTS LINE HIGH RULE. THEMSELVES Homer T, Lane Tells Aout the Ford- Repulic and Its Young Citizens BOY POWER USED IN FARMINGTON Tuesday ening 'a faisieilater ininNewbue'rry'IHall leard'uthow tile treet Igamins f Dlitet ar ee iuih~'i celn of iteiiselies costev the ~git.'oie of Mhr. itomer T. lou cSit eil i iii of te Fort Repiublic iat a rmintonli M\ticiga. lMl. 1,a111'gestheiibosiis frm the juviecill' coriniletirit, adsuitrns ttheiiiliioset'h iithe' olier hiiiioil te cratic foriiiofIgilleriiienii. eethe fiirce itfitibiicopfiiioii isesesiteage ii to owit laws, aiidi'ifircv the lwsthe hisceisiaie. Alt oys iii arrivinig at tii'farm1.ar1 butggy draiinaby ioid sell.,'1aicil of coltsey'anceethat i, oliseiprse ilthm 115 afiinctioi.''Thee sic lisa takes is till'siaedeptie olli'i iof the iepubiilic ,iiiilase iz iiiya fwsml elcuptinilitof tar'ns. Thcnth lelarc tilesed (lie to the tos temelivs. ''Newecomier5 stlttt s11e1what11i ex pettied f il thmiina few da1ys5 , ad o toli wock" saidlter-I a ''As fai' as poissiblei'we lim toiit fici their laws ', and11adminlister he p'1,': elittheii' own Itcoutfica. AnitailinithiiiAu~gst nu11b(r(1of $iter hudy 'a n oii-tusPowerree\ pi d4it of thse work ofthetlboIvs at tl r.rsip i They acebultiithe's'maidtluili i their tpower'i'house, a'iiii lai fr'omiicemsenlohucks, and11have Ipansi foI othe u hilinigs. Siiall fituit is ttl'ii tedatII fr This afforts a edesiabile work, ot it is siiiiethiiig the lisys call do, ad.1rad msarklet is fiuiin i the cityo ecv thin~gthtithue re puilicie (all po( clii Jtist tbeforeceahilk fill Aiii \Aribor 'iTuesdta, MPiLeli iwith o f tiecu cells, diicre rfotydlars cor, lt i of berries.' The boiys a'tic d i atie 111(11 of the repuitc or0everyihin hvd, coiiiitIf they 'ar e ittoilh1(avitil privilieges ille rined,1(andiii oftn the school is mitinediit ithe pul, wichiltsthe lily s atlt. Theiiy' lre oi sideredailab ttorers iihu ieisholand receive pay'in te ciiitof the rialiiifr seo idoinig F'armingiongisiwithlii es hisi y i- (111cc of Detroit,and lisitoshoftenl .11ail theimslveseofthtil'chaneuu toiisit te little rpbicite At the close of the leuela ctrhi-v hutioniiws itakent to putrcalscatltic stiptplies for the oys. Abuatosix dol- tartsas sectree. 'The bioy sare real mieit soisicofte tim ie,' sah Pi. Lban,' ''ht they lie biiys5 enloghsl tts , ice' spinglithev hale 111r10111tireiset', of base 1ba111sulpplies, 'inielthis wislile sent' ielcomtit i hemu.' Deait Cooley, of theenguieerig edu' parluuseut, is ini Ptashiugton atuning the meetinug' of the Bock Signiautoand Traiin1C1ntBoarid, of ss'hiceliis chairmn.at Romance and Reery Play import- ant art at T'Iopinabee I igh lf t te iimtica'' stato noruth dm . Pi foiheioogcr B1111cliii of dwhiimaluliulii I 'iiippi'ii'ir iner in th fceo N p' rt is miingan ,tare fr Gsse rc lii s'a'r'htuof "Tctltiicraft iiithu ''i loadilof iut- Iic[ ilsl in a o rc f aggu',ui hhhll isca iu as hs i'iiiy1 in ll ear n lhy ai I ab( rti the boat, he call ii 11te 11a1 ills hsto ro n tos fulh ut'his hilren, rushedii o th ir s sistet, adafeiiic~wa trgl wih hi hiteralciimi 10 1_i liii si~ac r ,ae 111 \I.' ito hir i redttin ii iii o t iuuuueai iitioneuiuof ite ois ;uso s lft camp for hi s 5 liisimll' tes-i' siciiii' n beoe' i1 ii'I itishadt ssirlyi 'nild. Tel ' c ea oiogaog lwhi cn te h~c (g.loll lfllrc hulln w illw ,a1dte o r ull o u s h si of t .cI : l +i.. Io . P olh fat n t ( r I, , (itc . hd tI tii p\fttih N th1pr1.1 c brkd sitely (11111 1111 hill r. ' i'i'it'(i list. I iii'ih'I, 'i'il'i tUiRh y f ii Ai lluhsiiitiii' '. tui.uissiiCotutu Ind CoorPhtgrph ill sheugivni, thi- hi ar 'uuu titc i '"ni't h ' 11ual ife his ilirei deprt ent of th us "sahue tisben iii uiy ia mypIciasudysilofsuthe (1115 1 iiiiihf ((llt , and will h eiiu si rf,- I jyp his ioils. Isslliti i sluhiths benfri ml Fas itrsti n 1(11 Sle leac o rklsIii hus uu sbe iti' ofbjPt. 1'if u sssur&13 uuto ul u uuPtofuss u'uiuiu'i the uitti siiNhilis iu ht his' is a sus ifo heiiai ascit phutiuuu i ' t ill' til e P1111 iii iii I ii'. of"'illya,'iiii lul \iii intl IA i .i Atfiith uuco 'inlus eion o lilleul il thusre heilcenti toIowa tate .Psicsitiias1roessor ofPhiics he rei liii iiie( nii versiif ty' of ic h-i'ii' ProessreGsiis e's hu roisnegt in hes'i ies t Pifi wol Pigleis ai Fe llio211 ofii ofifheru Iu~ iu lln pilosphalor PPxthoeo st ''dis t tr ''uug iibu t manyu I "Utter Ihentry'Il, tile barni s finst he lecure Thuursday afterntoouuill sought Ito mtukeethe muinisers responi- h'eibyhProfessosr Stoanley. this siuject sibleto 1t huemu In 1 1,.thehkilug agre'euilluthe "flue PFuuctionofithe Conucert to let thinbahonts chuoosu theiin'lllisters:hRoomus." Thuelectuire wiltl hueiuinthe antush irnt y es later, a muinister was05 uphtsics lecture roots. Professor Stautles' ilpteauched. Uinder the Ltancatsuerdynis-s is oneuu of the iiein at Phichsigant s' ho has he, Parlhitibtecameiiu'sup~remeil, ihusghi beecu tiv'e its umtkiing AinntArbise i it lackeuh sorties as yet,suit hiudoniuy' Baty'rethof Amierica, 115 Maudamue Schut- fractious tedtby' nobules.Underethue Portk-uumun- hu'iuk choise ito call it out tee last ists audueh''duors,thuecotunuciltbecae'ta nlll isit here. instrumseunteuf royatl uestusotisuc iilt.nd, rosfesso'r Stsanley'hiss lotugbsen tinu- rathteretueely, lie minuu..iurs euiled Ptar- eresteud illtitugs musical. Before couu- iiaiuvuul, aunehspied out itfur the crown.ule tinlg his colhegiate traitninug'i'i- this hImpseachmuents ceausesd.The couhncil 1wa suliuntryhue wentl ho Leipzig' uo stuhd'siu- ihh hpowerfe utuder hElizsaseths, anud wss ic. Soon iatfter, hue wa's gradthiaedhfromuu absoltiely sounduuer thle Ipioser oifliie ticecipzig hdisuseru oriuti, anud oiluIus 505vereign. The people wstiedlpeacel retuhenl hisAuuseicastuschuosent hetad of mhoure thaun lihbety. thu e lparetmuent of hmusic oh Ohio W~es- 'A chantge bsegantun tuuu harltuuesl , Ptur-leyani. Ahyear later hue wenht as or'ganisu tiaiueuu cominilg is thuu' ore'again. PAnIitoIGtuce Churchi,Pr.'ti uutce. Sice attempts iias usode ho impesatchStrtuf- 188Ise huas heentprofessor usf umusic at foreh; aund, ill16ifyCharendon lllwtas folrced thiis tuvesity. sell by' a Pamrliamhentary attuack. AP(he- tN'theulthue schuool of muusic seas oriaun- cade later, Dasinby (whs fo reeld to gui illizedhill 1892 Proifesor Stailey was5 site of itse Iling. tBut his yet, Pturlitu-cuoseun tmusicaludirecetor, a positiout he mcull hod us choice of mlinistersuind has tshldee since. ((then outside at- cosuld remsov'e iuly' 011seriuts chatrges. taclionis so1 huote eiugagedIluis atheut- Chuarles 11 hatd sesveualuuiunisters, his huhn. the hos (beentwusice preidentu if ursh heiiig the fatuis Cabatl. hut1t79,.thue Mugsic Teschers' Naonsal Associa- Sir W~illiaim Teitpleusrgauuizedt s scemecuteion, suid hue is tilso a imembuler of thie of. havsiuigfifteeui uienu Atpotiiuedhby thue Ph.I. . SuSciety' if Neiw York. Poe kig an1(1fifteeut by the oppouisitionhs, thu fur yteturs hue whilsionuerary vice-prnesi- Coisimonus. CharulesIcaulmlyphtst(hue Eatrl udentiif this organuizatiohh, Be is also ef Shaftshtiry, Iis chief 11op1p1111nti, st thue5aumembersoft hue AsmericantCusllege of seadh, aitut neven ofterwadsaul iledt aimeelt Phusicisuts, oandtof the hi tcrnutioiuah Mu- iug. sikt-Gesell sehafht, "liInlse fighth over tie excliusionu hilt, - thue nanuies eufPWhigs andel Tories ire Theucheihectuiral dehssrhuueut has a finst used. A feiw years lifter Wtilimu ew u ueithe of roomss, adaptedh especialhy ainu M~ary cohmueIs thue thronue, (hueflest Is its seeds, osulihe fourth floor of the suep was taken by' tiIoily' ef mseuultutnori th inug ofihie Eniginieerngug il- workl by a set of prnucipltes. 12roh ue iuug. A large drawiing roomu is heing' bueginiing of thecr neigh,uiuisers re- fteupc i wshuicuh is a imodel of is kiind, aind siguied, withutimispeachumieut, wenu their alresdy hunduureds of secimens of the tuolicies swere edefeated. hut 1693 thie Etml witc o ne usicadorun the iwalls. Thue roosiu of Sunuderltandu ouhsis''e tilliauiu to aseentuu to itse pubslic andu persoits in- choose Iis feirsiafy ministry, of Whifgs. h eresied are welcosse. BACK NUMBERS SUP- PLIED 10 NEW SUBSCRIBERS - hue I huuu'etof I iie'u'uuiur',of theu' Phtigauuu The Altumnutus publiished liy the ialuuu uuuumni Palumn iesoitti 'aiin N'i PuttCite associtioin of ithe uuuuieusity is thue lacy- uttiaks ipouint if tssising ire til pussi- esl collegemuonthily ill(hue country ,tutnd ihll wy s (hue MPhi gan uutuuanu(uwl io ne'a- also hasuhue largest circuilatioin. osateo"get a tisant" ini this'mutroponi~ils,