THE WOLVER INE VOL. I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1910. Not ii r. s ., Ii VARSIIY GA[[f 612 ELiberty Only one blck from the Campus Three good'square .meals per day Single Meals 25c $350 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS 1 GPIAING "DSIGNI .(i JOURNAL BILDINO DETROIT Another Chance For Those Who Wot THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Vritied y Unverity Rcords, ad the hoohs of the Telphee Compaeis To Get It You Must Subscribe for The Wolverine NO SINGLE COPIES of issues cotaining Directory except to subscribers. 50- Cts. Phone 960 i ELECTRICAL LABS MOVE TO NEW HOME Engineering Addition Provides Much More Room for New Machinery ELECTRICAL MUSEUM A FEATURE 'lTe tremsendeos g rowth i of the ele- treat enigineterinig separtaent haste eessitatcd a tewsytatotora l tr. At lst the ewt-lahoratry is oatel ad~ doitg dity eery tiny.For oe a mothtil the maines ate been hauilet fr1orn1 th south winig f tie Newe Egieerig buiilintg to f'thesnew west wig, ttd dur tng it at, the aboraillt in hs teenin i operationiueseymisuste f ttte itte Thte intumter of studiests ttkitg sm-i lier scsoost work is the latmest eter handfied. LEery ecourse onithtie lps- gramttha~s fill]seeits sautech in- structor is doig dobtle dtsh, s-rnt tsroredithosiisofwskhinlig stait- TDie greatest gftntis illspae. ioies dowesto igures it amsounits is alot 6 ter cntt. ast year i_ setiosiswerer dointg worit its onte course sswhiea ttit if repetitions;littl, te sitie sessetecet e dotte ini 5 setiosns. Foutr roomss ar tossavsaitalble foe ile-huotoetrie tortk where fortmerty there was isisyh one. Three of these tre fr sudsentissie sunt tie other forexeientlistri.sTheis chasige also gise esissosmIfsr stilrk sitt the osieilograipth.Thismitsnente e t usediltity ii intedakroom.sIt take pictres of electrieciturreensts, tatd light tng effects of ae auinctadescentt lamipis. Adevantage sas taken at tetimise to swire tetew aoeatry ncsorig t latest ismsirosed mthlodstsantdsprvisions was smasde for the futire ettarfemset. 'The ew labortory wislli take cre iii all te nosoete tmahinesssndsit otstl iterfere with thse regulisiworksThIiese matinies are of fretiteisests tes telt the atieascesiesto01elec tintl suiit erisif asnsithiler mteants otldIThere wilalsotbe anitexiibitosiltrs istale- eices for dispersessens t iglhtstansdla futl lte of nac,atpor, set itscandeisenit lamsps. Theeeeisstr itl stuttiasit wilt he cated, till e one f tss best oweied by ansytiniversty in The telephone laboratory wsill remains its the southtisng beeatsesf te snoise it the iese setios. This tepartmset willt aists use tiree of te mominis formess erly tused by te E. E. laboratory. Tihe isscrease itsmatitneryie wsiti re dutee the teacingiwofkst-nei-tirild;wshere osne itstuctorsperisrdlonie squad, le can nlostakis care of far or li. The cailsupons the eletriecl egineerisg lab- oratory liss at last eentreslied. PROFESSOR BEMAN GIVES LEPCTURES ON MIATHtEMAMCS The lecture tis aftsrsnostill be de ivered by Poes-sorisemaeisosnit"Re formis int he Teacingisf Mf sahematicses andsidtlit be fit-c ithetn-physis sosottas Sintce 1887 Professr BemansusitstbIees end professor sofmatshtetatitis itte uivteersity.lHe is thseasthoriseof ses- ersal essas ott itathemtiattl sbljects, atndthansriten sesersl text boks oni lthe subject. lie is si memtber of ue Amsericaun Matiemtatical Society, te Deutsche Mathsemtikie Vereinignsg, ad the AtmericantiAssiatits foete Ad- sassietientoittSciessce, sf ttwh iche test rice-ipresident ad cairisant sf setioss A its 1897. Sutisnu-er stuidensts ins ihe Uniersity- Jof Catiforttia are putblishintg a sumertse schooi paper. UNION'S VICTROLA CONCERT M ~ n D NA DIhO Sl151 i 1\NI ~ i t PROVES A DECIDED SUEc'S DUADE A MPIONS 1)llhli~l'l[IU iO I st ''tIS. The Victrola conscert at the Mishigatin PITto hPf~f~ ~ lis e r n isli silt i-iteross UssiotiSunday aftertnotn was a decded SPEU ING E'rsf .ll.Ji)lrtsn is slittast this success ifisnubers presettarc atty ni- -impors stasut u shutsss '-licced i tlsthtis terions. Tue tirogram hegan proumptiy sentio tfa~ec°s. Atsprsenut nut tie at four o'clock, and by tentmitt- Denaturdt''Spelling Now Usedthlist grea da sifotroes-litsisu itse after, every seat int the house was istlssisisls ss-tlso ile i tknadpeopte were seated ont the by Constantly Increasing ritz -oasirtt't~i lIlld r us- cuss-sII stairs, aitd dittitngroost tables. the si r i t l po~rs cus nsusst" D~r. Bdacon tattd Maurice Quitnt were Number of People Is td:.N cit~in i he receivinug committee, atnd Dotter ___u s irsIll] u ic s I -lt nr IHeaths tanaged the eictroia. Every .r wfrcr 1eshii uti~lits uutsbeeseas weli receivel, antd Homser NO ARGUMENTS FOR (OLD STYLE crj rae ife o In ste ivlls yaIltI responuded with severai encores. The ____ sl irte ) l~tcXit tushdltit lsadies av-aited thenmselv-es of the chansce a thi schto tlmlymehos1n tis visit the chum house, thus attestintg, 'Iconisiier iihissumovesmetsr ythuiiis tials fr-drc oal:ntuio tteir appreciationt of the treat prepared umost imsportanut of nisy itsdutiont it h esll oiyfrena for temt. Tihis is the first tisme the suoveumeunt today" deeeaedh o. i 1' tonlt.;sutes t il sic s thse rcis lsadiies havsse beet inivsited as guests of tite Mender yesterday sften titus, itlIsls le is oa n t _ru n CUniott. IHeretofore thsey haee attended ture ou T'ihie Spellingt Reform ihovft sit sl l bauetss stgutests of the inudividualtni stt, Its Aimos asud Ptrogresis." ue accts flistI itiii's is1thess- msemsbers. "Hienry Holt, the publiiser," os-suiuiesstunusrtsn I -arein;-- aed Prof. siMeader, 'estimatuedthait uetus is acfreduoitis.Natuita MICHIGAN'S FAME SPREADS $52'00o,000 was wasted ini sheut tttthstt I netiturrsyi i'seasit r, rrI l tug hbusiness ins mioo, frkitingus-suse s .51 ts ndar rirts lIess letters. Osur obsolteel~lists is p r~t~ h io s fnhio American School of Osteopathy Well the most ituportaust fitctoren us itc tus- iltse raI u s if haacer Rpeetdat Ann Arbor the adoptiout of Ensglihsaus orldsIt an-i Iss I-ilhiss Thteretiy he somte piople, evens eight guage. ants or stint icriuqu mra heee its .Ann55Arbor, shun hare nutiyet "Ahl that a spelinsg reforetistt us fliii strilts idnl T h:tc secoenis aise to the fact that as a schouol do is ho acceleraute the chansges ussuicIhs r u tsn'of his - i rct iiautoritty of muedicitue our famue has iraveled insst utae place to hunet chts-lanuagics- nditheint 0 s te ni h i f net elts eehrnound the counitry. It was- grow. Its t883, the -'meicnieas hilhititg -usls-elsIli u-ststssls tint so serf long ago that site of use ical Society laid dossnusrules a- i-it it"trl ctttthts its isle is-i to te ca taoeeuiust Easten w eecklies, after thor- 2500 spelhinugs, which were Iler In l it spar;tit n o lo ei iotypu uue uof- ouiglyinsvtuesuigatitug tte.differettted - porated itt thue StandadneD ietoarin ri'i han t itue.1lus t susetu scah inustitsutionus of the country,itucluded *eluditng such words astpeogr.atiltsata- ,e in actual quets stsito usw iht-tier sue Michigninta list of thue ine or six log, altho, thirsthosuro. 'Thue C us suisus hoolsuitiscus t iii lttehiss:re-sts, senders. Anid sow frotmsotne little towus, Simsplified SpellitgBor wa 13 meefr rossIet ints tshecio douwntsomewhere naotug the Mississippi iced out the 1th of Jauusnf ur, swt l rfntoia uias chialst usi- husre are eight students registered:. stc enias Chief Juticehintwetr Matl: lrits itta ~c das I;suiyts. ethur ilnee nf thuessmetsn, hate degrees al- Twain, Prof. Heinps, fssrusis iifihepac o51o, i eiicus t sth its tisse ready. Anidn-lau is store this little University of Michigani, Dlis arrsh I si ittist insets ussomtewhuere its that state where Jordans, ansi Presidenst Rossevts sits 1'1(f oI u- r feree o tI so people taveteo be showtn. Annt Arbor mtetubers. o teldigcrlic nirrsftc Msuust sate beetn pretty good nathotug- "'rTeultimsate atuim itosnsuit c h-us ls t ii c rr ris sht hunpsotbcut ravsg-e shiowitug to muake such nut impres- lisis spelhitng as fossetie as pousis it - \url rtirci."iewus tiaus he siin. Andu whuat is es-elisore, they bane the Board does tnt proposse aits raicau i lishehsitsishusisitsnusu-s aschol down there theusselves, which or'res-olutiotnary' schemeufs e form shunsdiret orindirecltee rrilts set ui , is considered about the best of its kitnd any suddensanud vioheut chuasuge of I uuussut -u its the cosuntrs-. They nuast fine pretty, lish spellitng. A list of 300oxiiiris h~tiss it" lsts nit oss~le1iit ie ts goond advice anyway on these eight stu- two spellins,seas seunt nutbifthue Bad.h -eo ptush ttung fIshir.usi heits iperhaps iw-uld not sane beets seetn Fiinall-, itt Ilarch, utys thtislutilst, r ~ c I~rls t i sis i mii llstn sit te Annu Arbor camsutus this summuer. with a total, nf 3300 wonrds was -sites tpaic utr a... rc ..i it ,,egu,.r., .4.attusuance at . ll r ter rc_,a t~ dic AmuericntSchsool sf Osteopathy at -iirksvihhe, Missouri, atnd are here tak- tug theisiutmer cosurseit antoy. Oune, Edgar D. Heist, has already earuned Iis segree, D.0., at the Missouri inustitu- titon wislie the others tire unidergradu- aids thuere.5 Arthur S. Hdollis took an, : .. degn"ee at Lotndon Utniversity, Etng- land, anud Mrs. Laura F. Sprague ren- ceised tier A.B. degree at Notre Dame, .Marnyland. Thue othuer studetnts are Han- lit E. Ihhisug, Manr H. McNab, Hubsert J. Pnocock, Mrs. Caticre EU. Hourite, -std .\Margaret O'Neil. FRAtTERNITY AND CLUB MEN REMAIN FOR SUMMER WORK Nearly all thue fraterusities are open: durinug thue iummien this y-ear. Mans of thue sectionl chubs also lint- mets'who sire stayinug for summuer work. Proba- bly stone of the hnuses are open thani erer heftie. This is oily an indicatioun if thue popularity of summer work amuonug thue regular studeunt body. Prae- tieathy thue tatte courses are glvees during hue summuuser as durng the regular year, buts durinug thue regular tennis the work is so arrnsged that thur student special- iing its a cnoummercial nr technical storkd, is unuable to geltmite courses desired on accounut nf coniflicts. Intsead of neman- tug fnr an extra year as mansy did inr thue pasistmone are suayinig every year to sussumuer schonol. The bulletont from 'the Ohio Slate Univrsity says that sun inspection of. use registrationt in the summer session shows that the student body is almost swholly comuposed of scnrsotus who bane donie considerable college work, whit, thur numbsuer of cnllrge graduates is lang-. en titan ever before. list . "From themsousentunm attuaindu n us last fonr years, the istil resulhtns will bis gainud soonser thans sluesumost asunest suit hserentus hope. Already. 30,0022persnst have sigid te adhesions cards, 2n)yua pert and magaznes and3ss rai shol line adoptedthue steinspelins. Tess. hooks, for the hope of the reuisloits uit theuntext getnerations, s beet nitteis, anid a sew dictionsary is its tuepatsnss, givntg place tn thuetse formss. ..s for argusmesuss agauinst this chausges, uthere are souse. Thur ioaudsehas a five foot shelf redy foersnhjectiisu, atnd it is emupty." Prof.. Mender is a msembher of thue sit visory eountcil sif misc Boardil;5tushbefoie the lecture, pamsphhets isere d istribustedi to those present. VISITORS, TO NI AGAR A PLEASED. II hThh 'TRImP lentsunmmer schiool chstudents i-Itt-i Niagara Fallhi with Mnr. I0 . Scotsit ss Saturday and Stunday. The partyf heft lier Friday aftertont, -tak-istt ihsboat at Detroit for Buffalo. Areiingsst thin Fails the party weunt tits-u the Gongs- rosute out the Cansadin side a-dtutu tsurnsed by thur Amuericanutste. Lessis- lout, te-whirlponl, anud nihsee otus o f interest were visited andsltheuelca formatiouns were efiphaitxed esnouc. Sunday, a trip was statie iuer misc AmsericnsFatio anud arosund GLtIs anud. The return trip was msade Suits day ight via the "Easten States." Dusts oune or two of the parts bad secntshie Falls beforn, anud all s-.:erres-eli pleased with their trip. Nearly forty thsousanud Amuerican cieti- zens call this university their almaus mater. Thi S ati i-'CI .-tttil'aSt-us W till uslie o- pussi \ k'shus yi to is ry tutu repaa hetroiniii int hI Nosunl in-, titpec lt ist L is Ih.5555fastia;;isi iaiiw ec they c il etoaIs-i i- tiasi lcs te t tidsa utr hit s si alt ill theit yn,, is uits mii tash cx- pects to b e iack illths:lite still. Mue sit is sit ihst ti uiuig iattird inustht- mean- tissue. I.tid. If itTHI it N NiIITENS" IL h11IC ttN TUIshhtC h,OSmS Dr In . 1 . if aItl luts.prio-essriofsuits- ldo eei-lit- i-st D toit Sundaisy aferoit t h is il -s 5 Itselsts-Prs- lust i -15 chus-hilt-sit lt lih usii15155515 I1[is t l ustss illu1striaitt-il suits nsuit s-u-st , twturu- - sti mvdexmlhs if someul 1le tu-siocasin lura st "uns- allsusandssidtilislels "''eits st cultist ths c ilt hifor usts 'ils is. nttl c itsiite o urs tf hestit iilctypslits ist Coda-- as~w sil ewhr efut 5 Iies.T Iguh tg scsi a nd litit s-s i-sl th of st hisan uhfe silut ill uspen. ussFt -aity s-il-i'ni Musicgsrest n ls-usts wus- ry.uuTat us thusex e el ssud esnt i s a n lust in tex ssmmusenr tsst issuhae cceirtics-i snrolled its the course befne. BACK NUMBERS SUP- PLIED 10 NEW SUBSCRIBERS I f