_.._ o.....rxwr . ...wr TUHE; WOI,'VERfNP FULL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing for Amateurs E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical r= ... Dept. fine Watch and Jewelery Repairing HALLER' S JEWEILRY STOR[ 216 South Main St. I) to ( ,- f l T Hi E WVO0LVE RIN E ~fel°cgir, Robert P., 707 Clotrch..158 J. - ________- TIELEPHOlNE DIRECTORY IFegusoin, Alfred IL., boa2Xlonroe. 799. Tri-weklypubliatio of he stdentIn eguson, WVil.A., 602 F. ashington. of the University of Michigan Summer5930 FieldILaiwreiice N.. 331 Mayn ard. 007 Session. Nmai i followedl by Ileters LC J, hie Rand1 \V areo lie I l liics. Tlicse ike, Ariali J., 624 Church. 515 J. laiiagiiig Ldilor-Lio N XX Vtirev. fI lii d bythe wosoi "red, wtitle, F Illn ortli, A. '1,, 22a S. Thayeir. 333. Eiditor-in-Cthief-Doss E. JONES, dlck,' t19. 1r Inte ire fthicFillkinsCedric 1F,,h604S. State. 3/ i1. home Teleph itoCo oipany.Finkeinstaedt, Edwrarid R., 702 S. U(iv rnrR.Niiii lo s hvI bei rcrddaccord- 63.IBothi phoiies. News Editor .... . Dioin S. liirn osre brs. ci iii 11 Toeseoreorcor- FiinlaiEdward R., 909 E. Wasliitgtonl. rcii. XAc dare no tsoisibile toe mis- 1225 J. liio~i OiliS. Itikes. i ot hewr-re itaion ofiFainJuliette 1., 820 Church. 1490. E. R. Burtoit Edoward 11. itotiiisheet mcid o s pin ie 1101c0siflie sunn-i 1slier, Robert C., 707 Oford IRoad. H. (. McGee Forteigli Jacobs 11 .1c1)chot. 357. Both tphonies. \Vh1eni the streei ;endnmibter are F ' f, owlaiid U., 1122 XWashteinaw. nUStrso sl 'ccc. I e.an inqiiivii tothe chief liperatoir 1074 1. Adv ertisiiig tMianager. . Richiarid Siiiinsiwilt acrinthe correciiphloiie inumber. Flahierty , Reubeti J., I113 N. Inugalls. O. O Capener. H. l. alkns.984 J. H. H Capeiter 1-1 51 (aki ),li niot iiiii theiioterat1r fur leis-Clitiher, JohuiiX., 116 N. State. 183 L. Johii Bottilla Fsliiii.I omhtal ihfa ct 11)1111 W. G.Betsley 13913 Ii nt ihik ictaliiquisoitive i FlaaIeeinard, 203 5. Thaiyer. 775 J. 'Sufifcas Tt VisitenetsCitswho1i lailodcmia enrlain Flosserdthi, George IH., 5o5 N. tDivisioii. MC.3111 Blaclo. Ma5ynard Street, Aiii borXi iic91iiaiin____ orriiiier, Oisen It., 5at1 I?.Jeffersio. Office lI ones :1 :30 to 230 p.1m.1dily.Ii ( Ii. 0Cha(ins19040J01, Biotho tiones, g60. Instilln, tdrwiP.,1303 XX iii H f153 Ciii. iiiani Alfred IH., 510 h,. XXilliaii. i~cet, Abtti Carl, it713 Cathieriiei 96h8J. 87o LI Subscription Rates:ILocall, ift1ycell) lerOt I. o S ~i.470 J. Coirsythie ,Ida M., ,322 S.FifItli. 171, fur lie siummiei;inm.ilidito i nyiad-1.1,11 ttJill WXX425.sDiviiont 879 J. Forsythle, R. XV. tress foir twenty-iveisretits ailiil 1 ~seVri niti, 15S.Stile Fiosytic, XWarren C., 3.55 S. Fifth.107. buttvertising rates: Furished upon ill m7I0I.iistir, Charles S., to N. Inigalls. 1)'4L. dlicatioitto the Mattoging I ilitlse I itnod IIGo. I.,Soo0Pc kard. 776 L. Costeri ChristiiiaF<., 20o N. State. iii mE Xs, uo C I' 0oi nn.I 44 102 1. a NION tu.LABEL 1? iiiiniiii 3J. .,914 I I.IHuron.11 No IFouiitai, MNabel C., 215 N. State. 1453. lb lie.Fx NE ., 802 S. University. 746 J. ticticekiatheii, io 9101. Xashiung-FoxlHowsard 5., 8o2 5.GUnilv. 746 J. THURSDAY, JULY 2at. io. tol.i 9 .IFowle, Theodore WX., 200 N. State. 1igliiii,(tld E.,8o3 S. State. 1314. 1022 L. 'Ihiceditoriial in thle isuie of 11101 1 ci I t~el, I 'rio ii J., 5 retisosd. No FrcliS., 010 Cornsw'elIClace. 306. day in regoaif to 'isitors beiht3 o. ithone. 11riikliii, C. ft., fai9Forest. 1452 J. to all classes iefeirred to slilet c hoti drd, . C.64-i.Fraklini, T. IH., 917 F,-Huoii. 1150 IL. are enoll ted tint' siiini ciseii'ion, aund I Ii I ti I tin.I roit lXtani H., 1,511 XXastenaw. 146o. to thiise 0111. thlers thave notthSis I I isiiii Iii 0S.,'1814111 701 J. Faerstenani, Carrie H., 417 5. lDivisioii. lii'ieife. I It isIIli Xiichis A.,3;E.Jieffetrsoil 1357 J. -Niiphine. lCFaesteiiano, iriioty, 417 5. Divisionu. TH1AT'NIAGARA1.0 lL,S '1)11. Atoll iii l1 ,ranki1t;., 104 S. Thiayei. 1357 J3 Eieyyear soiie imemtber of1theitech- Ii 1480J3 t orroto1101, Jeitnie G., 417 5. lDivisiem. hng staff of the geiilogy detpartmwent Inii s)))) Geo. I, I113 Gedlifs. 630,1057 3. heads ait excuirsioni to Niagara Faills. tot, C ;uller Eliter (7, 915 Oaklanid. 355. This year the Ipartiyisill btic hare 1mcrcliarr c 1;,2;N t te. T53.Criiiiltbriig 3Jisephiiine.1115 F. ItItroti. of M~r. I. H. Scull. Rates hiave ba omGae1. 0 iisibon.12(46 J3 i497, secured, aitdlall arranigementi s tossil1?ricutson XArhut 1.,4111S. iision1. Fosster, A . ,1437XWashteniamw. 311. fur the beneft a111 comtifort of the tray- ,89 3. (Gabri lith C. 604 'Madisoii. 789 1L. ellers 11a1ve ieeii iiade. These tripleitI 1 0,111JiihniiS., 84 E. (niii.15o8 J3 Gabie tlIini V.,6o4 XMaiiisiii. 78)g1L. 11111 affiod an ideal outing ata od- 1 str 61S.Sat. 9gJ. Galloiwais LiaP.1,1514 FC Liberty. Nii crate cexese, hut theyiafiuri Ionle morie 1551..phine itinsitisoiget acquoaintedagt hel0100 1s Io ll t, 111~11,182,,iS (ill. 617 white. Garini tL / I 3 S.Slate. 387. cosoolitanitiistudieiit lboidy i. yone spi 01 A1tkit M .,X31to0oS.Utie.904 J.Gaston, George X.,8o6 11111. 374. whoi desires to take =a weekeniud iii i-M ~ .V,98S. State.c 269 TL. GavnorF.T., 13 Thioiipsitn. 1204 L. can do no better thaunito join the I rustVt's 1111r, ClaytIon, S2IObservatory . Nii Gebtturt, fHiry C., 216) N. State. No and Satuirday excursontol lithle bll olbtsphhone. XWhile therefutuprfs' siltl1mak)' a1tour 1vins, JohnoWXX1.,t13'-1 Voll'otd. No Geez, XWiliam A. of intspectioni dowin the gorge is I iee t lithone Geseel,Ufalls XX., 344 S. Divisiiii. 366. geoilogical formaltis wsill le explatined 1 1 ii, Xiisa r.104 E. Jeffersoni Gray, Nellie 71., 112a6 XXashtenaw. 577 at irst baud. This it itself is well 391. ed wolrthi the trip. 1,\ii ., 1fill IIiiil iii 878 3. Gerardl, George L., 1511XXashteitaw. Iamr_-F- C.,1loo F 1r1n1 231. 1460. Sevenitefit itmeitatteiiceid the coleit liii 1c]11I,., I it Ia'k Trrace Gerlo, Craiiko 1., 717 Arbor. 1043 J. mn's coiifereiice at Veromilliont,1 Tie 765 I. Gialinti, James 3., 607 F. Aiti. 1175 J Erie, not for1friwi Sanidusky . Fae-,tilt., 3 3 S. Diviion~i. 112a8 I. Giflbert, Qulinter O., toot E. IHuronm. 921. 1" clc, -I agaat 1.,724S.Inugalls 1272 Hoite). Crofcsor Xeilee is giving ot series of 120oJ. Gifiersot, XV. 3., 337 XWiliamis. 1220 3. lectures ini Ypsilanti, sandfiill tlte'tg 1ajaD lit IB.,41 S.1 Fit. No (illis, Floyd H.,tot5 N. fHInroit. 397. to Deitroit. IptielCnnuned onPage 3.) NEW FOR i XV are shtowin11 an exten-' sive ff110 of Sumotmer Fabrics. The assortmenlt comlprises everythinig that is Ivew 0111 hlobby ini desini, Ciilor anil quality. We call say with-' cull d'x)Rgcratiiitoitor stioc this year is the 1110 t iatd- somie we have ever shuown, a df will radily appfea ll ti fle mollst particlar p fatront. 0500 THE ANN ARDOR!sPRES /'rllcs lioftIih ieift Printer s of:-Tte Woverine. Thte Miti 01, ii DaiyIlhe.Alumuutus,'Te Laii et tt'liii10Guyte. Thu ichul- Amniricaon Tyler'-lkeystone', Yost's dnsirecitry, Ne'ws-Ltte. S. C. A. iliiititi,iuIi.Sorotisoks00, Universiity Press Building, Maynard St. Attn Arbor, Michigan All Lovers ofiGod Stda Waterindn ilothue "'aol knuivCrnliy Phar- inaecytois n ideal 010ac fore deiiot'us eotirge tue or a thiest East University Pharmacy 1,2il3 SoulthtUniversity University School of Music Albt, i.iiStuntey. A.l., Director Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 Iligmlac schoolt 1yuanriteg;illiOctober)3. Coures1iallbeauncites if iMusic. AffilitoediittiwithUiverily. to Artist Teachmers. Call. oe scud fon illutsrated calenttdar. CHIARLES.S IiN K, Secretary ManrdS. AnArbor, IMicht. W. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St.j GREY BROTHERS. TAILORS and Dry Cleaners 1112 S. University Ave. and 911 N. Vine Ave. GREY BROIHERS 210 E. liurona Tomr wants your T1O0M 10 OV EL 1109 S. Universlty first Class Boot anid Shoe Repairing rold high ahoea Best price given. LOOK HERE!I Why no~t ,sbsct-ibefor THE WOLVERINE Al once. It will conitain alt UnitversiDtiles includingncliuj of rntus, an,)tltic. 111111, acolyimolcrs t'., Yl te 11slnaTiss I Ii ts5 Malted atnynn'h.se75 Addresss: Presss Bndg. City Ball .&Simmons REAL ESTATE Rentals, Houses, Rooms or Apartments SUBSCRIBiEIFOR The Michigan Alumnus Andlbecome e memeeuliereby of The University of Michigan Alumni Association AllIwhosuscr ibesili reetive a speialtphotogrlavure portraitlofDr.Annull SBinto Iatto (7 [fc 0X utnututis i the largest ('allege mtonthly 1n the I ountry. El t con- tainsithclaItest news about the University. and editorial commenl't .n importttant cvents. l~t contains personal items concerning mnembers of yoturi'lans every tonuth. (LA volume of the Alumnus custains the his- tiny oh thue Uiversity for the year. (Lit publishes a series of nell chosen pickuires evecry month. T1W FARMER~S AND) WCHIAhiIt 80 MAIN AND HIURSON STIII3t'ts ta~tal $10,000 S01p1u1 and Proftils $t00,e00 on Timen and eaviutilg(epoits.Safely Lie- pos11innoxs t 111dil1t10 .00 anup owards R. Tresle, Pres. . II. I. luluYovAo, Xice-P're'. H. A. WucnoAbs, Ott~ali I 'CFoT.TOW i+~Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $50~,001)u Soulus $290,000 Rlesource's F,0,oo A Genealn Banking uialn eransacted Umelenen: Chns. 11.IHiscock, Pres.; Wi. 1D, Hareimann, Vine Prenso.:M.3. lJe trtrashiee STATE SAVINGS BANK- 5.3J. Bth Jn1o. V.Sherluac Wm. Arnoldt tr. V. C. Vaaghai. los. H. Wade 1E. F. Mills JouhnlIfaaeeJno.Routi Pent. B. S. Carttt at Henry WV. IDoofaL Christian Martint Ban P. climnieeoac GermanA efican gvi =-8-_ Comrmnercie.l gad Se..vilmsa Cac.. Moten an'.d Lihes-ty Streets FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or Ass ARBOR, MICll. E. D. KINNE, HIARISION SOULEs Pres. ViceePees. S. Wi. ULAIII15N, Cashier, Capital. 0100,000. Surplus antiProfttsd, 000,000, ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS---Frenchs and Steam Cleaning For Fine (Gowns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Mens Clothing All Spots Removed. 204 E. Washi nito n If yous are furnishuing rooms this fall be sure and consult 'Us, as it will be to your advantage M ARTIN HALLER 'Fu'n t.n.rtnn, Canpets. anad Dr'apernnies 112-122 E. ibety ia~w it. . RANlJAL1L & PACR7, Photo graiphers Phoot 598