T~E WOLVERINE ______________________ IWhite Swan Laundry'- We do the Finest Laundry Work in the city. Phone us an order and be convinced Junction of Catherine and Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue Bell Phone 165 Hlaoe Phone 1 52-While WHITE SWAN L1AUNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. F. A. MYLES (Second 'Floor) 607 E. William St. DETVROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:50 a. io., 1:50 p. in., 4:50 p. in., 7:5(0 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-19:24 a. in., 2:24 p. in., 5:24 p. in., 8:24 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-To Detroil, 5:45 a. ai., and every houri to 10:45 p. m. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. mn., and hall hourly to 11:15 p. in.. also 12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. n , 12:5(0 a. mn. To Saline, ehange at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. in., 7:13 a. in., and every two hours to 11:15 p. in. College Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR DUSINES thisFOR YOUNGME Interviews and Correspondence Solicited W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at The Cutting, Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single Meals Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-Whit Only Place in Town for Bathing UNIVERSITY NOTICES COMING E'VNTS. 1Unle .ss, herss ie speciied, te lecture, will h iv, e i te \Wes Lecture Roossm, I' sis ii Lashorator. July 19 , 5. mi. (sllidlssl Clem~isr (ws itsOdemsostratios ). Prof. S. I,. Ji11 s9, 7i . The IPlaee f te School Teacherin,,the Scholssslplift. Prof. G.IL Jo ssios. Nwsberr. (lll. July tos,i8 p. isn.-Thle Sil Prolm. Dr. 15D. 1l.sowi. Nw esical DBuil- isn.,'iWest )Amphsliteatsre. il}2o, . ,I.-Fredrchs elilel, Dr.,,,atis. rof. J.A. . P1lilslssr. (il 52,jp. mis-T,. P1 raSInss ~srucison of Adolesis-ts.Irsf. CG. IH. Jhn- Ju i22 i, 8 px. ---limpises of isnsiiet Rolie (Illulstsrated). 1sf. IF. Ws. Jul 2_. -sxcursiont to Nigara PFals. Scc _IMr. I. ll. Scttimoinigs is, tweeCn, 9 andil11iatIe msctsrais. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY (Coti nis.t Ississage a-I I )sis,-ir, Ad1rin,, 1., 1ii~ S. Taye~ r. Ni, Donovans~i,Percy., J 133 1 ill,33. Do nl, W88.,812ifsN Diisio,t1.8. lIssolitlc, I sissril 52sMnroe.55990tJ. lonsssss,is , .oi555Monrosisi 13i2~4 I,. Ilsissi, \iiifrs-si1I., 203SIshser. 77J l)sssss, Glnna4iss 20Is;A sunI oI,. Downsiss, W88.,1 , S,tl s78., Ilisil10.0 \-,47 81isanId.370 J. Drumislr Sle , ; Ic.Stt. 783. (i' EnstIssi 107 E. IUnisi..1576 1Dstlts-, trsiss1-,I.236sSliihayer. i138 J. iDof, Ges. I., 16C ViitsFllts Dufife-r, Arthrilsi, 4 ,Lawrence55.5 i43 I,. I )isgsss, Is-s I., .I1is Iefeso5n55.417J. Duncs,ss:Vli--iice sssrul - 12] S.Utivis 74s9 W8hi. IDanf ord,. Cas.iS.s, 31 lisis, 187 lak. Dulp,ssl Fr. cdilV, 9o6 8nii 707 J. I liitsg, Ir,,si 8A., 5 lhlmsiii . 204 ,. Dun, ,r V st, ir., 1126 Vashesi,,,, 577 Vs If yiii want yusr, is devl oeIliy hasdsan Isby saniexpert, isoto Lout- (isis. Ech 1Cahn es iierssionalsateis tionisslis i us iss sof sivlospmes. C7 t ILeave your laundilri-al Sininers, TIe IF Whlss , i uiiiteiwn rmtscsvic. iIS~l Is ?RSCIIVI(S T. GRALC~NGER'S Sch,,ol ofsIdancinsg oes Fs rida ee- iig('y il lasses for ladies aiss "cts isis, Ines-s andisiFridalsy esesisgs, 5 i7 to sio'loc. Tuitionss$3.00. 5 or~ii,,,, uarties. isill also blie lde, on 'Iliicsilv iiiigs, 8 toi10 o'cl. IFor iparticus-t-i .cll t Acdey sit ssI'ackardshos~ses adsoforsit Allisaid &PForsyhie. Rdcdpric~ ss1TeCisssRackes a State Srs--itI-l,, ii". Repa-iiigspNea-stly- soeit VTe Vlet. -4soS. SaeSir Sc ct. Ii tr lootwiser of Alliratd & For s5 ils, Sumssisisr I)Diii p sal .Lke Iousets, 88 Iis,, c Lae, 58 nsii- 'a adilSatr- day venigs,678i Sric lie TCermsisBolsttes atIle Sate Strss-:s1llsrsls-srs. iwsc-ss I thaseC abussiniess Ipropiosition for some you sissitu-sit, ishesrley ue Cs Ississ-o f the entisre college 5ear cani beC Isfraysed . VspIeciailly sidaptesd for sa pon mits d i ci~ ouiple, orfr a siisother sitshissc-hildreni tss lput thisoughs sscosl. Smsallinvse stiment. iAddress 11, casre if NssoserissC fistoiii is ch and'iss Germiant bs a P~arisiant Ili - Ss814 S. Sitste Street. Phsuse '7q6 i,. 4-5-6 We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Call 928, Either Phone. and Our Wagon Will Call Promptly. AVENUE CF Lunch Counter Dining Room Board $3.00 Opp. New Engineering Bldg. 549 E. University MARTIN Guitars and Mandolinfs BEST IN THE WORLD Fnr Solo at SCHAEBEERLE ft SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 E. MAIN ST. I 1 Hoag's Annual Notion Sale Now Rtuning Full Blast At 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, Sc. 13c, 18c, and 23c You ean boy high class eveiy 0-ay nsisie s's worth double. Sale bsegins 1'rdaJuly 17, ends tilty-6.1 fN 'VSlISS IT. E, G. HOAG C. P. BANCROFT General Supplies for Students Ice Creamn, Conecions, Stationery, Tobancos Periodicals, Etc. Agency Varsity Launudry 722 Monroe St., Cor. Thayer Clean, Cool Spring Water I Narranging yeouuervaatiuinnbesueatupartaf it, aileantinospent en the Great Lakes. Itisi the most pleasani and seonmial trip in Anmer- icsi and yea will enjeyneverynkisie. All tipoartat portiaof the Great Lakin are reaeched regularlyhby thseexellenservicoaf theD. & C. Like Linen. The ten largeteemeref thuisfleetareofesaoici'steeleeonstructien,, proelled by pewerful enginen end have all the dualiies of speed, safety end ecinfert. The United Wirelesn Telegraph Sereice usestaboard. Tickets reading via any rail line between Deroit anilaufalo, Deroit and Cleveland are available for transportation on D. & C. ;Line Steaers in either direction. The D. is C. Lake Linen eperate daily trips hevirese Detroit and Buffalo, Detroit and Cleveland, fear trips weekly betwseen Voledo, Detoi, Mackinac Island and way perts, and two tiipi weekly betsseen Derosi, Bay Ciy, Saginaw and way porii. A Cleveland toMacksinacspecial seamer will beoperaied frem June 25 to Septemnbenr 10, leaving Clessloed diseci las Mackisac,,stiopping at Detrii enrouteeveryiirip aned at Goderichs, iii., every sushe tip. Special daylight trips between Detroit and Cleveland durineg July and August. Send 2-centstamp for illutratd paplt adGrat Laes map. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. MCMILLAN, PRES. A. A. S3HANTZ, GEN. MGR. Ann Arbor Swimming Park 713 South Fifth Avenue i i Complete Lin~e of Fabrrics G. H. WILD COMPANY 311 Sovth State Street Summrner Suitingfs Oiatin..g Trousers