I --____________________--..- fIii WOI.V1RI Ni FULL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies Deveoping and Printing for Amateurs E. E. CALKINS, Drggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical Dept Fine Watch and Jeweler Repairing HALEIR'S J[WELLtRY STOR[ 216 sou.th Main St. TH9 ANN ARRRESS I'i drs to he Sudet Body Felatrsso:-The loleieii'The Mihigan Dily'lhe, Almnsus, The Lawy Revewi .The Gagoyle. The Mii- gao Twiiie, H-igh Sclhooil Osiega. Amerc'as Tylee lystane Yest's (s eatI haol asFotall, Official OS- Mteas' Diectory Niw-Lehte, . . A. Ilalicel. Molis ook, lUnieriy Tesi-oas i ediffeeilaguaes. Press Building, Maynard S. Atn Arbrn Michigan All Lovers of Good RosiilWatersfid liatt hieast Univiers'ity Flis- iiay is asieal Place fr a ilcliioiscolle(e ieora tirst 'leitouxiii'" liileli (hoelali'' liit- cod Fast University Pharmacy 120lMaiSothnivsitsy University School of Musik Aliier1 A. ;Maley. A. Mi., Dileector Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 Reiil arescolilyear lbeginsoOctober :3. Courases in all brichles of lltisic. A lilialeilNviliivrsiirlty. 340 Artist Teachers. Clla r send far illastratei] caleindar'. C~IARILFMA.INI, Secetary MiaynlarilSt. AiinArhar, Mihl. THE WOLVERINE Tri-weekly publicatian of11he' studcints af the Unixvcrsity of Xicliigaii S11111er Session. ?Manlaginig Edxir-i X1;XA 11111, l'dilal ui-C Iiif-DANA I". JONS . News iEditor ....... DonS. Plii ccc 1?. R. Btonl Edilaard If. Roiex ll. G. Mace C 1_leic acobs i Arivertising XMaager-.Richard Simoils 0. 0. ('arpentler. 11. 1I. Calkins. JohniBoia EdawIinF. x 5'. XW. G. Hex-lcy Adidress: Tit XWOTarRIElx, 11resHi lx' ida xilacd Sireet, XlAnnXAirbor, Mlichiianc Office Jfixllls :'1:30 Io 2 :30 P.I. i lxi HBotIhilphones, 96o, Subs~cripiona Rates: Ioaxl, ifly centi' foe lie siummeiar; miiiicled ito any iad dress for twen-ixv c cents adiinxl.x Xaivertfiig 'ait's- Fulrnished upxi it plicatioii Io tie iaai~g Idi TUESH XX, JUI.'i'9,Ii)lilia xI-xc 'lxxx Fi a Ccxxi K. One advanaixageltxat thc summeri stu-x dentl las ovecr txe rcgua~r studeutxi is ini xisiting 'lassi's. Dlrnag thei'stiiiiiixterrcii all class roxos ore openato tlxx ill'r- All tlhat isneecssary is lxx findixie lace anxd enler; therciliiisureily lbe'sxats enioughl toigixoixround. Lurinig the reg iilar tcri aliiscals arceioftein Iillcedxaii ihe isractoxr illt alos's t ouetIli, i'isitors. Tlicri'ace iian10'y i cses gxie oni the camlpuia thaitar arc weliiwiorthais- itig. Neariy aiill a'hixwirk is ofaa-peda gougical iixatirelxo le siiri, butinelyixall ilic stuideciila rc intecre'sted i xin h sillub jeccts. kioursces iiiilosopIIIistoiiixry, in lieareixic ae.i'eing giv'e'i xxhich arci noti 1tolichad ini thecreguilarsills iioi. Otlier coarsesianllall cdepartmentarie ill iiitcrcstlt liilsse takig aworkof a spiccialiiatiure. T'leictuxre' i i anud thiose'trexting if rst aid tol thei iinjiiredaxill be particularlinterxtingto thios 'ho iare specexiiaizig inedca subjecats, air inigy'mnasiumil worki. I f youxiaasix 1oaisit 'ny class sml 00 toi Ike clasasccroom xixd speakito thi iiistrctoxr in chiargc. IHIcwillbei'gladx to hiaa'eihis casaigiien'iedi. XX'e ca-i viihadsomeipreits good lcc tiure's ltey, xciiether bloxcidenltioriidi- sign ice ace 01at xaos t lci. 11* the, hiave enciigii'i'iibisaccixident i'we liip they, 11100conti ie by idesigni. !'eili i io' I X ici were 'eadl i n thexxil .sI;! (lIii lias ciii ec l b is xcitho a niai .il i iiandiicollieC oftvictorioas. bar xis xiiih n lxxixiscal iii tiii' liii- lxii ii o pu up a'couleii'of it'eims to pr i liii 611 ilachothe, a soil if reg- ulari lini lp alld ii scru 's, as ii -i-i-i a1 c iig iias the, re'oalixiseball f ' I i lix i lslit I iiii. xi l IiCe ioughti lo have thei lisupportIxxofialiii' uivearsty fanis. xL's .311 ioitito theiii'agiiiii e Xi'lisiix axlixr theii vacitlayiii7s X'isiilani aindilet offaieu-ofthse- "xxii Ixxiiod Michigaii 0yills justlC loxshowi thl liiasiliiis hoiw "'I' AN 1 ii.Xi SI )FNS lFORXUNION \lF CXIRiS1 liiiP DJ-IX N iliXO 'xh pc - u c ie xl tthc lii ani Earli X. liloixci' ofiLainsiig lhasx ac- ceptedailx posiii 5iticxiioriaitat the Chitrchi ifIOuxr Faihec,3Dcxii, fir thel comiing0yexar, whchliaxill ibegini Si'itcm- her i. fir. XMoorexxiii coniuellchila studies ii1ithc liiterary-iidepairtmentiiof lie U'. if Xi"hasinlug iraduatixiii'i li i110itinii the l mu iiSc deipart'mentii. NOTI CIX. Colle ill aiidihiar alii of tielctxelst lxi lal-isogsandiiinstalrumenil p iecesi. Nox i liis'ile 'at1C c r Culls. XXals piao ixolios. XlusicaliiAXciStorec, 326 Stale ste. XXe caillfor, cleaniprcss, xani ailiair o our siiniianiiafternaio. IThe XVxletI, Phoneiic1137 L, o0136i hitelli. ing' (1iii ighti Xa ll1Th lexi,'1iii7i suitsa. ,',X'X, FiXSTXTEX FORilXS XI,- louis. lIt s 66 12. XXi' 'xiCall sel t is oili 'i cxtrct for $000o. Sir oo drnlxilii houaci xixsenPa' xi'lxicad Funae il- asxi, bathixl. $ifox. Neii sievallrooml housa' siuithiof Cm pus.:Mdr Xiini verxcxyl Pr.ic-$2700i. 1ix iPackxird Strcet, se olfcrank pr l it >ct e>tra i i h 111111 i()fill VC lxxi Salticday evenCillg 5ilc- 111d its i'purp xse if tgti-llg thor thiieiiiix re lili c l-c llixi'aiihisndiedliCfen were o xmliii wichi priiled '0 q aiia cce s.I n tii ii Iiii'iii liii' gili~nusis wi-i-i y stinedocetaom iiixxircrxcxi iixls. Xidjoucrn- lInclxix li,- li lilmadeito th dinigoo wxlxxxr x a - Victr ictoll'iloilxaedilbyithe (lii i-sity l lisi I ixxiiseiiiplald sceC c- seiin rixoxmihouise, compIIi'letely iodei-ci, Iiols frcultt-i llxi il upoinlthiclo axse incinaiiig softlwaer motor. fGoodiiloi. of the mui isical. iiiiiiiii ixMXii h-Il as Prace$32001. Iast ilof cremoniesia de a ii .1shorit. xlew s ix illom mo iern ihouse between i spech if xlii le andiitheni calied uponxii iamiipus ,andiiihospiital. $32;0. iii illlur i l li xI 011jus 1what ith Xiii go 17 X. ..Saviiigs lbxnkhix locki'. Cliii' St lls for. -- '--___ liiiicXult(1 I ixiiinc rep dd ita li Ius [ii xi X'iYcle key iattached'i loxfile. Finderx c'lsix l ofi hei reltiv sta dar siof liii lease ' ill-i- at ReistrarH-il-lii'sofi , xi i llliI xxsiiis ilii ivi'irsitx Hall. .8 stunner iand ii iii(,lxsesions andi IixCI r5 dIIXweltS R I'.X~ vvi ]io cam hftfoi su m studyl) icanii Pennuat, fanc-' waor'c xindi cuiosi. have ttlli th hig sc iiiciudens Bestipices. lOllI. Libecrt'. who aix , xiii l )iiixi 011 cxiiiixig to i M ch- l~e~nt R-eediasisalledisoill-ct.IH theicoix ntry 15 after'hugs, buttilieicx ant}i lSl1(1,iipa ti to tre th t ma y boaixc'al spe-'cien. stdetxaei1.1xthel hbit oi if guig__to__-____ pi lle liiriiitiliiiii1 anix- 1ifrx i c ifatflixnor i t I r- N wNnOal 'aCic pr o. eas ' Slu'a't e ccee. ma itc i c-i flixixh ai l ace."i liii' 'ii f l in1 it a tlni 1od0117 1 iidia d give y7ou aslgo oil iirics xas is cxiii l~