i Players are particular about cues. We have good ces;o light or heavy, plain corded, or ebony to soil. Findl what you like andl se reserve it for.iiu in private drawer iitliout charg HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. THE WELL-KNOWN Chubb House One Block from Campus. 209 S. State St. Rates, $3,50 Per Week COPETE CAFE FOR STUDENTS C C. BISSELL Evrything New and Clean U. of M. and HrnRiver Boat Livery * s noes sand lieats1Pented PG.TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 86 1E. R. FROST 302 SOUr1ri- STATE STREET DUAL ER IN Ladies and Gients' Fine Footwear Sole Agent for the Famous CIRAWFORD) SHOE3S i f I I TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Niciil c 11ci-s f lv dii ~ v Ilchrs 1,, I. R iii\ c ad W .recn thec "(1' iic~s. Thoi blaiick," cc l are i i lissc 1 1 cl the Horn i c, (C. cmc Ci 1 (i c } li 11(1110 '1ihavici cciii ccmd aco - i cc coisteetii 11c t iirb r. Thsc a c or-cci rect. W e31 reIIcI ct icilii 1ic I or nl takes dC ic to ill(,civrc)' ' o cirie ci lw- iciiic ic lihe ()mres ()f liic stim- meri ccschoccol.c W lci the streiet i iiii; ccii m i ac imii accl ic ti c c tocl ch rirao wils ccii ii ciuhe ic c pii Ic i I ccci 1)oi i o h n cir l i nci cc .1 cc i Sdlici 1_) ct C, r.2 iii[l V 10771 Ic. ilci, 31. I., 50() ic. lii li Sic. 7117 J. AI Xi~c iic ii, c licici. 0 'iii I clii ii. ;71 , +7 1111ac.. \iil ccc, i c . 1o. No). Ix ic n. 1c7)1ic Siirorci, AIsici .,ic;ooiiS. lFifiiiA.c iliiciJ. T1l41: W OIVIS:tI i; rcliiiii 13111 k.c 3110 it)Mc ol . 1 124( 1 ''I 55 3Ic 5111.17t' l '1 CiScl li MartonlicIcrene NI., 807;IE'. Wasincgiton. Barhoom w, . .,Coal E H1o. Ii cicic . for( the Ii i cc icr Cil ii cccl o a cc BsetChsl?,o0 Thbomipcon. 1246 i1. of $i. cc ati iii illk cl c Kth u dh~lc Iatscncii n,511 .,i ?scllan H lli. 823. \cuAss liio c lcin T1eI d ii iccjici fromi Bil, i N. J.,)10 \\clcciiiglcil. V o Lc. 7:3:; . 111, to ;311 p.4 . ; c cii arc B tnt kR IL,63 S. Il lscic. '1376cJ. prov ic i iide b (te lcsciiil c. The nom e cicuailI.\55 the actuli c xcllea 11iĀ°aii il phone.iwiiiiileithe c c 1 1eei~thle t fu BIii cicicic cli Idg i c 0 S.ThaverIit11111 .dollrs Ic ridcico Railih L[, 26( ack rd.8c0 J. - - - - - I'al~,\'.(. 3 .Il ls.ii 1644 f1 RE1 1 ilL F )1: S Si 17 lbcer 1(11Mv, 11i irieent i St. Seven iroomlii ii i l houselil c ar cam-.11 J1pus.1c c liii 6li ,2. \'eC se ins oil Brc, la Io~ic 31 I1 ccciiison.cc~ncli c i $ 000 I11)8 J1 Sig 1(1 111 ii den ol c ea P ck r. ccl ler . iioicl Sttii n.lcili I c illii asi ( c i iii i(Cii B ii11 1luc ii FI- 1_j i ci cicillili 112 L.cei c cro mli 11(1c 'ti lc c cc Bicc Artchi uricii , loIiiF.Jefferscciii340cc . 1pus. liii l ii i cI ilhilii Racheuc I ., i lgiiiciciical iaion. ii I ci c iii Srrt \ rf c i a (iii Bcn el, lb rtA.,32 N S at. 2 2 . ec il 1,0 11 ihus, (dhcii d I cl c ic)C- [CMciiti M117c 1. 41 FocElizabet. ;02 J. iclciudingci ftic ccci ti . (cx cci Beihc~k ()1VC 12 1? I uiiicc cci 111 L.3 1 111i C 1$300. li~ii n Jui uien 1".,I c26 Churi h.iii fi J.( New I ii 1. .C. am osan h iii l. 3 12 7 ill((Cii. 11 I lici'iholciicc I cli ci c. t. 100 326 L1c. FULLER &O'CONNOR Steamn and French Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c Trousers loc 619 E. Williamu Street JOHN H. LAMBERT The University Shoe Shop full lie cfc l 3 (lull ii Archiii Props wc i Ilnciclii l iii fo Ccd l l iii. LACES AND POISHES3 613 H. William St., Ann Arbor A rl I I I I ( .(,- T I Scccciccuc l~i ccii 5 lucd (iii Iii )I oi 55111ll. P i,7T6 N.Sicite. f13 I-. 1,345 - 39' SeE 3ciii Frd'lii,5 iicTh mpson.ilimc 111111 I,.1 4 F. Jeilccici. t1246 1, Siiiiic'rs i I'lirederic CS., Sici S. I.ciii S i PScr- Ii a T VII . IicA ic Hlil. eC.; slx itV oL. I -uiieioisE. oo . E\ aiill-tionl. Scigicui John W.,\ iii i mc((((cii No 1T111(3 8 rc Don S. lciic. 236 Pcocii A nsieci N("Io. \1-.,ic,,33 S llcrici 1111I L. Arod36 ~vc, o . Fit A cikami(;co.iA., 2 o iS. 55ac.Ii L. :sld un iee Jccci iI 5 iiii C, o;k Wahi ii 1 cglai ii 1 d Paci ci 1 Noiphonelli. 1234F, 7751 Sicici S.JiciccrK Bla11 chard, iciccci C.,P 2cc N.i- SN ate.i 1453. 1135 1 i l iichadJuiaiii624 S. Chulch. ir;J. 184 1 (( ntnc i} . l( ils Ccni ued onl cci a1110}1 oA I,. cc I i II i il h ity-a3 ;hat1 Str1 t.ihadware S l ofiliucic opensc rida cn inc- Julc th. i assscci clii Si dc1 i es and 515131 n Ii3 311111and551" Idyc S \inis, (Al Ttw 11av en ims, it to clock. Reinger & Company The Old Place Billiard Parlors Ciponrg. rnndvc Tnhnc~ p1(II Xli 46. Pak rd sliii i cd t> f Ii lcicyilic. Biiic your (oiltcccrCof sythe. Eberbach & Son Company Chemicals, Drags and Sundries WO0LV E RINE CLUB WROOM Billiards and Pool Tobaccos and Cigars Everythirxg New StidecintiPatcronageSocicited. Opp. D.UR. Stio,a 113 W.ituron R.B.NOYES, Prop. F OR photographic film and printing paper, cameras, pure chemni- cals and supplies of alkinds, come to this store and you will be certain of depend. able quality. We sell the L ,NSCO0 I'FILM" which makes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let us show you our splendid assortment of cameras. Pure chemicals, all photographic supplies. Developing and printing dome. Reasonable charges. j, E. J. SCHMIDT 301iS. dilate iSi. ['i -Bel 3 11 ,J U i A1l111c I Ba r,1017l o I "'1 SI. o . 02 j. 1148L litk r-,A10-CH ., 02 'liii' ii Iacii 1 uris ii . 11 y 1. i(11,1 I BallardcR.cS 14X61Ic. H rh ic Richard I.,r1110 . h( yccii r S icicciuic i l iii ic Itcc Lake c Il n , W3iccc Ii c SFa e iiiciciccc cud Sailii- Iii ciandciiiiViall cilc clicitiocL 1(3- ii clduii ciii (Ciii ofccl c h cucciii. 6-7 Li 1rcccliipriescmiii im is .aclci sl at icl 111(1k111111iccsW)A Ifnl . c di cii 1a c c iork and1 11.101". Iit' p'cci. ?G) I ,1lii ic'. Ebci Weston";llCacreCtravelcling about11 clc iii aterba sii t(IicC.,an Sliccic 1 ci $75 A MONTH hoinhoo' Ser- i tn tg1. pem luinmniIii. Powdr She o lsWarth chester eade r Tan eptfrer" s hnniaCUenlls i asrstesokthe o wd t Sierexpvlo s- lerd$2 I ionynsted o loclizng ite, waeds eold F hr ~ o en ptne on stF:irc tin, asrp.Weacsyo tewrk superioanes umade %nuacgCor Dint. eon,1 Smf eley ouw d ea rootShells AKRThe etCruedWBanD.in ;,trues, 5\iii. i1.,123 5. It