It . VI L CICI N g "SILL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies D~eveloping and Printing for Amateurs E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' Dept. Fine Watch and Jewelery Repairing HALLER1'S JEW[[U1Y STOR[ 216 South Main~ St. T"E WOLVERINE Tn-nweekly publication of th tu ent of the Unisersitsy of MicigniiSiummerc tlicaig 1 dto)-ar I Ai' Vjiitt it. tddin- ccChief -iANA'. Cl Jas News Editor . l... a. DonS. iriey 4. IR. iBurtotn l'da ant 1. tdt If.G.C-M~c~iee Bttitch J acobs Xdvrtisinsg Managccer..iRichardl Simmssons LI. 0. Carpcenter. t1t. 'l.(Clkins. Johtn iionilla Fldii iF.J]mochaI Xv;IG. B levii cl9drtessa Tit' W0Is,s osas', Pressfill! 'Xayniad Street, a Att r.s',i iiian.i Offic Hour,: 5r.:'tt to 2:30 1. int. Idily. Roth phlonie , 960. Subsecritiionu Rates:tLocal,fi fty cciii fitr lie sttutte tncailedi tocally a(_ dress fori tvetnty-five cecnts adtoi \Adverctisintgrales: P'crislsedlupon ap- plictioun toi the ianatitctsiii itl% r SAVPTRDAY, Jil Yt'6~, tittt. Tosday teheart iiislcilliiisccl iiofI I IFllct,'ct'satiuienti iirectoryappes. This has lienis anigcled iiiiitheiil- avcrasyrecoirds,ctscclis a ' t ite a icc' as possible. 'Teletihioieinuitbiesluis) ienusseritical at lie otfices if th e tsle ilhoneccopanies tatudsihere p11c ila hers iwere not registeredionthestu dent's cardt thcey tacv eecsaladded. 'Ii tiusmies nice ccrect iaccc Iis ii iith niis umbrinig if the streets. lihi' icncc mieii tosf thse cdirecto ry cassumes o ra ,;incsiiitt for utistakecs that acii'c t theiwrong registatciti iofistrecta. Vtc ranitheicitoavoascidi iisakethcat art tiasond ythe rImiviitoisnii ccl fro osncs ttest tiianthercc iwlen liii sate aniot recursdedithis chiange i' the othces osiChe scummeiissicaession. Thiii(11 rectr issw sillibeitpulishmedi a ast sth phon i nii umibeir iis clilibe rirs icc It ii ill lie compiltedciwiittiiinaiiut aiweesk. l1n order toioainiascomple~iiiti' i of te stiiieints it cciice necescsary ito'presirve copies ccf the atp apes cltcImiccc; tihe Allow% CENOTAPH LOOSE AMONG US Has Roamed Campus Quietely for Over Sixty Years ;u>' ill ha ou w r walk cci cc' i n 'ig Peace- f icllyaac toss a aiiiii'ts o e(,akna ight, tn hi suit 5ilu i c maie lice to lace ccii h 'a ccnot sic. "XX'cciit i l tc aike tic cictic h Ial, or care cciii sine iof those taollc wholiiare')so col iin tiecs Iiessf d ci r tic hati i a cic'' ih\c " Sitti~saics cgIIs', ii), 'ic ii shouldI'holdi iurii oui d cii \-)n h1 l 'to rco 1 s tcc - to chIf i al liccislii seei' Awciiif yicc -eo ii cd it i it li-o 55he ableit Xcii(51 5 c 1i- i t large (.11 the ic ciii s 1 asn d u tibeen aenici~-cY std sit htcs). "Nocti cccii ci isis cstdet chre iowibli y cw) in h a cft ticse a ls of cii isisisi fo c',anw i\ Y as. I a sir- it cd more it in E~rs c~c'1 1:1,111its eg - ti, h od cemiiclinicscliii'w sal clinic is srer so e ooitaih' to se cwenithl at'\ Nisci tinWsts rnapi'erreci ircms linac ico Ascin kiirbo inc1841 ansisal deiscs'Pro- fesscir ccfthe (Greekind ciiLutistLaii- gacges. ii'He i cciiedt'n c:rbr ini 1845, jncst aefore cisc irst clcasswatagraduatciedt. Doisglnis IHoucghictic soiwhomsathetsr ccf cisc tablets is dedlictedi, waccapint- ed Prafessriof Chcemscitry , ine 50 C' andi 1a5slgs it ii nccichianinitics'yliir 1839,cbuice cnescliirccd idayrguari'teants iuig ice. XXhitseengacgen iiccsi'ilciiial stirsvcy ccltihs Utiter Pencinsuaii, hicc' s Isistic c l cniae Scipericorc'inc1845.Iisi v'aluali'e ollecis of inser'cls and ii s herb'tai'imiswercc'preseteci ei Unc i- 5e~t c os f c M tichigcan. SamucetllDeuuuuuuwscsaccmembcer ccf tse tirst unsaid of regen))ts ccf tics' ccii' s''ai asci dress'tics' tirs''eeir ters.sH1Icws Profciessor of thIcs leoryc'sciii Prctice' if XMeicsusial ofiPathsosicgyinicctis Med'sis'c lDeparitmnt fro'mn its rgiz'a-e tion)ini 18,a uctil iisssindciii. tie did nit XiiiNlXrt i t'Ccc'harl is iws aptpinteiii'i pr'))fessori col Xgricul ture.cic ticsUivciir'sits of M\icisiiganii in 1854 liii) ciii cci cicisa l An iinne aciiyccr. 5)5)55 iii JCii MP5 HAlS aPFi'i5. Studesisatcctics Biologcicalchmucs c' cast tic in ciii clncs iycthoseiatcite ccci- versity. Tich snstcaphs a'ppesr ofitsi cccil Mslucs Lutc'i'ie s'scoics atics'eitori). Theii pacperi'appueacrsweeklin (] con 'sitains iciisslsicecielscipert'a'iincg tctiost'snsw'Inly inrkof tics' cacti, f'ature'satorcie's, cand ridssfIis'tics'guiiacseifcic'h'ecampes''. NEW FOR SUMMER MIc i sti7 cit allow .111 r as weiventurcs sw an cc c l~wne-:Iii)wil,sit miais rcinpcted at "mycime5555cc cit i nts i ww a norh of n l esiccal c. 'thi iprtof the cciii) ha, 5)555 led I1Is tics ciii) XMcdical 13111uu(1ui1us; ht 55555>> ,aitiiia wasa ftlier s madeint nsal ticsticc:cfildIsio' the it ic}. The tilt ahscii)) ito ga r rw }xlw ' ww aw, as lwavs it oc1 ciii)))')) 1 1)place' in the tic' ci, 'and 11ci sai '") indu 'ciosmove ill ith WI,' of) ~ toins hei is litsi iiiw'e'e'it hdtnt isptdswi We ure shovinlg an exten sive lhme cl Summsner Fabrics. Thce assortmcentl comprises everyclciig that as new and nisbby icn design, color and qualify. We culs say with- out exilggeralitan or stock this yeur is licenmo. t haynd- somce we, have ever shown, a cidwill readily uppeal .o the mosst particular patron. XI is acthie risce'Kimit, inast lear'asliii 'crai Sin'' 'try onchalfime atc cc Nc'itsi' ta,1tints cc'epsctie 'the aiposii ticor th tear.,11isch' '. XX C. X. is t ( ec'onigiractulatedsioniisec'ursinsg;ierseran 11- i it WX X~o, (n'the rigum acensoicah only a imumet erclad n Donoci' of cc it l)conta ins imemor)cc iatleta 'ss) s. T e 5rken saft s cciudcalo cii 5) ded a fee- w aeks efore 0)) 5s )') tatit) wincha ii s'dcc Mus t? 1845.'ill )al ti s d taI e ccRN prourin a 5),universic ty Bury mou) " b t itias ]il untiii Sep- as tlccii c I iiwas itsncresiclveits' c cco opar feetfcand cidwy 'beide I cci' h sil) ''anidiitaetiast sis')) th roundscl, rid silka 5 cbe teen theis rt ccd southlimesofi h r in s bei'sat )arts i ci a Ct5)5r f rth T ')' ats'. 'Ilk, cmonum it cc it t r). XX iii sc's wa y asd itic e 1 -U'' isersailty lBu)y- was i ii I''iasaneer .Cclpii' I 'lie repocrt of tics Ca.rneg'ie' Puns's- versities Ifc'rm)5tccdia clitheiiaos'encouracg- isig exhiit'sa oifccui' formccofl si'iiic'icitic C'pla sc m ic cciandcicinumnl mic sa crryciallt'iLe ice ccdoin, gu~ita an pcinocifolioiscatMusiccsal :rtS, ctre. "cci Stants'Street. XXesmsakec ccii' owiiiAlIscrap' boos andii --we you))a s ood'ices nsais am aisteitiith tiishie betins)graentfeccl.noiss. J. I,. Skincisc XX'rightc cciidI itacii, GooduissIch, u1 Ayer ci'a 'scsscins ii te nninsblts cat Sk~ inner's. Col QaxIordsatcclAllmcand & Fisaclie's. II THE ANNARBOR PRES /'c'icctot h In ie Stimdeccl 'iti'ccsicf:Tics' 5i'cleeriscc',Tics M~ician talls', Them'Aluminius, 'Thei usc vits's icsv, '5c'T eggyle. Tise lIies,- I~ar ' cic, ligic S'Ic iiil Omiega. Amerssi'canuTletr- Keystonse, linac's (reat 5pool:cmiinIFootball, Officiul Sti- col 'ire~c'to'Iry, News-Lietters, S. (C. A. H ascii, .Scisahoiokut, Cive~sisty e'i's oliss in s55it'secc lanuageis. Press Building, Maynard Si, Ann Arbor, Michigan All Lovers oft:fodcd ca Wamesstild iitics'theicast Uiveris'ity 'Icai'- ma)cC isan iidea) place lair a d~eicns colleerice srsalists i tip Cc' o-I 'I'n Io~ ccsget exccitedl if youiisee acicitln c Ai, I chcasimig acc ter cc xillsa cc is t. c l in! right. Juta p ~pieis to ice ac pa t t sUmies it oa ut1f5lir stiescimes. . i til Sixall-sevenu instcitutions cs e nI\c oi'') Xl thec hitascccejitedl uy shun'C'rn' ie'iiciic' "cu i shahin icu"f - - ---- -- _I I, Ii it t lii tic ne XX wasc c'a' muuiste'rss'inc Fuse Footwnear at Xluiini& sic ssitics's. bc 'sic))siia 'i i chudcme I -to____ 'cc i siwr, hico'mblcsidtecinig ElAXY'TENNIS, c i'sn ii- t Ibcame pr i cciinipitl Cetsyocur'lis atCushinig',;.Ness I acr ofiis' tic' mimics ')sityl catedil X suhi &' Dii 'mc usualSpahcingsa -1 210 E. lisrojm TOM LOVELL 1109 S. University I First Class Boot arnd Shvoe Repairing~ Torn wants youzr old hitgh shoes Beat price lgive: I. I Ball & Simmons REAL ESTATE Rentals, Houses, Rooms or Apartments LOOK HE&RE! Why net sabsaeibe fa- THE WOLVERINE Atuoce. Icthill cntinallhUivritiunamies isuc'ti nu aunionuc of' r'ge'nts, atsrric dolsjw.' facultynsteics en'., far tiroC s ucuucce 'Mon'tls. Miled snxywshea-s 75e Addr-ess: Press Bldg.. City SUBSCRIBE FOR The Michigan Alumnus AndsciI mc''c as'ccuuembeterebsiy of The University of Michigan Alumni Association Alt1whstscactasccci) wilrecive'sa specialsalcutciraure portrait oftDr. Atlgs' i'iuitui' ats: tChe AluXccsmnusais the largest college scaunthly in time cuntrcy. t c on- tains theu Gtstnmenss abnnut the Unaieeraity. and editoiacieommssent to imptn-Lantrevents. Qtil ecntains personal item. oncesrning membuciers Cif iorclaseverycsmosth. tCkAsvolcumse usfstheAlumnus contais athe Itis' tour'5ofithe ne'ivrit for is the yeas'. tQt publishces a series ohfcwell a' ucen pct ueseer y month, n I IN W. F. DieterlI Varsiiy Tailor 117 E. Liberty St.j GREY BROTHERS TAILORS and Dry Cleaners 1112 S. University Ave. and 911 N. Vine Ave. GREY BROTHERS THE 1FAttNIllt5AND M[LIARICS BARN MAIN AND HURON STREEiTS Clapinal $10,000 Suaplus and Profltsa$100,000) Genueral Basnkting Btusiness. a pereesit paid -)n Tisse acid Sas'in,aDepsits., Safety Ice- oasis liocces to rest ct 52.00 and upwarda ft. ificusre. PreS, II. i1, Pisc'r'rsds, Vice-Pres. 55. A. WIIi nts. Cash, ie I{i' . T. STOW', Asst. rhe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitatock $3t 00,000 OSuralas $290,000 Rsoucs-* tct,OI A General Banking Busilness Transacted UFFIERS:n'Chas. E. Iseuck, Pres. ; W. D. Haimetuan, V'e Fees.:M. J. Fritzn,Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DRCTORyS: W., J. Ruothc Jnu, V. Sheehuan Win, Arnold Or, V. Ci. Vaugiana las, 0H.'inade E. F ils',l John Haiarer Jno.Koch Prof. H. S. Carhuirt Henry IW.Douglas Cdhritian Martin DlieP. Zissnerman Cormmrerl .and Savlnaigs Conv. Main aend Liberty Str..els FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN ARBOR, MIen. E. d). sIiNN E, HARiRISON SOULE Prs.Vice-Fees, S. W., iCLARKcSON, iCashier. Caithal. $100,000. Surslus and Pruots, $60,000. I5)ncichtc stce r. i'uut Fast University Pharmacy university School of Music Alt Cci A. Stanluey. AAl5., isrctor Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 Regiularschoel cssyer beinss October 3. Cosieu.s i ic branIes cufliMusic'. Afiitcedlsitsh5uis'ers'icy. 10 As'ist 'cher' c'ss. Call, or sendct Str ill ustrcucrateaenudas'. CiIA Iii 'IiA. iS IN, Stcetar'y Maiynadmitst5. - Asia Aricor, Mash. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS ---French and Steam Cleaning For Fine (Gowns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Men's Clothing All Spots Removed. 204 E. Wsshirigtori If yox.i are furnishing roomxs this fall be sure and consult 'us, as it will be to your advantage MART'%bINHALLER G Farnl*snr., Carpets. Brad Draperles 112-122 L. Liberti y 121 Washington L 121 ashIgto &. PACIirrotgr5her phcrc 598