TO"WEVR IN k, We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep) Cool. Come where all leg lead to F. A. MYLES (Second i loor) 607 1.Iil X lia 8G. DETROIT UNITED LINES BEITWEE~N DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound -7:501 a. in ,I1:50 pn, 4:501).ltn., 7b60 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:4 aim. 224 p. mi., 5:24 p. in., 8:24 p, m. Local Cars East Bound-To Dtreot, 5:45 a. n. and eeryloiir to 11:45 p. 0n. To Ypilanti, 5:45 a. n., and half horly to 11:15 p.m. also 12:15 a. in., 12:0 a. in, 12:50 a. i. o Saline, change at Local Cars West Bound-5:45 a. in, 7:15 a. in., and eery two hors to 11:15 pin THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THIS University of. Michigan Is ready for distribution at the Secretary's Office. It contains complete information concerning all of the Departments of the University. Fall semester begins October 4, 1910. A copy of the Catalogue with special publications relating to any department will be sent on application to SHI1RLEY W. SMITH, Secretary Ann Arbor, Michigan "For a delightful lunicheon or excellent repast" Mack's Tea Roorx Thic op 1to1 1ahoi ldl iihoF Srtice a La Carte-- A. Mi. to 5 P. M., Saturdays to 9 P. M. OnyPlace in Town for OnlyBathing UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ulsobs hro icsecr ii,te ltrs eii y giheoc11ite\XWes LectiurRomi, for theIi:'rim nation::of Life.-Pii- fl~or i.F. C. Nut omico I l 12, 3 p. c.- I.. irimenal ii i I r. Ie iipi us. iSoial Uift. - Ms.iCaline Biarit-iii In ii8p mTe ira-m~icrosciic.F Jutiili r,,i .),'l'lThe croli lugo si- illcl. P ossoi M. I'Oogc. In% 11 .i .--T hiGo:IIlogy iiiiia gi -i of Mu s ii Higi Sihol Adi\tiorim. Jilc' i S Ip.11 -lral Iaintig (ilis Ii Ii ).Iirofessor J. S. Xkney, Jr. I,111f ARY COURSE SIHOWS A GOOD REGSTRATION ''lios far Slieu stitients,Ieirl' all 1of ithemi liiraianini iihigh soiol aiid ohr insituiiosin h saehv Mli Koisleipresiid imseiiclf s ieyiiell ever, . iwoilocs than Ilst yeres en- ollmetuou. Al raidy Ilueclass is ben ilira iiii, P iof. foci of Otelit, iihii ,poke on GermaniPuiolill1ibraries, men-i ing y p bli a oin iion fl ai I colandi of he 1ran Ric s Pblilira lian c i c ljl i:ni'ih ve iluu c he ueio The clascsll wisedsm ie i lil ic, ciioiiiand iu llsi lpublic lba is n d ti hei pst ilanti Noriiiiail Scolibf.arysasiheiilcasiiallifhoe inc Alm iuAibo ic.lTioMie. suocr ciocll liis. \fWioeusiitug FihsrIcy Cll ili i Uiil ivci iiioolii :id Isui. Selt: ion oily H. f:l~icFlluc o t icg, (cliilli.ou Enlaucco anfothilecn goc toPai iuAteucin g iParFisity cWituts procied is Sitzelandianic Itil$3.00 tringii. biyicSillthernoiousiigfo ing Jly th Casss oliesCallXdi i i8 o'clck.u. 41i$300 11to ii lit iurenchiand IGemntbyca Puisiiil ili . 81i4 S. Stater Street. 1lim o fu.r 1. 4- Sli~i5,i1 liecsci alldrtso will he lgoon summer ciCmusic tudensiatfooit's Slt1s Sitiieoc122 l,ilieii stret01nd1 t6CSic. ;Mtstre ei. Piiaiiciscfirr entu Itireduicod Tryec e lcii sailii'if oiiiii 0111'Ouu ne placein toii-(.ucfic.i fiiiiii hray. CliOx)cfoescat .llicnid & Foesa ilie's. MARTIN Guitars and Mandolints BEST IN THE WORLD Fo Sale at SCHAEBERLE ft SON MUSIC HOUSE 10 E. MAIN ST. College Mene, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS Stael FOR YOUNG MEN Interviews and Correspndence Solicited W. T. CAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT ..We Do the Highest Grade o Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourt Aveaue Catl 92, Eter Phone, and Or Wagon Wilt Cat Promoptly. SVBSCRIEEE FOR The Michigan Alumnus A oi a, e i i ie , The University of Michigan Alumni Association (12 1lie X a iinuuc in the largecsticllege,.iioni lilt in t coutryi.i (llt cot. tainn the latiest niws aotitihe'Uniuei tyic and . di i a liU titic iie nt n impor itant ovn te. (Lit contansrnc oial iiti c i i i mi i lei of youii ilasn eiiey imonth. (CA volumie oft e l li liiiiiii tit he i s- tor eof the Inivi eriy or the yer.(l t 1il il c ies ofticwiltl ehbosenptcituiriesiery nmonthi 'Mx' ffBLEND FAT1 CIGARETTLS !j 20 for 15 c-ts. 0~A I VARSITY race. Eight mtuscular com- rades rowing in per fect rhythm. The _ flag of the old Alma Mater bursts upon the breeze. Victory. Then the long e~s ~ ride back to town on the train-and t t Fatima Cigarettes. ens You enjoy the ite Clend ci Turkcish tobacco, ihe cool rich flavor, and you hate ton cairn cigareites, THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Clean, Cool Spring Water Ann Arbor Swimming Park 713 South Fifth Avenue r _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Complete Line of . Fabrics G. H. WILD COMPANY 311 Solath state Street Summer S'uitings Outing Trouxsers