We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool Come where all legs lead to. P. A. MYLES (Secood loor) 17 E. .William St. DETROIT UNITED LINES BE2TWEEiIN DETROIT ANN ARBOR AND) JACKSON Limited ars East Bound -i:50 a. nit., 1:50 p. t., 4:501 p. t., 1:50 p tn. Limited ars West Bound-9(:4 a, 111., 2:24 p. t., 5:24 p. in., '24 p. m. Local Cars East Bound 'To Deroit, 5:5 a. ru., adl ever (out' to 10:5 p. m. To Ypilanti, 5:45 a. em., antI hal hourlyl to 11:15 p. o~ alsoi 12:15 t. to, 12:0 a. in., 12:501 a. mi. To Saline, change att Yrpsilanti. Local ars West Bound-5:5 ait., 7:15 a. i., and every twitihour to 11:15 p. it. THE NEW CATALOGUE OF THlE University ol'-Michigan Is ready for distribution at the Secretary's Office. It contains complete information concerning all of the lDepartments of the University. Fall semester begins October 4, 1910. A copy of the Catalogue with special publications relating to any department will be sent on application to SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary Ann Arbor, f'lichigan "For a delightful Itmicheost or excellesnt repast" Mack's Tea Room.~ '''itt pe tilur tlo I ititI titf (it tt" Service a La Carte-8 A. M. to 5 P. M, Saturdays to 9 P. 1. Only Place in Town for 'Bathing Clean, Cool Spring Water Ann Arbor Swimming Park 713 South Fifth Avenue T1I I O i. dVit. ,'P UNIVERSITY NOTICES lepr tdit yIt ort ittisitut. Dr-i'.,S F. littcic'. (tlt 8, S ttttm. tAddress--1resiett I. . Itnt ittitiv tt ittiMatli'ti. T ite al. ichard Kyttsi Rh ig. ". 1S ..'t'lUl . s t i; S. ilt' Rhii 8 iclt6ca-'hiTheoryiand$Prac lie (slq ine t'lit's-trill mtilt l e It- te it C las) isea f at tl 2 s a .1 ccd i S theUni'esite.ulet . e (lit givent in the it itri si Iit Iis ta' Scitool o t i ng((it eniii. ida 2 ve. i) Sity ititi. Cas o a is2a3. ('tcil(5'aniit' al Sltiticsil al o b e Ilde rmsa((e (SN'S 1.R So 1', 'cloc,\Fo (tirulrsca i t t AcadIecmyiioritpht'es itA, ssitltiiicartis aIfltil(st ofit'll- ilIsttttllik .tti itll li' licit nw talarmclocis)1 a t utu A hillin's, 11l I. Ssilstieetct' Trythellu, sli c 'ttls; i isn 81To l 1rge coo l sises tille ligseci Suret ci ardwvariteStrcc, )ito Sit. Sitate orSt usitu i ll oernhouse four roomtstlt hom 'orgooInve is tmnt.t'i 55ill showis fe te cenii tio tlitihSe' Isice cif $800 The Palais Royal Peasants, Fancy 7Work aiid Curio ()s Best Prices in Town tog East Liberty Street BLEND CIGARERMTT E' (0 20 for 15 cts. j VARSITY race. liight muscular com- rades rowing in pet fect rhythm. The flag of the old Alma Mater bursts upon tihe breeze. Victory. Then the long * ) ride back to town on the train-and Fatitma Cigarettes. FF' Yea enjoy the fine hlend of Turhish tohacco, the coot ricli flavor, and yto have ten caira cigarettes. - THE AMERICAN TOBA(CO CO. YOUR VACATION I.IP I N arranfinouasummsenr vacation betoure that care of it, attleastis spent on the GreatLakes. ttisthe msot pleasant and economoicaltrip in Anton- ica and yous'swill enjoy everynsinute. Alltheioreant portseffobh Great Lakes are reached reguarsly by the eocellent secrvice of the D. &P C. Late Lines. The ten large steanesofthiefleet areofsmoderntsteelontrtien, psr'pelled by poeorful engines and hove all the qualities of spee.d, safety and ceofort. The United Wiroless Tetegraph Service used aboard. Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and IBaffalo, Detroit and Cleveland are available for transportation on D. & C. Dine Steamers ini either direction. The D. &s C. Lake Lines eperate daily trips between Detsroit and Buffalo, Detsroit and Clevreland, feertrsips weekly between Toledo, Detroit, Mackinac Island and way pents, and two trips weekly between Detroit, Eay City, Satinaw and way ports. A Cleveland teMakinacspcial stnamer willtbe operatedlfroms Jane 25 te Septemsbes'If, leavinf Cleveland disect las Mackinac, stepping at Detroit enreute eey tip and at Goderichi, One., every oster trip. Special daylight trips between Detroit and Cleveland daring July and August. Send 2-cent stamnp fernillustrated pasmphlet and Great Lobes msap. Address L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A., DETROIT P. H. McMILLAN, PR . A . A. S='7HANTZ, GEN. Mon. '-4. 17 ,5.5. Suis' Pk. PIcc Complete Line of Fabrics 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 South Stat.0 Street Surnmmer. Suitingfs Outirng Trouisers