TOP, wolIVERINU White Swan Laundry We do the :WHITE SWAN Junct.i finest LaundryCahrn Work _ .-. Detroit - ---- and Fourti ntect.Poeus an order and Bell Phone 1 be convinced Home Phone WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY on of and tStreets tAvenue 165 s152-White it We are showing an especially fine assortment of WOO LENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Garey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all lego lead to. F. A. MYLES (Second Floor) 607 IL. William St. DETROIT UNITED LINES BSETWESEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Cars East Bound-_7:5 a. mn.,xI:50 p. in., 4:50 p. in., 7:50 p. in. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 a. in., 2:24 p. in., 5:24 p. mn , 8:24 p. m., Local Cars East Bound- 1o Detroit, 5:45 a. in., and every heour to 10:45 pi. m. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. in., and half hourly to 11:15 p. in.. alsoe12:15 a. in., 12:30 a. in., 12:50 a. in. 'To Saline, ehange at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound--5:45 a. in., 7:15 a. in., and every two hooro to 11:15 p. in. College Men, Take Notice EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR In This BUSINES State FOR YOUNGu MEN Interviews and Correspondence ESlcited Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. W. T. GAGE, General Agent 615 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT If you are looking for the Coolest Place in Town, and the Best Place to Eat, Board at TheCutting Cafe Corner of Monroe and State Streets: Regular Board, Meal Tickets, and Single' Meals xcxxinfiid ix fomn Paer1.) cites, the civilshave 1ben dongthle same od things that all ciilo nst do, the mehatnical egitees hae Ibeettfo. loitg suit, axowell ax tte eletriealitttd chemiceal englneers. TI' tmarite arei' itt for their share f the glr whei the taoval taut was throiop ( extfor in spec- tiotn.Vie axve adi abortiithe atmte u her ofi iteit altteeatiptias we havxe hl itt foriter yexrs. Mora tanxx3oei- tiers ittll toixkiworn: iseiixier. lhe irosplets fixe ext year tre xvegxxod indeed; tmore tiati (ionegiieerig ,An- nonctementsio tre pilexi . usoer tier xxii the esk, aixdlthey are xdwidlig ast every clay. Two weets ago saw te giniixg of ile muedics, teirs eig buii axsix-wxeetx stay eee. IManyi traetiing tphysiixans avxailexdtemxselves of tettewerlig tiade receentlvlxythe ex getttxallowxixg tixetx to omxe ee fr specixl wor. Sexveral osteopiathxs froxm Misxsxuri were tresenti aiithe oxxumxier sessixxn. Olteer coleges atdixcooil giing itsruceiioxn in speial xworlk laxiirexpreetatie ee. lOver li fir perceent xf thxe tdentstxreg istered l itmxeicieeoree graduitxes rxxm tther exleges. Inx the laix xeprtmtent the sesioin was lengtentexdto teti weks, aiii the Iorkdixixexinitotwoix'xtermts. "lhisi mxaikes it ixoxsile fox moreiadvaexde xvxxk toii le ecomplteted. Manxitud xenxet fromix tll cxxer the coutt: r xxapprxxvel xx lixchaitge ad a etthle uivieeit, plnigto tfiniih their lwixwxikic i-t tirelx iii suttxmxer sesonsx. [le south iisrar ilxarly eiesixtexi i te 'lxxi sx chxl. tOvet thity xx'pex xxi xxof tiiisxiii dentsxregiste rexd1illxlair are exolleg andx xxxixersity grxiduaxtes. All tolii a cxxtxixirahie ixittit verx ,201isuixenxxisxxere rexiserex1foxrxxxork this xsxuimte. '[le gixga iiixel itri- luiixsxlxxasit xxieexii xcompiilxxlat lxh- miaiti ofices extc, lxiiithe idicixatxis r lxhat therexxxixa.morextixe liy)satierex t'ipresenttiotii anlxin preiousxxiears.i Ptobxlyxmorixxe r eglritudiientsixremin- id-ta lastlxxixiear; mitxA'' 'xx hxouse tweri txas takienxin theliiivitxties xaboti lxx- campusxt..Altxogeteixt'.iithle xixionixtofx tiie teniaxti'lexhiii of tlii-sauuixer ss ionttt h lisxi, lix eenteiexnthx ttearxof summitierxxwxr, lxasx 1eeni axrmarabilxy succexssfiul year. YtPLJt.tlf THIlS SthIAiER. Thei' populritiy ofi the Gexlogv dpti-t miexntasa drxlawix- a'dlet1orii-smmiie schooxlxistdentsis ixexxix ixixinvieneiti fromxxxthex xnumbies xhioxelece ti-l kxxindut itf woxrk thisxsunitiier. 'Tixxyearxthe couresixnxxIllyixiigtxtxix axiiiMclxiii' ology haeixix e la xrges erxllmenx. 'Tle exionts to v arixuixplcesxxof in- terest aronixiiAxixiArbori' haxie attracted mianyewho-wlxxxnxxx exglartly exrlldx in the dexpartmxe-ntlanxiiitle studetts in gixnxral lxaixextak~enxa idecidin terextinii tse,ceses haxndxedi otifromxixthe IMu- teixixibuilding. Tliii'field courthisix eea lxxixsliex enrypoipxuilar xd equitexa ess-haxie le- c'omexxacquxaintediixithx te hadixi siiaxnd ileasures of a "real" gexlogixt. Thle wr:ini this course lxxlxsxtoo mtaixtiy withlthieix'reyixof xa sectionxiof territoryx tear AimiArborx xxxii -tletiainixg xl a toposxgraphlic xxxii xigeoxoicxemapiiifl tli 'xiiii tCit''NN xx, exT-s. aens'"CA.o The thiridi decennxxial cxtxlxge of the uiveris-xity will le publihledl iitli' xprig f 1911 . [ProfexsorlDcmxtmoxi of te iftiglisli deparitent is tlx'e ditr. T ii is the thiridx cxtalogie xlits lxindto e publlihed at the uivesit, the first twxo beig ixtuiblhedxinxxtSi, andii 110 respectively. fTeexatlogeti- xll cx- taiii te namte, adree, adx ocexixa- tioxis of all te xalumnxi, incudingthgeli class xxf tiso. Registrxar I falllxxixretrei fIristixsxi vaxcationxxstienti atiLeo i'lti'tx'xisilxaxdxs. Big oxforexd sxle at Allixattil xxii For- xy the.. Rooms for Lxidy Stxidentis. Fone xuities atndiisne sitigle rootm, all cixixen- ienteex, xwiitinxtexthiockis of camtipux. 8o05iE.flueon Michigan Song Books and College Music For Sale at Lowest Prices We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Coal 928, Either Phooo. and Our Wagon Will Coil Promptly. IRowe's. Laundry 406 Detroit Street We call for and deliver your Laundry FINEST QUALITY OF WORK DONE Bell Phone 457 One Block From Campus 1212 South University. WUERTH HOUSE THE PLACE TO EAT Special Sunday Dinners 35c Board by week --$3.50 SUBSCRIBE FOR The Michigan Alumnus Aidxiti ta mebrti e robtixyxof The University of Michigan Alumni Association, A hott i ths i lil xxci xsp iiphoto iravu 'etpotrintiof i.1.Angell tL the A lumxxxi th e xlxlargesticolltgemthiitly in the country. t c on- txino the I itext tixws absout the Uiversity. and editorial comment con imporxxitantt evets. Lt tontitainosiperxonal itetms concerning membhers of youriasevex x-ry mothutxi. (xA volinie of the Alumnus contains the hio- torvy ii the Uiersity for the yeare.(tit puhlishes a series of well l chosen iixtxi'oi-svexy tmoxtth. SCHAEBERLE (M SON Thet pit t t xiirtal t luiti'Supxiies MU:IC HOUSE 110 S. MAIN ST. Bell Phone 1097-L Home Phone 524-White The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. Fifth Ave. JN aeranfimnf year sunter veacatian bi sare that part ol it, least, ia spent onthetGeatLakesi. Itisithenmostxpleasant andeconoamicaletripin Amter- t ia and yeauowill enjoyx eemnuai. Allteimnpoeiaat poets of the Grae Lakei are reached recfarly by the exxelentexviceofelthe D. &19G. Late Lines. Themte larfe steamtees of this fleet aeofa0mnodern steel 'contrionia prapelled by paoefal enfines and have all else qualieies of ipeed. safety and - omsfoet. The United Wieeiss Telefraphi Service axed aboard. Tickets reading via any rail lice between Detroit and Buffalo, Detroit and Cleveland arc available for transportation on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. Thme D. &9 C. Lake Lines operate doily tripe btween Detreit aad Baffalo, Detroiit end Cleveland, lanr trips weekly boiwenToledo, Detenii, Mackinac Island and way poris, and twa trips wekly betweena Detroit, Bay City, Saginaw and way pati. A Cleviland ta Mackinac special steamer will be operaitenro Jane 25 tc Septembser 10, leaving Cleveland dirct ort Mnc kinsac, stpping ot Detoitenruteevey tipand at Godeicli. Oat., entey nther trip * Special daylight trips between Detroit and Cleveland daring Jttly and August. * Send 2-censt stammp fce illustrated paphlet and Great Lakes map. rAddrs . G. LEWIS, G .AA.,DETROIT UP. H. McMLLA PR S aA . A S ATZ Gs. MG. L 31________________________________________________ Complete Line of Fabrbcs 0. H. WILD COMPANY 311 8S.., th Stae Sreet Sun.~mer Suitiolis a~tnd Outiim iTrouserv