TM 'I T Val E WOL ..N IE ANN ARBOR, 1TICIIIGAN, T! 'R;i_ _1 1L;t=Z'S rt> c. No. Vol 1. YXW.C A. DOES UCH DIVERSIFIED WORK Gives Teaching InstructionDoes Hospital Work, and Helps Downtown Ass'n ADVISED BY FACULTY WOMEN ralty s impotrtnt as the woV mns Leagein methe li e f the Micheligan eW- men is the .1';. Ckit:eoree i es. ttish tit oteteeagtie,(ltht-euwere cit t t mon ito etei atilvse itdoing allthee cuto si nie tie;life of til easry-Mich- igan tetietan aslesat and iftuitfii as possihie lil ns tfc eraotileY . C'IA.iws i part If ite Sttttetts(ittris- rtedi itt it stdeluttisilttries I the falii 100,te lii iieitits assieatin lit it 1no11stnd-.catte itle eig, It tin it wis gelnNeblettryihl fit itsex1 esiette \iss GlitrudtiteDliitdsnt, seereties ad id muectthei i 1 towrs ill it-- winlittahsits Sie ustsucieesd ei li ( itt itSmthaka iofLelnditallti t- yearsago, unablle t in ilgtiaua seeta1.11 te assieatnihoelect Iiis- tt sesiteesuadtedllt toieu e ls to g b" a nd eitiitdetotie etself toi tile till, it ictet ter tknowilegeitt the stdet e haddgetttlyititt iTe geter-ai wsrk theY W .A. mitttee.I Tese cetitttees teettetwith te tfheetrs itt tie asscieatintcoetittet thte"Cabinttte" Tite "Cabinet sied ttttiadvi sedlby at taditsury iotr" wiehiceeiistis eo tie tiltes eofvariult imetttbetsf the facutee Tht Ile lbiitri is 111oteelia noinlting;ittt itItakes alt neiepat in tIttueetor, giingessu- pert atdilunctteonsti at vaious timtes tittd inttthi aygprmoltin t spirit of itil- mary tetweenth ie girls an'ittlvtes of te Itefacutty. s e ttatite oelthetetigth- fletiaffis was a luttcheoiviett fete teCbiniiet woiene in honttoe of sitter 16istilli'Y.IW, C Aiptopieamtontg whetmtsierrtetnatietal seetrriteeof Fimcee, tie natitnal seretary of Ctg- aitnd, atttiitte of titeworldit seerrtries. The ttetmtbers f te advisry btitrd for net yeaitritarer.A IJenitntgs, tritescteedsti~s. int P.1lais illesi- dett, iVrs J I BeluMtts tie Vttgihin, Mrs C Caitiet A'Iis II.ilB-tdsaw. Misi its, teuftaPMsn Mrs.ittO,'Dist~e Mr.elrsonti-attd Iils Rnit.a Prointttent title' the 'I.'W. C A. cetitittlee ICC tie siaiilisionary, iii soie iieetttttteitihs chare of the saitoitsentertinmitent tattd reetionst whcarte ivti-i-Itingtite tieai-i-Thte bliii'Stutu-cetittee hscago l whittei s tltttene )rgeeit Cie frev erey sroitynditl Iiiea itehose. houtise achtSnnitti morning T ititi ese Is 011th ititit,, ,-the itl tttiotts ott1!ir. 'I'. 11. Titiher,, reigaiusiectonr of tite S. C. 'I. Tie tittrptse ofth ie ini- terceatei coemmitiitte it ke et in toucehl titit ether ctlleges ifitsoiahuand,1 (Conttittteed CIIIPage t3.), 't RNC,1) Ttl'NS fl "t)I Iar trtof the-,e k fril th Ile tliti tits atth cl4d - s till -itp a i" lie a 1 mebitt i ig tt Itti ilt cetil t i iti'-- iT h u ils ll(io. tl rya ' tlirc Michigan Men and Women to Stop in Europe to Purchase Their Equipment REACH ARABIA IN OCTOBER TO APPFAR. HERE lI t S. L.A Plans to Brig Mitchell, zi t 0-1 rlir or i-ccsmi LaFollette, Hensey, and ':1Y t>«e _ a I t11.! Opie Reed Here thle syita 'In a IROBERTSON PLAYERS INCLUDED mi Ct[ liii t Pr f. C'. A . till) t, ci i lit Ei ill spendii 1111tel) lis sell111111(rVWt not he lit atki till tei it 1 ife hte Ir MAY MOVE CAMP DAVIS I t 1111' C T" Nothing DIefinite D)one Yet as to Change of Site krhe tlee the riueeli sC' campil atI )5u - lilt .,! ~itittl ItW tti t ot-i aii it.ltoillh rt able1 lut IC< t-hzc1 oalCCn~et( 'ilirle a L11111r -Ce-aly! 114'tit < cr_, Ia c etl:i 1"ii 1 it t hictut dtefinite hadihel '"lbt htlit lilt lc elilt till ndil a ii rcel sivc. rp~irt Cfii7 iltti itofthlreilt ilt-, ''u ii el--- ; t~iii -- t l lt - "x.t-ti vt i-it l - itt llsi sitesii11tthe i t-. It tilstht ter~itsr(leit liii cid RegetPIeali]tisinee- ittitieti a )-i sl 1equtest is ielit Itir:Ll ke its15hearer lto tiele l(,d tile litails in 1thati-iltit-yiare-!tiuchteiit- ier lith litssisnd anitiet ObakIet hitsta iii lt ittftrtteen1111ies a it th te tetaiearhlet il ln Iho huhon i tolesseti the extienses let the slt- dtilts wichttelth le illesent isla tt- itei are comtparattivtei~ly ie-h. tPrif. Jtiisttn tt-'es, i-ithit -Ca11111 iii" it lino ril esecepititin.Hitweier, l ae ethe It- eltio 111is 1not elittnid titete is a likli-- htmomedithat tile- sitaetiti ichteptroduces time bilckflieswiliilibedtiedlinit thtut tiii rioad eontmionmstill tietiettere-d. lilt mitm ite of etitttitles frtethtie ramit- fIlit univeityiottnIs 1aIItractiol (net acresalomimi-'thee.two lie kes,- - iiiless ltill title-fouth of a itiletseparaies U I RiiSi I' MtEN TO IlAYI L's STAXiEC GOLC TOUtNC'I. Sivetaltitemi ers if thte flit wil itl-tiitmin tttile "alt ittluaenmt lt 1: ittd ai m tt s (i m aits,'ttisi 31 to Sel-- temitie-2 itchutilemiunmerthelitistices mit thte 'Iltit" mg Sae of -tie lit thi k o he t Cii I ti untrye tlu. i YesteIrim--i tutletint ?ti-mie-in -t isle (tiete I iti te lt~it 1 itei t t , C i t ittit iii ,ct le lii l aml tlit 1111i 1 vilii t il(?t tL it wor,eimitctipalmet lt tl Va Iii lt-l ttutt i 1111 ! -rxi ; iiP l. I tie- l ll Ia i - -TO INVESTFOAE LEPROSY lie. [) r,. - I i Warthanandi Secretary of Stale 1> Bd ci.f Health Go North it 1' t '11 l's ig te Ce imta oil mete workif tilt rie aill o Iii. Diti mc~liii le"it 1 'rse III I 1". salh sit al G'al illtell h s itllist S. N Z-tA ju iiior o 1t311.1 flitc (: ItC x t1E1 iC r-the i~m "re "t ,tt c C l v i," C( i t-i-- i m mh\e tt - i t- in ,thmitt llttin", th e - I It i h t s n- le ss o ^in N l l c-' twutI1- e\ilh, tptl mt , m vryCt l (inetiniC'1 -~ti - 1ttIttis si s nt - --ln i in-'N Ittlltii--- t (i u } for s" i - t i r m lt i t tt~mm n wil Situ hi -ini n itmittlr . ll th 11 ll( sci tll pit? ttl w ithtle is iiili t.C ., w ilt' ill college i ld ttu llm are 1 itiimilii Xtitt a itt tMissioll's litr, W osearet umtiltC\ "sidtu rlutSumiti autmime secretaryt of the V :11.C. A.toda t"a ilt ashad tieS1 rtithilt setitettntk mtti-isaudoin rtS ld ut otntSt iiW itilt ' 'II im i\tshli ltt itlt i-u"tsitel-t'ineet- whi s tile- p umrig t'tlatie set-i-almmmlitnit cmees oftt i t ttit ri a dith ie ttiitl iniof kisi mit mn" minim tte sI t i le a tititctin of-emi ot teltgestipartyutich m The New Yorkitint tint whiect ti-ise-et hctal tsupe 'Iitts l u i tnoft e tttepr ein ti patmeitamilieutstmetmbetr'sitsrec tion havmtting takeltsptacereetitly. lre ttt~tuttietliuu''secretaritt01fte 'sewt 'uott or-,C i'iztti tit ti on oIorliarmy ttemt Not intl ime ati t e S.tint . intrestt utf ativet l frig itmietm it alstt mtttkes esptec ileffotsetspi1 cimmeat: tttwnih tatitie sud ettts minIthut Sut versiti. In ordmertotuttiuaitegradtintfth in titertIt- 1' to-tlitte se-ice attngsuetil hite's ilSltt e i c imnitttt ites, t16 tiuttult (Cointuut ed tttomPame3. OLD C.E la F DMS IN GLORY Giiven For Lat Tinteas ManyI Write Perfect Finals as Pa i T ha "tu e ls's te 1,, po e i- inl t-tint fri-hiu t'_1in i--i1 t ilhii- tint lie 1f t e I cnuinC . ls'e -e i tct \.Il(Iettetits tmei Stit e s test te~m it tistn mint tui titithe lii' m Oe 4 Idey ti C huct tt ttsi ,ti(n 1cxt , ~ ifthe lan of tie d r S lite c tic ,, ha I" miletes a~ltt millt i itt ii ut is s -eC!ato s 0.K.thin"til)thi e teun li t iC I ll n tie 'k '1 r i o e ftemi hys b 1- te11the ulini 1-ee lldmumthe Itnt ''e,-c- mutt Irlsitttt iihhnnilts cute tit.l is laneibcll intdeup t{edatt-"W ltt- iiiProtint'mitt. tahinentoday.iit ithhuh ell uctitlolime fotdRhtml--n et als tu e mtt the 11n''. in X i ,csee o~tthCer plaMusIonte pus ut hu bmueen ed -s folltowsie(thue & ite m c oImi etemuutinedi)reilimu lint tI tiutte mm dtelway -ti lPayInitAlitcathe -inaldi Xtuu r- huts aet ainead filttislitrten ittre smu te distiteattrneuttweo I1Iliminitt uu maran etesoseesa ti- nt le C. C iintructionit-he ecea - mei )rithg tis~ttierinltersru Melnd- imClts Ittile ntumutpeallre n ii es teli itets-,ummtertinunothtierntMSep-- er 6. ii inhituin Ci itt2 it i-iy fI tueitet ithis sodnl iecoeti utated Citer tile i a titSui ittitt mfuto of it Is timfessoes talt. albotint ,tinC hut aCurl.I tentrXi utmit lttu itt itlctmutt n othinle eninnmth raithtthe nmimi tmut- 0 minme tws-f title, lewa Sntilwae tha t ill hums inttiiciC wa lalN'eeu tvitleoithttu 1rifs ft tat tre, a pumttinenm tutuertof uttt 'I'Ititti itt I tltttuetitet h~i eli euetdtie utrefe siltto -,itdawhi t erint Isle samutthe itall not ttewoeniioftt1 itHeiele rgint Imind tilt ie- efrrdmo hue tutem et iit gemlet m tl tttile it tit eitretoteel thtiC hh is wis I ttit lute ott listpat.t Ititfeso u h eit I tCProfessorI \'eluerndtuinset h it 'imether he -i-need Presso W erimsaceptedttile chlt m Ili-e. coJl WILL APPEAR ON STUDENTS' LECTURE .ASSOCIATION PROGRAM THIS WINTER 'ilin;thgit sciniteseithktutcklnit 'I' C . miii Id. hiii tiSt. Ber iimand- it int thin. tie lm .In lu ed in theis wi ht I ntJ nusP '.'J'w lIm tie Ittil - ~ C Ihue tun i toinble ,gimeu mntime fuur 13 tntiueC 'a diffe-rentintametn to e tunelet ttithm tutu' -Ig,>itt m'tmuuttes,