T HE W OLV ER IN E r -PHOTOGRAPHERS - - Those who wish to take back home the photograph fr the friend who will remember yon wit It pleasure each time. it iaseen, shoud go to Randall & Pack. They bring out all the finer possibil- itiea and yetdo not eliminate tat You wich yon love to think your friends care for Then, when yon go home, give or send her a likeness that she can converse with. I'll warrant you will receive a smile or letter that is worth three months of life measured in pleasure units So then all of this week you may see 121 E. Washington St The Kemfpf MusicS1 tuldios z;he CGASRG OYL piano Pipe Oga Fo Net Yea 3 Voice ulur i 31'? s ivison t. Phese 1076Y 75c aer Francs!. iordan Manain Editor THE NEW CATALOGUE of the Uaniver sityof Michigan Is NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den-. tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway *Administration aind Insurance, Architecture, Conervation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High School for Observation Study), and a new course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR MUSIC FACULTY TO)iHAVE Hanohurgers are the original. Also 1 NA wordl to the elect: E xtra copies of NIaV iii EMVBERS. serve steaks attd otter sandswichses. Give Ito \Y oiit.mlear he pttrchased at -(us a trial. College Inni. s-so. lCrshisigs iPharmtacy, 336 S. Slate. I Fostil ted froms tate .1 I classedso tmia01y3of lirecolieatues lie ier remarkabhleviirtuosai t ue iswith the bicof iicommobusene. She hasittne er deigited1to csscltriity or afected mali'ismsto ttractp test ltiis:cskiat thirtugh -hiecaculars siethosishstihasts keil oil urli. s-alne iestab-lisd iait iseitimte-linscs hu hs afr heselcf a reluttionich is ss.setui. quoli, aothser iiiiiii Iii is afteislt ratiatitast fiterstCoitpaits silllelhetrt its sonsg recital.N\vr hefo1etiniitie his-s trvsifthlisaPe-I ets stilts series ato opieratic strs of te issagn itdC of ;d stian atsiitsqualtiiietrediloassilisa stisis series. So greatwisas[til tisits isacs at ter tititeransce at te SayiFestivali latsiyearthtthelstmanartgemenlt-i o~f ue concetsesires tias lircedso ild iiit ite. demandiilssof tie isspliuilic iche es-it- g.'getseit t thu is lsis,-risitp, i spte osithlisafsct thatuit its oh cii theas ptendiiite sit svrastlhunsret-utof dlasss sorse thasnihadsieter Ibeforeisaenssexteie- d nestissseris. Jar sittes22, 1i)12-At tils tie ue Fititiatle) Sinsg Quartetswicisles tbieei heardeso itfussortblyon sitssitasnsitreioses tcain nAnAbo ilaand-ight li t(et setsrlisti-iikstlt.TVisi oranssizationistantsatithsieihetdisi Amoericns Quatrtes, suit it ildoutftil ishletier siny its Euroipe eual i. ity-a slituaitltgressintsits msetmsbers liit tue isscsttltaciityItos assembitle sisrk, oast (hirisg teetiriie sctyearwoktgt-t cir siitrue aimiandioielus oseuonamltte IV is produse te iilgeti poiiissle tye of chsambtessimusia. Thattiniiithis cie, tile seal ihat seiattinedsshatrlytot lie d tedsii. FPet-rtirs 16, 1t32-Jst1 iLies isse, piais. Tiihe'le si'ititi ieswol tisleedcil a iietiiilete- eitot t lets on itso recitliantin th istscstse te sieli-knoissnsiJosfItlleciisse ishasbess tchosen. Otshitse'vtious Amseiantossis ie- hatstkethelismussistcetter s- setr and Lasprovedtt inih iss listiteats. is airemarkabIstle coitscutsene t tints tihe upaittfewsses uole i-iahll ofi Ihisistitii t ihae stuiedt undser this toasties t list iBerlini suio." Li shis tetlyte t tis paica tlyim-i tpossile t give C sitltaIC lesitotiithtie MIay Festivas.iThItecalwokseetto lei gttiv-'art1cslar'issitirsasuitftieiotias," si Sls ts its tSamstit nd" Dehlahs," sitslo sisi-rl's bsct sooststs at-Cnosuitntsses cni- silfe~tiiatbut tieleyesinhial satsemsent tatisity le smtiee is that te Tieooire Tiossi 15Orchestra siltltapspett eriee againt. Aissuattithe Fastltycasscers, suet Hitotoical Recitlssituibe gilesset e. There wiltltte six o acttisgisen eachtisemoester. An.seswscemiewislli te followisedinitsthe lectre recitl. til. tolansdtilloitgirt three, Mil. A.. Lok- siooidiof tepiatiss septmssest swo, a it Mrl. S. P. Lecikwood f the vioins si- (Cantined ass Page 4.) ANNUAL TRAVEL MAGAZINE. "WATs RWAY TALS"PULISEDtB Y . & C. .ts,INO SNT vaTOnUPat. The atest cotrihution in the litera- ter of travel isitat-page ook t- ssed hy lthe. & C. line. It costainss threre inteetitg stories and is eati- flly iliusteated with fist haftoses of scettes along list . & C. Coast Lst to Mackisoac. Set any wherpn reteipt of Ira tests to prepay postage. Address: . & C. NAIGATO Co. 6Wayne S. Detroit. Ad. Ff116RENT-Fines sissser cottage, li- gininig Aug. a26th t Wittuitsts Lessee, 'Whitmorse Iake. -Lederess : Mrs. P. Videtoisaist, 'Whtitmoee Lake. BlltPhonise Toi-J., W~ed. tand Stat. AX. i. 24-25. Theelhot days get your milk from a Wuarster Bros. swagoso. Thoey siand for psirity asid freshisess. Abet at Detroit asnd Cath. Sts. Neil 423. Honor t4o. Those Who GoA-Traveling- KNOW THE VALUE OF DURABLE, SIGHTLY AND CONVENIENT LUCGACE. Bluy .. is a s We etod st a barl Youtr yittg a good trtitk or a suit case avitint itself. Wltett yout get Id otte at the price of the other -out are doitig doubly well. rcently obtained the seasonO tock of a itoted tmaniufacturer at lain antd are offerisng lhs public )pporinnity to profit thereby. golden rtule ito buying shoutld bc-sea Mack's lute before makittg yottr purchases. WALL TRUNKS Mtuds of hasswood, canvass coeredi,stits malleable owatl hitire atidessencerhumpet', brass- ed Momnitior toce, steel bsll nor- not' etaists, stays and tray ceats strongly eliveted. Ths 36iinch size at $8, the I8 in. size at $8.25 Other Wall Trunks in a splendid asortment of ses and patterns. The ve'ry host vesobntainable at fists $6.75 to $30. Regular Style Trunks-- a vast areray softiresentahle and durable teunks of all sizes at"$8 to $40. Steamer Trunks at tenem $8 to $20.95. HIGH GRADE SUIT CASES Leather Suit Cases in browns, russet or olive; linsn or leathee lined at $6.50 to $18. Rattan Suit Cases green mise lining, teatheercorners, leather straps at $6.25. Hand Bags sa wide asoritmsetot in blac or broswn. sizes trots'All to 18 ineches, at trots $5 to $25. I ET us print your photographic neg- atives on Cyko Paper. The print is the picture and this paper will give you better pictures. from any negative, plate or film. It will do full justice to your best negatives. It has tonal depth' and softness that will compensate for ordinary mistakes in timing or lighting, and produce clear, transparent photo.. graphs from negatives that would be otherwise hopeless. We sell Cyko paper in different grades and surfacees. It prints day or night in anylighat. Cykapastcardsinthree grades. Ansco Cameras, Ansco Film, the film with 'chromatic balance, pure chemicals and a full l'ine of photographic supplies. Developing and printing done promptly. SCHMIDT- AT SKINNER'S FILMS OUT IN 21 HOURS I WI _[