TilE WOLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. f MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk withYOU FREID'K M. STEINBAUER Pliatrict Atesit, [Haamaond ituitatio IDetroit WM. S. MCORMICK Local Angent 12i0 Washstenaw Ave. I. Call 373-J BECST LUNCHE fANr.ot ane Creld 722 Mors-oe Si t. PHOTOGRAPHER Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for 101 years. Studio: 319'E. Huron St. Phone 961-L SStudent's Supply Store For youar Note Rools, FountinsaPee-, Stationer y, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Casidy, Cigars, Etc.1111S.Uniisversity UNIVERSITY School of M~usic MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Sight Wreks All Branches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers Sendsor otillustrated atalogeso CHARLDS A. SINKI Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. f f S 4 P P 1 I I I i f a a f u t r s i c c D Publishsed Toeaday, Thaursday and Satulrday aflernoons by the student~s of tbe University of Michiegan stums-er sea- hiatt. Commnaoicatioswsilt be prisnled only whets signedt, altbougla ariter's statte still be witlaleld on requeat. Notices pertasaiing to utniversity affairs wrill be prited ostee gratis. Mattagintg Editor-Harold G. McGee. ]ltsattss Massager-JOHtN I. PAYNE. Bell Photne 1359 or 95o. Ret. 444 S. Stale St. COISSORIAL STArF ItDITat Erttest R. Burtess. Robt. M. Giliett. NWilliasmT. Dagiserty. RItPORT RtO Penn it. IHossiek. Mauide Edwards. Mortaon R. Hoster. L. Earl Crassmsans. Chas. Johsoan. James D'Evelint. Busrleight E. Jaobis. IHorace G. NWilgits. '[HE W~OLV.X-ERINE j s-ass Ii eotetobewr is 1st lihiaoassce its L - ______ - ashite. N~a 'it stetsdtit; ait i itwill Isoeyou A Ctceul. t-tt'sis'sta tat-tI orgaitionsa th ial OttlINlistSTAFF issistatst Bttsinssa assager-Victor H. L are truingto 5smsake thtinsasietr far the studtttt sara,"S-'llliies alfat ii is st-ta tre tat stgitve yogi: rae-s Iar IthsroCs- soC wtho tt xa qssoie" t - s sav-. a' (N)O atosrdtfor lilii atwhen soss getal clsit t e Ans, goodelucstatsosiat Ci)3d1'TS STILL tIll t\ NEA5 lIUT tONE, IOilI iS S SC'I'. icff's Coanictswasichstwas5discoasertea rotae lto arthrseae aeeks isos, ansetits psititll slieiss s nottttlosst ta thsit ci elCt agees-a ing tallit 5555555a1 Fstlttt, ill- titt'' i 5 5as tt-it at s~ses outar ite tit- fern salbsltsspeciltisatsara itldificuasltyI tryig t'5ato'ae it.It still appracahes ltse ers isat a tn asssmtts avelocaits-,lasts itis slot isi siythaist tsilt iesetetssitshte naked eye.I t is s isaesetsweest tinsie atelato' ircickill tile aseitit .5. asoks omtwhictappaeredi abouts tle s'asme tast Kieff'ss sttsrises to- ad oral es'ct~t~locksa iteesetningo'assis is locted3io0 degrees toerlt ofeast. It cav Isediscertseasttls ts-esaidtof a tait sof ordiniary hldttglassesatdtby tse ails sat Septembesir'wsill isa seess tithotdsiffs- utta ntswithte inakedeyi. TI E SUUR'S 3I ICIE T(3RE- M11)11CE tOts. 1 LIUSINiESS. Inaordeir las selieet-t hie aconagestions wiisvariably ocacsrsa ints-- treasuar- er's aflice atduriatg tse irstimotaishsaf esv- art- -shool eaaswsiteeituitionsfes ara bingipaidst, I ias siaeendaidedatoisare- stilt- aspasst sao lsthe ffic. It wsitis - sereesmbatreel sliet tes-ais e111vton tsensitatte-adthatl lisastutass stare obiligedstolasroae its tiletoffice -ald teaest b thisssassadoor. Tihis protced- ure5 cautsedl as alittle runp~lea-satness as tar- dtartsway sas alwses iiaysokedbys sts- ,I F'tf-SfIVtItTIhS I t) - SlSIFNIN isCAA5511 (Conitiiedt framsags5ae i. T isa-acss- Iletie-al, is a. T x l~it atic itwel555nttreattas astat lFOR m-lt i ai iat fnttr ok\ev SUMMER SCHOOL 55.' ad th ak assaal. CG stat-lae. IN-. Oceans of Second-Hand atCtailtsa ls, LCamptai sit Books at prices that will save So lostg far a-ear snore. -money. Goostato la tst, slat 5Douaglas 1 ike iiiIls sorea ssee-Vl see ssno asmore.___________________ itistiugh ta-are eals e tsin lassoesver SNecit resistsaler alt gaodtsisses Sisa tats frienssais sacsad e-Cattil-lae. ________-FOUN'TAIN PENS th ssssasr s siis t ase isl BLANK BOOKS seav ad slsucshsi ilesassiat tits.NWc STATIONERY, ETC. hial dtresadedat iso--iteI-tillgs]ot, stildtis dastrat e liastasfs alli- astsos,latraitsowsi sag aroelasar, anal a idozensothiri iiiag- isailsleaurassaldiotavstiflesresneit his lack, I guest lots laise tctite sause sal sis atheis godt-stsises. SAldtoniighit W A H RI 'h... is thealatl I casuidsthedstlearsii it r University Bookstore stasis litoaasntttegoodt . Noau noither leelc-1 _________________________ tirs, cavat. Nashisng. SNiscis 31o11arel gone, I kttotI. shrill cry. "There, tilere. IDly ithosei teairs, Beca- tinca. Isisstiltlshererassalwateanio to it Glragers 1-riassnight. Ssatrill lttke hollyi.Sald Crsager tals ite iwsausld acoitinuea thes iales- se-iiig partiesc s l:..: asswsacrares tso comic" _ Juse thantihc arowssosalthe canoae cater- eat lasters'anae. Thse suthibuofq an at:ass - alia Iid s a tnel star, anidta frog stas - :t hierardicallisng tao Iis smate.-Sets. s For alt Musical Intstrtumoentssusipiaies, popular anad classic music, see Schaeberle oast Sets, Music Haute, iio S. Miain St. - Liter a drinkisoa fresh, anal buttermilk, thickc fros thie ciuris? Asia far it at tost.NWurster Bres., Car. Del.asnd ___________________ Catiherintefits. Bell 423,;iteise 140. ~ Address : Tug NWOVe~Iot, Fres Bldg., Maayntard Street, Anni Arbor, Michigans. Off ice Hours : I:sue to a2:3a p. im. daly. Belt Phosse, g96o. Subsscrition Rates:s Local, seventy- five cessts fer use summierl;nmailed is assy address for osse dollar. Advertisisig Rates:s Furstished 11501 appiication to te Bssissess Manager. Islilor 3oday--NiLTssi T. 13,UGnsagsTs S~t53N(S 55 -N (lES 2. 111 , testis staningina--tslists- a tug los lhisar Lat lSlash=ttts ris 5 Isaasst1553- Cdli 5 Its ir3t aytil feis, 5a55seisiratisthat-e Foa'staissuse af tisa N's . V sass- i'll ,sC-s uladistasote s-a i -a1itstltleae. taee te paeasoa nestsSaturat ys, ia- liareasistmv as I isgMSie sta- re-aaietanat isig s asassrrassa'astite last s-stilnitof tlis a rlto. t it-i-rsiis 5 AenuecNsili he1u ts nt E orsald lthenti-a-lists- CAfI NDt5S Iavtse tller. I Ftriay, A.Stig. 2-Steitaim -a,(ssa ltos fastrail tdpartmientis bt awi.it Satturdiaydept. -Lawstumsmiser sess clostes. Seist. 2b-30-Esirtaac eaitatioinis 1912. 1 I Hailer's College Jewelry CompleatetOtpticalt Dept. ig llt tsasseestcha t.ess-lry IReptairing. Hatter's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street lass I Capital -',;,0,000 Surplus atd Profits X50,000 Resourees $1,400,000 - latsaa W1snsl 0se~ Iis 7 -11.i Iv s j ~ j j s-a as-Hssstme ssLaunudryToorwau etAa,, a1 fyo trwshoi haesseenMichtiganitissss adit o Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. ln sari fosr eighsttarresasillg t t t aeschs - sat psractice, ail te atway fromssa are ts JOS. A. GAGL E Netnalt.IneSou tsatr wantterinigs ive ihope Our Motto: "What we do, we do Well" Cornpany no Phone 205 Black Quality not Quanity Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizes atAne Arbor-Studeets at the U. at M. Now Conies this SUGAR BOWL i tte city of Atts Arbor of t09tS.Maits St. and slleres tat the saitd SUGAR BOWL is ready, able, asd wiltisig to sersesterecreamsasd sweeterecindies with promsperoservice titan sisy other similar eonfectiosaryin thtisscity. And this they are wilinsg to teas-c to the country. Phone 967 Lyndon, Photographer Any Aerbor-'a Haadquaetaer foe Kodaka. Caesa and Phosto Supe~sa I make a specialty of Developitsg, Printitng atnd Enlarging for Amateurs-by modern tmethods. This has heen liy business for sevent years and it has increased every day-Otnly results will do this atid so whenever you want anytiiig photographic look for the sign of the kodak-Thiat's whiere things move. Weight A great miany mnen like the rough course braids but object to the weight. The Knox hat solves the problem. Kinox sold only by sss SReule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. MainSt, KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Best and Mhost Expensive eqnipmuent IN THE CIT.Y FULL LINE OFC Cigars, Tobacco and Candy LYNDON ify Kodaka for- Rant, toc peer day 719 No. Vnesre-a I i J17 (U clIw oAll Men's Suits at 2°o~ off i 1 evdor NwSoThe newest styles in tan and dull calf and black suede. We have the new high toes, both broad and narrow, and the new high cut 16 button boots. Our new line of dress pumps is also in--the swellest things you ever saw in velvet, gold embroidered and with rhinestone ornaments, matt kid, patent, satin and suedes. If you want the newest and most correct styles do not miss seeing things. 119 Souzth o Hsey PV'IJ m' 3wfm tL D"'Maim Street Repairing. Bettor Sole Those Shoes Before You Start Home Go and See TOM LOVELL 210 Huron Street You Will Always Be Clad You Did. Tom Gives You Service Plus