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August 23, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-23

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Vol IT.


NO. 24.

WVOrks That ing Campus Bell Weigh V
Quintette of Artists of Repute ht (111isja novelMocksroceedingsr ineamplurn i
To Teach in Vocal and tl (Omassiv etcans o Cheget Place Into Wild Scene f
Piano Departments the cmp9licted msO hecg, of Boisterousness f
accessores that'ox to mak1 01 (111 i1111 in
12 RECITALS TO FEATURE YEAR ti lte works1f1a geat(mi10'e-ece.The 44SOCKNIGHT"FEATURES PARTING to
iihimrnrslts o ona ixlcged abe-w'
ikeI platf om oof stee Taot eht fot t
Tiho fall anounceomet of thll.Unixer- in leigth l nl et blc i the0name oI i 1caper(11011 nd1a0 roa1ing(( amp111
news featureshas ijust aipeared fo m h fl s o mnfia0ctu11red and1(111installed 1111 11(11011 h the m si1111 f sck igt
press. T he o un111coement saysin 111111 theo c111 i1.T ecI d rpr llhee011orgies10 11. O11 f(l an1 (111n1ianti war11 d1 nce1o0
about thoea hdiin to te 1 uly " is hiided no 11)for ifferent1pr111011 e liii d 11111 dl ofitl hird11e1 on1a111
Leonie lon wxhi) sit joiii the vocallflst i the ou11111mechanlim (w11ichr, ni neer 11111mp 111 )111 al ake, 0
facnity a fr'sis t an'eoit to Mr 1111111 netuiesa we Ih f iaboult. ;1 02p1111111(1) irs i ght Itwa1th"c ltbratio :
is i iiilci0and11te1011100of wide10 0cog.i-i 101011111rol1its mov)1le llents ad itt (f the o scesflsesni tr h v+
itill ilS1e011e10ive1d1h0r(1101sicleduiiie iiimes.iOiieii etv101101 oij1010 fhom is 111) led 1, eohlanincmp "gttn
tion icr is rese 10tu1di1d1 undcer f e chanism 5iio(l wiIho 111(111 i i aleiiiiis onti rou11g1h." te w"5 c
Knuetsen 101an1 sine.ii ((011 h ilian110al111 1 Iiilll i s 01 b1e11a11e11 dof tioi th11 di al Wiit i f"iat h," "Tohia11111 "1111
gra1111 ed' vi thihonorsic ei:from heRoalSloft,1and rfl ates the tni 111111 o f he n i, noffIl 110111 thi" 11 edassi 1110, 01111l
conse ivatoyiit1that l0Sact 111 iid . Af 11tora ad. Th eodvso s thitmi 0 111te res n ho odswr 11tit5I
suress tecthi Luisn 1oPshiaep i, .110 0ielltisi ,thei imas t'Oipotth and11 il101(u11 ightoil "Softillelstie9et lwherilC
sscr' ousw ihto e o i 1111 1111111 \ the pSit -th Iopi 1111) portion i of h wok. :r-t he1(]11'Ies otill ig1(11 1111111 le1 camp.1S
sitlled'11111 th e pscolof ita hro fom ,20xi'lliO The' quairtlrIour1111 il 1(1(1 fatalhou1111 :;3011m r1ud (110e (01t
Me. 11,'"100 lpupils. ism('a(1 insth im ecais ,an1v0 0(10ins co'h to yll ots
terIssliiBo it ofillsoscai btflot drxoi h11011wo 011(10s0pr od 1ting 0fr mrit. 11(11 17 ! An t.Lo ike1 11101s xsox nar!o
mat111ic s(rano 0voice 1115 rih0010151whichl vsae 111 l so lconnected1to the d.Iia l -" l ro1111 un Pot 1 " ere', oii
ph a dies00intasoite((lith 1101 sui l ea01.) 11 itoilby"m111nito001 i reUu csa1blis.iT he'ii i c 11ho 11111111 1x o ol oSirt,"c c Iipi of
"i b. OttrSfin 111psn ait aMes ofEthe l ut i isf. inis themeai sm a 0.'tliii "o c 011n m notesroes
SNorruwi Lian Loa isme ogs01111 h do i uolsmithe 30 5chimes. I iti. l l tiof fr 1o f the troatsofeas101011fohr tedoit
wellcirasnecialusiians.ll iso m'. H ( tits he11 dsiolo oct .onolo a tilll h ere ii in norhen'swoIlldsl V 10 01
hatie rab earsto udetintesfniv 090- Oleii the01111 h anil isr oom (( a Lsirai~il But11111s o c aone. "(roe "ins iciegt. -
senceans theachrool ossMssico srong stirwayiixles lo idtlti. broo Estr~l n h o c a ts "111"hoeig ver
phrseo graal tdl stie yle willS h aveos- cxlvIn Ihic i o e resl the qpoitior a110 ic esuflit cimen ot hndia hi r 11l0
chaesrge of (he erh n eomlrpowil andhier-heo ell 'ah.ormo seigand siproxi- 1110 roitl d
Shoolof usc. sa tuen:ha twrk e yAdittlolle11(s1gai11ed0thtroughl i nterpretton 10Idf aseamienogie o etg
Tf o (i1ion adodufete rn mscii eaceii-Oandlltheilre aof l i foigh.T ere s t sub llappiearedltitonil 11neyitt of(10100,"
Mes. Iis N eil u13. lclsear, b110itoe 5v1oice elSl i oselathn d,150 n110 it iseighcil 0 fti le"A leaIinim1011 0 eishine."lil
is oneato atiractttenio tl(ienfandtthos011111- gi d t oll beli abou't tw1 ten11111 iht Thenl 1101 ilsoh 111)0 'i0rat-hthrrerl tog fie, t011
coot last weate is rrs n texe n abo:30 i10e 0ii1' e1incesint ickesiif l e lii 0 11" ITo1(111"1and0 ( h110 famesthconichii
Bpasi are grdun at hof il Sckeoo l e trssge oo.itis:tiversti l th tothusnt1101mell hidos te choinhusc r
isi. ingg tct astyerer..le igeaesiiumtA.00.lIao oI Hn a german, liflthebgdgcvi d "sca1tring3 atheol
NsrmlhasoDeptet of(lideeehastoeDonat.ciieih 111 ii I i lOnihi i rPof )1 t e 9r/0 Till. aske f irta9speecg
Luh e cil uyi B n , h0110 .li He hast tile e ie reaof :xu'itit xx is tie Re-h o n " nyeadmews"toli1 011w100 huicshthge te-
had sevratl yefall ofsuit)xccolesf lbsxher-ci usnlqe (('110011Divigrooeun It00 t lridid' tl ll ~tt ile 911 Do" oii Y a- I
aee ssoc ate acher.nLhexoisessiss C tr g fStu eiosos ii aus. 11 hei (fdle ( id lbn' i l ft ile tny t "D cK lliS 1and
heaon iC hrablit 5e01i5. 10ve (Nex ilt g the harboila i(ol re tt u ea toroqitho chof te (11111 andofmatp
Fhreorf te first in cousnteroit aof dfterTheoeitrbe-lt wh owi tiills 1ap suo11001h1)riundslii1010 itl
Tero tiepianotalt11101010 bof at dde1 d a outintlhreeaniahfi nch110 e.11he(11 urlilt meed1 , teitcap ln(iehtnookft1(1e0noh
hes el lB.Stoc kTelowhoumes uchbiell sxweichle op ise01h bom(01119l(110i110(1 Ott night.li"0In011(1 each(11(1111 a
£00111 li wekticlnd Hu so n10Ai Steienof5:Stoll tecveing are551111 t e d01001 ig y'o ns~ignin01(1 the(lbme te, gh
Bt ar grdae ofteSho of o aloo leitx t11(sleiork. 'Thkenlatoeeirthey byv- 1111ksuediscridsoxser. Sati eili se'
Muic.toberin-limo l lt er,( r. ti islerg ouooo o undol~s in01weigt. feet lfl s hlil r Glide"l andparty 5carrie
prsotti beot a stdaitof teclbrtd tahdtoh011oiogl 5101ate arge1siteebell a11(1he 11 th1(1(1 ze.1 The1 nellaooosobg
tLl heie o en , andxs has 09011 th e e mnaneo ois fit(leat wiiioea rgl hi chi ieteow a ug h
Ta isirixo l I n11 ol fivorom li h y lien w ko If tiele igrtso efrn tser(le. snpoco n in ah it h ia e-
abrottc oi(iete. r.Leiis ie'0ihais titorniing r or mels t wthitpeodti f h ai-tef fc1(001 lx f 0( th10 i (( i is;1(n1
1 h ieo feor l t on 110eries.ti f ortl rnehebllltsttd nevas he r10ui"0(11" htoi dyear of Camp
11orit h i s ttOOimea e du (01 tl fthe 1 he ('110erhoirIll i mi nusoxe itswhe DFl dbemx i(n 1'1s fiungfomafr
Annq ire ort:ihs OS be iima ise o'suPtIfand11which(i ha110 been111cast11 tTb0on1(01s(103"1-bthedii
prenei inutheannfou0(1111ment. Benceii olitiioof iitxh. 1911r1er 11metho 11011croighti hlg- 1Good "iby x,01dear (0(01. 1101ndy,
'5111111 e soan o le " rexfesil " i on-'raithe d oti i oii iiias. Aidi al ou'I' ' i 1 schto.ix10)'
1er11001 s(len0( id1110h(isce i of . art (101 I ist a h l t i c pedb ((((la e'e getf1'. l 311Or-h' 111(0 y 11(111done
1(0(1(0 vid ted.occT h (foluowit ake sevet11111os'ofbrain th i0n ur 1ans (oot oo, tx

''(11Nosemiber t1'-lioito Poell, 11 Oi 'i TCKS1(1"r 0111' elii'r101A121"
Wiu'to ubiitiion0101of the igreatest,- if n((0 Paiinter are a 5001011 atingithfit
ifie greatest i. alil'. lexponet of erartak o ftoohe1 taleriours'. IWork 001- (ooli-byetox'ou, dear i'acnitx-,
5w111 appea in il infOrecil. bliss Pow-x((1(1enId tdaylit liias 101(1en itmoiSol on, ssistantls, 100.
eli bus comtti o the friontd 1h1as outnI li'iedi l-01)"11o110tire ifficultiiN'expei 101 0 I 0 11101110fair 11(101Bailevy square,
(Continued on rage 3.) ;etd in s0euring' a 1able itilte large stac(oh (Conltinuted 011 Pagc :o)


action Lures Professors to All Parts
of World
the ceof01 tihe.lill 11101session(1 (.1
'Os sthe 1 illdlilof m111115 11.11111(1of
re [atif forl6l e, 11(tt (ed ontsf
my 111.1 i to spend(ill'' its111(1(1 t ioli i n 1
)r Glaxgoo Scolalld, the1earlyi 11(1of
011 week,' ((It5(1 xillipe ld1a11.11 inI 11(1(
9 Europe 0 111(1 1.(1 0Lommonl
ft hst 'tra-frGnaIay
here he1 xxill 1sp11nd 1111(e11ilnine lof
it 0iit i' 01(1rts IIof Soth 'lioll
f hifs vaaoniCooaoadt re
ho i ll (If111ru 111blood (0wi lollea ite110(1
ill 111it01 (turofth lakes ((.1rof
,ou1; 1.Sruso h (o'.110 futhe
'11l vist1 111 hislltenilt .4ileo on 1
(11(1 and irof. uliusO. Sltt lox
ice(, dean of the 1( arm9111eOf tienlit,
ill spendi"11la llfew ((we 'ek s i iinnl i , xi
sAii it Ii)r. 11ha (les it' 1110gn1rt, 11(11t(h
Spa is dearen, i l 01 ]case 1( 11 1 1 (iir-l
ICr onl'Saturday,(51(for Spainixixeseooliif-
II 11(0 fn (h eli. xxiii o fhl'et'
ithit wh(ich IfiIllpermitCin(((10tf
Ipn ith e xx i er st part(11 f111 e xoe i ng
rof.hehr oondu1chtcyxesinhSpan-m1
ie 011111"h o teile ngofh iear, utictnhi-
worriilit cailirdPoiib aOisiitantitole
sxii gokn tob hiCimotisia, weeif
xxii theoenintiofrlleg noe. fomLg
Vouriofill e, fZeiltiill1110ale a111noe-
i j)li .g II hIll ltiio i fo it fill sesitot
wlco seatof:Pofests lue
cruie wfllls aoft thre lsw es. tlil
basef.nuobtinenAlit exiyillat~tencix
teoin~g 1101 heuOhoiean11(1 ieiganli
hlf(If toe Montreal,0 CaSnadaxiiie110hel
iun Itoonn G isoforte ll.s sson
Thelfcti(irofth , Cwodparbmea
Bills andnoex thaexainatoscv
eringayhetit.rt-on uin ths-ona.Il
hlof hesum ept.s--oiiin wlasse Pld
Friday, Sept. -o-e-Rea ropety--
71. m1.
Friudy Sept.r-L'eisonle-roa.rt,
Bilis'andhNtes -8 a. in nbi h
lrays , cSxept.'iCostraceffecta11010
p01. . l~ Iix Popr'al
Pfall ives511challs48ihors xxiiiilt0
7 6li O n e c ie s a y i f rt r a da'oi l w i ll erqi e ,Sai g 2 o n s e e t v.

Courses In Fine Arts, Conducted
By Prof, H.R, Cross Feat-
ure For First Time
Sev('00al 1new0('10course iunderthile ge11
10(11 bet f il( Art)'0 1 110h-s sWi1(0'e'15'en
f(1r 11(0 (first ((time nox -semieterby As
amoof 1111 1o(rses.01n0thitx depiartmet
'mi11 o hi e theol bolet Ia (''(OS le
ofo ('Ille i o ii anOdelo'pm(et ofthiiile5
together with1 the relation of art of tie
111(h'eiblnoibcce I ''IisxuedIby113'eic-d
ptilenlt iti sstgedi that( a ge(00al
kledge oiI110(f fLtinliand . Geis v1er00
(Illan wil1101 of roil ssisance ill
illpa~rmient u((0905all studetoils 10 0(011
course1 in 1thir nu eil 0sequence.
11101prrqiste ofor all oiler. o11
Ill these'courss rie'101e1(n01to lreshmen.
1 5 1 iPrf.Croistil meet stdcnts
for 1(cons1u(((int hs ofioo in Moto
dil 'al. oil beoo uncdtoo er
I. Goen(1(1(11intr iotory cobble, ill'
rime rts.Tech i f Arhi 1teure
Sculptuore, P'mailniin ndt 10(1100rarts
inlingilalrieftstorvcy'of their iistory,
3.fGreek Aol. This course wil be a
historby of tile ie Arts amliog t he
(100111ks(L1p1to (le Roman pehirio,silht.a
preimitnirysrsvey of (le Egpian and
_MeoSIpotamiant airt Special atetiol
xwilibo 1(0(1 to ho great scultors of
thoe91ifthi 11011fotrth cntries B. C.
5 Rnaissnce Art. Tiehistsory of
thie 110rtos i tie 1tlh and116th te001-
tuines with11s11001101attention t he(10devel-
opmen~it (0ohIalin piniting.
Seonod I coocabc.
t 1.1 hrepetition of ti cose givnl
in tile firt s semester.
i .Rootaniiand ediaeva Aol. The
Iistotry of (leie10 Arts in (e Roman,
Lary Ckitisln, Byantine and Mediae-
va p.~~ierods Siecil atentlionll s'hbe
given1 toIRomlanl indolGothic tarchiectre.
6 Late 1Re1nssince and Moderl Ark
'1110histsoy of lt in the .17h, 1th, and
1thtiicentuites with special reference is
the French, Ltglis, atd American
-. schoox of 'intitng
Pt I ix(Mx.o'.t, rooT Os HAVE nHOME.
Pilhe omnletdmusical dlus of the
tnuixversty of Pennsluvnia are planning
1, eroct a btildn- to lie tevoted to the
studs of nmusie. Abalance of sin hn-
drod dollars s eft over from te last
season, and it IS Intlendedh 1o add o it
(110 9(0.115 of the next fie seasons. It
e 5 is )opld llhtby Ihat timle a sficietnt
:t sumnilt1ha(ve accumlalted to erctltie
buh~ildbing. Agradate nmanager aid two
-o(thlerg0adutaesbase 1(0011elected by he
eclubsx' to act is trustees f tie bltiding
e (Lnd.
1.1r~,1 l.o U I , o ibl ibOal'tsmi, r.1(
-Phi KappalbSign i, a local Greeko e-
ter frteitywill x mhi1(e 0next fal from

All course1s 111(1t('weexx'o hours for its holuble bilPackIari street to (alke up
txxo semestersOSarechanoiged to 90110 hoorsreidcin aiho1(01(0wichistisn0119e0-
for 0(10 semlester, increaOsig tie nuber pialbi'ly retuared thlissuSmmiiier for is
of hours (11101lesseninig til mer11 of11 next0(yfa(1101c(Ol teri . Thtenesw-home will
woeeks. By thlis arrangemenst thec pro-lhe at 1443 IV hlen(5a('Oivenue, beitig tile
fessors, on thae w-hole, uwill only techlold Coinmresidentce dotie over to Pit the
0(10 subjllet each semteri. tile teeds of the chaptero.

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