THE WOLVERINE Randall a -PHOTOGRAPHERS -" Those who wish to take hack home the photograph fcr the friend who w 11t remember you with pleasure each limel it is seen, shoud go to Randall & Pack. They bring out all the finter p!)cibil- ities and yet do not elitminate that You which you love to think your friends care for Then, when you go home, give or send her a likeness that site can converse with. I'll warrant you Rill receive at smile or letter that is worth thre months of life measured icc pleasurre' units So then all of 1h1; week you may seet R NULL& P _K 121 E. Washington St. i IThe Kemlpf Mu11s1 Studios SUBSCG RGB OYL Piano Pipe gar For Next Year 31t2 S. 'ivsion at. IttBcne 1ra6eJ 75C Per FeCantte, Ca,,BnessManaging Editor 1 i tASKErT ArL t. stero ttcS THROUGH. TABPOtS COM\E FROM Whcenrquesiored regardinrg the pro- PRIVATE A\VERSIONS. treed eretcdeparttrcrt basketball series. Or. George A. Ma, assistanrroiefesor (Conttinued from Page i of physical traitniug acte director of \Wa-sere. N like jud~gmrret is asseleenctiee errert g rrcreeirrr, saidt that tietplacn fell twoard 'imprtertiet.' 'ArtimetneniterI re thttroghr becausee of the late of ireerese. cmart,' says Mr. Tuckler, 'is oe rthat a Sc'arcely entougihturre out to rosteril)nc on ectione t h rtethte tratter ueer drs- teeo tracts. ctesiot. Butte tree eofrtheeter errugt rorteeoIe tought tee imprl tery ceesere w0rrtz r t55C GSt-NAsect 5tTo cLsF' AUG. 23. an l1e good mranrerco eelliepreaker r- Atleatolders of Iockers ice Waterumantferree te, ferte cmest ceerrtecrco tree g neasitertare given rnotice rtcer all serreire tie wocrldlcmtekescan imptlerttnet treecteteits, towels etc.,cemust IeeoetconorearkterwhcIeeeer tee itroducces cc near or efoce Ithis coringerPiday.ANegert ctoic of conersatiorn. To ceall a teate 5. The greeerasiumer citt reieainc etsect 'imprtertintcrt' irerety rse is tee cix tigs unrtil setooletotpens ire the fall. teathy. A erserncttreemoree i terincent' taleiree ctbe irrelevanrer cA -to oserrerrt'o-J, to tro'eonre,. edionntcected. Victor . Vener raricgee, a graduate "Verbal tatboos re te ekoutrcocme of ac cf rte lw earletertnt'.acd at pres- class of Iturecanr feelings to cchticreepy ert practcng ire this city, haben1-ea- besiterr te geneer erela e ofanrtpthe- lcr'ed to comprie aodct odify all theacs is. Peelicgs of tiso sort are irsie- andce treaties relatinegt the territorye f ite, acd their origint is oftecn regrreed Alaskra, andethe-csuiremce coreldeisionsts retccsterious. Nato eonrhcreel anctp- pertainineg to thre territory. 1e till le aty to chitie drgs, while Den Swift rssisted ire tirecvork by judge H. T tells us tat Boicegbrokeeroten le cast Wolcott of Port Huroc.les ees n a poor harmclss tod ctceel - ltre oe bereft of los sectors ATItN RLtCS AT, OtMUNTED. NIMacts oter clates of aitets brve Workmtenr are engaged icr irstallicrg trhe ts tpowercctore acvoeress inte. Sigreor de Criscio colleciou of Laierin de Stae courlcnt edrce te stghl o scrilptions in Memorrial hall. Micany of thericcngccfull trance it tos said deere else taltetowitlbee nounted ice the wals Drteers Itretccaclaer soncetea sirSshirt rf thce atriumrc. Iccall there eare over e le otsscaetAgssizt oeclced steel. inscriptaiones ice lie fameoeus coleciocn, lut Dsraelichabanettackl e of verctgo wlrart cot all will tee cmountertocr the walls. te saccw i atoer cheewinggtrre " Attpaties treeatso dcrerted -gainrtst crDEAeevea roa Tvo rrectMs. words. 'Rtenaly rrretteeerlly' W. N. Wedemteyer, '4 '95t, dis di,-cwroe Newmtant to Prof. Erle, 'I aea tedc's retreetative icc Corgress, ec- eer-drioter'atredettee "tos1 lcg" nerect-e peels to leae WVaeshingtonc irueeiatel tee whtO tac rumrets a1re erogtt incirs afee tire close of the preset sessiocn, 0 ao. nWl. ateswie e a titt to Panamea. Mr. Wedenmcye s areltres'acreyiow"'Act exceeigly vi till suffericng'feromisitjered foot, acd gccarphrse'its re icc anry m crc-crc tees the trita for tee enft of i et ewesho prfesses tresswrite octet~a hrelthras well as to secrecoffciatino-thrdeIEnglisha tacguerwcithc preepret, un eretuorute c anetal. paronable' Loellseaksetrfe'shee _____________ w'rcrliabe"' Ir. Andetit route to ast that arcl' the stn- terreg Ics sid:etile we'rtcdrd"enre iotus latas esseentoreore roi ll te rthoe".i'Mvperrtversionc,' wroecPrf. land. Jacmes inc c ariate letter. 'is perelctaerd air verily, a lawto s kneowncebyles aor for ost crdr'." iors. For Ie sworkethe ard, lteth cel. aned dieth icc famuine. These ot dlays get your cale fencer Aced tey ifted up teir ciyes, acd o! Wurster Bros. wagon. They stad for tey beh~eldetTetle's. purity acd freshness Also at Detroit 338 S. State Sc. acd Cath Sts Bell 423 Home 140 A wtord to tire elect: Extra enoaes o Cutshicg's Pharmacy, 336 S. Store. CHIROPODY. /"'y Corncs, buneions, ingrowringtails, treat- tt ed and cured. Everytinig absoluely '" ateiseptic. Office ours: -ta a. in., 1-5 .m isE .Fly c. m.MissB.HurFoly, pt B.Ectr it., cud of Northe r2th. Phonee 989-J 1--.ANNUA TRAVEL MAGAZINE.4 OAT W AY TAL.E" ecuIS3euctBRO.E .LIESNTTO YOU Peti. ET us print you The latest contribution to the ltre- atives on Cyk( ore of travel is the eio-page book is-te pitr sud by thec 0. & C. ite. It contains isth£ pctre and hrere interesting stories acd is beautib te olly illusirared with Sune aftores of yOUpicue scernes aloncg tier . & C. Eat Lite to plate or film. It m \ackinac. Sent anywhlaerepon receipty cf lenct os to prepay postage. your best negaivs. Addres: . & C. NAVIGexONo sotes ht iWayne Sb. Deroit. Ado. a d'sfnss ta College Innt is stl-petro u- ordinary mistakes ii nr school. Satndwiches of all knes and produce clear, 1t. graphs from negat I called atotews h pls. Basso-Rovegilo'sotewshpls. Last nght cud trod a peachtsun- We sell Cyk paper oae. It was fine ['hrew out a andsurfaces. Itpr dimte,a I h ed doorse cdI "Change! and Bason landed me aYiigit. Cykopota hack sorothirwcronickeiIsa astonishted 'Tell Your Friends Ans®CameasA Thtat on Sunday We Oace makia.S rCaersii a special ohfour3 cent chocoiate, with crm tcb l streawberry anti vanilla sucndaces.cho ai Oc th sh ame day We will makce and a full line o their muthso cater jast to looki ataofpi orpeach sundae and it is the same price."ti Developing and prig And en I take ti chance to tell you all. S CjA You get More there for your 7V l Money AT SKIT Than any piece in town FLSOTI 1 ought to knowFIMOUI 208 S, Main St. V___I i i I . I $ t 4 1 5 C 3 Y 1 f i E t t i t t 1 .I SUMMER STUDENTS. Tire University Music House carries a complete stock of the Michigant College Music. W~e invite you In call ancd be- come famieliar swith it. S-p Alwrays a fresh litre of Cyko Paper atnd Anesco flmes. Don't forget to call ancd see lice "MI' Scrapbooks before you boy elsewhrere. 0. Hoppe, 3 doors froms State, fr7 E. Liberty. 13-1$. Likc. a dritnk of fresh, cool buttermilk, thick frons the chuern? Ask for it at non. Wurster Bros., Cur. Det. and Catheelre Sts. Bell 423;t Homee14a. S-16. JOHN H. LAMBERT I h Iot fte io lpsrn Tuiess.eloe tillrd ourtt wrkc ins a carry-up styte. The University Shoe Shop 63EtO tWilliamroStre U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY C.raoesran oatsRecntcd P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Botth thoncese6cit Yea wiltlstlways Sectdccacomegee of I SUMMER SCHOOL ISUPPLIES The East Universily Pharmacy Our a-P. le e osRight THE NEWT CATALOGUE of the Ufliivcrsity ofMichigau IS NOW REMADY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den- tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses ino Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Highrer ComusE rolal Eduocation includinag Railway Aduinistration anrd Inesurancec Archritecture, Conservation Engiueerinrg, Pedagogy (affiliated with Antn Arbor High Schrool for Observation Study), attd a nrew course for those preparing foe thte s -ientific administration of departuments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR e a F c ti s t] f s 0 6 n a rt photographic neg- oPaper. The print this paper will give from any negative, vii~l do full justice to it has tonal depth will compensate for ,n timing or lighting, transparent photo- Ives that would be !in different grades rints daiy or night In cards, in three grades. nsco Film, the film once, pure chemicals hotographic supplies. riting done promptly. A IIT NINER'S IN 21 HOURS I AN i U Wi