TUE TWO LV ER IN E r Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. Co. M~ILWAUKEE "Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent, Htammsond luilding Detroit WM. S. McCORMiICK Local Agent j 1210 Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J BEST BANCROFT Ice Cream 72Mmo t an Cold Drinks 72 MrnoSt Ube PHOTOGRA PHER Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for 10 years. StudP: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L IStudent's Supply Store For your Note Pools, Fountain Pros, Stationery, ENGINEERS SUPPLIES, Candy, Cigars, Etc. 0111 S. University UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks AllBranhes Fall semester will begin Oct. 2- 30 Artist Teachers Sesnd for ilhustlraited caltonue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR; MICH. Caitl i50,000 Surplus ossd Frolits .0,000 Resources $1,400,00 THE WOLVERINE Publislhed Tuetday, Tihorsdloy and Saturday afternoons by the studciits of thoc University of Michigan summer ses- Commnunications still lbc printecd only wslen sigooed, although writer's name wili be withoheldi on request. Notices pertainoing Itouniversity affairs still he printed snre gratis. llanaging. Editor.-Harold G. McGee, Business Manlager-JOHiN H. PAYNE. Bell Phone 1359 or 96o. Res. 444 S. Shale Si. EDITORIAL,5ST1FF EDtITORS 1?rnesl R. Burtoa. Rohl. M. Gillcht. Williamo T. Daugherty. Penn IFI. Hossick. Maude Edwards. MNorlon R. Hunter. L. Earl Crossman. Chas. Johnson. Janmes DEvelin. Burleigh E. Jacohs. Hblamer0. Wilgus. nUSINtSSTAFF Assistosit Buofness ,Manasger--Victor H. Lawn. Address: Tilm WOLVERINE, Press Bldg., Maynard Sireet, Ann Arhor. Michigan. Office Hours: 1:000 In 2:30 p. M. daily. Bell Phonse, 96o. Suhscriptioni Roles: Local, seventy- lice rents for thoe slimmer; nmailed In aony address for one dollar. Advertising Roles : ournished upon0 appiicationo 1thoc Business Mansager. E~ditorc .1door-Esore . 41. Gotigre. TUJESDAbY. AUGUST 22, 1911. CALENBAR Friday, bog. 2,-Soomsmoor Sessio ciloses for all olepoorisoeo~s scot loss. Satooroday, Sept. 2-Lawcsummooer S°soo closes. f oriunlte fam is.But thioee are oa few ASS'T.PROF . GNER GOES ,Oodcoits wso 5thoik it is smart 1o exalt TO EU ROPE POR VA\CATION. g,te Itheir 1troubles; thors prepare fr-- their ex ooooooioos oooticho hubioub oandco , Co harlsotsP.\Wagnoer, asosisantiproflessor throwo hothemo iooa sscaleof moential csociing Iof omanoce loguages,oandl acinog see- cluiso c c .sar0aile too sle noise c oil-1rear oooth osmmr sessicno,. sill lease olces . inso asis icotriin.Por s ir o Tootsoay isth lbOc. iWagner flor Euoropie. 0-e IlkLP UN0IVERSITY INCOME.col. A000o0g Oboe speakecrs Michoigaoo svll lbe Thet uonosersitcyssill hereafter receivei rerese di, cobl It1-y :Mr. 1Koch a0n1d ~ y cc ossoidralile mtost: onooey fr oms l stateProof. bWkoles. ;;:"::.::,:: 000 accot'of tooheoinceas s lsoolison of -_____ p5 01000000St00tax lomisohsfoounod For oll Musicalloosirumontos, suplplies t: atteporty on000hc staoe is scortipopular and classic omusic, iee Schaerl nealy hre l~l'i,1dollars, tof whicho'and Son, Music House, tin S. Maoin Si.yr C .3(X I o sessedlminsogOallmotIwo II-0 1O bsillos 10o hle tunivesity receiv es an a p- prpraicootf ill 0000tie dlollar VWhy noolhove youor fouontaion pelss aoild thiloghoersvaluatison osf roperty swill write as they ooughttis? Bring them osit ______________________ mtetiaololy increaste the unoiesiys iot Skinnser. He still fix ithemi. 3o6i S. coma-frsomthIe stste. Stale. l krnuo'h Withnntf vtr. r~i aller's College PLA OttY .Complee Otical Drpt. EHigh loaoss Walco andd 5 FLxsooitioooits Ie~iootoot croos;,aodoj Halter's Jewelry Store 0005- srcis toe lass ofosthoe wstk..wssll o 1~ eciog itebles ofhoeidottositho fits thotiogh swtlshocheaid of slo 0 ti Ititr o e i Iri 4 my hotatltere still hoe co'itt-oil~ost H o -. aundr ;ivtoo itatsre 00000 harod too le to sot e h Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. lHoe wsith~oot Oartificiall stiomuluos:0 th i ver o t o -toch alt examoinatlion t 1 ci gs 000 tse osy- JOS. A. GAG LE opat::iasward; 0cc feel sorrys forIis 1000 Our Motto: "What we do, we ito Wel, Jewelry1 Jewelry Repairing. 216 S. Main Sireei Company mse ,Phone 205 Black Quality not Quanity Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens at Ann Arbor-Students at the U. ot M. Now Coonos toe SUGAR BOWL 00 tie city of Auin A rbor of 1009oS01ain .St and allt rs thast the sil SUGAR BOWL it ready, oale, and nil log. to serve bootterercramllasod sweetler cnodies swiths prompter servicethanoayo othoe similaurconfectioniory in thiscity. And this 111cy reswillioog to rIO e to otoe county. Phone 967 Lyndon, Photographer ArnaeArbor-'s Headqu~arerseafaor Kadaks. Camerzaas ared Plento S'asppitas I so le a spciality of Beselopiotg, Printitng atid Etnlarging for Amateurs-by modern methiods. Thlis 110s beeon liy Liisitcss foi seveto years and it has increased every dlay-Only results will do this ando so whvlieoes-r you stoo t anyihting photographic look for the sign of the kodak-Thiat's whlere tintgs move5. jL YNDON 719 Na. Vrlestr-stty Kodaks faor Rany. t0 pa.- day INUUS1u 11'SISIUUL J.,ALJ (d Weight A great maibytnin like the rotugh course braids but object to the weight. Ti e Knox loot solv-es the problem. Knoox sold onoly by ots. KIRTLAND'S The Old Place'Bililaid Parlors Beok and ':Host Expensive equitolenkt INTTb E CITY Al1 Men's Suits 4/0 e g L C at 20%w >offj FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco aind Candy "L d*et We have re. ceived our =.S o s The newest styles in tan and dull calf and black suede. We have the new high toes, both broad and narrow, and the new high cut 1 6 button, boots. Our new line of dress pumps is also in--the swellest things you ever saw in velvet, gold cmbroidercd and with rhinestone ornaments, matt kid, patent, satin and suedes. If you want the newest and most ccrrcct smyles do not miss seeing things. HoieryJ' .,+.r, Maim St eet RRepairing Better Sole Those Shoes Before, You Start Home Co and See °TOMLOVL 210 Huron $treet You Will Always Be Clad You Did. Tom Cives You Service Plus