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August 22, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-22

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Vol II.
Scott Analyzes Reason For Put-
ting Ban on Certain Acts
and Words
'A taboo5, thc diciinaries say, is a pro-
hibitisis sometimes lal by primitive pe-
pies upon certain objects, (r acs. It is
a ban r curse of sudsh-a carcter tbat
asia sne wo toces the tbtoocsl ob-
ject, or peror ms tetboed act is lia-
ble toa penaty mmre or less sevee
These isrectbc ceinitioons wistuiwhib
Dr F, N Scott prfessor of rhetoric,
opened iiss letutre on"Vebl Tatmoos
the list of te smmnsescshtosltwissht
levesiccoerday atenoon usnte phys-
is 1aborat(ciyi
Prof. Scottutenxiiied lit amsog
saag e oirsaraic people cecta i insds
weircfsrbsideun to be iteridbeecie
they sere connseced isits,-andi atisays
recualecd certains uniplest feeisss.
Wben tile chief sr rules of isoetibe
died, esecially if ie wsas popuslariits
the ihtabitansl of that counstyIis tisse
mass saskensout of their vocaulakry,
oust thus ibecamse a tabo.Iss a tissIke sma-
uer the wvordcs for crocoilse sisid tiger
were also frequiently poibitedt los tic
reasons tit they'bore tsesresemibanice
to tribesmesmbers recenl dcccascsi
The speaker tenssatedl tat it sas
not wuit ihe pimitie phasic of the iss-
tonswithichsiseslie ms conicered chief-
ly but shtnthIetoit lewishsled to clli
attentin tosis ihatithue phleomseo
may le obsesed among ciilied satioss.
"Moderen taboos consist of a sesis of
prohibsitions laid siponsvioinus acts asd
cistomssusnsder penly of exctsions frost
polite socety, such asoetin pes itts
ones kie orisearsg a diesing- gowss
at ass evening pry Several smassdates
regardingo Englishlsusage inoibeynd the
limit.Vie followisg exauples will il-
lustrate: toit say vest' for 'iaist-
coat';""Don't say rubbers' for over-
shoes'" "Dis'ti say sic' except when
nausea is mesant."
"Suels prohibitios as these do nt dif-
fer materially frost those noted above as
prevailinig amng the primitie people.
They arc arbitrary comssands to cease
f rum she use of certin words-words
which so far as I have een able to as-
certain, ave been unitormly regardd
by ctultivatesd persons as a legitimatei part
of the English vocabulary. These pro-
hibitions are verbal taoos of the civil-
ized type."
Prof. Sctt then qoted asother ex-
ample frous a boots called "Words and
Their Uses." The fllyiing is ass ex-
"Presidesntia. This adjective, which is
used aonsgiso frequently is ot a leiti-
mate word. Carelessness or igoracee
has saddled it its an "i" which is on
the wrong horse. The proper Incas is
"presidenial," as that of the adjectives
focused tpon "anigent" asd "exposnet"
aire "tangenial" and "exposena." "Pres-
idential,""ansgentil" usndti"exosentil"
arc a trinity of monsters which, asougs
they hsave sot beess wholly lovely iii their
lives, should yet iii their deathnilot be
"Another iork witten by Mr. G. M.
Tucker asd esstited Ocr Cmmnos
Speech' also containssinteirestingexans-
pies. "Mr. Tucker," cosstisued Prof.
Scott, "ivouldtIelimisate lfrosthe Hg-

listslansguage sue verbs 'dissever' and
unravel' oast the adjective 'lesser.' 'Pre-
posterous,' lie tinkis, should lie used on-
ly ins its etymoogictal sese of te hind
side before, never in the sense of ab-
(Contissued on Page.3.);-


NO. ?3.

H DsP 'A Nb'W'I i''si'Y St-fOP.
A pressing niieediIsiis cnssussofa
bakersthiop to fortml ani ann'ex tl the
locali uivecisityspssit ti ital il e silt-
isid wtinsosix wies.sPlinstsasieisi-
ir conitempltiontssh rIsiaisextcusuousof
lth bildsssi i lls "dsgoundsii sthe bikens
ini a fewsvas.s The uiuesits api05-
propriascsitie expesesssofteibsuilisg.
Ais ssssst iossito tetprssstiemi,
tIhisaddtionsills itservea.i gretspurosoe
is the bhsot Li.Br itd isitipstrict
wih si avse ithesto bec suspspliei iby te
toce bakseryti cocserniscitnib:eimae sli
(lit hosital5pr emises asd susdesantii-
tary cnsistis mfasorablse to t'e ptient.
IExpceses wilbsitveiicias ski.coisiill i-
(iltnsf isaitsus "sodsisi "et iite
'cinilde I octtis lit-meicue I innsier
of teMichigsnNosthwessternisdbatsi, is
itow isofors f a y t s Mr.Luiett
is essipsoyedcith te stilte tsoledtcie-
tusius"couupanises rliiseto smei piends-
ingi"ei"sslations. fisher Mbihioans t-
teits aseempssloedinisDitroit sait
arouudsthlista tie is iuilar reertch
Three Ann Arborites Lack Coin But
are lRescued
Seensislises fiomu Anns ussArbo uiund
isis u ut six cniiiamnsicg tessthree
stuticstihoutsi"lthe sti oe d sisit siictrtihr
blSin'isdayvnigh lt listartsecioillsoil
a shitu"ithusevciesingand ticaddiout
Mi istritsci usti oesugsnuctdi tit
ticy alksionsostlt osSicachsethue
"Ypssicairtseresuch reurs tsNAnAr-
os visaiitur-urssnsOuteishsitjust a cciii
mittshhiss, soher "six ilt kisstthe
third asisurii theist hatte isasitplenty
of mon5e swits hissis 'ftrinsse long,
dusty muies thea reached Slinse aboct
ninie-thirty, swseled ous thler chests
mwsenitesatives lookes curious, uand
ose, itts te iltof ue accompishiiei
sispee, investedt a qharter of iis iesslt
ini cigarettes.
Just after the frt uxurious puff, the
tanker of the crowssdlfosun hed left iii
waet at home. Ad houe was tie
Mises (ay.. They urged the weatths
one wit the half-olar to take the
car hoisie, tbct le cast liii ot wihi the
losinsg cause. After matsure deiesration
tes-sedided to iakcto te towi m iiits
and therebsy save fue cests on a fftens
cct face. I was cold and not one pos-
sessedi a coat, so they ept ons mouing
unti the car came-after tey- had
coveredt half te distane to Ypiiansti.
'fleksard-hsared "con" refusedi to stiake
te rebate, so they kicked temseses all
the ay, bitt seping a tight old out the
Isix cents ticy aid left. Te stues out
te car thought it the best ever, espec-
ially whenthIe trio pinutivey sass' "
want o go baths to Micigan." After
mopinug abouut the waitig roomu in Ypsi
is the vains ope of dicoverhig a friend,
they decided to drag their tinely way
into Anns Arbor ons their weary limbis.
It was ner msinight. A car hove in
sight,and suie of te ufortunsaes re-
sovedi to resort tt desperate msens. See-
ig a typicail student isthecrowd,-
secarinug assnthletic nassciationspi,-he
msade Iis pigt kownvandstud mblsay beg-
ged the oist of fifty cents. The Mids-
ganusinu, Harvey . Prsons, "me
across" iith te necessry hlf, aduthIe
happsy trito "bet it" for tescare

SHAKESPEARE CLASS -r mlesiiith ta i)I],Stti out MAY GO TO NEXT
OUTDOES PAST WO~RK -n miisoadithe Misses Stoiddard OLYMPIC GAMES
n - , tenday ofp cteanth"reast creit it

Production OUt*'Much Ao Aout 'hue itl shutmmessiiciof tile classtor thesiir
Nothing'' Displays Much hrunc~itil, vo-

Histrionic Talent
Adoii 'hboit Notihinig," .Prof. 'I.5C. 'True-
bood's class ill Siinkctiiereiiiretiti
(mve perorm-,ce een t isisanits
piss ul'se'ffor t usi i sissies liot suits
adivasutase.itut t5ewoe isclcuss sctes to-
"ethr as atitilf i husle. To meitionsil
tie "'"5t haitractertseswouldet lie ive ai I
hit iolthiosetaking" pat,* bisis ital
caelite:lure arsom111e f(cliii iiieIss hso
itan suit ao'listet. vfa te
bet ' s LitIou ui sis e,'1,Avofillrtiesrsi
theit' oimtprilsiiisionislielucile st .I til-
le"b natitiec and umasterly icrfiri-
tlled istile psompou0(s tonistaled"Dog-
br. stis ds~sisnitarie punrestuh
hisicre ion ttssallo lisle ( t appre-
chite tile fisshull li I f i lsie, but ash
slid5 sot osuertiumths husuus of comsiedty.
us "Asntm ls n l"eecrhs 'hue iciest
usith the 5susiie elttit 1
: Anosthert"Dgbery" wsRI Meissigh-
hissiitisho iae aih~tly da'rifferentibust as
is l isis trtaniniginterpire'ttion iastush
+Ich ses'ist stshiitsg restest success was5
madesnuh sthe seecondi s ceesitact twous si
tile "less: sicts" whots wsusu ld ot fallitii
itvit huetheaurdi of "'tentrice'i" lte for
imu sui thei:faictthsat Isis frienssuiwiere
piig sitetissore thans luist. His actiouns
as shhuiddhuensheroiveresuit sully nassus-
inus" situs gocuditauste. SP. 0.Oafihey, 'so.
ilso usauce usfavsorabsle impressions espec-
ilty s "edges," the out compai~nionui of
"Ouises ins'
f ftheswomsens, Ila L.Pnttersossn and
Rush ODenis is ceethe scsit. MssiiPat-
terson s us Hero"t finuutedt auch pleadedi
for muercy si il techureh scene so renlis-
ticailly thtsthe sudenuce wasiicompletely
earried nuns forthse msomenut lustsoste
wvurldi of r omsunce. Il faset this little
tochivassthe most sinucere paint iiiste
whiole prodtion. Muss Dctnnis showed
sup especinalsyivell as "Bestrice."

ii.Ii 11ct0' 55 tlmlonI[itti,c, silt 51 e
lilrt Istoisi re ititiuiiii"tosapp ear it
the hiet (eaS f M liesis gvn
ts the unssiversissme suttiuhessitltubic-i
itv-. Ii"heVa ii =afir, ublisihedt
is the ure s sui'of Ptaron'sss, Buc'sss
s[clia o tl andshstiuss i iguir, ei suhi-
iaieva tiusuisst vistosys ovefis
Russali fficaldo,, it usevt es-n
ninet-ightttt hritos''inhueshordpsosf
testoryus"anisciosbisletionioohigsu fortsu
lulls i ies husuachiueelimusy-rliteg-
surs isucestes ustesgtsshi Vihe hortp huio
is suofhi -o a ites recofgth
nized losti'iimeiateuy,'Wsi'le if the
uiverhissy'he, as a memberf Sginocthei
Ph i i s hlsohaI ulsusofsthslcaftchsuest
Thrown From Street Car He Injures
His Head
Profc. hBrnadley iiiThopss pon, mwuo te-
tiredt fromsusthis: iw udpatmnt ilast Junue
aid isso ivisg usnAs.in 'urhuu, is-s ini-
jiurcul yesterta I)- flig froumu aistreet
car sit the cuornuer of Monurosesand Staste.
Wileiss eisiuitio st dsserious ttodasy,
hit. 1- Tiuiiuts, tileattensdtisg phsiucinn,
declinseud to masise anyiisteencituntilto5-
'fle acciet ocuresd yesterdsa' sfter-
n10(1nisubut 4 o'eloek..Prouf. 'fhomupson
isass stis ngiss"onste foot hoard of onue
of the opsenucari, ns it mwas turnisng the
conser, snudlosing liihiscold, felt to te
paneet w ihsere hue struck the banck of
Isis huead..Acarursage wshastily stums-
mtonuedh by twstudcenutswisaiss th ue ad-
cidhent andshhue wsitdrisen uoisshomue out
Eaust University.
"'The injuirys'sustainuedtiy.-Professoar
Thsmsounu is a scalpsswotund," saidi Dr.
H3isiele. "Whether or slot it miii prove
seriures cast hardltytie udetermsinued fora
dasy or tio,.


Craig and Homner Signify In-
tention of Accepting
ittutih Craiig 5and55"Jime" _-foroer, useas-
hers sif thisu gu s ityotsrhikst eaiss ihso
dst isituishcihemsedllv(c s lts"tt
wosrhld'is.isuthsrcr adbeatius aninisutes-
colleia lterecosritrespe(ciitcitel, ttesi-
tesrcolleite u mseet at Cambissdge list
stirs" issue sigiiedt ti eusintehntionsto
ibt.i' tG. hssBalteiii ofthe stisietuc asso-
cuai hts51(i ithiey sitendacitp titei-
v-itanhssstossteSlyisuuc gamses to ise held
st Stock~uuhsuum usin1912.Thouugihthseit-
sitauttios thisse mit yet bsen ofticiallty is-
suedthlure ises sot the slightest doubit
tat shieystiltlireceiveinvitatiosns as thecy
weure pickdisebyi the A. A. U. fist the Alt-
Aussrics ctllgtceamesusof spit GCrit"for
the~ 220 yardi sah uanud Horner fits the
I-1) hi iotiut.
IPinsfessrmW. 't Sloeosfcmuiv York,
shut Americatusn rehresentatisve onuthse its-
terninl ceetive commisstte us hussy
snus forusstahtilg l" ns toii adsus ssecuinsg
cerseSationius auit of ahi 'overnisug
bos in a o thleicework inthekcUnshed
Stagesusit thlstosbject of secsurngthe
most cexpert teisi usssible to cainry the
Ameican usshieltico sictory ill ipso. Pro-
fessor 5, x.W.5Patteisn of tlissUniver-
shty us ,a umember of te Olympie coin-
sitted 1cr teu2o
Thue 1912 gaissesswilt incude many new
featursciamsoeg wichsare fenscing, gym-
nstisshslidsplay, lawvn tensnis, shoot-
ing, surestling, yachting, anud pinobably
foiotbaas ndsusr oswiung. 5The masjority of
these additions susilstrensgthens America's
channcess iswnning thse Olymupic as she
to seiny stronug generally in these binch-
es of spoint.
dnA'Nu 551 IA ISnu GI ouo'lsocoRnsm,L.
Cornell Universuty tins received Irons
Anudrese Cainsei't gift of $60,300, to he
ussed in the erection of new Chemsistiny

h y - h t{}}}IK

F- Y

nclu tirz -titus-o
(Sesor nTurdys _su.

A slight acctient occurredite other
lssorninug nt tim enguineeirtigcamp, swshenu
Cartl Witte, the thoseiboy, eritted huts
foot fin the co"-whlsc of timegasolinec
enuginse whichspeumspsstesister. 'Doe."
. -,Kohtig hanpensed so be outhalio nel sueoon
Shod the foot comufointaby fixed up.-

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