TNE WOLVERINE . E Brennianl's Restaulranlt Is the popular place to eat. We keep to the front and let nonse get ahead of u1s. Pricea are Sac and 40c. Special rates by the week 612 Liberty, off State 5t. You ill always fied a large ier of SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES The East University Pharmacy 12111 S. University Ave. U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY Canes and Boats heeted P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Bloth Phones656 STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $50,0i0 0 Seplu',sendPeafits $00,00 Rtesaurceis $1,40)0101 PROF. HUDSON PRESENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BOOKS TO UNIVERSITY.____________ I On the eve of becoming professor emeritus of history, Prof. Richard Hud- aon has presented the university library swith the major portion of his private library, a gift consisting of about ,200 voltumea °together sith several hundred pamphletsanaid periodical puhlications. In recognitioit of this gift, Ilhe hoard of regensts has giveis Prof. Hodsois a vote of thanks; the books are to be nmarked with special book plates and classed wills lia cognate literature of the subjects treated, Prof. Hudson is planning to spend July and Aunust at Teal Harbor, Maine. lIn the fall he intends to sail for Europe, swhere -he swill spenad a year in travel. His house hsas been boughst by the Alpha Tan Omega fraternity, whose present house, is to be occupied by the New York club. NOTICE Registration takes place as follows: Graduate school, in office of graduate schooat Untversity halt; literary depart- rent, registrar's office, University halt; engineering department, secretry's office, r001( 263 new ensgineering building; phairmacy departmnsit, dean's office, roomss252 chemical laboratory, alt on Friday, June 30, 10-12 a. isi. and 2-4 t. in, Saturday, July i, 10-12 a. in. and 2- P. ms or Moisday, July 3, 9-I2 a. in. andl 2-5p. in. Foe the deisartment of imedicisse asnd surgery, register at thse office of thse secretary, msedical buiildiisg, on Friday, Jusie 30 or Saturday July i, 9-I2 a. in., or oin Monday, July 3, 9-I2 a. in. ad 2-5 p. as. Aft matte inithis coliiianimstfhe paid for in advaiice. Office hoursa: 1:30 to 3 P. Mi. L-ost-Lady's Gold Bracelet, marked "Annie Fenton." Mrs. W~m. Schaf- fee, 812 E. Washsbsgton, tl. 913-L. 2. Wanted-A student to wail table for hsis board. Work is tight; 336 5. Divi- 51011. 1-4, Wanted-A studenst to snail table at Wa~ltker's for his board. 2-3 Law Books for Sumssner School. Lace- est stock in Michigans. New ansd second band. C. F. tBarttsclt, 326 5. State St., second floor. Tel. 761-L. I-10. Whens you gee to Whtitnsore ansd lonsg 'hoist diisssrtisse whsen you feel stars-in, just aissle 'roun~d to the CliftonIintni. Mrs. Stark is sonsse beef swhen it rcouses to fixiis' young csickenss, fists, aind frogs' legs. 1-3. Nra' and Secoisd Hand Bookas. Lass, Medical, Deisl. Largest stock, loswest psrices. C. E. tBarltselt, 326 ,S. Stale St., uptsairs. Tel. 761-L. 1-10. Outing trousers, flaisiels and tropical Woorstedls. Allcea's Goodt Clothes Stosre, Mains St. I-10. Undcrwvear for mnt, all styles aisd prices. Alleun's Good Clothes Store, Maiss St. I-10. i t 3 i r t t t THE WELL =KNOWN CHIJBB HOUSE One Block frorn Campus 2019 South State Sktreet Rates, $4.00 Per Week [fa oom nihe trSecrud ltos Make ozsr Store Yo~zr Shoppirid I 11 r l 11 I MACK !R],CO. WE i Believe II igils I( 1 I 44LLENEL:' Aiiii Arbors Lrgeot an.iit oel .. . M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NIOWLIN, M~ngr. SHOES, for MEN Tennis and Golf Shoes Ladies' and Children's SHOES You cave money by getting your Shoes at E. M. FROSTS 302 South State Street 11 AND 7tAKE ALL KINDS Let us make you a Sketch and give you a price 0on anything 11 Summsuer Schsool Bootbs. Ness an LAWS AND LITS CROSS second hand Dictinsaries, Art Lint BATS; FORMIER WIN 9-8. etc. C. C. t'aretlell, 326 S. State S; seconsd floor. Tel 761-L. z-Ic .1 A faist 1ripple disturbed the surface of firieiidly feeliisgs betweens the seiior hisss ansd Itse senior Tits whsb eisl tw so teams represeninlg Ilhese departmseints claished ini a baseball coislest on Ferry fiseld Salo turiy isorning. Thse lasss is- sued victori101oushangiisg itsa score 1sf 9 againstI the Tits' S. THE FARMERS AND T tl o MECHANICS BANKTuteCCo 10 I-103-105 S. Main St.. Ann Arbor,,Mich. LUNCHES IeeadSe WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 338 S. State Str-eet THE NEWT CATALOGUE of the Unlivcr"sity of Mi0chiga-hl IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den= tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special ini Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Highler Commercial Education includisg Railway Admninistration aiid Inuorane Archiltecture, Consetvatioii Engineering, Pedagogy (affilialed with Aim Arbor High School for Observation Studs)0,aitd a new course for those pr;eparing for tuheintific adminilstration of departnments of sanitation and public healili For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR W~e haoveallsallIislatale at \Walker's, 336 5. Divisionl St. 2 'Whitmsore Lakle is ai pleasantilsItace for a little antilog. Stop at thse Clifton Isis. 2-4. Mrs. Stark rnakces a specialty of chick- en, fish, aind frog leg dilnners. 2-4. Peinnanats, fatncy swork andl curios ; best prices. Palais Royal, 209 B. Liberty. CAPS. Thse ltstolEnglishishiatpes inlplafs colors aind checks. Al's Goood Clothes Store, Maine S.I-Io. For alt iMusicalIns11101e1t1, supplies, polltar 011(1classicm1s15 seeSaebserle and1 5011, Mustc House, 110 5S.MainSt. hBring yourei lmoi0.)F. Hsppe, Annl A-rbosr's less Photogahler, f6ig E. Liberts- St., phone 1071 J. se do thse best finising. 1-3. This is just for lieArlu10ni.1 Clifton I1nn is at 0 tllore Lakti. Just thsirty cenits esoon tels triardtheare is whsere 0one gets billrys 1-3. tool Weathaer Spec itls-Light Cloth- ing, UnaderwearFHose, Tics, SterawsHats, anad other fixings at 510a11 prices. Allen's Good Clothses Store, -Main. St. i-to. MacDiarmsid's anod Gilbert's IHighli Grade Chscalates alsways fresha at Tice's Dreg Store, 117 So. Maiis, Phois 270. 1-4" Bell Phone 166 116 South Plain Street TRUBEY'S PLACE Is A Confectionery but it is sonmethling else besides. It is a plae where you can go these hot, sweltering days, and order something cold-never niind what you want, Tere Fv has it. The room is cool and pleasant and you aee given pronmpt seevice by quiet, neat, pretty girls. You may order your creaue for the folks for over Sunday, too. Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK I Caipit - - x'300.000.00l Onepias anud Peafits - $100,000O.0 Rtesoures - - w2.800,000.00 A generalitbaniingibeg ibesrs transacterd N.WA. Corner Alainluand 1-uronl Sts. ..._ 1 s Hailer's College Jewelry ( oe I ete OpticIalDept. 11 1 iClass Watcli and11lenetey lRepa((lung. Hailer's Jewelry Stoic 216 S. Malts Street -I a I I Granger's Academy of Dancing .Sumnmer School ClsssforhLadies an~d GOrltenurls Tuesday andFri- blegils 'Thursdsiy, Jl1y 11111 For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 24$ Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 9 P- The Ann Arbor Swm ingPool' Will be Opetn Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. Open' Sundays 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. It is refreshing to take a bath in niee cool spring water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. f' I