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August 19, 1911 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-19

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Those who wish to take back home
the photograph fcr the friend who w tt
remember you with peasure each time
it is seen, shoud go to Randall & Pack.
They bring out att the finer possibi-
its and yet do not eliminate that You
which you tove to think your friends
care for
Then, when you go home, give or send
her a likeness that she csn converse
with. I'll warrant you will receive a
smile or letter that is worth three
months of life measured in pleasure
° So then all of this week you may see
121 E. Washington St.
The Kemfpf M~usic Studios Ghe GA RLGOYLE
Piano Pipe OnrnFoNetYa
VoicessCulture I, MaIgi I
i12 S. DttsixoniSt. 1111011(t,107 .t I Per Waeen Crane rnis aBusness anEdio
University of Michigan
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den=
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special coturses ins Forestry, News-paper Work, Landscape
Design, Higher Commercial Education inluding Railway
.administration arid Isurancee, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Annt Arbor High
Schsool for Observation Sttudl), and a sew course for those
preparing for tire a ietifle administration of departments
of sanitatiorn and public ihealth.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

(Conitillued fraomliege r.)
iwit of tine. Nexw go hack twitie tor
the firet: the wisdlom of sminy.Itino
enough that the conrer ot proverbix
shotuld tust his aowntwiiit ittiqatti mint
portent titrhe xhou ldlat asc he, owit
wisrdomr. Iit the worecls ofthtie Spanish
Cervntres, ptroxvebs ire 'strt sentences
dirawnr frroteloin" experierre.' Pro-
verbial wisdiom is ereatedl anddtextedl by
tire exprerienrte ot tieree. 1he expee-
erree (of oemli or genough.
Atr epigrateranbep iemiere titmret tay-
ig concoctedxbyireliniiduatlr xriter,
biui t atepinterftas ill trtisoxnethiurg
unixvemsl:iisii al lieral erranen-
pression tofx terretrtrxrls
"Andthiitsitwordl e tir'trterr ce'rirgs
irs to tar rquextst :Is perori iawis-
domriePottie ws la t ls-rt i it i
ts wit wecal oa n ts istiFr with
commori sne we all a ir'ae tire
sac' h oeso iree B tittleteachi
its lowts tre xc inrti-c wrldx tatl ihow
it keepit trfrt isaxx geccaixi irtedice-
ixenrts.filetref that ruie mortraiity ill
whihrelishxitres ts itt forgotteir,
teere is trot eveir a liii.
-Proxverhs, then, in their forirtairc
exprressionr belong ttotpoetry; bttsieak-
ing lbiradix, their subtiatnrietard stiit
asxigntihtirtotxprrose. I hveai metxritc
ret reaxsnsxfirtinirkingthrutprrosaic
xxlo is serreis ar ivneiyatlexist, ut-
aidm i Mlyri h f irttit that tretribial
wisdomxisixto a'lrg'tent ritete uniriitixttii.
teetese i itliiitite cillexomminirerrserx.
-kit1opinrionri ayi bett alxei crirtirroi
sentse if tieopte generally recent it.I
mieanrtoxiaviittrerefoxre,nihat anideai ioses
stitmetef itt wixstomiiias soonxas it isgenr-
eranip accetptecdis trere
-t hr ispxintx'r.ItHumpherepys gaixe is
examplrte thxe acceptnice oxxtheurrhxme
'liirty clips hatlixSetembter''liecause
of tire fectthitit conxxixn xxnxtwisdiomt,
butn errndiispiured fectx Ir is inipliedi
thi it laIciks xx rrixxrr teecause there is rio
onet to dispute its triuthr.iBet he bingirs
tis citargetganirnt isprovrialitisilomt
in gneralret"Nortoxxerbha s eatrneilits
namie ehe saidi"untilithlsxis n red pop-~
ular rifnt untversxil asset.
Notxcietwitnutedcringxxis txxfeet,
tierrirl xx tt i etcnta itr ri t eiC.x
bird- ein tehxetiati isrwoett w irat hex
xi xii tire'by x"Nocinxgxverntuit rn tire
blowxtir thie.hand lof riefool ant i
mog nec areittotartedr
it ldr t he lid txi abol i e rli
xxx xn dtaet urei"rov riliis
itnren tr ier
'Ir H i tlext xixitirte- i al
ewrit xcintxselictirnscromtcex- riiberis
hnit cae o tasse thtieonyix'tire sin-
rIxtritlaw wasxsenO rheirediii ittxthe

TixhOOLD IpN tIEREiST.I The University Moxie Hourse carries a
complete stock of the Michigan College
(Cxxitinuredi ferm Patixigt.) Moxie. W~e invite your to call atnd he-
aix, steppeing its miniuiets wte xqueiitie' come fanmiliar with it. 8-15.
girice xxxitir e xrp edge th ii cano ___________________
ref irt et'xirrtoti. ' i CHIROPODY.
"iForthins Versxailles oifoIxrmenr mlxis
wri rh reictrrc xf tre rextcs sig' Cornt, harnions, ingrowireg nails, treat-
in cixtis-rerredxii, tle'rieateiapitl if ed and cored. Everything ahsolurtely
France, ite ceirter tif elegacanfsh antiseptic. Office hoors:t 9-r2a.ax i., 1-3
ion, tiremotcixtllianit ernd stirringcityP. m. Miss E:' J. Foley, 921 E. Huron
of rtelxingcdomi.rThrix rle i,nrotslife-ternd of North r2th. Phone 989 -J.
less and ciexsereidxi xxotvcr8flowtig xwith 10-25.
life andir et;eit roos wer eil
edthi ciurtieersinbxixing' themtseixvxx in Always a freslelitre of Cyko Paper
the genrial raupsxif this royxal lurmrinryits crd Anrsco filtes. Donr't forget to call
anxiroux tontrhiraismilre and errnecor-anrd see tire "M" Scrap-hoots hefore you
aging an d irotectinrutsgliante if tlhrl by elsewhlere. 0. Hoppe, 3 dooro front
poewerful manter, whiliniri waexthi ie tine Stare, 617 ti. Liherty. 13-18.
as i-leswa ui tiforitisxio.ippeair it
cards, ini gossip, ini iepartee aiidclaueghi Like a drink of fresh, cool hottermilk,
tee, ini maxkinigloct, inixheer idleness. thick from tirecdrm? Ask for it at
brringinig to each of thexe pir sits air toen. Worster Bros., Cur. Del. and
tqualanid iunfeailing'elegxance.exr -Catherirre Sts. Bell 4231 Monte r4o.
wnhe re acup' 'il tiiies'tucre icas a going'6-16.
andr comninig of thoursandcs xfiservngt
pcoxtle iaid attendaneits, in ichierireries
king's "totcaerdlaidciueens guardscit- U. of MV. and
ets, offleer s of te kitchten riteof tire
w tardrohexsquire s or xxwlaftinot. JT]J 1 TJ
"A next whio lies as 1ixguests all the
sociallp it tint iis Iitixlxieriuxt reeds BOAT TTXT1DX
havie a lairge extailishet. So Ltrims x.YLL.X
NIV's .ittendianrts mmcl serte oh
memb ers oxiieegeree o xx tero.Caoe nu ots tented
lois houisehoxtlxwere lexionr. ils miitryp
bodceypguardco xmprtisedrl 0,o oincinxrhti
lire initarrrarrei at aiin.ianrnl tost ref P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
7,loto ftrnes. Two acompanxiies rf -Boutmhiuoies tao
Swnx inad ndxifouicof Freetch guairds
are conetinual lyprae lebefoxre the .pal
ace. Ini hit stablxes ere tSf7 hores, t7, ny Youwittlnatwaysbuind it largeo tiesof
carriages, and 1t58 bitterndurnemprlop-
ietm incitmmxringfreir.n Moxst xxf tire SUMMER SCHOOL
counntry, fee term le'ge ar undxi . S U P PL IE S
is reseredcifore tireking' s hrin -
lins mni rterecter's-' nn hspiaeAn
aoniaotecifecs. Fc iscrc fnein- The East University Pharmacy
sit, irhe s 12S simmngeran danncers;l -iis 1t1neS. tUniv'ersity Ave-
library is servedl hr 43 lihbxirianms aind O...r Pr-ices aeRtjht
readers; for is ccrmoniexsIre lhaix62
-heralds;' inimrs lkitchenrs.lithere ate 383 ______________________
-nfficials andn103 xwaiers, andxorfheec-
trer of mrs repelltier sentturd for nne-
iaxte attienda~nrce ipoin his ineedix there JOHIN IH. LAMVBERTI
arft en reneonuitheupstion-h k o'f-ttitchhiPefnme
tfir iher erteine pon ers ositiof - Th oshrefSo Rpirn
eted diincrrtire t lewhiha an Plt Bsiness ewillwmdouyouarwurti
a in ahurry-p style.
aspirne. hAltxgetheer liraen otii 4,0 00__
lucr-ants oren e rolls if the hueodo
ti ing, extilusive xxf iis guad. Laces, Polishes, Etc.


Tenrmlxe mien foran rxr nuiirurielx nert
uroponsition. Canil ttda. r27 Wibite-.
Avr toxi i the rcelect: Extrai conies xxf
Ta'rr c N'x xi xi 1mini1lie ptrchasednl ni
Cuixltiri pamay 36S. Smite.
Brelliall's Restauranlt


The University Shoe ShopI
em13 EistPillim iStreet
Icalled at
Latt night and had ai peach sun-
eae. It was i55hne. tthrew out a
finie, as t hiked d o onrw r d
"cager and Basso handed ore
back si-Dooth scorn nickel. I was
"Tell Your Friends
That on Sunday We are makinSo
a special ot our 3Jinent chocolate,
strawrry anti vanilla sundaes,
On clue samne dahy We will inake
their muthns water just to look at
our peach sundae and it is the
And sun I take this chance to tell
You get More there for your
Tha n any pl'ce in town
1 ought to know
208 S. Main St.


cue eil,aitlarcis kxnonrt byxp iis ac- Is Ike popuar place to eat.
tionse. Foerhe wrorketii harde, lirelir tell, Wee keep to tire front anti
axci (heth it fainiite.
hur1d l mlxxiftedl up inrcm ets. andnlo! let rtor-e get. ahead of us.
335 S. Statne Si, Prices are 30c and 40C.
-- Special rates by thre week.
IThese rat dap'sgem your milk fromrna
+V innster lBnes.reagent. They stanrd for
purity aridtfreshness. Also at Detroit 1 612 Liberty, off State St.
and Calh. Six. Ebell 403. Honre t40.

Suhscrihe noun and becomee a memere therehy if
The Unriversihy of Michigan
Aizmi Associationix
Sorie /inef c
C Thte Ahrtmnrns is time largest college rmonthly intth~e coutrye. QIn containrsltre latest news
abouitirhe University, arnd editorial corrmnent 011 imuportant events. (JI it cortins persontal, itenrs
cotncerrninm semrbers of yourr class every monoth. c. A volumre of the Aluinuors contairts the hristory
of the University for threyear. Q It publishes a series of well chosern pectures every mronth.
$1.50 yea, r. $ 3.00 for 3 yeekrs (speciesnj for 1911)

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