T ?Ii EWOL VERNI NEN Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Dlistrict Agent.,tHammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK * Local Agent 1210o Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J LUNCHES BANCILOFTS. PHOTOGRAPHS;R Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for 10 yearn. Studlio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L' SuetsSupply Store Shtationery, ENGINEErR'S SUPPLIES, CantdyCigars, otc.1111 S.University UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weehs All Braches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers Senailfar illusore at alogue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital :"50,000 surplus 0001 Profits j.0,0001 Rtesouarces J1,400,000 THE WOLVERINE Publisbcd Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoonls by ihe students of thic Univcrsity of Micbigainsunamer ses- Comnmunieations will be priintcd olt when signed, although wtritrs namc wili be wihheld on requcst. Notices pertaining to university affairs stilt be printed once gratis. Managing Editor-IHarold G. McGee. Business Mongr-JuHx H. PAYNt. Bell Phone 1359 or 960. Res. 444 S. Slate Sc. cODITORIAl, STAID gInOaS Ernest R. Burton. Robt. M. Gillett. William T. Daugherty. RCORCeono -,gtt22-\ o5 ectl it a tgit 23-2 1 I~i:pon nall d- pairtmientts, exceptl. .1 law, accoiring to sc,;ctl at s ailol ced et-ewbere. ' Uiltst 3n- eiptcm551i Nulls m atioi's ii(O ino lwleflrse ito rSSnl t I fine line of exaiii 'on qusionis, wilt be brewi'ig frtepor hs i tu51- dent. Probialys-those ijitestioiis will lie isorked out swithiscerupultous care; andu, sen iThey a re compl ete, oversight soe baste awill tease a feaw of thsemini a con- dstiias of total inianilt. Nos e sokeowi that instruetors are ttiiiaii:1(oerr i livnstsi ; erga-. Vist, and iere's the rib, it is for just sucihiihuan errors that stuenits arc connied ansd pliickedi every rear. Havssinig swasteidpreiou151 miniutes, ini the unervous tenssissntof sa 1- MUSIC AND DRAMA 11-1 51"CH ADO ABOUT -NOTINGt. Thte secosnudrecital by 'the class i Sthakoespeaireals readintg .pill tie gis cc N\lssayl es' tinitg sit iS osclisck iltSarahb Cswsetl Angel lihall. Tbe ssaue scemis of chainginigthe cissteh sceic i s was1 dosiicit "lamslet" sillIse empsiloyediill "Musch AdossAbsouitNothsing." Thte sit- teitolsoce sit ticeisist recital ws soi large thsst iainy foud itimispossoileteo see ori hear, aind as the per forimaiice -Mondusay isill biegoin promly ontim ~e, late coms- irs swill meeltsi siiiilar fate. Prof. T. C. Trisebslosidexpects si imuchIiusori fin- ishest produsctissiiofiShakispea lltre's coal- edo is lie hisshact aimple iijsportuists ts sttid his clsiss. The recital is coisp- Iseitarv lto the genuerail public. TextBoaks FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Penn IH. Hossick. Maude Edwards. oat exaaiiitious, to hutd tiiisscf cir- Morton R. Hinter. L. Earl Crossn. ieret ini the blindt alley of tnimiipossilte ..5i~iiio JoNAss. Chas Johsoii Jams D~etit. irolemx, a -smii is, pirhaps ratiherlaos- siberio Jsonas, PhD., 1formierly hieadi IBurleigh N JE b. t ioae.Win s tl, iiiclinied to regard ihis examni s of the pianio detsartmsentc of the Ulliser- itiacobpst.IHoritcloenG. hatlguei.s sitshySchoolstof Music. andillately hon- ~ STAF ol te Istssitelisse, is the past, forfeited oredlwstllsthe Reel Cross biy the King isf Aasistant Business Masager-Victor H. the respiect of their sudensts iii this mn Spin,. has recenily receisved froii the Lawn. 11c~nr, 1s a tact ; thtat a careful soloving. of Blerlinsirtorshaltlhandles his photssgraiphs Addressa: THE WOLVeRuNIto, Press the ir owssqetsions aresious to the ex- t statemieinit whichi say'siliact.420 caibiniet Bldg., Mayinard Street, Ann Arbor, siiiiistioii ssosildthaureteiinataedl tse itutres, 10large phtograsphs, sad averf Michigan. troilstomne errors. is reasoniabile;tshit s00 post-lcardls hasve beeni sold swiin sits teacher shlunowli or caire so lt- the list year. (31 the large photiographs, Office Hoars: t 1:00to 0:30 p. M.sxweeoltoatchlssmdls daily. tie as tosgive outiclam ssinat i o c oeooinissn-cso saiisie Belt Phone, 96o. taisninig simpille errors is, to the Illol ci t Dr.isinss is sitpresect on ai tour of Eu ire miiid, iinexcsablet. nip. Subscription Rates : Local, sevently- 51ANY f VCliNTS its unusso ii (IN sR ISIT ligROiTisy 'lve cenits for the summaer; mnilied ito r . 1101 1Ta cots treeiitestbug .io any address for one dollar. iiiai .t1 rte eaderslhip of Prof. Rt. h). neilost the tnivesrsiityliosplit, wais 151 Psrma lfr-siAitracieta sos Advertising Rates : Furnaished sipon neilarkerylifl 't'tscsboasyesterroyit to M applicatiots to the Business Matiager. hg tis Isit the lsirge electriesil plasnts oil lanschetsr Tlo. ''Tsr 3 . 00011" iiofletrii The Detrtiit Edlisson, Mercy \\'aiter It. llon'rt iss liii Pouts,1D.LR a.nd ise Muinicipl i Lgut- - Ongii. i irIsoh51 iiit i.Plaiits soere s isitesI it the ntosrng __________________coples__will____________________i51whiltshils aftero onws spest a st the S ATUIOD II', .AU.GUST 19, F911. Thec isier". I ni ac>oilf tI s iEi d-ios osssii itoi Niii I. Bakrlsi tol i ueII iiiil IWiy tot have your fouintains peas Editr Tday '5 ico It Is N. lii, i 1i ii1,1 , 1.1 to sut llt)1w ite is they' ought to? Brisng theta los .1 llololliOlil'Ith l5a le. ohSkier. He still ix thesis. 36 Ranssdaill oaid P[cs, 121 E. Ifosihingitlo 1, ,01tate Nor. all hfsiusical isss sste=lie stipplies, - 11 iloifos, .-hlc~liot 21, oil 3 P.M - ---popuilsir aitd classicemusiste see Sclhacherle1 CollceeIn is still open through suns- CALEN DAR and Sost, Music H-osise,110 5otS.'Main St. user school. Sansdswices of alt ktnds. Enigilleer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHW'S University Bookstore t t I-I0. 1-I0. :\t gistl21.01 1es'l 'ITsbosms, lecture lby Prf . N. Scott,.wsot ctlecerolilsi, phylsicsslloIratoory 01t. (sigoist 21--llnlsetsIdoo Abouit Noting recitaol by the cliscs inii Viltsiloslrenrs reaoding,. SaraohoCswesll Aur g1 I ala i 8o. ProIf. C'ooss i Hailer's College JewelryI Csomplsete Oil D ept. Iiis Ct~.os 55all loasia i eily Repsairing. Hailer's Jewelry Store 21a6 S. Main Street [tome Laundry Company Bell Phone 381 J 21 8 1E. Huron St. H/ome Phone 205 Black JO S. A. ( tiAGL ~E Our Mlotto: "Whsat we do, we dos Well" Quality not Qaanity 21 \ 0 i)a Taoos , lectutre by It. 'N. Sc;. ss iet letru re ro 1111. aut laora10tory,. ot ;. Ido AbsosutNotig, r citotlits it Siataiwa~'rea'oir .5iii ', Sarot 11n l 11-aollsu, st 8. 1Rough Without Extra Weight A groat many1 men lllike ltse roughl course braids.btit object to the weight. The Knox hat solves the problem. 1171o0:' sold onfy byl so. IReule, Conlin & FHegel j 200=202 S. Main: St. K1IRTLAN D'S Ihe Old Place Billiai d Parlors Beti-c rd Ntlit xpeinsive equuiJ f~iiuuItN TH EVtCITY FU1L LINE 01" Cigars, Tobacco and Candy i hA Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citeans at Asn Arbar-Students at the U.at M. SUGAR BOWL intheicsly ofAnn SArbo of1010S. Mi t. ait allugsthtisthue saidiSUGAR BOWL is ready ableli, andol willing in srvecbetter reaansweeso'teri'cundie's with prompulter o-is iuoe ouy othee simsitar 'oncectionsory ini thisecity. Assd tius thuey ure 0wlling touleetoiltue coutray.s Phone 967 Lyndon, Phtora r Arson Arbor's Headq.sartea-s for- Kodaks, Catras a d PP..onoSuapplies I make a speci ally of Devielopiitg, Printinig asud Enilarging for Am ntori-by moderiinaetiods. This has beetsany businuess for seveni yeas s an~d it has increased es-coyslay-Only results will do 1 this an~d so wshenuever you oralit ainythlinsg phlotographie lole 'or thse sign of thse kodak-That's whlere thinlgs miove. j 719 No. N 79N.Vnilr.slly Kodakts foe st Rca. IOn nper- eay J .All Me's Suits 0 Take theni to (Now under new MODEN SHE REAIR HO manssg rnent) and the will be repaired as they should be--with nothing but the best alfnmaterials and worhsmaaalap eaacelldhbyn o- CLO'e have recently added twa cI the newes machines to our modern equipment which makes our shop the mot camplesa and up-I-dae o any sho in the v eioii9 of thuo campus This is wuha maes it possible for us to do such high-grade work and gal it cut so promptly with no conusion. We make a speiallyj at re-coine rubber-slad Ofords. 4Wesell Shoe Laces EJa The Sign o the and Shce Polish ' Big Elecric Shoe Better Sole Those Shoes Before You Start Homne Co an See210 Huron Street You Will Always Be Clad You Did. Tom Gives You Service Plus