THE WOVRN Vol II. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1911. VERSAILLES SHOWS TWOFOLD INTEREST Historic and Artistic Aspects Attract Traveller Says Prof. Canfield GIVES STATISTICS OF PALACE "Versaiies offers Iso isnsds of ile- est to tihe trisveler, ihistorical interest andr us artistic intorest"-was the theme t of a lecture given hiy Prof. A. G. Can- field oii Thuirsuiay afternoon o the top- ic "Versailles. "Nowhere else cain one study si) well as tiere the evoltitin of Frecich art ticrough te century anid ai _ half that pirece the otlt mnarchy: And nowhere rise cali oiie form soi writ aii idea of ccrtinui innts aiid essentiai features of that moniaishs at the per- ioil of its greatiest development andi tier- fection." "Versailles is the r epresentative of a edead epioec andc the smbInol of a van- ishiedt world: lice epoech of aI) ahsoute mosnarchy, the -aorilet of. the French tcourt. WhiaI onr goes to Versailles to see stoday is iiot th e little provinciail city werarincg aii air of sadiniess ic is qtiiet and dtesertedl strerts: it is not esven the great plalace it sss nowiuninhalited, life- less, transformesd into a historical mu- seiimi, whiere sir nay ivaiscer through asl iniitie snceession cit magnificent andi esutt roiis, thir ssalls hunig with cast pssiintiigs, a pitoiat chironiclee of the whole hsisory-at Iceist the whole aili- tary histoiy-of Franie. Neither is it 'Ehe stairty andiclasi sehaity sit the for- -mat isark. oath its iiiraigh cwalsits hoe- itered withi tiiues it geietrical grcss pilsits andc basiss of inaicr. Nii. What ,traws tse travelei iii Versailles is the ghsost of tice rosyat Veinsailes of sli, the Versailles of Iosins XIV aind Iis gor- geouis ant sI'istiii fetes, tftLouis XV. aini lisi eleganctlv Ifris-olosis aind elisrii- ict is-ri lise ssiirt of the seusnth century', raia iss is thle glory' sof the 'ri-soleil' of cth us igttestic entury, s de-licate in taite andi so fragile is uoc- (C oniiiies oni Paige 3.) REGI STRAR f-i'itL FistECTS POISH1- ~ IN C NT NEXT 1'E.i "We-ve bee reeii aco g um- hser of tPoies ini thi list twos ori three s-ers"saidi -Rgistrair till yesterdiy asf- teirnoons ini al iterciisw "an suthue repoirt that as larg'-e itfiux of thiemiiiobe x cetd seems ratsi5esthe s likl} Th} ial ieey ]}rilit studiensts asarue tog as the msasorits of thesi isise issue to slits citistiv usnsder mstadvrecr ciustnew'hv ' ome torear themu as 'heweris of wooudu ands drar sif iwatec. th 'ls cdm hc ic ciupies thsc focie hocc of th~ iiue Miceli ian) MSiilitary Acdem seai t Oscar eisLaIke i siys list ofs approve scoos but uiiess thes hav ciii e s o ass crcrty likesy isis e oe il o trc toiDci Michiiil, as lthe sues ci' isi (11('11 1-is FIRE PROTECTION BEGUN ENROLLMENT SHOWS Extinguishers installed In New En-' LGT DCES gineering Building SLGT DCES EXAMINATION DATES OUTPOEB EDT Finals in All But Law Department to g Be Held Next Week PAR ALYZE TH4OUGHT In order to dlecrease the ossihility of aunuother confla graitioni sc as ocueirred tlist Satsurdiasy she n the oesis disi la buiu ng urn- ssie-il i93 fire extsingeishuers cit the soila ansulphiiuserie acidtytite, have isecic screrelbiy theUhiser siti.'Thiese isill liesissirisisted' is esvensi as posssie over thinis ni~neerinig buiilding.Su-a sentsesient osit roudsisst JamsI-sI. Mlarksexirsi seditthe he lie I ticat ini the cours of yearor tothe u iiscisits soulinisstill a ire-fIs~ltn paau wih will lhe icaisble if cxtigi'sing anyieionflitgraitions tshit 151is freakiut tINA REtCxPEPTION GIVEN 10 sosiSCUMMER STUDEN5TS. COser o on es at tendethe tsclist re- ceptions of tesuersisiesso a a- isisis gym-naisium5555liaitinight. al g startedimmsiicedsiatels after the 5cciiidi 5 ii reschedcitnie loll fromsiatteniding Pirsit tI issge s leeturce andilconiinued nsils edi over ico Granigers in ocriles icsavil dacingess a t 'tiel'e astd-mv )WL servedl athle reiepii: ascid stheultis waes wecll reprsieed.r NCSCIINGTON "IUR .:" SNDS REQUEST'lFOR MMCI0 t 'Sll) Ther citizensssitf C0Seiu~0iSsi a simll toss isocrteditin C-ichlissicciii)X\ islis isgisis, iiscisici oe ayacit 'l f1 cecil of the insst bletc':siesectile cuss to thceimsfor vear stt they we sn eed cit asdctoir. Cosinsq-tiisticsth goodspeoplte assembledhin this ci npoi uiuis i lcer where cosic mayspuciaise in- ftrr-iuile ,andiaftesr uuaturse thvcgtt tsr titiocdethsie ownesr citthe storeiiioisrite a letter to lice msost tamious imeiieal scisciolihat tliii isadievsrihearcsi (f.See- rtarvSile .snitu revce iedthe lcrtieris'ewdasiagc.I rastsfl 'ows iClii: ssc GrsndRapiss'Mish if y ihv gauts 55)511isties to locein iitics-Niiect W ni Allct e 1'.5 k:oN"-.Ile m s escaifloalidcetocc it as Oiiaigoodsiixerangtatmd anion"peopic.He I gh Ic ht sict tS lhi<1Is~ i-atSt1; sNV,1',1 Newly Compiled Statistics Show Loss of 32 Over Last Summer MlANY COUNTRIES REPRESENTED Compiilete statistics si)r tihe ii~ii 1sm- nler sessloli ha l i tst I 1c o pld scicisa ic erlieit cof i194,sic 32 Iess tcasichiatIofla-istear.Liesideslice numessl theici a ce'tuins oi useisomssci 'hc see'srissiltensh, a-sithiu'occupaic- tion ifand. hve lsobees cciillililess .A comprsonls ofl thiieiienrollment for latic scsi this seas ticlows Dviii ofi Iiterature 'Sceea thei arts- 1310 1911 f' sualaes ... o.08 59, Ccciies-i isis les. 472 4( lDiii.'Sleet & slip 104 1 '-isit sf itli ilviii . 3 22' I1 st1 it. i ss 5 .... 31 is3 Bi]Ogciai Toa . .. ... . 13 2 1-3 ilct namssses solict- vii tiier 7 -I 1 -r7 -9 -43 ti-siisissioics ei livbhlss n sep de ellistuenscsts -desi'ri'ng -'redlicfori 1)111 sloie ic tlic sisiissersisobs ssitwilibere- qised tovitcaleexaliisaati ussaccording cc use fishosilisig'sclsruu j-]vour 'of 1Tise oi I 'Thursdai 24 S ti1u~sisissi5-1S0s 2-1N esissesci is2-4 4 Die iv sciii S4-6 Issegulir-IFilas, 4-I Sctuvdents ini lie law-sdlistmisesnt iwsho cund it absoluitelyimpicissleiticctake the 'samisnatiossi ast lice regsilar sceleds tius, smay, itciitlie uems siof i fec facuslti',isveeamioieditan fthce ol- lo sn ersios: This last wieelsofSit'pitembier, 1911. ccr 1912 Itic secot.lwek (ci' I 15)1T, 1912 Cttee ft heivccii suIiii ' oy;siciss cf 1912; Or m~ester cif tise111-1912- secc~icyear. The ivegular' eaaiui-c s ill' 5thisshe'- isartmnht ciis gi ci -Os 3th suit 'ontinuse isstilSepvtemslies tc ci tAST WOMANi 'sS I,>~I C I, ternoso iic iBsrbossr 111111 sosiu ndseruc' tile illspicesof thse 't isc ias cacpn'- Clocsedtci sci -aelivities osithset cisc: slalsi oi orthceosimmeir. Tshou--hsthe it- tt sire wis isiasck,150effriosiwer spared 'to miaks the hiecasbosi onreistosr iiiisii ters iibyiithe summciserscholirtls Danisgis aindssilasing etredthticsfiuic- tion.I sleettailllsii was ptisicestby a tioisofciaissPl'shses Franis ril toniotse school usfimusicEvLicissilii- cci'i'gccss,'assetboys Meiess .Miss Jso e'C : sils ci iii clsessisie scing15Nvclii) l as i i i uif"A3 A u i./ A Al V u u U i I I sits Iss i stesthe i setusfC siss&ind1qIfreign' countres,eA-ren- iCos t eiaCutsEnla isisrmny andcGeis jisass Xs aere~seslii tlsii lice snu-niise5si si IiOfthstirtsos-st ro~nct 99ae fromssii X gsii'iiansde sisses ic te l iterarys sepasitminit; 2c Isis teacheus; 6si arlentaesi ti W. R, Hum phreys Claims That Ready Made Opinions Have This Effect QUOTES BIBLE TO PROVE POINT "Msyimainiiiicets ag i sasiins 'ss'verbs is ticat thesttheiccto 'sar'lyzesinsuissudl 5sl" ii icby sfterigit10soiisreadyii sadils his wcs sas idssi A im phasuures cithlie LIlgistsfaciityatteampit'ctoi iusify hils ctionisisilstproviris tarelist sit u I i is -eltrtlsssi'Pussvebial Us- uisdm yical steirda y aflyeluscous 'y qurrel, iosit see is mucots huih is th thsie wsom akciiis1e th ell s siwihtses who hcvleru se t'hem.i Toi knowssthe sums v aiueof usisdlomiyoiu must workcisit ou1 ofurs) w cscsssxpissser of its. So if sm 've asetaiste forc pccosebss let is ave tics-ll b7 ecailieans; b ut l1t'Lisimakeis ioum cw, ust as sur uscestoslsumsialelsheis. ''eu'l missial lIzinss ans sui t l itills idits' suesnouithe olcacsuses o urum foessssss fpovfs il)emis. XWe ae srvn ito thtecsiaIs bwatmiht hiscales as muuania foefiitss enss We'liketutoi he: tutuld uh is, hais 5ii suchisluaurm tsat iwr cans alestheissnfoscaioluiusawiay uswits is, he ishile tr utselsuteIviry usbet jct." I this arly hrlccfhis lecturesM. away froplm'teol ntrreaicneofgcthes asoad "prsills.lic e stsnosluongesit refe it imsediasecyotsh e 1ccoousk ofIthe Old Tests uses'istitu iht cnusmisc I t e us- civics s hiscss thssescord thsatsiwe as- late i u pric'''isisesntioriginallys'paa ile or ssimiiueo ev nsim sile,"e elr- ed lice seasher Tht i o:apo seria sexistessiosuswsere ntmusauttii of sfct asdsi rts c, ebut Isf imraisve cand p15 else. Iniallthisprseerbis leiceavhs esxv pr esseduinscondicsee assetpiicrsvue terls iss Thleisetpeis u snsus, for 'a arti t si ossom a )5st apl toi tice seeesas surey' as lie ats us colosisr heartist1n5sound. 0511e tisses, iideedthusexccc-ssis is il terculs ofcit~l phsusiccasetselsastivon. Itthapes tcci tiePe rbscsshs ofte ibeaepeiac ot isnlyiinsusitnce,' hlt soin or.Th Hbews bIscutscs sy'stellscofi'isuscsc sdiee.Te a fcsr tisic c sist icssesosicry sfom hsic parallel structu eostateenc isse tiveaat anuetIdric in -a cusfiiis n- pslice conutrasdccci opleentvI s hal 551 lclld thugt itismcus S5al55 aplis %heeneswucdhs, i c ret c rc ic o scsiwhrefler 'Si co'e-aetesrf eeh. ' I c cc 5 l tratur s 1 m Psr' uso i te sci Ist sasuies i are h iw'} r1in t 5c ' sor ichard'si ;ac'of or ow~c IC iscccsecsFrank- 211 acprcteicincph~ii7so -r cc i cluensth e heialsetcci. r1j3 ol Ic-peis ash dcii e-siics aee pe ntd HODGE EXPLAINS FLY PEST Say Extermination Should Begin at ia- bage Cans iPt. SC OTtTI-i Ii , W "Veba Tboo" hAi S Pro.cVc N.Stot o vth crhtoic sim i. Ic t a Iuli wil1)ut -N~1 iss ectr o mo h hsc " (-Iltl er (l.l tl pliolit c b()fto m b Alto . l( ti-tpcii tc scurus ei-tEC''FACULTY' IS t v- CIA\QL'ETFiODtI' CL. Ott? } L _ _ of Cic cc' ) tOil. C?. ic. I- Clacrk la st ilt i Aiinss e iss' i te isu tc [Omnee1itsn 515(5stre 1. vv1 usOGedseNAl i m Cc 1: - i kll Ilce 'l tic' wr ' lar i T sici I. i ks's' i' sil Ii lt C tt 4 ! 7.I C . -~ Z"c'tt insauers. r.S w c wa Oca ofte sir re at, 'S'S shts usisv Ccsuis isBar, suita5fic er Iees i 55 s t l c hiss p lucius cof51 rof.J.C.ixKnowsslton ;I E cm iilcone,-,; Is-c- ON cccct cc)o as sic a-c ful f l ils umintch out d MSembuies o: te ' lul- c-cchlit l)-;, isle his sci e cit Iic1 vro )1,. ofsseisscusa suc h c'cIu cus - tscvns )xv it is i';tc'(I I1c~l-cO s hi ' it e iirtl (t he p nri #e1- thse stable sici c shown. u siscti- bhc tl "sou ' tO 5 M I-V iz h to 'ctc or- 4'ai i Lo d cchni:lxii everystsue proerbsIsmush ol 'l Iuvse celsens mucuh focuse s econds Ielesmucsct, Isv (Continuaed tat Pare3.