T HE W OL VE R INTE University Music House Press Building, Maynard Street NEXT DOOR TO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Victor Taling SRecords !' E xclussive Aiiercy for G IBSO MANDOLINS VAN TYNE, FELLS OF DANUBE TRIP.I (Continued from Pae i) custody of the Sevaii police tryng to fnd the Americaon consul who coolcox- plain to them my actad intentions. Thisj was perhapo the mot exciting adventre which we had on the w hole tril, aid it -seeoied oriouo enoogh lsle it loted." Still anotliriunusual1 experice fell to the tot of the voy aers whten they pased the ire Gate. -Ao isIto pit," sad Prof. Van Ttre, 'ttte Danble paaose theoogh teTirmnsylotani 'lp aid frcoii a wid tlt of a mile or mere it is ouddelcontatdtoIa twidtiof strce- ly~ 2C0 yardThciasnrrow trly knowit as thc Dell of C a sa bot 1totiles loa1A ii tat to cient 're tie licrapids whtich conltitete I"troiCtr. proper. We hail deaiiec tht it ii i lilshoot te ferst fouapoiitsoanti ntcoget somie or to haliisiaouacd the fi. Howee, soc mut haotte to icoootd aitilclltwo of them swhici lay coeltotgeteoie, for jnst at duskowe wenccito10a raid whtichtiiahin g ut lick ever got us trotugh in safety. The ine-tcay u-c pad- dleii llsng 0-ret cactioily expctiig ti ante to the ftfth. ut cncliiiyci ulcelo)cc ther fact thtat it was already- ip milosle- College Iut is till open through nn- tare school. Satidwiches of all kinds. Skutter wants you to see his stock of clocks, watches, ntlfotutiaini ps. Call toy itte. 36 S. Sate. siworid to the elect: Lxtra copies f Tmtouooii op nr way le ptcaiteaod at Cusling's Phariitcy, 3.6 . State. Youit itight as sell get your book fi at and ittndtioiossbefore clige opetts ini liarfal. Skititeeswili treat yott right. 305 . Sate. Poe alt Mitsical istruimentts, supplies, popular and classic music, see Schabere atid Son, Music Hotse, to S. Main St. THE OLD PLACE R INGER. tenCO. W~e have a fresh stock of Prince Albert and Tuxedo ini pound andk pound cans and jars. Tuttle 1(401%Co. LUNCHES Ince aino 338 S. State Street Brennlan's Restaurant Is the popuar place to eat. We keep to the front and let noie get ahead of us. Prices are 30C and 40c. Spece1 rates by tihe week. 612 Liberty, off State St.1 GOLD DUST TWINS HiOLD) SUMMER STUDENTS. SWAY tN ILDCKER ROO1M. The University Music House carries a complete stock of the Michigan College. Iteproeitmtentls arc belig mteuni i theI Music. We invite you to tall and be- licker rtotti if Watermnt gyitatasititti come familiar wsith it. 8_i5. whsich soill eliinite as fair as piossibile the accittiulaitiott of dittwchichi has CHIROPODY. hitherto beent atiaccoimplatiintt of chin- niing lie gyti costutmte. The lockers are Corns, bunions, inugrowing nails, treat- to lie raiseil frott the floor to a iteighit' ed land cured. Everythitng absolutely sich ciilpermtit a flush of waler to antiseptic. Office hours: 9-I2 a. in., I-5 poass titethcemctaatitlchanti h ie ceentlp. m. Miss E. J. Foley, p2t E. Huron floor, ott which diist gathoers itt great St., end of North 12th. Phone 989-J. qutatty. "Oust canovas" woll cov-erliar 10-25. ts ofi liarlockers lto precettthe acctumt titlatioit of dust ini the cresvice snere the It was a pleasure to go to Tuttle's of- iloces bich up to eaich othter. Tue tee tine daitce last Friday evenintg. The equiipmtacis of the upper floor, biy way of service was promupt and everything seen- rentosvation, taove bcciitreatedt with the ed scas fresh atid cleain. 338 S. Slate bichiloeride process. sireet. -tsamot o, rrtuic ocg'O tLeIesARY Likce a drituk of fresh, coot butternmilk, Tie uieity library callection cc- thick from the churn? Askc for it at ceied ant addcitionirecetlty with the prer- noon. Wurster Eros., Cor. Det. and scitoatinlay the Ilott. Elroiy M. .Avsery of Catherine Sts. Bell 423; Honte ioo. Clevelandi, '7I, itf the fir-it ses-entvolumeus 6-16. of his work, "A Hlisory of the Untitei Staites atid its People." The iworkc is to tar itt sixteen colittmes, aitit is utnusuallyt- U. of M~. and rich itt illutratiians, inctliig facsitnile Thy Kemfpf Music Studios SUBSCRIAEGORL Piar..o Pipe O..gs.r For Nest Year V~ . oisteti C u Isoe ~75cPrFrancis Lt ordan, Mnging Editor THE NEW CATALOGUE of t6e University "of Michigan IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Hiomeopathy, Den- tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conselvation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High School for Observation Study), antd a mew course for those preparing for the szientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR Loss iTBRAno N N sn ssCOcR OOMeii. Tho reiotmainiithe lasw'iibiilintgswhich ws forer ly occitpiedl by the headtice cout, iisow ibitag os-erhtastiedhby worok- tmiet piepriaor y tiothaing it part of the liroiry. This chiatoge cats necesosary ini aoideetotacoodeatlae theco-eii- creasigitnumblieof auogoos. Adoiorwa'y leaintg fromithle old practice court to thor cotisultatiotn atit has acencut thiroitigt lie arl-ol , prov-idiing a coniseniettpaassage- sooy' betw etntte alit lirairy anthtle aii- tue-i. Room nitntthe sccndtal foiirwill abĀ° remoiitded intlmeitonetotat court riotom ho toilcette ilace of the onrfiortioely tured. toe IoInier oosidecidedth ooIto coatch thor Culsvcertack tta tsit will herepauto froitm ecer enttritog amteuirit cotitests igaiitt.ColnelTI..Gh'ignoilliat bloc hiadl of the Culvnr Millitary A5caidemay is keen- ly disapooiniteud ov-crhis hiss. 'vhtynt have y'otur foiintaitn pens occur as they ought to? Brng thena ho Skinneur. recvilfixi theim. 3n6 S. State. PHI BETA, KAPPA We make charms and pins. Get your order in now for engraving Extra Heavy Charms $5.00 Win. ARNOL D Jeweler 220 South Main St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER' S Optical6 j~ Dept~ Fioe Watch aod Jewelery Repairing HLLERI'S JEIW[I RY STOREi 216o Souath t. Me t t i I r I BOAT LIVERY Cano,,es andlBoats Rentid P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor RosthuPhones 6COO Yosunitt alwauys find usltige linor SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tine East University Pharmacy 1219 S. University Ave. 0fu.-P. ices aeRight JOHN H. LAMBERT The Yost ef the Shoe Repairing Business. Fie willdo yourworku inu aihurry-spystyle. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop m1 ast Williaum. Street I called at Basso-Rovegno's Last night and had a peach sun- eae. It weas fuse. I thresv onta fime, as I hiked d o o rwo';rd ttchange:'" and Basso banded me hack smooth worn nicele. I was astonished "Tell Your Friends That on Sunday We turn makiog a speeiai oh our S rent chocolate, strawberry and vanilla sundaes. On the same day We will manke thteir mouths wnater josh to bolt at our peach sundae and it is the same price." And so I take this chance to tell yuoall, You get More there for your Money Than any place in town I ought to know 208 S. Main St. hne ICIGAN "ALUfjMNUS Subscribe now and heroine a member thereby of The Univor-sifty of Michigan Alumn~i Association Some funs: Q LThne Alunuus is thne largest college monthly itn the country. QI It contains the latest news about the Utniversity, and editorial conmment otniportant events. Q1 It contans personal items concernitug membhers of your class every month. QI A volume of the Alusnus contains the history of the U niversity for the year. QI It publishes a series of well chosen pictures every month. $1.50 yea.r. $3.00 for 3 years (special for 1911)