T HE VsU L VE RI NE,. LAW Brief cases Ube Outlines of Books, etc. ~ A NEW, Cheaper than Second lined ~LLENiEL" Edwards Brothers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 2 S . S ta te . O ve r S h e han's E Aim, Arbor'o Laryeslf aod Finocotl do: Believe in Signs W. C. NOWLIN1, Mngr. bet us niake vou a 1 I'm doeason the SccodFlear make ouzr Store Yoxszr Shopping~ HIeadqwuarters MACK C& CO. Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L W FlRswilltyou spoutS yuursummoer vaeatinoWhy nut eujoy the~ in Aumerica. WHERE YOU CAN GO All the important ports en teOGretroks tee achsedreg~ularly hy thte excellentsevce ofteD& C.Lakc Linuc.The tten largeSteamesaofthss flertnareuofuudrnstrelconstructinundlhavc al te qualties uftpee, safety and odmtfoet. Dnilytservceisuopernted betw'eetnaDetroitiaud Clevelund,Dtiroitnand nuffao; fourtrips wreklyhbetween Tedu, Detruit, MackiuacIslnd and wac puets; three trips weeekly hetsween Toledo, Cleceland, and tI'-indBay. A Clevelnd tn Mackinac npecialnsteamer well hr uperaedltwoutrips wrekly fromuJune 151th to Septetmher tuth, stoppingonly a1tiDetroit erery trip and Goderich, Out,,oeeryuother trip. Special Day Trips Between Detroit and Cleveland, tilring July and leuuir RAILROAD TICKETS IIAILIBLE:--Tickets reoding via any rail line between letroitaid Buttain and Detroit and Cleveland will be bonoredlfar transportation on D. & C: lice Steamirs in either direction. Send 2-eot stutmp fur Illustrated Pamphtlet and Great Lakes Mop. Address: L.G. Lewris, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H.Mn. Millan, Pres. A. A. Schantz, Gen'l Mgr. q~T~~IAV" I MUSIC AND DRAMA sTheoncxt recitl t o e givencby hue class in.0Sitakecpeareantreatditg will be heitS lStSaiahCawel Angell hall,1Mon- day teeninttAuhgustl 21. The pla ceSO is " -MucohloAdo AbotlNotig,' on fShakespo eaes Ibest atdto t opO- ularcomeies.In Fct, Batc,iscn ceodeoltoobe he giteeSt.1iisoilt, tano mst lttratcttveof Iis oerojus. 'fle 'Otthts itolsea ittoetniiedotantttit i tot t rloot autothle eols. A better atond tmore footseodproutttiot tata td of "Haletlt" is-expcetd ho Prof 'fee ol oodoase has beome'et.oter1cuto t-o eod to itl i te ottmbersl of'5 00 iota ls, ttnd tasoteto abl" oio veneryt .cca muotch totte o thte100eptara'iott otiss tion:of litis Ebwllmkemotb. i apeaantsatooe hu001o1stotlacOtterot "Doghcry tttttt Ottoe wilooapear' loc a edt he lheo. Thefito o i emtl otiioetinothicourse is to lt. achstuentreas afet oro.Ot sieces oot-ior ogtspechdoptttig Ii own ntetorpetta to onti. If Prof. 'frubil ood o st ntot tioktl hIis r'adting co00etitheprocooeds0to sjtoostiotohimionco tihe ooeanotongiof the Istsagotoowlootread ito see00 was ad i ths mtantteccgt himttto otk ott crrecit cprcita- Lion This los tsot Ihas is valueita t otit rendest hocstudtol ri inependreottof te toaheloden ols tomtointepret mor0 01or lossteligently totoothe ges ot ott thteclssStoom. JAOCKSON 'fRACE hS GROW'fH-lOP A \IRICA\N PUBLIC SCHIOOLS. (Cotinuoeodfr otPage 1) of F'nland da s t u. stl to sl ito cotceioto villothe comontosscihtoolo io parictlart. "By 5840. N\eo Etngatoolifletce dom-to inatedsllittsoothllerno Miclhigano.alsooit northoeto ItdiataansdolOio. The soth- ern pat of thocttter too states toere settleod ly toocnspushling tupfromttthe Souot. Fleres'diamooetrially otposeod ticos wi'lorespec to the support of scoolo coon' iolosconflict. 'fhe Nets Coglatd- es51.tood, inthleory, for pubtlcly 3101- portedl schools, open to all, twitot re- slort to class. 'fle sothertners mait- taitoedithat sucht education was charia- ile, atod looked upo all who atendecd stuch schools as paupers." SUMMER STUDENTS. The University Music House carries a complete stock of the Michigan College Music. We invite you o call and be- comet fatiliar withb it. 8-5. CHIROPODY. Corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, trea- ed land cured. Everyhing asoluely aetiseptic. Office hours: 9-12 a. inm., 1-5 p. in. Miss E. J. Foley, 921 E. Huront St., ed of North Lth. Phone 989-J. 10-25. ANNUAL TRAVEL MAGAZINE. "wAteR WAY TAES" PULSnHLDoBY. k C. .LING, SENT T0 YOU Pet. The laest contoribution 10 theliea liatre of trel is tie afo-page book is- ued by thoe . & C. lue. 11 cotaits theetintoeesing sories atd is beatti- fully illustoted towit ie halftones of sceones alonog the . & C. Coast Lite to Mackinac. Set anywee upon rcip' of loot cet 1oprepay posage Adress: 0.&gC NAIGTIsONcCo 6 Wiaynte St. Detroit. dv THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101.103-105 S. Mini St.. An Arhor, Mich. WE SOLICIT YOUR EU; INESS ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Cn pitslo - - 03 10.000.00 OSurplustsoot oProois - 00000. 00' e 11"s - - '4'1.100,000t.00 A 4 allldlO~sl, sit asis tttsteel 'N. W.'Co00 ier' Ototo sotI lsi tuo ts. JWAPIQJW w IwA A--11011L F MAW z=v"MA? Wurster Bros. sell fresh collage TUTTLES. cheese, the old fashioned kind. Cor. It in a getnine delight So gel a light Detroit aood Cathoerine Sb. Dell 423; luinch, or heavy either, at 'fettle's, 338 Hoene 140. 6-1S. S. Stale street. Hamburgers are the original. Also cA complete sloek of Classic and Pop- serve steaks and other sandwviches. Give ular MuIsic aood'Musical Supplies at the 115 a trial. College SInn. t-to. Uoniversity Music Houise. S-t2. Whi~tc Swall [aundry SJUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and- FOURTH Ave. I Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Occi' Ti~iofo soffosfap pPlanf cost us $,0100. If costs Votanothinl~g extran to have all the advantage of latundry work done in water soft as raiot waler instead of destructive acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and desses will conme backc to yon like oew. Collars and Cuffs like stow. Try yor duds ia our suds and he convinced. Mark you package ''Whitte Swo" and call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN TONIGHT, TOMORROW MAT. and NIGHT Mysterious Evelyn AND THE ENCHANTED CANDLESTICK PUPIL OF GERTRUDE HOFFMAN Marie Cheville CLASSICAL DANCES, Soon---The Great u~arry and Whistling Ritz The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool Wilt e Open Every Day Except Sunday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.1 Iisi rereshing to take a'bath in nierooi spring waer, ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings The Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry anod Steanm CLEANING Highest Class of Work. 204 E. Wasingetono St. BellIPloone6C8S L. R. WAHML Rowe's Laundry 406 Detroit St. Work Neatly 'cod Promptly Doe, THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Sell Phone 45Z' SRUNKS ENGRAVERS a 'The fGrol / AAROR PRES ~ALL _COLLEGE 1&1UrilOrderI 1 J1OURNAL BUILDING - - DETOITMICH. THE WELL-KNOWN CHIJBB HOUSE One Block from Campus 209 South State Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week THE DIFFERENCE hetweonrsucess and attiore iosofteno tory ss itll. it m bo lyot ittl bie sittdtn o ra deltcate lav or. THE SUCCESS OF TRUBEY'S CREAMS oinme lavoioor, Sc 0 bysou t ocnto stcret slwayipsen'05 ~t ts otit'- ios'. Nowon tso lsitto give ot that n~extlpaty.Sasto sr otf heav ~im 'Suc at oely toomoo""oee Isat Isite C- Ifeitxpl s oti l ta tl'a r fond oin butoc ofteo'' TRUBEY'S PLACE 1 o6 ..Man BelPhone 1006 i u ,I jerrx9Steamanri Fe Bch 619 1G. Williamx St. Stilts Pressed 25c Troitosers 10c i 4,