THE WOLVERINE Iuniversity Music 'house, Press Building, Maynard Street NEXT DOOR TO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1511 SOOS 11 iF 5IMS' 1 sl' ,Vict rola~s Victor Ta.1king m ach in e s and SRecords E~xc1xzsive .Agency far GIBS MANDOLINS (Contned friom Pige l1 to ktec >tlhe lame s fromit te s ttern half oftelctuildling, sald f:ost te framte structures ittoiosg to the engineering diepasrtmnt tote soutstt. A southest wind made titask easier'. The' mstt efetisvesreaso so hiAvsas turn'ted ilt te bilintg tat atittl se ssas onestipump- esi frotthlisatval ttankitt te engsineer- in lbilin b siteittytiattlic psmp is the chslantical laortatoryo 11y 7 :30 to'clcste flats hadst sorked dhoss'tosttthe tbtsetsetof tse butlingss swheree5t gaihons of gamlutexe st re its actanksIh ws, eaed ttif te flamtststattaisnesitiso ita itstrttctsii aitim cett nt i pi t to en sat exploision.i oiS if ficuilty t~e it wast rtechedi andsile iiste flasmes tlyedi steam5 sits p otted isnto the ibasemt.ii This, te ctitges poitis 5a lnt the its - itlsy tlae itintestor55tttion ofthsitbisilci ing litstouisisedbitflams 'ishisssuildlin gsitssitneositheslteston i te camputss :sttettesitcidiportiosn wsas sit sitsin 5Mte4as assadtitisiontotsie cotasstilf of te stiutrettswhslith lates from st1850. Piesvis tsteetionissf ste chews tmedical 11 ti lii it lets usedt escius'iveiysbItshlitdepcrtent for al iits eppses. It was nt issl tstwyeast ag itatit wiseto esits s abainstdosnesifit- tce tlass work isiselste attorititeslists is, iseed he e I sitofthe stilinsg, wis wsiats' tii'ttttit elesstiTo e '['li tsdi shutosmslt i "tiio sads tsskesn thirtit sist't'sint tis lilinsitwver werefeu: susip tliios wees itisiiti 'rdco sllected bylithu ls1ias tt alumniito sierth e epne frnvtioni Its islet- to site te biing rom lutstr tis a 'sm settesntwoseeasndstc hree t lisil ande dollaitsiteaSitenrisedfrtepr pottetwhen te fiet5 came. sts (Cinued ifrim Pagi 1.i it1g cc pu lic'site m t lsfor'ards th5 moit en an sits igsusipt5 isess fgilfss appo intd I SS 'ottle tit'tliii osf st'itheerasl 'e sits'sits sComisttteet, cnd liertielss effisrt ss eft oStol ii -it turneds'clis silttemps tilt oc i se thes'sites- stoutest,ciesitplisonai slielypleto t, 'as well a s isis e s s is sit sIt''l'ident i f st'e 555 'heLe-cofered ass chl- Itshi, at M ch' 11',t int fs et ito lcssilisu aindi itn I elsitoic of sts'e tssa e t'ear, gtst e a large eik)sseticpartywhc reaslizedl a'gooly- cisuiiios te pise. AiTAcINs ii- ,1t.tINit899~. '1'1ti, Iv ard zelosuitrk, gifts fromite its iisicCiestle'otgsssicssticsts, woe cucusad the prioseeds cif eni- tel'tssin tltS, its fiji), $20,0ao insteadil(3f ste S ujen ist1eeesar hadiisedttinfetsoslit ireents'lhans,fr'omithesiteacsguc, "sit t15e woman'sttlieuilinglbecamtiea sitct;its atuaislity: Thei, leagiies ist httiili slid Inyttstop ith otii g 1cscfitheiig.seylsimlilrlmth-ns stgeqisutsipedthiirIdiingIt, om i nd Kitchen, purcha lice' ist ndc sties sit vaios tmstontrsibtedlsic to usc' 'ci is's F'ree'mani Palmieit F'sind, t ieLs'il cindaits onettS olarlsipl 'Fu,scud psit- ed il Sitalt CasoeselliAmii 1'ii il t~O bronzei'sMeicitiais't'ablset's toil tisis tut0t-V isf :firs. 'samesIB SiAngell. Ilt98,as gftof to frotills e Wh it', ofiMarqut teitsmtie it p )soiile is isesutiattest siItiesrchaes soiiti cc 'stal1ls , 'to 7crs itenit, an sotigaott cisto'5'of15wtiichis l Si,' cs t's11itlte huh i Ptt situveri ity iptrchatsediasiduplacccl isseosnst'e Boundt A numiberci'of foretignt stt who ini stcoeptssslc ith i te ecresty f seilCussMlctheyrl ce'tis i'iosi oftkinur liingts' coitisiear. ttPro-t fessoru'Zolski-ies'tlisin'" i 5tel'turinlies hs atsttates'ev'ssira lic lihaNre- gianiti iuenito Is. lnic'ttios o it ts a rcord-b's kii'nliig satitehdanice ii tie archi- tec'tuialsdipsit'm'lsenit, astmets iqiriiies conticeriints isgteciuss veers r'iec-. cive btih~e' itfici'slof thast depatmcset Istess a pieasurttio1 go 1o Tutitle's af- tee te dutteclast ['ridasy ev'eniig 'Tt setsvice tesspromptlelandsieverth~iig sets- ed slof[es and cleats, 338 S. Stte You'istt'ghtt teasweli gete'suboisseh fixcsisiand 1 siissci nois' befoere colege opsitheis'fsl, Sikie wiii treat pm rigiht, 3011S. Stte U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY l','isieo ui lt sRis tidi P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor 'ousill alwtiiays isiailargosi'sntee'af SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES The East University Pharmacy 1il0 S. UivstitlyAe, Our ~ 'Pricesare.'Right JOHN H. LAMBERT '[he 'lost alls 'th e esirig lusoinsos,iHeiwill do yaurtwrks in aiharry'apisttyle Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop ,i,East ililia~ treOliet You-all who come from the South Do you knott just how deliius rich cream can taste with genuine maple syrup poured over it and a dash of fresh hulied nut? )'on can rind out at Basso-Rovegno's 208 S. Main St. Eategno asks yost 5 cento for iis sunides-any pace ese you wosud pay 10 and :15 etsl and not get as mucih Glee hint the chance to shoot you. If yetsd6n't you are the loser. The Kemlpf Music Stildios th0GRG YLE I a ftBEFO U ni ersty fihig, angEto IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, ]Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den= tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer -Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lanidscape Design,. Higher Comrnercial Education incitidinig Raiway Administration and Insurance, Arcihitecture, Conservationi lEngineering, Pedagogy (affililate:) with Anti Arhor High School foe Observation StudIy), aid a nosw couorse for those preparing for the s''ientic admniistration of diepartmsenis of sanitation and puibiic itealtih. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR Crtitim ftef it' t tet otsuplyoilthesitl fe tht5 houItse, iiitilitiwato fursed ndus Caps a eels C'urrsenu tsythtoset vliii titled rap ;sstVealts' stilasot spri'ng liyte tiutiesedt hec sc cdiii lagitution15 ill this ear'i Ii i I hue s s, i". 11; C' tht'i ti t -1 lcl se rt if ilte 'd''ddif-. That sthise e - lusts itss'ter iidp' 5' flicienu howteeriso slit assurance ccoifChief Stndrewsofuth loca serice. I)itfittdeWaste usrsetsncsi staliti uruh.of tielt SS'ttsiu' sililt he pr ilerefroussthue tlc t ity hdrntLeg, whis' ch tiit las t 'il 'ipori'tiltpat tut h~etI sc c'"u5'55cels'suis ft''to u thue life utf ccc'sitsleegui, cats tutu ihliclt 'ju t leu sslstfatutu ste hlioat daton etiionusssued IhIere usitsbrif.hutthis'fall Gedetllosssi