TifF \V0Lf.ERl5N'? Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. Co. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Distict Aent.IHammonod Buildig Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Agent 1210 Wasienaw Ave. Call 373-J I BEST LUNCHES Im town'at BANCKOFT lad C dold Drinks 72M~n t 72 oro he PHOTOGRAPHER Oficial Photogrphier to Michign Athletics fo hi years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-. Student's Supply StoreI lac yor 'ot oosI oenoaiorPrs tatiaraery ENGINEERS SUPPLIES, CCandyyCLgars, tc1111, . Univsry UNIV ERSITY School of MUSic MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION EghtI Weeks All Brnches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Aris Teachers Sendilfireillstrte a taerllouei CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capitrl ""Moof0 Srplsanriats V0000 Resanrces $1,a00,00 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of An Arbr-Studets of the U. of M. Nwi Criie te SUGAR BOWL in te city oflAnn iArorofri 11. lini roilandalleges tallthe sid lSUGAR BOWL ivready, ale, and lwil ig ser f et.relrecmr adl5\ieeelee Ciririlies withiliprmplte Segicic lirrirriy tre simiilrarin etinryl iittisiy. All(l thisithey aec willirg Io leae lto thir e.aonirey. Phone 967 THE WOLVERINE Published Tuesolar,'TPlrsdcay arid Saturrday .afterrrooinaly ihe studenctrs of itie Uivsersityof bffeiriaasumrraci sea- Coiniatrionis wsil libeprirrted ocly when signed,0altrorighiwriite'samre still be woihheld ccrecqurest. Notices pertainring Iocuiversity raffairs still be printed once gratis. larrogirig Elidio-Harold G. McGee. Buifns riaanager-JolrN H. PAYt. Bell Phoire 139 o96 o. Res. 444 S. Slate St. EDITORIAL START eIWIORS year s rrf its exitne I sarcrdiof arier erce ii of wish air' erlce or-r errIiio n 11 fi leplowl--lie froriilr ofi fin turcgIymnalsiumit 0 .r. .i-;110 f-'Pilmirieldte I o'ress smarlleerfits ofai0i h Or<-v ifr;)eh wome of thei nir esityif -ich n fOf fire fresent c .rlrrs r e fr ifons fore reesirdentialIrailsiii.eawil serb atri. sufice it.into sy.heirelb thlti lixtheWoil- verie, lie sleart, cal lilror ts, andrlbus- rcesalilie solingi iof 11he piroblemis if uni- vesoeixity 01111 liebyair orgniai onr of thicrrowiris lerrfaprsitiv e at rho i isoirer of iris unsveesity oillearst,are. capableolifswoieling u in thielii r.rail way1 any11 ro iieiimIlItluhichitey- 1101yC ce toi tarckle. Thie lirroifsurerorreschoolrleacepriirrissill ir. hecld ri hood ror euiirr u, lhrirlas .irgirsf i8. Tlirccipiolisirioren or olf memerorf ltre sirmrrisacihoil and their feirirnds. Stuirentis11mu1sti showthirieaos- ureeds rceiptat 00tle dur.'Ticetcs for firiensirmad-fire rocr ci ol ithee iesure er's orffice, Feida fromit to I12ianrdf Ira _l. "flee isce iiill Irave charnge rif tle 1101ii., anor Iheicdbn cinig riill comir- mece aIt18:30. PE NN SY'S TEAL . ST'%RTS PRACPTICES SEPTCNI diR 4. HOLD,11 LA\ST If 'VPT If IN 159 ft Text Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Enginnpr'g Siminnfhis, BErnest R. Buron.oc Robat. M.Gilletil i'lo aidrr nmabilorfii o utlrrrl$19 ,000 tiii TIh e frstcaill foe r didateis ofthe u PJ ! u jV u vu WiliamrrT. Daurgihety. thoc legislatree didn't 0appopie o r nc risvesity of Plicoro o faou o tbir allr oteonarns cailific lire larotectiin' Iconoirix Ic teaihas frcor - isnci for e Serrooc 14, FO N A N P S Feon iH. Hossick. Maudc Edswards. aroFar'klfin fieldf. 19 rirg torrheilac -yi BLANK" BOOKS Main" -dre. LFciCcsal- ariir rorc ur n le aofIiriisrhae ided to STATIONERY, ETC. Chas. Johinsoni. James D sreluin IiI oreanflr lcsi0 iii oRi.icra I.S. 3 cro-I on ste p G.N11 u RIO10 iV LSl] Cf)MIP(SIR F oI lelr ihitrrfar tiefirse iei TWO_____________________ i 01UNION OPERAS,\0f iyeas. i heo mnntitlayedagaIf s OUIONrSS STAF Mihiganlsr er,1\ewllbooe Asiasant Burainressa ldaiaei-Vicioe ft ru11 r bo-h ron irecel 1d00nespectedl recr15 Corceirs I ls yenr's captir and hark Lawn. las owek, ihenthea nin rrr0110 i1camSeroml ihe flie ll orm1 eriliril andA llix Address: Tnt OVIs'rIte, Press 1from1Pais, lbh10RonyhDisonri31cisr shSottlif rme ifix 1010 .01 howev W A I-I S Bldg., Mlaynard Sireet, Ain Arbore 'oSandrrl fosilddScrli hadxlefir maro r i e or at. 11 mOithf expeorts Orto hive bfolilefosiy l ichigarn. A- hi . lss Scotti iis beeo l tl cr110 r lixiilt 12 100rcoclO r ri