THE WOLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRE'K M. STEINBAUER District. Agent, Hammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK * Local Agent 1210 Washtenaw Ave. Call 33- (iSn EST trnANICROFT and old Drinkn 2 SStt t PHOTOG RAPHER Oficiial hotograper to Michigan Atheticn for 1( years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store Fo otyour Note Books, Foutto tens, Sttioery, ENINEER'S SUPPLIES Candy, Cgrs, Etc 11lS.Unvesi~oty UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks All Banthes Fai semester wilt begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers Send for ilstraled cataloue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary The Kemfpf Music Studios Piarn Pip Oegasw Voitce Cultu.r lit-1S. tDiisio St. Phoec t076 . SUSCRIBE FOR Tshe GARGxOYLE For Next Slur *7 P r Franca L tttrttuttMnaig Editor a~rSere Crue usness Mqa eri KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Bst and Most Expensive eqiptnent IN TOE CITY FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco and Candy THE WVOLVERINE tey did aoot a gyasticutas. Bat, well -we'll forget the swcet, pathetic, anid Tri-weekly pubhication of the studenst tell you swhat wc really think. of lihe Univecroity of Michigao Summser Honstly, we'rec glad yassrer goitig; Scssio. not that swc want to get rid of yout,taut wheno we realice thcat you've bccen work- Matiagitng .editar-Harold C. McGee.' ing acid langisig anod worryincg Icot you Busnes Jlanyeoh H.Paye, shotuldn't get thsroutgh soith yousr degree, Bnstics atcye-Jotc . aysr. werer glad yoot save your degre, ansd a chance to shosw "w-ho ownss this OUOINIOO sre shop" by comsnciog soosethiog. Be- Assistatst Bttsiuecs o 3.asagr-Victor H. sides yout are sneeded tis-help leavesn up Lawns. the finsrt hody of alssosi io the coutn- Address: Toe WaMINviocE, Press ley; the scescsities of the Usioo, the Bldg., Maynard Street, Acn Arhor, resisdenstial salts, asnd the expaodissgocni- Michigan. sversity itself msot he graftedits the Officecloitrs: t1:00 to 2 :30 p. m,. sinsofclthose wso ccanscell s itscut daily. hy the offshoots of ticose wiho are of its. Belt Phocne, 96lo. Gsod hye, asndigsodctisk ! Csome hack ____________________________________ oncc icna sohisendsee if wcere dsincg Siubscriptio Rates : Local, seventy- our siciy; Ice good is yousees !s five centcs fsr che summser; msaicd °to! ansy address for uric dollar. Because of lice holidagysicJelly 4, the Advertisincg Rates: Furicished upo sext issue of lice ii Oteeocx N4ill he scui applicatiso to lice Bosinsess M\anager. 00o Thursday, July 6. uHcos aer ALUMNI ENGINEERS ARE HIONORED BY TAU BETA Pt. THlURSDAY, JUNE 29, O19t1. Taos Beta Pi icnitiatedthrescaled cii- gicecriccg alucmsni yesterdlay aftcrinoocn. Tue followvicg sre teensecto womstilie levs i come for ilseir aciveentecs outl- CALENDAR side thce class rsocm:S Dwighct B. Chceer er, ,ItS. (.!\l.E.) '9i, LL.B. '96, a patenti Jun 30 Juy 1 3-Reistatin i al atosrnecvof Chiciago; Beernirdi I. Greens. Jdiep3,a ulrtm e gisrs.oci B.~S.(C.L.) '9z, vice-presidenti of lice Wti orkl bgis n lldearmets (OsborcnEcngineerincg compnyc, of Cleoe- July 3-Vt TekIseilanicdillcainadcietsI icco C. PondeJ. ' ,ar July 4-Legalisoliday, noccccisss iecto.Chcg, of he irmof or Juclyg -Thse Early Brantchesofte eceeofiiscoflceiri of the Unid versity of Michcigasn,lectucre icyAss't scaIdFossdI desigineres Iflice cccvflictsi- I'rci. C. O. Bavis icc wsct lectusre ,ans Unicncciilbhouse. rcoo, phiysics labocratory, ci p. Jucly 6-Goodt Roads, 'ilustrated ledtuceIiCHICAN PROFECSSOR TO byg tss'l Prof. E. I). Rsichin icwcest JlN XCTXOTI AUTY lecture rcoms, physics labcoraorgy, a .1 ON (9 WOT ACLY cly 7-Respect for lice Lace, addrli bPrs11B.Hutcininc i:Ucnisvercg sity PrfI -I. H. Itiii, of tlice ctriecl IIyllatS. IdeBpiartcumcientihissappliedi for a year's Jul 7i-gReceptiocn icc tlsrboutr eyccsccleacc of cacsencec is becomes chedccf use siecissfor summoner schoolcistoulecntscitdepatm isentiof prascticsalsmechciccics sit lihe snewlyisestabllisheds e ntwXcclcrcctic Inc stitut. at oston 'at LITS WALLOP 'ot LAWS tN XWONDERFUL BALL GAIME. Rolling up a score of g to a, the tgot llts fairly smsothered their arch foes, the laws of the sasme gear, int terrific salt goose ons souths Perry field, yester- day. Boasting five fsrmser varsity meco, lice its simaply scored the lastv, swho sad only soe, 011 of lice gacme, swhich ross for five farcial inncings. The lineup follos: tits G. S. Hill c ; XV. Everssmascp ; Ned Beagle th ; S. To dd 2h; J. L. Hib- hard so ; Peed Loworie 3k; J. Snook cf ; II. Talcott If; C. L. Hilt rf. tLaws-J. R. Mcetcosh p ; H. It. Er- lansdce; Frankc i mmtfcoel th ; 2M. G. My- gall 21.; L.-. Macer 3b; XV. B. Fleshcer so ; L. F. Knoweles rf ; L. N. Buckley If; WV. L. Kinnoey cf. Of thcese mnc, Fleshcer, G. S. H-ilt, Es'- ersmncc, Beagle, Tadd, cod Hibbharc, have played avarsity call for Michciganc. scluNIMRA.SSsecNIBLcesetPLAsNNE. Icc spite of closed theaters acndlwana- icng nickelodeas, there will Ice cne source eof amucsemsecnt usad suscmmcer schcool stuidencts soill cot he totallgycde- priced sf-dacncicng. Nst ocnlgovill there Ice the usual sorties at Barbour gvcm- cnasiucm, icud Grainger's wvilhose Fridig' nighct assecbcicc5esiduriccglice wso ses- siocn. "tIke" Fischcer, wikhlhis oucr-psiece .Acaccecsygorchestrai, asill furncishc t1c msic,acdceilectinc facn seecbecn icc Text Boaks FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Elg' le' Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. W AHtR'S University Bookstore I stalled icc the usl1 to temcper, as tisclc as pocssikle, 11chescia of Julgy andcAcugeust nighsts. I "TIlE VOLVERINE" XVILL PRINT A DtRECTORY OP TilE STUIDENT BODY. THE ISSUES CONT ANtNG THtIS DI1RECTORY XVILL BE STRtCTLY RESTRICTRED TO SUBS(CRtBERS AND ADVERTISERS. PERSONS WHIOSE NAMES GO NOT APPEAR IN THlE LIST OP SUBSCRIBERS sOR ADVERTISERS WILtLIBE RE- FUSt'D COPIES AT ANY P'RICE. tSTUDENTS ARE URGED TO SEE TIIAT THIEIR ADDRESSES AND T EL EPucN-FNUJMBERS AREI Iccftrfcc icericp f ~siecc cli Thse IcnsticutelscatIcade schooc, svithsPROPERLY REGISTERED .AlTH-I Iciclaot ccccd iceci f o l 7 tfcccdi- c three iacdiac islf cilionolsc liceriedow- UNIVERSITY OFFICES, AS THEY toral taf an trozrs, t cccyinercgving'ccne cand Iso oygasrcoars-s; 'cXILL BE PRINTED AS THEY .AP- C1Clltzg' ad, ll gingthccic Prof. ligicil il PEAR UNDER THE ROSTERS OF ccc lycsg bcccce cccltccf hiss iri lccl , THlEUNIVERSITY. svc lvciis.1bs wil asocr cva t lisil icc- 11F AOU AVANT TiHCDIET T nciogre ccthanc Iiclehucndrecd of creriseccc saclarc.gThissummccsersill tIs' DRY SUBSCRIBE 'sf'ONCE. ycu 'sage od" sciiccs sre leaicgcie-kcsp~estcin cccstallccc" tcr lacocctory eqip- hindi you itsese sicoclincg wsalk~s besidle 11rheccatcadcprcpingcccth1cucsess foc Ike AWhenc gou geltkhccgcg atccitmorilce, ivy--clad ihalls ccf leacrnin~g wichel, liscsscsg ccaelIl cc ic e fill.ralocced see Mrt s. Slack. 2-4. bcec a partcof youcr life fccfolbeu idu gears, shalnwbu ihyuol i ap ch cccv...Iceonter o ii o . m au dr f' p t' cman ic ikte bcklrseati; dontccac it as B 131 Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black five lccg wery gears o cci oin bs edits," draccwc otIcy self-centrdpo JOS. A. GAGLE iesors worica sredI less abocc yu ka Our Motto: What we do, we do Well" Quatity not Quanity R~ough Without ' Weight A great ttany mets like the roughI cows.-e braids boa -object to te weight. The Kttox hat solves te problem. Kgicux sold onciypbyp cs. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main. St. Lyndon, Photo'ra her Arita Arbor'sa Handqsuser for nKodaka, Caraa arvd Phlxol"Sutlea I make a specialty of Be':elicc-g, Printing aund ttlarging for Amateurs-Isv modernt tsetlhods. This has beetsmytoy usittess f ;r se-a, 1 yeaus and it hsas increased every cOcg -Only isults woill do this and sos whenever yottwisu1t 1 uing 1photographtic look ie1tcr sign of th1cr kofak-Thcat's wh~ere thlintgsttov'e. 719 No. Vrxl'r raty Itudaka orefn ..Icu e.erday JOHN H. LAMBERT Thce Tost of thce "lcce Ittrpciring Busituess. Hewilludoyouroruck iaucrrupostyle. Laces, Polishes, Etc. ' 4.9MAll Men's Suits soeUniEaty Soe Sho off 6ThEaiestWiam ShoeeSho Official1 Student Newspaper for the UrIlvirsity of Michigas~n Surxrrer Sessiori. Published Trn-Weekly The Address and Phone Number of Every Student [The Daily Happenings on the Campus Some of the Items it. Will Containl: The Announcements and Notices of Future Events The Substance of Public Lectures You Can't Attend (The Official Faculty Notices 75c for the Sumrmer. $1.00 by MaDil Bell Phone 960 Address Press Building