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August 15, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-15

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Vo{ I



NO. 20.

During Twenty Years It Has
Been Center of Women's
As the Michigian Union is to the meni
of the tutiversits, so is the Womni's
League to the isomen- witi th db is-
tinctio tha t its influncite is ecimilarative-
s ly idier, becest it inclties in its iieii
bership lists piacsectlly every sioman
litre. 'The raid growfth is odl dtievelop-
ment of the League, andi ltse ifltienice it
exerts in uniiierisity iffies, is a Sut lit-
tie rettlized and cesrtinily ist appreeiatedl
by the genieratl stuetst body tie the alun-
The leagute si-s org-aniteee ini tI, by it
snmall groutp of dlevoteid Miehigan wssm-
en, whit irealizeed that, ill order to sees
the highest ititereists of the women, tit
prttomote it spirit cit mututal helpfulness,
andtioi obtaitn the frenedtly ittereeturse f
enithtsicastie, culturetd swomien, somite or-
gattizatio seas esseintitil. The first reg-
aloer mteetitig svas -helil at Mrs. Byroni
Ctteever's hCouse ttid, nider thse super-
visiotn of Mrs. Carliart. Mrs Blrsown, andi
othser tiown wiomsen, a eontitutioni was
arloptedi, atid offleers and econmmittees
rchoseit. Onie feature of its first year's
wotrk was5 the ehevisi-in of girls intto
groups of ten, eaeii receivitig spteial at-
tenstiomn from sanme of the' professor's
wives, lbesidles a rnumiber of "talkt to
girls-ine iby Miss Adriattis of Mutt
Hlouse, anti oters by womein resitient iii
Antn Arbor. Espeeially promiinent fea-
tures ini the early leagae protgramtss were
these talkes giveni bty represettative 'won-
en of the eoutrty. Dr. Saraih Hacuket
Stevetnsoti, Mes. Aliee Ereemnti Palmer,
Mes. Jaine Baneroft Robinuson, Mrs.
1 Jonses andt Miss Aeltctis of Hull House,
Mrs. Mary Lose Dicenison, Mrs Krause
atid the Ret. Carolitte J. Bartlett Crane
aided the orgatizautioti by the hielpfil
and inspiritig advie.
Duritig reh sueceeditig yeat, though
keepintg for the miost part to the otrii
sat hines ide oitt foe it, the work f the
tLeagute became hroadier atnd deeitc. tf
was the pitoteer orgtiza-tions of its kitid
to wiche tthe swometi of eoleges its tlilt
nois, Iowa,, Itidicita andticonesint p-
pealedl for aid in foritnistg simiilait leagutes
otf titeir osso. Ints eober of Io, the
Leagtte jinted the Miehigatn I'tetrationi
of Womese Clubs; aind, by so dointg, e-
catme entitletd to setnt a delegat~e to the
cen-tiitt held at Grtand Rapids Mis
A. M. Soute of Antn Aerbtr, wshose nsatme
abiove tll others to eatly Leagtte history
dleserves tseat prause ande etiitiienel-
tion, wsas apptointettd to t del-lgatie, -atni
whiile at Grandie Rapids isas eniathetd t
btritig the ticeels of as wotas tbultilding t
V the uiviersitye to the knoeisdgele of is isi-
cit froms ll itarts ot the stile.
'The hati i cith the lVtnessi caLecig
pitsyeel in obtainoig this wsomn's isile-
I. \\ ttela oii icf Dietoit, itttie his gift
tif $40,0 on1ii the stittlcnts ccf the ttitiet-
sity toe a p-to iasitti, ton eondait i i tha
an atdtitioniai $40 000 lie traisd iti a ii
giveti timie. The motley sas iei t
titiy set to is oi- t aidt in ra-isig addi-
titotiat fundsor aii woa'sbilig
attit, ini ifity Rege-ni Barbi-iuiti impest
ity their earntestnmes. eontribcuiedl $2,5,000
attd Regeti i tlictet I tonoe ol onidi-

fartiher sliitsett their itterest lit ldle-
(coitintietl on Page .

the-clck:ntelirr ouritcotsclittedI WESTHALF OF OLD
wvitltteitttnes. Auth i ov tt citiit
reticr5si «etuttle usc ci the wipers Portion of B ulldinic A Total
iin if John ft te' citctit foctetmani cc
lie itttetttitt shopitth ie enginei-ngt Loss, But It Contained
sihp. pca c " ti ol t cite s.--cs
coiiutdill the ittic titientt isptoc Only Supplies
itiale the itesev er. heite itoallatioin J
oif the test-veaes tote hdnoiticeabll
effectinthe ehimoexevlicit ore- ttli IS N)T COVERED BY INSURANCE
ittre diinct t i ndt he : lt of th
eclce u nmotte ttote ccthls.




The sivifice ofVeraile1as (1T
mouimientt to the zto' sihtthe kfn
otidt ecut tlbsyedi iicIe poli-cylays of
if e'Fe Et monartttt~tchyill ttbe the aspect
ciht at tmci.ii i c .ethtatbPretfessicr Athleti
N.G Cantietililsill upo inihits leetuire
ott T1hutsday p tet itt-ti Ini the tieritti
io Witich fbiheeltire ;-ill las- stress, the
pre-revt iinccitlasc cie cciiiurt was the
ceittr e cifthe it titi iilife.bTetee
itill bei ilutra -tedil st-h li ot it h-It an-i- Siii
tutu-ids ho ll, oprittilairls-theSQA
roomcts, ccithe palicecccldlii lie- kitig
an lis cut.

cs Association Asks 23
Men to Report at


Warm Argument Oc ut's, But one
Proves His ,itle
AN dispumte itter the iciscessiti iiof-a
clocer iin tatemanctyi cciiisimcatnec
niercrodcclming iconssidemrIble. trouleicSt-
urlay afterncoico.A. M.IPesqfuera, p. is
itt Samn Juatnm,Ports Picii foummielthe
clotihinig of twsoether stumdemnts itt his
lockeriwhmeni te cameucfliceaashotser. 1ftc
heistlty locaeted time oitnctcer si-io ini-
digntity ienieid the carge thact lie weas
at tre-ssptcsser. LHe ciciii- to incie care-
ceipt for time lecter its qumestion,. umumiher'
c8i, mmcdlsass id eshud lie-emsusingv it -ll
s uumumoer andshaduic allowiedI semccrl friens
tis meclimhscutieof thmesotmiehioIker.Pes-
lie-eu.iso eeer, athywci--tmehtie Ilocer
alil lat istmer candshretammmcml imhduring
the itsu tier session, as iceoroel y the
januitor in charmge. i--e alsic isncmhimI
-smih lrouughitiisreceeit, czci mmi,,I
provtiig is claimiacminie r.Oenouningm
use outtage ini rallier stromnglangugae,
he asserted thait the offendmer wos oahluff-
er amid o prevoricator mitchclotused imlwsa
the first titeise th ad knuownumaniyoneiwsa
usingtvhAetoceeeeAll the orticles of
clmothingsvwere pliniomm armku mled witht hr
Portmo Ricas's intials.Tue othser stout-
ly mintasitutnued t.e losckertolie hitsmmd
saidhhueswotlttbminmm"thme receipi.I -ccis
es-emthie jmnitormtook m tehothsi smit
senmithis.ownrctaltle-ilfoir theimtdtesmnd-
edi tie etccetitlie- claimme-dito itaits but
swhdct s sot mstfomrtiicciminmg.
Onmi betigequesttonethclte 1a01101 soud
there swerealwvaysnstudtic sswhso mman-
emagedt to findulthe coutmit touss of tick-
e.sod mmscclthemttithou tm pai-igiifor
the- priieee. ITme- commbintimmons tie tot
chitngted untuil aftere s- mummerccsestion,
s toecp paigternasmeithe use theme oldI lcetrs 01those coi
mithees, swlhose hoce-ers ey managoe-to
opn. -Tue-re are minsoimuisumbIemriswli
us mnone- it ll, bltheatie thmeirclothing
Iiin timelie-tiehoesor scotch awisli mmhum
showmier btt, amid thins nse thme- fifty
-ce-tm renmtail if uslocetr foe summerc
nshol. Othersne-uesthoe-tomvihe-ge-of
uing a friendut's hoe-criwicuteis prib-ml
itedi byvthe-rules. Is slime of thirathet
fseprecariousnstattlewicihi -sis-vslualeleeft
1itt the locikerecarc ittfothcittssstaite.of
affoirsonlyi misoc csinal loss osit
t oel or cgyni stilt is relpothe-il Themm-
joitymcocitstumienitsit mc thotvgh t omiii
take themm valumashes ittu the-lhiker
ln imelectmume'desNNtou cc afsternoon atm
Sir ocloch iniluciustxiphis eclecelit
rommProf.J. 3.1 Pollck-,iiill till ccfst
c itly .of lhccithicldI -ccmtmmlcs, (A
I those ciuc(ildohi chec-ctmccmc ah hv
at3 A()icol cute bIcae iof citheme e- cini'
reraitommi I ficoods a i chit tics r
it citicrm sup li, ndmik st1nt ti tywill
mbe e subjctcfcPric.. I iccet cremark,

Marine TFank aid Hydraulic Pump in
Engineering Building are
Used to Fight Fire
At c-ttitiaway t hifo u ccefecctfof te
icet-i-i t i on mufus thc lmdl uce-eich h~cmiiimg
mim afer lbreakhinig sutithiicie io ieesi
coter m ofthtm-hied flccor if thact b~uildini


lsptelimttertdevcasntatiiout fetehurtcmf onme if
thme- cle-s ttilitigs itnsthcactmpusilatn
Stttutirc- eenitig. 'flue-xcactetoss hast
mit t b eemmestimatme-d, limt thme-facs
te ut bsuilminwsitetne mcithme-oldhest
atch e±ousiedhmmmlthm-it m cntaisedshnti
vain,,ceml cituutmmsectheritls1iitatnmiscllti
ceons suplieslicocfithe sine-tepartii hments,
smi the ntesuty pl miv otifits, iii-
.edicatcs thuat timhe-ttuallosscto cctheicUu-
versityis nmot ci grcetcinec Thic limisin
mit ciceedilyhis nsturance, time xstctnt
pidingc tiussiurmce fumndchcor many etu-
o ctemtic hs-mmt bolmvcc vme-nc-dt{clic
ushifchithme- flue caensm he aetribmed. Nbout
hal thamst fitve-smtokse is mcnomticedisuitng
froisthe ue ilig andtanoti atutu wist
tuturtie-inumfiroutsthe sets mue-it.albuilding.
hi tis suppiose-dlthat comue fiftecnmi unues
cuerlier lime ire isatt brokcen o utith le
p lmumbinhop silnciithe- third mloornt sheme-
nood wtammmm sis scIsn'tat tha ismthme- so far
Timectyfire udeiparhttentwis myouthtie
1 tcen tiebhotim ut art5 erito scue Diffiulthy
mua isxp eruene-isslat first ftrsuitlack tfi
tlpresslue swhilichcwas emedmiedmhbythue-
aritslt of time-steatuer, Ittus iot, host-
l eveemmumtl the- ire adthvtenastee-mue-n-
- tdous xtaml thu-t time-fire- fightle-rs lad atm
- efcitntsvolutmicof seater platyinug outthue
r bildng Th tsic of savinug thme burnu-
t ing plimitonswismhloplees amid almost the
whoi~cslemtetionm of te-me-muwisntured
e Continued o ae 3.t
- Chinese Students Prepare For Big
y Conference and Meet
r Timelocal Chutne-enstudenmts are prepaicr-
fing for te- e-econed amumm Cshinseecots-
fe-re-ncec of tihe- mui-wst secetionm of the
tChite-ne Steudensts' Alliattce itt North
f 'miteict. svhch il cih hbelch at Madison,
f- WiscnisinSeptie-mberlito umASienusve
'Thi-e-cliciamls uswIo ate- mucharve cit
el sumaitsmn .Z y sc p, 'TifP. C.Plumng,
C. P.\ sia ngmcrammccld C. N.Chuen, 'te.
Mihchigan sc Iwic e aly me-puresentuedct
thecmmiv ccittetitmce. fi1tencnitt hue'
followimngc"lica l mue-mimuwillcoimpeite for mte
tpmiz onahi'te-iby iccigant: P. N.Ito,
e an Y.Che, 13 itn tht. Chinesuce-onra-
rtoiecl coictectt hccumivcemrsitcmwilIce-rep-
e rsete byT.C.Chittit '41ctch N,'1.
lbt i i'i bluTe hVtcnli iorttoru.ic-sitemm
emfriniiNi -tuvconiss fe . .Chc-m
anic . 11,'73 heiz.ime for this
11 cctlccclwas c fliby t.elica l sti-
delts I Ausc iigtmonm um II be rep-
I T.C.Ch lu
1,chiceuc'e-mice- GvererMc mci o
NI isconucucemhsbeen ii tech toisiteaklacid
1If ea 'i anC 'mutes -stilic'- m
( NN iclmic'- cci ccill milendmlthe m ee nuce-.

'The le-cture- still him- givcenst:mi mo'cck 'Tt. mtieri cia ottciwish Cosch
itll t e n ect uuure- r-: -cii fem pyicS ld11 otim INcxei-icts to mle\,liels
lcii tics 50t'sfothbill thevcemmwissmaniost ced
_______ I cxist mmmSctudywni m nmitmaltliosuceis is-
sumsdmlfrommlte offtteof thme :tlticAos-
STARTED SCH 'OLS EARLY x mcia'iium toi23 ocandieates forithue teaos
ask ingthIlem to irIeport fmcm trelimisna ry
Jackson Relates 0rigins of ductlon finaicetecoWIhistmore tLakemon sdite-
In Am,_-icahl ien mf thtie hint rrscum scity sqtuad
Th fleci I, cLaiccc1 i-f is-imh es wushcmre-ce-meisnisioo nliy fomur ore
havei anyi re-cordchfitc Iis country w mcccituscle-n timeli-ittof time-facultys Thiey
op~eniedmitcmiNe m -mmtccmium t fi sts7 meacu ie Casltasums tresh Lonklin, last yrsteileft
scrd "c ing tth ilae menc t if lxit.uPmftsIkhe, Aeil Nit llolnhiat erbiack, Stats-
I. I Jacoel uicilc Iis e-tune- ytesterdmlay ie hWlsnriht h-icicle- anldeed,NWalter
cli I 150T oct te t~r "mu o ci Aem'mSm p- t C "-~C's . c 1-1 s emiricns endmi tihClemts
ap t l[ecture emitcriYust'iolmisthe dsc f-Oitrignt "cmamd. TomitBoghe-, lvft
eits of hiumbji ee mtc s 1 r. Prf. Jimhst ''mhdoad e rcue cT1hompston, tfulback,
sictd mmcie- fes ,tutuiu ccc cexiiinmits" time dlccre-ce-usedminttuitatieon sselnsiill be
citrnls ssm if Ilititch mitcdPusgis ehe- eligible-suiemmthey ge-u lieinrsworksintc
muttar sillsci-itncus umhilIe it umcol- sape
o nJy Ohmimimgl~mes fttlast ye-it's1e-seresc, shone siwho ne--
'Il lld tue mr timicfirst Dtc eiels cinmmi tationmssare-, ticff, stlt oz ende,
stcool iin Ness- .msser-msi-as suppilited icar'e ldtquate-r, mussl Carpel, end or sulf.
Icy- the muiceipalhityu,sihile- tse-mstruictorifHeritmi ois, timeNWashmingtonubmy cwlii
receivedh asire-tuunertionmits he-tuitiomncitoe hus cutile- mu onsecittime-first linac-
fe-es. This atrrange-msentclcontiuimedls thectitesxmci Perrylife-id, mse fall, wsismlsom
t- ,i ti ' . 5 L}ct cl t sent lci) issvitcstio ice- had ilcshownis
mIi il1, sihue-ustliemenuitomrv wanscp- atility, earlhy intshieneasioun, intshue 1memi-
lured byithe Enughlih o be rechristened ti o ef ssf u mioto h
New York. game for the re-it of the year.
NWithre-fe-reuse to lime Enoglihunosoots The ittto cll-fresh uenusswho were
lime sp-mucen -id I cit gs iereased to hey out foe the varsity at Whit-
in te rth is-in ad w soaredthby storeLakse, mre Pontiusamid 'Torbeti,
private- cointroi tuito is mchcargedthn alv, ; Batnt, ce-tter, Paterson anud
tll schsools, aithogh im nse canes tree arlgiuardes, Meets, fullback, aind
~~~rieationmutitsuproc-ied foericy'the p- _Craig, ende. Invitationsssweeenit also
she, schsoshoutateel sumsucof msoney tlite-t iwvu ~,is mc u ienpi
vaniosnustitutitons. 1Toe EMush ispoor ecmuore it tem ilast year, Ksohler, '14,
lamwsste-re a mioprtastnt factor in the Athumediugen, 'Iry, aindiLasirence Robm-
dienelopemuem o ur edctiontal tystem.lee'
Indutruial instrsucton coesieltobie ohm- Thme-re is oilier good imaterial aside
tmainedi simle-snai appredicse fee was paid, trom those who save see-u invitedt to
omit the-ne-cisws statedl lhmt it a cihld was Whsitmnore. Amoong the tins who are
too poor to pay this fee it wait to be- expe-cte-d to try out si-len the team
s tiid by the slate-.itmarts practice out Perry Pie-id are Eaten
"The- flehrsteationmalaianit Massa- half, and Cooper, halt on quarher, who
cususetts ceontains thse- features of thuissmust seone off "eon" e-xaminationus be-
Emugiinsiupoorelaw-,sut itsaedditions, ac-fore- they are eligible, amid Mane-ocin,wsho
crin lms" uit an ieasnthe a~prcetice 1p1-iseel asteadly gamoefoe last years re--
ws taughut to re-oilmmccduuuerestande the se-ncen at ituset andeltocsle.
princ-'iles cit ne-hlmig 'oiandthe copital Canedidate-sftonthe- posituionmof ce-mter
lissof lime-coeuntrsy. fluese-le-tmsen-iri escatee,,undelYost iute-mds to pay
itwemre hueletrenposibhetomrsloe- edute ton prtaictular attentiom ho thedeelopsment
of thse-cildren ofitpluper poremnis, amidof ithatposition. EnnuIdumaterial foe the-
siere liable to aflumeif they negle-cted oilher positionss is not lacing, and time
their thutys outlookm for u winningus temus is bright
summgiitat,ac typical of the- southern tis ye-an. The-prelimnarny praetice at
colonuiesc emsamte-elol tinlinePsglisnih e-usia- N I tmiot e icc silt host twoceekesi and
imecs m mcl meh tne-l cc m doomn midup lcmthiat tuicsloe coachestwill sate- ansop-
pecuumeci bue mmosmucs tme ie-spmumtouh inn tosit. tuptuhtscandidates whet
iin.- ists" emr, wssnutinudeed mmin-ereport.Oc tsho e-asms r1etun t lioAnni
huhi 1748.tReadiv wds tasuvght in s nose- Nrborit iscexectedithaot msore gocmuom-
citf ite pommcmosoesntime isaredensacingu fteriaolstill hoe- te-ueloiseutfinoustshone- shu
ustr techer. Clementarymu ca ttiom for ccitt050 Fe-rry tue-hi
tis pocorn mtte-somuthuernmmoloisc s The cuok i"ng e-sonitsiill ice a trying
sit arusic icc ie- Ihtld s inte- schosouif list.onefor Micigain on time gridiron.sivie-
Sceetin firtshnie P mcili cmciiof Chiticutout ofcmllie- emght mnes stillhue- plamyeditsn
Knsowl e-cie.tferricCe-id. Thmescshe uof this yea's
' Nusollsic fllwsi mortIamtft eor n ithe- sie-deo tlms
selocssemt cutthe sechlisytemm iatictime IOt -aeSho tAnAb
custom of se-ttivn ugi-iof rctsinflandill Pit. 54-1i clii" os -lies ctLanssing.
05ou fromtitt'ttt'swh mic c c>Tl ile uc etm Ocs(t.ot-Ohnioe'e a- ts nror.
t cii'o\"t.est4-Scyice rinceusne at humilAnion.
wsibhosed cuntshnie t A us ucmuocipracticec
(Ccontinued c-itPoge 1) I ccl lis'ai tsnnlAbor.
NOV, --Nerask athincoln,

r lmit-i , cfttod
p- d thh rm mc ll

f-s thi m isc rIucn
Iv l u JCI Il1d
Id , w e e Ick, ctill


Dccc, sid-sitduc,'t i d FdINVii iS1ATj
Dr.eAN Rlutistcmwho gradtic-mc icti ai:?.W\tus ccc'T~icc i\.
yeerfromcustime- oIopacclsthiepacticmentt.s I I eciesdcucesecumuc st
smill succeed Dhits . i;. Il ttsd e a -'te.% litems clcuc dhe1 cmi t icthe pji' %
sistntsto DiteaumII llicit 1.Hisolut si trinrrc mpidtmiCttt sill icc entertainmem
cominsg foi.D.A.E ~naehslefs' ttm clot umin inmnsasiumttfrustm Sbo ieus,
fcc Ecacy Ciii - in-hise itt. s pra~tice mmcc-AliPss KtIc ne lnl«- irector.'lTe-e
eie-. nimbhe daclauca-nch specia fitors

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