T HE W OLV ER IN E Ube ALLENiEL" AinAr-hoe's Lart/f M. M. NOWLINS, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Huge. SMake our- Stove You~r Shopping~ Headquzarters MACK (en C. LAW Brief Cases Otlirnes of Books, etc. NEW, Cheaper tthaSecond Hood Edwards Brothers 30itS.StateOvert Slehet's WE Beiee iSgl Riv inAND nlAKE ALL KINDS Let as mfake youl a 'Sketch and give you P~teSinle I price on anything Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L j Ct/UCR/fN(3TtC72 Wurstee Bent. st/lfrfeshite/tore TUJTTLES. _____cheese, the old/ fashioned kindt. Cct/tisa t/une delihtt to get a tigtt jSt. I TomasI. Catolit crhtocotrie Deteoit oand Catheeine S/s. Be/f 423;tne/ncoeaocty3eithiett Tott/en,338 Kiglyan /tt treets, Rt./Re\-. fnoee/40. 6-6.S.SStatesteof /3/si//ft?./3D._Kelly,___pastor.__First_________. at a m. scod, :4; hitrdto10:0, -tonthutgees oee /te neiginl. A/en A comltecstock of Cltssticotod Pop- eieigseer/ccat 730teeve tteraksoandod t/teesondtichss Givc tt/se MusicoanctMuts/cal Stupplies t /te to o fr/of. College tent. / to 3.Untotetrsity Mutsic/otuse. S-to. Ret. A. L. for~rce/i, ro/Cleveland/, 0- will ftrorch /at theuroc it crc-ni/i c stice at theicPres/yia /n cluicc/ or 7:1.. Firt Bfit chui/ict To , Ch i m /->. itat Ana netnati:30 ) i//i C siof C' r i//i, DO. .lah ° srice, I '_I U~al \ igllql] the iEt/tlct birei aclit//Ottpfit )ri ii 4-i ft A.. WV. s/C sfi/i?,iii r3fii G(, Sul W a i/tie 1i tl, e! lF i~cJUNCTION OF DE-TROIT and CATHIERINEi Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Bell Phone Home Phone 165__ 152 White 01tt" JI/Wlerstftcctiitcj plttatnt, ts; $2,000. Itcons tse otof/l1Httg extrae to have all f/he advanttge tif lattitdtyw/oer donte ittmwatee toft aso eaitt watee ittstead of de-tteuc/t e acidsanatd bleactoes.. Tite fittest lingerie waists attd dnesses willroute hock to y-ou like ttew. Collaes antd Cuffs ltke sntow =.Tey youercdtds ino our nods atnd be convinced. Mark y0/f package "Whte /S~wOagttd call otte wagott No extea cihaege foe ca/l ot delivety. White Swan Laundry t Mat/ Sii lcA i c huchft re Es Bart. oiii/Ctevelf//nd.f0.c/tipecfia M/ITrotti- i s cii ooii / tinoon/it/ it/ -t ftia neno r/fii i c i g a :rldh W ft/5tif ill/ti en y our/i ni tiitta/c a rtiontWhy nat eniarfit /eerit/oftouett/,//tti/eas, ttetiot peasatttaidecnomitatnoting/ in Attetri.r WHERE YOU CAN GO A/ft/imttportantttportsnthiec/ieatt.ke aeteaochntereguiarrythi exen/ tseriie of t/ihe.&/C.trtke bitt . 0/itent/orgeStaites fthtis oletoere fttto/detttstee tttntt/o ndtiate all/thte/uiteofpeedt, sfeCtyattd attmfort. ft ilyervttetei oetoybteenDitroit/t/dCeanitt etoit ado peorttee re/noweeklybetweenToo/, /Cleeaitr, ttn/tPit-/tt-Baoy. A /leeltad toackintt speiteater-/lt/beaprated twotrips wekty fromt Jurtt5tht StnemPbi/ieitt/, stopping onlyat tDetroit e erytp ansdodtericht,HOt.,eeyoth/etrip. Special Day Trips Between Detroit and Cleeland, Dring July and Agustr RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILBLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo and Derit and Cleveland will be honoredlfor transportation on D. & C. line Steanmnrs in either direction. Sead 2cntst fap feer Iutrtefd Pamphtlet andt Geeat Lakes onap. Addrest: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Deteoit, Mich, Philip H. Me. Millana, Pros. A. A. Sehantz, Gen'l Mgr. *A* A The Ann Arbor Dye Works nFreanct Hey aidS tea CLEANING Highrt fest lis f Wort.r'204PE.3Wsh lton St Beit :Phonic62 L. R. 'WAHL Rowe's Laundry 406 DetrotSB. Work/ Neat/ya-iidPropty Dotte THOMAS ROWE, Prop. BeDD Phone 457 LSPRUNK S ENGRAVERV The 'Gar oyle ALL COLLEGE +t' WORK ii THE WELL=KNOWN CHIJBB HOUSE One Block from Camopus 209 Sooth State Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week THE DIFFERENCE /ecry sm .Ii t maft t b/ ti/iit a ./itt/to THE SUCCESS OF TRUBEY'S CREAMS catsn li e t/itt-i t i/ to a i/ic-ite uIt-- ti/iri/e i/tti. ti-i/Oi it)sons/trs/a/ie sec/f r i tilw.t 5 ii ci/initi/s /ite trfilitatSi ric. ii. t esitre-ofhtic/in/i,'. muic/i 1 ,/,t !,!elit/ e citha/itili/I i/it u-itte/on a /suc.e.s ithot/iiut /iti a o. ltin'/ iki t. -s /cs/it. st/ccss is w auedi/s.h i ttei- fnns TRUBEY'S PLACE I 16S. Main BeflIPhoe 16 Sfh et/as petulnt/. hi/esc/s gro/uchys. T/hey wece bo// intigry. Art//ha/ pae- / icularciiiomentcii/ ferctiie ab/reatof if tittie ic-ic/aist//el The f-/n/teTert /R/in/."/,et's /ry i/." Aiinc/whn the/t lef/, thiemontihatitcometi ou/tfromt a tit/a ciiofcccld/n t he,/if/riiintin/e, of a/ w-/i/i-/toe-ccittcaite fromth//e dis- fr/ore. /09 E. tNas/tU/t/airs. SUMMER STUDENTS. T/ie Utoiveesity -Music H/otse carriesa comuplete n/ark of the rMichigan College Music. We invite you /o co/f and he- cotme fontiliar nv/th t. 8-5 CHIROPODY. Coens, hunions, ingeowing nails,,treat- .d tadcueed. Everything ahso/ute/y antiseptic. Office -hours: 9-ta a. -e., t-5 p. ot. Mitt B. J. Foley, 92/ E. Hiuron St., eod of Noeth na/h. Photte 989-J" t0-25. ANNUAL TRAVEL MAGAZINE. 'OWAT/f rRWAYTAtL&' ruottougo oTBY0. b C. ttrg. tENT TO YOU FEr_ The ltetconreihution t fto thli/era- ture of trave/ is the 230-page hook is- sutedhyy//he D. & C. finr. It conc/of/c f/ac nerr/esti/ng s/or/es at/ctisbftc/i- ftt//yillutcratedtitih fie hal/ftonecs of sceneis alontigf/e D. & C. Coast Lice /o Mactk/iinrc. Set/antywhcere itonireeirpt of /tei c/ifs /o preppo istage. Address: D.0 & C. NA// ST/OI Co. G Wayn St. Dt/cit THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 10t-t03-tt5a. a.n S t.. AnnaAebor, H/tb. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK f-/ti/i/i t -rfts-t~ RsoucsAietiptirti lt 'bitc t.n< er C /N/W.C-iirlw- 1t hl:n urn-1s COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN MON., TU., WEZD., WEIDNEISDAY MIATINEE[ SINGING M~ENM ELESLIE ILLUSTRATED BALLADS SUPERIOR PHOTO PLAYS HELEN CLIPPERT FAMILYSCOPE EXTRA - SPECIAL. - EXTRA Wrin. H. Dilger & Co. In the Mysteriois -Evelyrx anrd the Eicha rated Ca~destick Soon - Marie C hevill e - Classic Dances Coing -The Creat DuBarry Nightly 7:15 to 10:30 Mats. Wed. and Sat. The Ann Arbor wlin ingWi/I he Open Every Day Except Sunday c9A. M. to 9 P. M.1 If ia refreshing t take a bath in niee cool spring waler. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Dinga Steams.and Fr-emch DyCieoariers 619 E.'4WBBBtam St. Suits Pr-essed 5Z oTrouasers IOC