,, _THE WOLVERINE CAMPAIGN FOR NEW UNION IS PUSHED). (Continued from Page is) stories in height, it is psrovideud with games, periodicals, swriting, saet reading rooams, suet besidtes the laege lining rouse there is a separate rousm for trassn- ing tabie ande a lunsch rouse. TPhere is also a liberary. contlainineg 25.oao vol- sues, asse quarters are perovied for tihe IHarvardl Crisn asse sthcer peuhtica- tisons. Tie mains feature is tlse suagesif- ceet livisng rooms, wilts waits of edsrks panelledl eoak, tweso stories ins heighet, asse its beeautifuel mcesrhle firelaees. Roos -are tprovidled for servasets seed for the euse oef v isitineg altsumni at ncominass renetal. Plasns hssve alreadly heene madsee for a sublstanetial asdditions to the hsall, wniieh cost oeriginalsly $250000o. Tie sneeeser- shitp fee is $io, hsowev er, wheresas is is loesse theat theat of the liihigan Uneione, n0w $2.50 sannusally, can lee helsd toa mcth mcoere modeeerate nsm, so theat it ewilt he poessibele foer envery ose Is en joy its privileges. tHouston Hiatl sst the Unsiversity of 1 Pensse lvaenseia is nest deearly no exelas- see as tse Htarvard Unsions, for tse dues are ineluede ins the te rme fees of every stuenest. Biesidtes a large geeceral re- cetion. roome, there are writineg seed readineg rseos, a libcrsry, hrsanch posst- eficse, restaurassnt, assemsslly sail, sinse tropthy roomes. sensnssI;S ecV Ness BcesILIeNee5 Tie masin featuere of lice beaseenet weill lee tse serge swvimmesing pooel, whlich se-ill lee meost attraetive heeause it is thse onse thoing es-icets al5ways bseens emissedethlie mocest amsoneg Msieciganc nsdenssi. Lioeler roomes, sheoweer issues, six bocwliseg al- leye, se hasrpler shop, sance a serge roomci fcor "smcokers' cwiii all lee ice thce bse- baneqeiet hlls , aosmmodatineg eighst huse- itsd eelrsconsewill lee direcetlyshoe e c dis eec sees andeseto ee eeused for all elas an sue ociety-larsen,,seed usher srge sffaise Os the sefloor, the ieve- / a se cwiilsliotesreining recossfor lice use of commieesttees, ete., asdeeri ee, lsoe w i lbee the eluble offlees sisd resed- ing roome.s s i balec seeillov-erlooks lie lobby.e The tirdee floserxsill ice givens uses tilliards, seal,saed oilier gamees, seed the twnty tabllenswitl enabslemsan "kneights of tie g-reese tale" to pas tlceir ieisuee orse . Iheee, also, wilt he tie grill rosomeancd mseetisng roomis for she sneior sceetis sasciicmssiesel csuhs. Onse efourth flose are isoice sleepiug rcos ndsissdsormcitories for te useof alumnesi asse visitors, asse a special ssuite en iroevidesd fer a guess of honcor. Ou this floocr wililice the servantis' qusarters, sndcth lice nesasciioilier stosreresos. CAMI,.-Nee FOeuss CHIGANioUNION. Tihe ,cmniciifor acJarcer Unioncis arcmplishs isA Ass irbcor. By teis nd etin seesecases stopisentirely , Tihy meees asciithrosugh thi'esmisettees it siter wsnthe easne laestight. { in seeped that tie-alisscewiuill ice educsatedi Tierlecessecloesedissisle aediscsessicnsi seed sffiienstly interested iniuse uwsetksiaed exibitione of eleesele sigenallineg befoiretiee sctualssnoliiing of subhscripe- sthroughensaee. Blienssesos fthlicze Eic- hiossbeginss. ser' tubee whhle ighetns tspwen esit eomes Theesmanasgemeenct 5o1the Unsissneins cent- 'lloeeat weiths seeeleetriecevave, sees- eel ini a hoard of edireetors, cofswhomeecsages 5in5y le resist st a dstcese- secven are stuedentis, four are meebuers pendsinig upons the stengtih of the sed- cif the facultys,seed onse ass alumnesus. Its in lieuerrents. Byscangsirthe tue,.alite- f bussiesswill he msaiclyt rasacted lay ass sippisntesdcommesittee, since e ceboarsd is of sel unseemsirdis si-e. 'Tle lesse seas no onestitutedsito give a meore ogee- eal nspccrt saetstabciliBtytoitce C-sere- icrise, asuitoIinsure isterentset iehemone- menteintlesi parts of the counstry.- TRACES :AEROPLANE FROM VELOCIPEDE. (ConitinedifrisesPage i. sesiti at tieecel of the leetureC, itseas rase nelliusereesway, apass ncsectav eovisncin a grester siamplitudie thanises alresidy ibeensdrawne-hy arecitects Fossilfirst cite, wiscstshaeeilbeen almstcseoms- saet lPcies,(if Ciceago, hothc alusisis, wvhotletely e"damped" sane ewnorksed unisparingy for -the pro- A neapie of forced vibcrations, jeet. The plas are foe a bcuildineg to fiv e pendusussisewse-rc neseed fromesa cost $hoo,ooo, seed es-eecthsumis deesesed roepe theat waensireichesd acroass the room.c inaequalsistely byi some salumcnei. It has Nusmbelerseoce, foser anid fse weefcclthe cbeii estimedsisthast the furnisiings swill sime liillstee to"iislongses, suedthree esest $ijo,ouoacsrdsassredo-enet fee assore. sNmer neewrciscmsos-edsile is sdesiresd of $25o,eoa. The essampasigen s CC ctins seriodi. Soisncsfter fouer lee sleeli epoene by the advsoscry ecemitte-e, gan ,to taIe its,suetdeemises in eelc cs fior $i 00 os c i wicl, it insicoiped,,wisit m eeisodinecreasingeigts siepitusde as ice raiced bysucrirptio,ialsthosugh else slit if thefircistdereasesd. Itseanseest tieces enotiiyet elen set fur the solicit- a mom aent c after lthat iseember fine Ibegane insesfnd. inemle filgure his leen oiscllte nsimilar 5ciiieliieinps- ai e 'ocr or the still greessnfeevaileet.'Nueesrnties seneihree tried tio ssueent co nttuencey,ansewell an feerlice issueisis their eeriest conflicetelieh slumeniiisis areeterineueg leegreater thcat of liecitiesenso itcey remeseuesriacc- sumee ec e eryec'year toIi 55sis eir selmaseeieal1 sntationarye. is r Tih elcpigen ssork less cccii The isetuere icxt t site tierqes- ore-aniziediewithi<,ieeeral ecommiettee, t-tie liii 5 eel esa n ci islree sies.' Its ether With TAS sub-committees scatter- I sines ane esisslel iegearc lbbe- sre hao lee oii eelosesr teis n dcciosier caseeries, asse tier groseedc flour, to eseehsside of lice «nadis 15crmit . T'l stter hes eistrse e dsisi e e ec ewill sins lie 5 easro iced feesaslicerdciof trustees wen c waiiig eecoci suetcaswomese ecepetione eewiis ol iiitrust ties' fesend s s scribedi roceem. Tier sis ie ineg roomes st tier sthi- eset iii f eelliegreater iligZae ressr snill seatit soy persosndetsheer I e sp ile is ss ereeesle u-ill lee smalsler delieieg roosms for esegassi- exerey sliesnusnoeelths eesnisernils , s - essteeese asset inorsl eeocasiosis, bsides ilee, tieh ee a semid illstrinso ef lice asuces i sal sig uoes feesladies. The iproposed l t, ris ed tee onkset tnwil The Kemipf MPicp tui UBIBo ESFYe p~Mlaso ipelli S ORgaManagert Iea V o ic5e x s s e , t C ultO u~ r e es 7 r a n cis . R io dan M an ag ing E diso r THE NEW CATALOGUE of tI-s University o f Mi c hl iathn IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den= tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses ice Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lacndecape Design, Higher Conmcercial Education ineludineg Raiiway Administration acid Insurance, Arcihitecture, Conservation Enugineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Annc Arbor High Schsool for Observation Study), anid a uew course for those preparing for the scientific administratione of departmeccts of sanitation and pusbiic Ihealh. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University AN NARBOR said, W'hien ee e-caie awaseseravsie-lieng alon anidse it us reflecuedh,we-chsese ass in- teesr i l eheoenosiee-. iishest isslce h ersso eis ciass elevatione, aend seet "i Istil sil ii i c wv. Acsuesl hiss- Brto rf eret serfesresed tier iiede Ci eieerienst. A tuninge0foels wih aue dsefiise heriset eel sibration ssu connscehelte a xtrinegA light Ifroseesac leisheris 5wasc u1relies suice' it,seed icier cosuldt see theenoscencud santiresse nclear- IV.- 'h lhecturecsoefcrlwes i pui elrin etro- electoryi-nee caracter, tieer aliesi- ts edin g ta sitoue-tier roneeteionsbetwseen orieee isie asndciletic uscillationss. The s-iee ilies seciewere tocb eee, lee sail, isseeelecurical uositlatiosE n u- lerineg upuoen thefeslitofeel rectricity heeds- Cr, Pr5of. R-eedi gurueci shoct histoery- ee lice devespmesietIof thee LeydrenusJace. ait tee ushici lee teenies tohisa ediscssolo tier subhject eel"sel f-inucteeion,"se-islet inee le-cisicit ieac-ustier sime tinascu teisncr1tiaif a heoeels"-Self-indeucion" ini ciiielectric esurrenit wus idelto re slut ash- attempuut to chartacuelsetelsthrough thin circuit, heit wen rsthee curret ius once started the self-inuceiontleers ho leepu it 1is5g. Thiedceelofeleectrial ociiiatiossueandse eecrical resnan5cr ewas 'rxt illustratied )i vegleasofl"Loutge's"exprienuset, ehrer us Loee's oxsillation jar" -isieg ai slight disderge provokeel a sympaue- theetic dischargefeesmusassothere jar sear- ly mtr aweuchre essuea serin no usau conn eces Prfe.i Redsonweel thatnc dut ori eis sni a v ee so rife-itucces the traelnghi ofgeatlestsicciiisaiesuproeduc- lng she sympc~athi eesusark heist conuducr- hors of cliiisoeel usterceptuetir epasscuge. F~or nssue eurarils elite phisitissi-ro neot -et uItch neure sndif the utes- iclet ras asre souchoff, the ss sepaletic cischasrge takenshare muuche Iessreei' - susie spacues of ightcud Carisapeare, thcuss seeming thpoeeethteletricsellesI see oscillary il Character. SCHOOLOForsUSc eeeecea. Thur onty concert toer giveni ythe faculhte of tier School of Mcusithis essumer nill e givens nex Tuesedas evenuineg t S O'cockinithes Highs Schoeols ;uistrium.eieee Thur concert sill ee coes ieueetsri- iccthee generalculli. Mrs. JesieLD. Bee, cotalo, Aid Grace Johnluson, sopuranos, asset iises Nell B. Shockel l, and FracsiLI. Hameilteon, iccisirs seill paricipaee. Te pregame us le giv-ec follos: La fGitans ................- - Ireful I Bidelist)Lesse.........DHuedehecl Ihue ic aOrks- - --..........Daiel Thur ilt, iSkvc .- - -.....Harr-is Aios. jssee . Rrevu. ( 'Celticoobligto yDOn . hl.thes.) islero de Coneirt- --......sGirneed{ issu Mieer----.......chiseler-Usift Las Picrce- - - -f..... :.Ixuscliiocy Ness. B. Sreee,5veeli illsthNiresand Singenes '- Hltal Thee Rbin .....ee- - - -..cirifiger isuesRCEsecJoeIssu. Blladhcec i Gl esslsee---S he ff51rpi Bfisetsdases- icc,- - -Ji..Dcb e isctiereisgiogosoi... lccacowscoh FRANCrIS . H II tleON. I) sVert Those initier Cauldh Blast- --......... eehlsseh Bacrole ...... ....... ffenbahesl AeS. Ean Ass MISS JHNeSON. iscceompasneimentresshy Nce . ItB. Sceec<- 'The siller conecrt, whlose postpneou- sure st cci eesi ucesary hbystheedaths ee lrs Ale. is.i.Staneiy il nothe gien, as it s encresieredetosees ate lee giec tso concerts. Skininer iwasuts yoestosee sehis shokorsf chcks, watschesrndsefountalines. -Ciii a-el tisse, lois S. State. GLie a drinsksof hres,eol utermsik, thick frost tier curu? Askc for it at nouun. Wurster Bros., Cue, Det. and Catherince Ste.- Beth 423;I Houe 140. 6-6. For all lMusiesl tnshrumets, supplies, populsr snd classic music, serrSchaeele amd Son, Moie House, Iio S. Maiu St. -oc College In is stilt opeusthrough suit- eser chool. Sandwiches of alt inds -oc WIITAIORE. Me. Starks is giving smsal dancig parties elcit'Ttusday eeig flolow-- mg ee generousdinemrs. CLIFTON INN. ishy Inoe hisser y os foseutainesem wnrile s thery ought o' Bing thermestse Skiner. Be i ii fix them. 36 . Stah. ll. C. Aler, hioruerly suesisrucor ini this eegineseringsegprteneet,ehoe eft liciigaslasut iyear lee puruen e n gi- neserineg couse at Hareesre, is siensding aew hesasycisus i is-Ann r risr-use re- tinisg hoefoler ele ret eel ele susi- sher. "Bi3g 1B11" Semit, foreser censere eel lice vasity,ccilcoaschite uereeresethin hus. Drecwiii also sct asan assseisnt cosach at cake Wshitmoresuet py lar- ticulsrsattetinto thee developmuentlof tier gleardssed cruier. It ewas a pesure to go to Tuttle's af- tere mie dance ash Friday evening. Tier seesvice esas promipt amd everything sees-- ed ness freshc sed ceas. 338 S. Sste street. Yumesgitasunweslgelt yurseboeoks ficced andshisoumntnwseem foercollege oesen ithlie fal. Skinner rueill tret yeem rght. 306 S. Satee. U. of M.and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY CanosrndeloatscRetedsi P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor BtPhns65Youeeil lwys india5lrge le oft SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Thce East Univrsity Pharmacy 55559 S. L'iversidy cAvc-. JOHN H. LAMBERT I h TrYost of tseeSh5oeuRepairng Busiessisrn5eid yours rvos in. a srry-up style. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop G1 Eedst WiliamseRusor You-all who come from the South Do you knows just how delicious rieb cream can taste with genuine maple syrup poured over it and a dash of fros hulled nuts? You can find out at Basso-Rovegno's 208 S. Main St. Rovegro asks you 5 cents for his sds-any place else you would pay 10 and IA cents and not get as much, Give him the chance to shoes you. If you don't you are the loser, Vhe MICHIGAN A U NUS Sahscrihe now and bsecome a memuher thereby of The University of Michigan A.lumrni Association (112 ats Th Altumncuus in thee largest collegcenmonthy its the coucntry. Q11 It contaicns the latest news about the University, ancd editorial commcent omisportant events. (112It contaicus persoccal items conucercsing cuecmbers of yotcr class every msonth. 412A. volume of the Alucus contains the history of thr University for the year. Q11 It publishes a series of swelI chosen pictures every cuonth. $1.50 year. $3.00 for 3 yecars (specianj for 1911)