TUE WOLVERINE A Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRDKM. STEINBAUER i istrict Agent, tiammond Building- WM. S. MCCORMICK Local Agent 3 12N0 Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J iBEST LUNCHES HANOIKOFT Ice Cream and Cold Drinks 722 Morivoe St. Ube wDHOTOGRAPMIER Official Photographer to Michigon Athletico for 10 years. Studio: 319 E. Huron SI. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store For you Note Boobos, Foantain Pens. Statlionery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, CanodyCigasEtc. 1111 SUniversity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks All Branhes Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers Send for illustrated ealcalogace CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital 850,000 Surplus and Proits $80,000 Rtesoarces $1,-400,00 THE WOLVERINE Poblishsed Tuesday, Thorsday. and Saturday afternoons by the stodetats of thse University af Michigan sumsmer set- Comtnunieations will be pritated asly when signed, although wvriter's ntame will be withhatld an request. Notices pertainaing to university affairs swill be printted once gratis. Hanagitig Editor.-Harold G. McGee. Business Mattager-JoHN H. PAYNE. Bell Photne 1359 or 9(60. Res. 444 S. Stale St. EDITORIAL tTAF Erntest R. Barton. Robt. M. Gillett. Williama T. Daugherty. REORTRS Fettn H. Hossick. Maude Edwards. Morton R. tHnnter. L. Earl Crossmatn. Chat. Johnson. James D'Evelitt. Bourleighs E. Jacobs. BUSINESSO nTAPF Assistant Boussess Vaniagr-.Victor H. Lawn. Address: Tog WOLVgRNE,, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Attn Arbor, Michigan. Office Hours : t :00 Ia 2:30 p. it. daily. Bell Phonec, 96o. Saubscriptisot Rates: Local, sevenaty- love cents for the stummoaer; taailed to anoy address for otne dollar. Advertisinog Rates : Purnshied upona applicatiotn to thoc Busintess Maonager., Cedtor Today'-EtRNcoTBURnsoN. S\TL"lt)!M 'C , kGtIST 13, 1911. CAYLENDAR Aot ti14-TIhe Otigito of Schtto' "tt tort cclttrehoy ssattoPotf (a G.1. Jacksnowest icoO cc stroot, 1)00. at, lboatattry, at 5 Nat csts5- I' romts'te Black' I ''ccclto loctuC oo, phoislbr# xva Concert, "ovencoo h Iul, o h Schooli of 'Muosic, i h iO .1o auootlrio :_., at S. Aougostl 1S-Vie Ill Iota oaf lII 0,1o Ecottossies. lectare. bs Crof. J , 1 ok etlcueropy ics ab lorae, at ielor. 'Augusot 07-Versaolleca lecture'.1a r- a-f A. G. Caofield,wetlcueron phatsics lhot ootryat AuogottS-P~roverboilUooot t ola cc- bore by 'Mlr. NW. R. Ho uanihrcy , et lectoure roooa, 0i55'ict laorotor-, at Recetptiont-Barbtour gyooo'tsicoo. at 8:30. 100 tll NOC;It IT? Like Aoiice, oaf Wonoderoonoi famoe, lot tog ocr test t~o swimsaou1t of sos oceanl oaf hror n0000tears, ste somoetimsoabe- comeaso eootakecotpois tlthocsolvinog-of troibiemos of oourowl creations as Iaolne- 'tiet tihe rei~aonfor tihe creaotioto ofthoc bouoilinogismore essentialthtaonoa00nest recitaotionoor odoparltmenttlinosg." Tharotgh anoovooersighot, toe foiled to ct-noostledge iii Touesdlay's pap0e0rthoc cosortesa- of Thec .ttooooooos ino lenoling us sloe cost ot thoe reunsionosof theocctlas of 'So. SPEAKER UPlIOLDS INTEREST THEI ORY. 1 trobtlemos temsseoes. ToM1ichoigans noen (Constinuoeod fromosPooge i.) hsere,lbhe oneeciof a nscot iiitoLnoitonotimcanot 'hsookinog os't' o it. Jaossasoid, citobtosse is alost axiomatic: a solos' regoroding tranotocry istinocts, 'too ol litosion occooee ldotus tooandoil shot re- lpedagoiy sloe greaot toinogis too strikcesloe osaisois sloe cotompetison of lie''"shopoiross os-ite toot,aototoseizethoe wvot'of oroowinsog,'' so to stpeak, Ibefore sloe jobtohoc tial's intseresitsechdsuocccetsie itself is reattytoockled. Boot too thtosewortoabject before i5ita too'ha coomoe, 505 thats ao sotocn o c see thee, scwsotsoot saoooea00knoowledgesoay toe got andsta habit oaf ticd. Hre is 00 ctoubof twlot-et-buono- skloth ocquirecd-a1 headwa00 of interest, dred omeombhrs sovitho facilities for haorolty ishtort, secooredon00wh-lich, afterwaorod, ao steno of thsat ouomber; it lass oodoe thoeindoividooalsay fboot. There is 0 store, osito its comonoo moe etiotg groouotos hoapy 100mocialfor fixinsokill isotrots of operaos, banqoototo, asoo mssocers, too ing, for makating boys collectors iso sot- foster istroue frateronal Michoigano otirittorool hso ry. .Ina terfectly 'rotond- inth le htterogconcousssos of moeoo whicho ed ode'velopmoenot, every ote of sloeloss cotomes ocre thaooansoothler fooromoof stulo aninstIinct oultat'~rta0 habtistowoarod dent activity; it fuornsohoes a tolace foorceti obcsan ihbtahbtt- cloossontmio oar ganizaotiooo toeetio"ngs fl bet so ioali s soatto wardt certaito albert'." ocilo00 ietigot olosaspoce forsloer Proof. treecd thsendclaoreod native ando oar to toat whsichs is te result of sloe corn-s acqtuireod onterests were lose to naotoural oeociialisett of 005y ibusiooess-lobe selectionota000daroe spontan01etous, 50o01 in- bekel-gathetrioog,'comosfort pooreor; i ort ol ~ lo bl fI c oelot mtigiht, and1doesoto tooeslotimit of its cats-ot inhitbitisog interests blopuntsosoitc oailities, fotraosaooeetr for retourolonoc oisuose or removcol, anso ubaostitustin.''If aluni itcomete wth o oherstu sr ewobjesct o..ato'heomsoe otpart of sloe ticett otrganizaetiont. HOoglo t it to sotfcer,atocf'cigsollrrooo',otoe000 atrtoctoti 0 is toottotocros-o lotico ciootioso too sle tew object. Offer the chotildobjtol es connecteoth-llhlis natliv e Text 'Books POR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Bilgilleer's Sulpplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHR'S University Bookstore S1 WHAT SU9i i; O'1 H I,;hS Till , K.. 1 eano1'.tEF Cookey: "I oso"greottlyi- o tercesled ntooe ichinUittoot jontto elier- toothasith irouto' it 0maoooy tift iut trot- tIlms 000 outr 00 tws ttt lifecan10 ttl t o- lthmt ."to R. 1,.Thmon, tOtlI :"titst 00y'feel- ott" that th'o' ihig"an01.00000nitn soculodte th igsboaodes ttndbootlest sociaol insttultion00000000000n00erasitycomtooun~tity, ig assloe at bc s Ig roda roher- Ioo tois 0 nult anr Lndostv s tkinde; and I tru0st thattits ou00001tontltines oill interests onod enocouraoge boos.. A c soosge too inoterest mooy ofteottimoes coomoe f rooms a00000st Insoigostcost c's-cot.'' Alocaos a fresh linoo of Cyko Paoper otoo 'sofilmoss. Bos't forget to rall anoc see sloe"'M" Scratpbo ohs before y-o buoy- elsewhiere. 0. IHoppe, 3 doboes from!o Stoote, 617 E. Liberty. 13-z8. NosoCe -Lit bascioall canadiodatesmuest dalon s Sooth Perry Sieth at 4 o'clocko. hc cotc'doecclIittile toeeds of thecOlmosi Thoese loot odoys get yor osnilk frostsa olilff dt, Itomet-sicko, tooctleolasle sotu- Worster Bros. wasgson.'They stanod for oetoc oc110 oCer coomoe 50 to ri Aror.'' puority'anod freshness. Also at Detroit Dln '0 1i. -Mo. lotes: 0"'Tle proosed001 a0ndCasts. Sts. Bell 423.IHotme 040. Hailer'sCollege Jewelry1 Conoplels teCl rootl Dep t.H ihClaos ItWItohandJeweolry Repaoirinog. 3 Hailer's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street Home Laundry Company Belt Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAGLE Our Mtotto: "What we -do, we do Well" Quality not Quanity Rough Without Extra Weight A groat imany noun like Ite rough course braids butt object to the weight. The Knox bat solves the problem. Knox sold Dolyt byus, Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main St. KIRTLSAND'S The Old Place Billilaid Parlors Best and Mlost Expensive equsitooenttIN THE CITY 1I , Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens at Ann Arbor-Studeets at the U. sf M Nows Comoest51 SUGAR BOWL ins thc city oftAosnAol or of 5004.'Min ot ~San stool Is thtithbloca'toSUGAR BOWL is ready, atbole, and willinog to serve betterecreamsoatoolswee'ter cansdies wtitspromtestericers toanoany othrr simiar confecetionaory inothots city. Anod ttos thecy taeretilbi to tease to thoe contry. Phone 967 Lyndon, Photo 9rap er Ass.'..Arb's"aHaadqsuarOerssforKadaks. Camesa, and Phosto Sxsepltan I make a specialty of Developing, Printling anod Enlarging for Amateirs-by moderin siethoods. This has been toyhbusfiness for seveit yeat s anid it has increased every tlay-Onsly results will do this anod so whenever you wanot ansything phootographic look for the signa of the kodak-That's where things mlooe. 719 No,. Vnivrsaaly Kodaka for entam. 10cpaer day F', All Men's Suits 0LL LINN 00F Off Ctgars, Tobacco anti Candy Just Received by Exrs Don't Delay ifk Yo~z Want . Pain- _____________119 Soith Plain~ Street_ Also a Xnew lot of Fine White Silk Lisle Hose 35 ets. per pair" 1 Keep Nip with carm piss doing~s by subscribin foarthe w2y: % gj 3 Y - S~scriptioa ns frio OWono fifty cents